Shomrei Emunah Weekly Bulletin October 25, 2014 1 of Cheshvan 5775 CONGREGATION SHOMREI EMUNAH RABBI BINYAMIN MARWICK, RABBI 6221 GREENSPRING AVENUE BALTIMORE, MD 21209 RABBI DR. TZVI HERSH WEINREB, RABBI EMERITUS Message from the President From the opening sounds of the shofar in Elul, to the final dancing at hakafos, this was b’H a truly memorable and beautiful yom tov season. While it may be me writing these thoughts, they are expressive of so many people that approached me over yom tov. There was a tremendous amount of work that went into making all the logistics possible, and there are many people to thank. I will not name anyone, due to the fact that I will definitely forget someone. Our gabbaim, baalai tfillah, baalai kriah and baalai tzedakkah, as well as our many volunteers, were great. There was so much effort that goes into making everything run smoothly, that we tend to take it for granted. Don’t. I will single out our office staff for their hard work and dedication. Shraga, Shira, and Rivki were amazing. From the handling of seats and reservations, lulav orders and billings, to the physical transformation of many part of the shul, to the kiddush set up and clean up, we are fortunate to have such talented and dedicated individuals working in our shul. The entire shul thanks you for all your work, especially over the last two months. I would like to thank each of you that joined us over the yom tovim. The beauty of the davening and the dancing is reflected in the members of the shul. Without the guidance of our Rav, and without each of you, none of this would have been possible. May Hashem answer all our tfillos! With yom tov behind us, we now look forward to the D’veykus concert, which will iy’H take place four weeks from this Sunday. We will be honoring Chaim Gartenhaus at the concert. Chaim has been inspiring us with his davening for over 25 years, and needs no introduction. D’veykus and Shlomo Simcha need no introduction. This should be a great evening to relax and enjoy yourselves through beautiful singing and music. This is the only major fundraising event of the shul for this year, as we will not be having a banquet. We count on the funds that will be raised to help the shul maintain its operating costs. Sponsorships are not only available, but are encouraged! Tickets are available online, and you should also be receiving more information about the concert in the mail this week. Finally, I would like to wish my Uncle, Henry Reches a very happy birthday on reaching a milestone birthday. May you have many more years of good health and happiness. Have a great Shabbos. Chaim Shabbos Rosh Chodesh Parshas Noach Vol. 5 No. 1 410-358-8604 FAX 410-358-0664 RABBI BENJAMIN BAK, זצ׳ל, RABBI EMERITUS (1972-1989) Congregation Shomrei Emunah Welcomes Mr. Joseph Levy Who will be speaking this Shabbos at 4:45pm, 1 hour before Mincha On the topic of the History of Jews in Arab Lands. The first part of the lecture will focus on the general history of Jews in Arab countries, while the second part will specifically focus on Jews in Egypt. Mr. Levy’s Bio: Joseph Levy was born in Cairo, Egypt and he came with his family to the United States in early 1958 when he was a six-months-old. He grew up in Deal, New Jersey and was educated in New York City. He earned a law degree from Brooklyn Law School in 1984. For the past thirty five years, Mr. Levy has had a passionate interest in the subject of Jewish refugees from the Arab countries. He considers them the forgotten people of the longstanding Arab-Israeli dispute. During the past few years, he has spoken in more than thirty different locations about this subject. Mazel Tov • Suri & Barry Reiner upon the engagement of their son, Elie, to Gabriella Pfeffer, daughter of Daniel and Lea Pfeffer of Yerushalayim. • Hillel and Keren Traub on the engagement of their daughter Ayala to Moshe Bengio, son of Mordechai and Rochel Bengio of Lakewood, NJ. Mazel Tov also to grandparents Rabbi Jacob and Judy Traub of San Francisco and Cantor Isaac and Zahava Koll of Baltimore/Denver. • Rona & Nossi Gross and Idie & Isser Goldsmith on the birth of their grandson, Mayer, born in Yerushalayim to their children Devorah & Matis Goldsmith. Special Mazel Tov to the great grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Harry Rashbaum & Dr. & Mrs. Fred Gross. • Idie & Isser Goldsmith on the birth of their granddaughter, Chana Baila, born in Yerushalayim to their children Shoshana & Shmully Goldsmith. Mazel Tov to the other grandparents Rabbi & Mrs.Aryeh Zev Ginzberg. • Bill & Sarah Rose and Bernie & Susan Leibtag on the birth of twin granddaughters born to Donny & Gila Rose of Modiin Israel. Mazel Tov to sister Ariella and brothers Yaakov and Nadav. • Chaya and Jonathan Lasson on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Akiva. Mazel Tov to Akiva's grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. Moshe Lasson and Rabbi and Mrs. Elchonon Oberstein. • Fayge Naiman and Yoseph Spekterman on their recent engagement. Mazel to the parents Irvin and Eleanor Naiman and Isaichik and Izabella Spekterman and the grandparents, Mrs. Deborah Naiman, Mrs. Renata Berzon, and Liza and Iosif Mogilevskiy, and Mr. Avraham Spekterman. • Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sloan on the birth of a baby girl. • Rabbi David and Debbie Finkelstein on the birth of a granddaughter to their children Elisheva and Eli Frenkel. • David and Sharon Zuckerbrod on the birth of a new granddaughter. Mazel Tov to the parents Rabbi Yosef and Rochel Zuckerbrod of Ottawa, Canada. Mazel Tov to the entire Mishpacha. • Yoni and Tali Spigelman on the birth of a baby girl. Mazel Tov to grandparents David and Stacy Spigelman, Marc and Sharon Rosenbluth. • Shlomo and Joy Shulman on the birth of a granddaughter born to Brach and Menachem Zomber. • Simcha Gross will be making a Kiddush at his home, 2801 Bartol Ave from 11am-12:30pm in honor of Chosson Bereishis. V2 SW Shabbos Rosh Chodesh Parshas Noach October 25 2014/1 of Cheshvan 5775 Mincha: 6:00pm Shacharis: 7:00am 8:15am 9:00am Mincha: 2:00pm 3:15pm 5:45pm Maariv: 6:57pm Candles: 5:57pm Parshas HaShavuah: 8:30am Sof Z'man Krias Sh'ma:10:08am Daf Yomi: 3:45pm Shiur: 4:45pm Shabbos Afternoon Shiur will be given by Joseph Levy, whose topic is “History of the Jews in Arab Lands” Shalosh Seudos Speaker: HaRav Yosef Sheynin Chief Rabbi of Ashdod Shalosh Seudos Sponsors: • Dr. Michael and Linda Elman in memory of Michael’s father, Julius Fiegelman, 25 of Elul (sponsored on September 20th). • Dr. Peter and Rosemary Warschawski in memory of Peter’s father, Felix Warschawski, 8 Tishrei (Sponsored on September 27th). • Tuvia and Rivka Meister in memory of Tuvia’s father, Joseph Meister, 24 of Tishrei. • David and Sharon Zuckerbrod in memory of David’s mother, Bertha Zuckerbrod, 26 of Tishrei. • Dovid and Diane Lapin in memory of Dovid’s father, Sidney Lapin, 30 of Tishrei. • David and Iris Piekarz in memory of David’s brother, Stephen Piekarz, 5 of Cheshvan. • Dr. Barry and Barbara Bass in memory of Barry’s mother, Dorothy Bass, 6 of Cheshvan. Notes for this week: ⇒ Chaburah following the 8:15 Shachris. This week, led by Chanina Reischer. Next Week: Shabbos Parshas Lech Lecha Mincha: 5:50pm Candle Lighting: 5:48pm Donations • Rabbi and Rebbetzin Dr. Marwick sponsored donuts for Hoshana Raba father son learning. Memorial Donations • Norman Friedman in memory of his father, Simon Friedman, 1 of Elul, donation to Shomrei Emunah and in memory of his brother, Jerome Friedman, 7 of Tishrei, donation to Shomrei Emunah. • Akiva and Yehudis Feldman, in memory of Mr. Alexander Drucker, father of Mrs. Eve Messing, donation to the BYTF. • Avi Frydman in memory of his sister, Rosemarie Frydman, 29 of Tishrei, sponsorships of Rabbi Marwick's contemporary Halacha Shiur. • Dr. and Mrs. Chaim Haber sponsored Neilas Hachag in honor of the 1st yahrtzeit of Chaim’s mother, Mrs. Zena Haber. • Shana Harris in memory of her father, Richard Getz, 17 of Tishrei, sponsorship of Rabbi Sklare’s Shiur. • Dr. Peter and Rosemary Warschawski co-sponsored Yom Kippur flowers in memory of Rosemary's father Dr. Kurt Nussbaum. • Max and Sophia Liskovich co-sponsored flowers for Yom Kippur. • Fishel and Saralee Gross donated a Yitzchak Yair Siddur in memory of Nanette and Merril Lehman, parents of Dr. Robert Lehman; a Yitzchak Yair Siddur in memory of Alexander Drucker, father of Eve Messing; and a Yitzchak Yair Siddur in memory of Mrs. Anne Lustman, mother of Mark and Stan Lustman. Daf Yomi • Joyce Jandorf in memory of her mother, Rose Klavan, 9 of Tishrei. • Robin Kravetz in memory of her mother, Rut Chana Batya, Erev Yom Kippur. • Robin Kravetz in memory of her father, Yitzchak Shimon, Yom Kippur. • Diane Hawk in memory of her father, Reuben Yoffee, 16 of Tishrei. • Geoula Cahn in memory of her mother, Aviva bas Shlomo, 23 of Tishrei. • Tuvia Meister in memory of his father, Joseph Meister, 24 of Tishrei. • Robin Kravetz in memory of her uncle, R. Ronald Dalin, 1 of Cheshvan. • David Piekarz in memory of his brother, Stephen Piekarz, 5 of Cheshvan. • Selma K. Yaffe in memory of her father, Harry Kruger, 6 of Cheshvan. • Selma K. Yaffe in memory of her father-in-law, Louis Yaffe, 6 of Cheshvan. Yahrzeits Tuvia Ronnie Barry Ella Ellen David Suri Ellen Avraham Andrea Chaim Chaim Meister Schlossberg Bass Levy Lightman Zuckerbrod Nemani Lightman Frydman Sokol-Albert Haber Gartenhaus Father Father Grandmother Mother Grandfather Mother Father Uncle Sister Father Aunt Mother 24 Tishrei 24 Tishrei 25 Tishrei 25 Tishrei 26 Tishrei 26 Tishrei 28 Tishrei 28 Tishrei 29 Tishrei 30 Tishrei 30 Tishrei 30 Tishrei Joseph Bernard Bertha Jeannette Jacob Bertha Meshalom Feish Jakobo Rosemarie Ephraim Harriet Esther Meister Schwartz Bass Geldwert Frank Zuckerbrod Dreifus Frydman Berger Gartenhaus Father Mother Uncle Mother Father Father Father Mother Father Brother Mother Father Father-in-law 30 Tishrei Sidney 1 Cheshvan Bernice 1 Cheshvan R. Ronald 2 Cheshvan Ann 2 Cheshvan Harry 3 Cheshvan Chezky 4 Cheshvan Leo 4 Cheshvan Minnie 5 Cheshvan Louis 5 Cheshvan Stephen 6 Cheshvan Dorothy 6 Cheshvan Harry 6 CHeshvan Louis DAVENING TIMES Shachris Sunday Monday ETT: 6:28am ETT: 6:30am 6:20 (MS) 6:20 (BM) 6:50 (MS) 7:15 (BM) 7:20 (BM) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) Dovid Lapin Gary Honick Robin Kravetz Shmuel Lopin Cheryl Spiegler Miri Yarmak Molly Cypkin Stuart Goldman Diane Felsenthal David Piekarz Barry Bass Selma K. Yaffe Selma K. Yaffe Tuesday ETT: 6:31am 6:30 (BM) 7:00 (MS) 7:30 (BM) 8:00 (MS) 8:30 (BM) 9:00 (MS) Wednesday ETT: 6:32am 6:30 (BM) 7:00 (MS) 7:30 (BM) 8:00 (MS) 8:30 (BM) 9:00 (MS) Thursday ETT: 6:33am 6:20 (BM) 6:50 (MS) 7:20 (BM) 8:00 (MS) 8:30 (BM) 9:00 (MS) Friday ETT: 6:34am 6:30 (BM) 7:00 (MS) 7:30 (BM) 8:00 (MS) 8:30 (BM) 9:00 (MS) Legal Holidays S, Tu, W, F Mon, Thu Rosh Chodesh Sunday Weekday 6:20 (MS) 6:10 (MS) 6:05 (MS) 7:15 (BM) 8:00 (MS) 8:30 (BM) 9:00 (MS) 7:15 (BM) 8:00 (MS) 8:30 (BM) 9:00 (MS) 7:15 (BM) 8:00 (MS) 8:30 (BM) 9:00 (MS) MS - Main Shul, BM - Bais Medrash, SH - Social Hall, ETT - Earliest Talis/Tefilin 6:10 (BM) 6:40 (MS) 7:15 (BM) 8:00 (MS) 8:30 (BM) 9:00 (MS) Lapin Honick Dalin Lopin Mirvis Kleiner Weinstock Goldman Shretter Piekarz Bass Kruger Yaffe This Week 10/26-10/30 Mincha/Marriv: 5:55pm (MS) Additional Maariv: 7:15pm (MS) 9:00pm (MS) 10:00pm (BM) Shul Notes • Aliyos If you have a Bar Mitzvah or Aufruf coming up, please contact David Bienenstock at [email protected] to arrange your Aliyos. • Message From The Chessed Committee: A family in the community is in need of Shabbos meals. Please see "take a meal" form or contact [email protected] or Rochel Katz at [email protected] or call 410-292-4113. • Did you know? Gifts can be made to Shomrei Emunah with a stock donation? Shomrei has an account with Morgan Stanley and Vanguard to accept all stock gifts. Check the donations tab at for more information or call Shira at (410) 358-8604. Please Daven for a Refuah Sheleimah for: Chaim Sender ben Miriam Sarah Yitzhak Meyer ben Tziviya Refael Chaim Yeshaya ben Chaya Yeshaya Shalom ben Malka Gittel Rivka bas Shoshana Raizel Ahuva bas Chana Rochel Aaron ben Sarit Important Note: To add a name please contact the office by email: [email protected]. The list will be cleared every Rosh Chodesh. AFFORDABLE ASSISTED LIVING "STERLING H OSPITALITY" PROVIDES LOVING CARE WITH DIGNITY 7015 PARK HEIGHTS AVENUE EMAIL: [email protected] OR CALL 410 410--318 318--8999 YOUTH NEWS Shabbos Youth Programs Special youth shabbos treats in honor of parshas Noach! We hope our youth enjoy the rainbow candies! • • • • • • • Mommy & Me Infant and Toddler Program - Social Hall - 10:30am Babysitting - Classroom 2 , Time: 9:00 - end of Shul Beginner’s Minyan (1st-3rd Grade) - Classroom 1,9:30 - end of Shul Younger Girls Groups (1st-3rd Grade)-Board Room,10:00-end of Shul Older Boys Groups (4th-6th Grade) - Tower Classroom 1,10:25 Older Girls Groups (4th-6th Grade) - Kallah Room,10:00-end of Shul Youth (Teen) Minyan - Classroom 3, 9:15 The youth department would like to remind all parents to remain on the shul premises if your children are participating in youth groups. Happy Birthday to all Shomrei Youth with October Birthdays!! Binyamin Eliana Daniel Yehuda Leeba Yoni Akiva Layla Avrunin Berry Elman Elman Goldenhersh Klein Lasson Lasson Elan Naomi Michal Ari Meir Ari Sammy Daphna Levi Liskovich Marizan Robbins Rosenberg Sperling Spern Ziffer Is your child’s birthday in October and not on this list? Fill out the youth survey on the Shul web site! Father and Son Learning Shabbos Afternoon: 3:35pm in the Bais Medrash Refreshments will be served . SHOMREI ISRAEL COMMITTEE PRESENTATIONS PLEASE SAVE THE FOLLOWING DATES Shabbat, October 25 (1 hour before Mincha) - Joseph Levy – Topic: History of Jews in Arab Lands The first part of the lecture will focus on the general history of Jews in Arab countries, while the second part will specifically focus on Jews in Egypt, his place of birth. See separate article about Mr. Levy’s presentation this Shabbat. Sunday, December 7 at 7 p.m. – Dr. Herb London – Topic: Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions of Israel, one of the biggest threats to the State of Israel Dr. Herbert I. London is president of the London Center for Policy Research and senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute. He is the former president of the Hudson Institute. Dr. London is professor emeritus and the former John M. Olin Professor of Humanities at New York University, and he was responsible for creating the Gallatin School of Individualized Study in 1972 and was its dean until 1992. He is a graduate of Columbia University, 1960 and the recipient of a Ph.D. from New York University, 1966. Dr. London is a noted social critic whose work has appeared in every major newspaper and journal in the country including such diverse publications as Commentary, National Review, American Spectator, Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Washington Times, New York Magazine, New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, Modern Age, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Orbis, Encounter, Forbes, and The New Criterion. He is the author and editor of twenty-seven books and three plays. Dr. London is a member of the Board of Directors of the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces and is an affiliated professor at the University of Haifa. Sunday, February 15 - Dr. Mordechai Kedar, Director of the Center for the Study of the Middle East and Islam, research associate of the BeginSadat Center for Strategic Studies, and lecturer in the Department of Arabic Studies at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, Dr. Kedar is a frequent guest in the Israeli, Arab and international media. In January 2011, Dr. Kedar gave a very insightful presentation on Capitol Hill on "Why is the Middle East Such a Difficult Area for Americans and Westerners to Understand?” Shabbat, March 14 or 21 – Returning to Shomrei for a second presentation, Yonah (Jeremy) Bob is a foreign affairs lecturer and a correspondent for the Jerusalem Post. He has been speaking professionally since 2000 in the US, Canada, and Israel. He lectures about Iran, the peace process, cyber and drone warfare, ultra orthodox in the IDF and much more. He has previously worked for the IDF Legal Division, the Foreign Ministry and the Justice Ministry. Yonah has been interviewed by the BBC, Skynews, ABC Los Angeles Radio, Russia Today, I-24 News and several other Israeli and American radio programs. LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES WITH RABBI M ARWICK! • • • • • Shomrei Po st-Carpool Shiur for Women a weekly discussion of contemporary iss ues connected to the Parsha. M eets Tuesdays at 9:45am. Please contact Rabb i Marwick with any q uestions. Thursday Morning Shiur on Contemporary Halachic Issu es at 9:15am For more information conta ct D a v i d B i e n e n s t o c k a t [email protected]. “Pizza & Parsha” f or Students & Young Professionals ages 17-29 this program is dedicated L’ilui Nis hmas Gilad Schwartz a nd is funded in part by a grant from the Louise D. a nd Morton J. Ma cks Center for Jewis h Education through its Jewish Educa tional Enhancement Program. For 5774, the ser ies is sponsored by the Ma yer Family. Halachic Th emes fro m th e Parsha Shiur Topic this past week: Ta king Things from a Shiva House The Rav’s Mishnayos Shiur! Attention Boys in 5th, 6th & 7th grade. This week @ 4:05pm in the Bais Medrash. Learning Maseches Sheka lim. Community Notes •Emergency Tehillim squad: To have the whole sefer Tehillim said for an emergency situation, please call Judy (410-358-9049) or Leah (410-7646252). May we only share simchas. •Offering Shabbos & Yom Tov meal placements OHR CHONON SHABBOS CONNECTIONS: 1-410-SHABBOS, [email protected]. •AMIT Sarah Ribakow/Tikvah Chapter Tribute Brunch commemorating Kristalnacht and the Resurgence of Anti-Semitism in the World Today. Date: Sunday November 9, 2014 Time: 11:30 AM Location: Moses Montefiore Anshe Emunah 7000 Rockland Hills Drive, Baltimore, MD. Keynote Speaker: Rabbi Eitan Mintz, B’nai Israel. Lloyd Street Synagogue. A look at the State of Israel, European & World Jewry Cost: $70 Members Ad Journal Opportunities, contact AMIT Office at 410-484-2223 or email [email protected]. •The Jewish Unity Havdallah and Concert featuring Avraham Rosenblum and debuting the Brisket Brothers Band. Suggested donations $5. This Motzei Shabbas at 8:30pm at the Park Heights JCC. For more information call 410 -764-1553. •Jewish Genealogy Society of Maryland's next program will be held on Sunday, October 26, 2014, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., at the Pikesville Library’s meeting room, 1301 Reisterstown Road. Renowned author, publicist, and raconteur M. Hirsh Goldberg will discuss his new book, It All Started with a Deli: The Attmans of Lombard Street. Free to members and $5 for non-members. Visit for more information.
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