REGULAR EVENTS Monday: Parent and Toddler group. 9.45am to 11.15 am in the Church Hall (term time only). Tuesday: Informal Service/Group Activities and Lunch 10.30am to 12.30 pm in Church Wednesday: Knit and Natter Group, 7pm to 9pm in Church (2883533) Thursday: Chairobics 10am St Johns Church Hall SERMON NOTES Welcome to St John’s Deepcar If this is your first time at St John’s, you are most welcome. We hope that you will enjoy the service, and you are very welcome to stay for a cuppa and a chat after the service SUNDAY SERVICES PCC: 3rd Monday of each month Weekly Home Groups Contact Kath Allott for further details (Groups meet for fellowship and bible study): Tuesdays: At the home of Anne and David Whitehead, 7.45-9.30pmContact Elisabeth Coyne (2886765) At the home of Lisa, Jonathan and Mathew Green 8pm-9.30pm contact Kath Allott 2885836 Thursday - Pub Group 8-9.30pm contact Brian Allott 2885836 or Andrew Shaw 2882088 Our purpose: “To magnify God’s name by bringing people to Jesus and membership of his family, encouraging them towards Christlike maturity, and equipping them for ministry in the church and their mission in the world.” 1st March 2015 9am Holy Communion 10.45am Morning Praise Preacher Elisabeth Coyne Readings: Rom 4.13-end Mark 8. 31-end Next Week: 8th March 2015 9am Holy Communion 10.45am Holy Communion Preacher Hilda Isaacson Readings: 1 Cor 1:18-25 John 2: 13-22 7pm Godzone Children and Young people’s groups during the 10:45 service. Toddler toy bags are available underneath the welcome desk, at the back , for children staying in church. PLEASE PRAY FOR NEWS/EVENTS NEWS/EVENTS Please pray especially for: Mission Partnership Launch Joint service on March 29th at Bolsterstone Bishop Steven will join us at this service and help us launch the Bolsterstone, Deepcar and Stocksbridge mission Partnership. There will also be donkeys around to connect with the first Palm Sunday (that’s a slight simplification, but I’ve a friend who will oblige us again in this area!) Prayer Day March 21st; 12 noon – 12 midnight To be held @ St John’s (for the Mission Partnership) To seek Gods Presence -More details to follow Lent Lent lunches this year will be at St Ann’s RC church. Please consider coming along to these and offering to help on our week Eileen Margaret Lindley, Maureen Wallace, Lisa, Jonathan and Mathew. Nicola, Richard, Amy and Jo. Melissa and family, Joe, Ryan.(a young man diagnosed with cancer). Email Prayer chain. As a church, one of the ways we pray is through our email prayer chain, which we use to circulate urgent prayer requests around the church family quickly. If you would like your email address to be added to the list, please email Elisabeth Coyne: [email protected]. If you would like us to pray for you or someone you know (who is happy for us to pray for them), please email Elisabeth or call her on 288 6765. We also like to receive updates on people we pray for, so that we can give thanks or continue to pray appropriately. Additional prayer requests are displayed on the prayer board at the back of church. CONTACT DETAILS Revd Hilda Isaacson (285 1225) Wardens: Brian Allott (2885836) or Mel Homer (288 6348) Weekly News Sheet: Notices for inclusion on the news sheet should be given to Kath Allott ([email protected] or 2885836) by noon on Thursday Church website ( Take a look at our website. Listen to sermons; view the news sheet, etc. Annual Parochial Church Meeting This will take place on 19th April 2015 in church at 11 pm (after the church service) Please can I encourage folk to attend this important event in our church calendar. Nominations are wanted for Church Wardens and for PCC members. Nomination forms will be in church from 22nd March for both. If you feel you could undertake either role and want to make a contribution to church life by serving in this way please speak to Hilda, Priest in Charge or to one of the current wardens, Mel Homer or Brian Allott. An update of the Electoral Roll will also take place during the run up to the meeting. Please speak to Judith Roebuck if you want information regarding this. Thank you Pat Lowe, PCC secretary Lent groups will take place on Tuesdays through Lent.10.30 am at St John's as part of the Tuesday service and continuing over coffee. 2pm at StMary's. Please make this part of your journey this Lent. 'Open the Book' team will meet at church March 7th at 9.15am. We review the story that we will tell on the following day at Deepcar Junior school. If you would like to help, please speak to Hilda, Michael or Sylvia or just come along and join us. Facebook. Find us (St Johns Deepcar) and `like’ us. To Book the Church or Church Hall please contact the following for availability and a booking form: Church Hall - Rosemary Allan 2882026 Church - Judith Roebuck 2883533 'To teach their children......and they in turn would tell their children. Then they would put their trust in God.' Psalm 78:6-7 Holy Week meditations Meditations at St John’s on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, March 30th, 31st and April 1st Maundy Thursday, April 2nd 7pm at Bolsterstone, 8.30 @ Green Moor April 3rd @ 10.45 act of worship @ Bolsterstone, 12.00 noon @ cross in Stocksbridge, 2pm meditation @ St John’s Saturday April 4th Decorating the church Easter Sunday April 5th Easter Communion @ 9am Easter Morning Praise @ 10.45 The Stocksbridge Christian Centre on Cedar Road will host weekly, mid-day sessions to read and reflect on the lectionary readings for each Sunday. The first session will be led by the Revd. James H. Grayson on Monday 23 February at 1:15 to 2:15 at the Christian Centre. Sessions will be led alternatively by Mick Warren and James Grayson. The sessions will begin with Lent but will continue throughout the year at the same day of the week and time. Everyone is invited to come. The next 'Messy Church' will be on March 22nd at 4pm and we will be exploring the Easter story. This is a service which is ideal for families with young children (but all ages are welcome) where they can encounter Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Please come and invite a family, there will be lots of creativity, hospitality and celebration.
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