UU UU UPDATE UPDATE JUNE 13, 2014 OCTOBER 24, 2014 UNITARIAN UNIVERSALISTS OF TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY A WELCOMING CONGREGATION The Zen of Sweeping by Rev. Ernest L. Mills, Jr. Sunday, October 26 Sunday Sermon Get out your brooms! We are going to learn the art of sweeping. Sweeping not only can be a real pleasure, but also a nice way to practice mindfulness. We will take a look at this ancient art in both its literal and metaphorical aspects. We can sweep the floor or we can sweep our minds. We can sweep for the exercise or we can sweep for the fun of it. Please join us for worship on Sundays at 9:30 or 11:00 a.m., and for coffee and fellowship at 10:30. Wedding Ceremony! Please join Susan Freeman and Elizabeth Thompson after the second service on Sunday. Ernie will perform a brief wedding ceremony— You are invited to share their joy! Sunday Children’s Programs Nursery care will be provided during both services. During the 11:00 service, Emily Atkinson will conduct Spirit Play in the classroom for children ages 4-8 and Heather Layton will conduct Riddle & Mystery for youth in grades 4-9, beginning in the sanctuary. Newsletter Highlights Page 2 September Board Minutes Page 3 This Week’s News! Page 4 Coming UUTC Events Page 5 MORE Coming Events Page 6 Community Action News Page 7 UUTC Contact Information September Board Meeting—Reported by President Becky Young September’s Board meeting was long, primarily because of some education we received on the finer points of our new organizational structure. It was worth the trouble, as most education is. The Minister’s Report included the need for two new Stewardship Team members. Ernie was also concerned about the workload on Carol Moore and Mark Allison. He asked that all special requests for them go through him, rather than overwhelm these UUTC human assets. The Treasurer’s Report included some caution about “up front” pledging—people paying their entire year’s pledge up front and in full. This was to keep the Board from getting too gleeful about the total contributions for the month. Finance discovered that our insurance provider can perform background checks for us as necessary for between $6 and $10 each. Bugged-out eyes appeared around the table because of this paltry sum. Finance then brought up the absorption of the Endowment Committee into the Stewardship Team, and some differences in vision among members of the newly-combined group that appeared to be causing some trouble (long-term vs. operational giving). Without a Governance/ Ministry Advisory Council up and running yet, it was determined that the Minister and the President would meet with the people involved and attempt to resolve the issues. In light of positive news on revenues, the Board voted to restore the originally-budgeted funds to CRE—$800 had been cut when pledges were found to be $30,000 below what was necessary to fund the budget approved by the congregation. Peter Mockridge was on hand to represent the Administration Committee (AdCom). Our main discussion was to set guidelines for “custody” of the newly-trimmed Policy Manual. The Board determined that the Secretary of the Board would be the official conduit of policy updates from the Board to the AdCom and that the AdCom would be the official “custodian” of the document. People Needed on Teams/Committees: We still need people for the Property Committee, Stewardship Team, Board at Large Position, Safety Task Force, and Finance Committee. A Task Force to plan and manage the 2015 Congregational Retreat has been approved and the following have been appointed: Jean Rowe, Carol Flake, Emily Atkinson, Bruce Kirkman and Don Lander. The Interim Minister Search Task Force has been approved and consists of Jean Rowe, Jim Null and Ben Potter. The Board went into Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter. You will hear about it in due time . . . just know that your Board is pretty positively stoked! Respectfully, Becky Passing of Dean Crawford Dean Crawford was in church last Sunday, and we are saddened by his death on Monday, October 20. He was sitting in his chair preparing to watch the football game and peacefully went to sleep, not to awaken. Dean had both congestive heart failure and kidney failure, so in many ways it is a blessing that he did not linger and suffer. JoAnn’s neighbors and friends have been very supportive. We will hold a memorial service for Dean at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 13. Meanwhile, you can send messages to JoAnn at 104 Shepard Square, Brevard, or call her at 828-877-5344. Opal String Quartet at UUTC on Sunday! The Opal String Quartet is a professional chamber ensemble that formed in Asheville in 2006. The quartet is dedicated to bringing the art of chamber music to diverse audiences—it performs in schools, bars, art galleries and on street corners, as well as in concert halls. Its members are teachers in the Asheville area and are passionate about sharing the excitement of chamber music with young audiences. Two members of the quartet, Franklin Keel and Kara Poorbaugh, will play the Ingathering, Prelude and Offertory for our Sunday worship services. The Quartet will perform at 3:00 Sunday afternoon. General admission to the afternoon concert is $15.00—$5.00 for students. In addition to Franklin and Kara, the afternoon performers include Ginger Kowal and Seth Gangwer. Supporters gathered on Monday to witness Susan Freeman and Elizabeth Thompson get their marriage license! First Sunday Brunch—November 2 Connect with members, friends and visitors! Meet at Brevard College’s Myers Dining Hall directly after the second service. Cost is $9.00 per person (buffet-style) and includes omelet and carving stations. Parking lot is located near Alumni Drive off East French Broad Street. If you are planning to join us, please e-mail Elizabeth Thompson at [email protected] so that she can give an accurate head count to the dining hall manager. NEXT WEEK at UUTC Christians in Exile – MON at 3:30 p.m. Mindfulness Group – MON at 7:00 p.m. Men’s Group – TUE at 9:00 a.m. Mythology & Religion – TUE at 5:00 p.m. Brevard Film Society – TUE at 7:00 p.m. Eclectics Jam – WED at 9:00 a.m. Wonderful Wednesday – WED at 5:30 p.m. Women’s Group Invites You All women members, friends and visitors are invited to our monthly gathering of women on Thursday, November 6. Bring a bag lunch and, if you wish, a treat to share, to the church at 12:30. This month’s topic of discussion, beginning at 1:00 p.m. is Special Thanksgiving Memories. WONDERFUL WEDNESDAYS CONTINUE WITH FAVORITE POEMS The next two weeks of our Wonderful Wednesday series is entitled “A Favorite Poem of Mine and What It Means to Me.” The moderator for both evenings is noted poet, author, and professor at Brevard College, Dr. Ken Chamlee. He will also read a few of his poems each evening. Almost everyone has at least one favorite poem. These next two Wonderful Wednesday evenings will give you a chance to shine and to share one of your favorite poems. The concept is simple: choose one favorite published poem to read and then tell why this poem is special to you. That’s it! If you want to share a favorite poem, please contact Earle Rabb at [email protected]. Please limit the total time for your reading (poem and explanation) to four minutes. We also ask you not read something that could be offensive. NOTE: If you want child care for the program, please call the church at 877-6121 and speak to Carol Moore or leave a message so that it can be arranged. There is no cost for child care. Thank You Thanks to UUTC donors for the $400 contributed to the CROP Hunger Walk, and for those who walked last week. Best Wishes to the Warths Jane and Tom Warth are moving this weekend—we’ll miss them in our lives and our choir. You can wish them well at their new address: 134 Holly Hill Drive, Berea, Kentucky 40403. Join a Covenant Circle It's not too late to join a Covenant Circle! There are still a few spaces available in each group, which run from November through May. To become a part of a Circle or to learn more, e-mail [email protected]. First and Third TUESDAYS 6:30-8:30 p.m. Facilitators: Susan Freeman & Nancy Churchwell Starts November 4 First and Third THURSDAYS 10:00 a.m.— noon Facilitators: Joan Lemire & Karla Maar Starts November 6 First and Third THURSDAYS 6:30-8:30 p.m. Facilitators: Don Lander & Emily Atkinson Starts November 6 Dear UUTC Visitor, You are warmly invited to our Prospective Member/Friend Class on Saturday, November 1. See the schedule below—lots of information and that elusive Free Lunch! This is a new one-day format and may allow us to offer the class more than twice a year. If you are not already registered, just contact Elizabeth Thompson at [email protected] or 828-650-9765, or call Susan Slocum at 207-831-8976. Susan Slocum Membership Team Leader Times Subject/Task Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Ernie Mills Carol Moore 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Welcome and why are we here?; What it means to be a UU; UUTC’s Command Central Alice Hardy 10:30 - 11:00 a.m. History of Unitarian Universalism video Elizabeth Thompson 11:00 - Noon UUTC History, Congregational Covenant; UUTC Governance Jim Hardy Becky Young Noon - 1:00 p.m. Lunch (Chili, Salad, Bread) 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Covenant Groups; Social Action; Children’s Religious Exploration Joan Lemire Sue Null Heather Layton 2:00 - 2:30 p.m. Scavenger Hunt (Building, UUTC and UUA Websites) Elizabeth Thompson 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Adult Religious Exploration; Stewardship; Closing Dave Hunter Dave Roberts Alice Hardy Sharing House Food Drive Sharing House will conduct its semi-annual food drive on Saturday, November 22. This event collects food for those in need and spreads awareness of hunger in our community. Volunteers are needed! If you can cover a one-hour shift at K-Mart, please call the church (877-6121) or use the sign-up sheet on the counter. Social Action for October—Minister’s Discretionary Fund Our Social Action funds this month replenish the Minister’s Discretionary Fund, which assists people who are facing an emergency or crisis but are not eligible for other community services. Please place your contribution in the offering basket in a specially-marked envelope. If you are contributing by check, please make it payable to UUTC and write “Minister’s Discretionary Fund” on the memo line. Give Holiday Gifts with Meaning UUTC SOCIAL ACTION PROJECT / November/December 2014 Christmas may seem like a long way off, but Social Action wants to give you advance notice of a special project. Do you find yourself during the holiday season wondering what to give to the people you love who don’t need a thing? You can honor them by participating in HOLIDAY GIFTS WITH MEANING. The children in your life may also be enchanted to know that a donation in their name helped purchase a goat or a wheelchair or a saddle or a gift for a needy child. On November 30 and on December 7 at UUTC, you will have the opportunity to make a donation to one or more charities and receive an acknowledgement card to give to your loved one. The following charities will be present: Sharing House's Adopt-A-Family Free Wheelchair Mission Free Rein Heifer International “We are the certain and the seeking, the lifers and the newcomers, the beloved and the brokenhearted, the insiders and the rejected, all of whom have found a home in the extraordinary, yet intimate, communities of Unitarian Universalism." Melissa Harris-Perry, MSNBC host UUTC Mission Statement Join Us! Our mission is to create a community that Discover what it means to have a personal encourages free spiritual discovery and faith that is anchored by diversity and growth, celebrates personal and religious acceptance. Join in Sunday services with the diversity, and promotes active, responsible Unitarian Universalists of Transylvania County. involvement in the larger community. Contact information is below. K E E P U P W I T H W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G ! ! ! VIEW our church calendar. ACCESS previous issues of UUpdate. SEND news for this newsletter by close of business on Wednesdays. Please include date(s), a description, and the contact person’s name and telephone or email address. Send to [email protected]. SCHEDULE events on the UUTC calendar by sending an email to [email protected] with the date, start and end times, space to be used, and contact person. C O N TA C T U S Our minister is the Rev. Ernest L. Mills, Jr. Church office hours are Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. until noon. The church telephone number is 828-877-6121. Our mailing address is UUTC, PO Box 918, Brevard, NC 28712. Our email address is [email protected]. Our church is located at 24 Varsity Street, at the corner of South Broad Street in Brevard.
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