Twentieth Sunday in Kingdomtide October 26, 2014 10:30 a.m. ENTRANCE Prelude Variations on an Irish Melody Sylvia Mulherin Shaw Welcome and Announcements Choral Call to Worship Kumbaya Children’s Choir † Congregational Call to Worship Masters, two and more, competing for our time, our resources and our treasures; clamoring for our attention, and creating chaos in our lives. Master, one true God, quiet us and draw us close in these moments and never let us go. For we offer ourselves fully to you in worship and praise. † Hymn O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee UMH #430 † Prayer To You, O God, we lift up our souls. To You we offer our praise and prayer, our worship and thanksgiving, even our very lives. Make Your ways known to us. Show us the path on which we should walk. Lead us in Your truth and teach us. For You alone are the God who saves, the God in whom we trust; and the One on whom we wait. Amen. † Passing of the Peace Children’s Message PROCLAMATION AND RESPONSE † Hymn Living For Jesus † Gospel Lesson Matthew 6:24 “The Problem With Two Masters” Message † Affirmation of Faith FWS #2149 N.T. Pg. 6 Pastor Steven Wells Affirmation from Romans 8 † Gloria Patri Call to Prayer UMH #887 UMH #70 Lead Me, Lord Chancel Choir Concerns, Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer PRESENTATION OF OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS Offertory Make a Joyful Noise Anonymous Chancel Choir † Doxology & Offertory Prayer No. 95 SENDING FORTH † Hymn Be Thou My Vision UMH #451 † Benediction † Choral Response God Be With You till We Meet Again † Postlude Chancel Choir Allegro Maestoso Sylvia Mulherin Peters † Please stand if you are able UPCOMING SERVICES OF WORSHIP You are encouraged to read and meditate on the following scripture lessons prior to attending our Services of Worship. Pastor Steve is Preaching A Sermon Series on “Treasure” November 2 November 9 “How to Give” “Don’t You Worry ‘Bout a Thing” Matthew 6:1-6 Matthew 6:25-35 FALL BACK NEXT SUNDAY Don’t forget to set your clocks this Saturday night/Sunday morning, November 2nd, to “fall back”. NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS October 26, 2014 OCTOBER IS LAMB CENTER MONTH AT ST. GEORGE'S Our congregation supports the Lamb Center and dedicates the month of October for collecting much needed items. Paper shopping bags with the list of needed items have been distributed to the congregation. Please use the month of October to fill a grocery bag of needed items and drop off in the Fellowship Hall. ST. GEORGE’S STEWARDSHIP 2014 Treasure: Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21 Money affects your heart. Whether you are in plenty or in want, money has a direct connection to your stress level, your anxiety, and the health of your relationships. It is no wonder, then, that Jesus talked about the relationship between our treasure and our hearts. For a four-week period starting October 19, we will look at the many ways that our treasure (time, energy, money) affects our spiritual and emotional lives. Join us in worship starting this Sunday as we begin our new sermon series called Treasure. We will explore Matthew 6 and Jesus’ teachings on money, giving, worry, and more. At the end of the four weeks, we will have an opportunity to make personal commitments of our offerings to God through our church in the coming year. We will receive commitment cards in the mail, and cards will be available on Sunday mornings. We will bring these commitment cards to worship on Sunday, November 9. I hope that you’ll join us in the coming weeks as we look at Jesus’ teaching on how we can avoid freedom from some of the common pitfalls related to money, and how we can give our lives and our treasure to God. TURNIP HARVESTING St. George’s, we have a wonderful opportunity to harvest turnips on Saturday, November 1st. The Society of St. Andrews is hosting its annual Turnip Festival in Winchester, VA where volunteers will harvest a field of turnips. So, instead of gleaning what is left, we get to pick the whole crop for the food pantries in our area. There will be picking, chopping and fellowship. If you are interested in attending this mission, please sign up during fellowship hour and after the service in the narthex. ADVENT WREATH We need people/families to assist in our advent services by lighting our advent wreath and leading the provided liturgy. If interested, there will be a sign-up sheet on the Welcome Desk in the Narthex! WEEKLY CALENDAR SUNDAY, October 26 9:00 AM Sunday School 10:00 AM Fellowship 10:30 AM Worship 11:30 AM Acolyte Training 12:00 PM Evangelism Ministry Team 3:30 PM FACETS – meal prep 5:00 PM Celebration Choir 5:00 PM FACETS – meal delivery 6:00 PM Cherub & Children’s Choir 6:00 PM Covenant Bible Study 6:00 PM UMYF MONDAY, October 27 10:00 AM Mary Martha Circle 7:00 PM AA Women 7:00 PM Boy Scout Troop 1865 7:00 PM Handbell Rehearsal 8:00 PM Church Council TUESDAY, October 28 9:30 AM Exercise WEDNESDAY, October 29 9:30AM Preschool Firefighter Visit 7:00 PM AA 7:30 PM Al Anon THURSDAY, October 30 9:00 AM Preschool Halloween Parade 9:30 AM Preschool Music & Movement 7:30 PM AA #164 7:30 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal FRIDAY, October 31 9:00 AM Preschool Halloween Parade 9:30 AM Preschool Music & Movement 1:00 PM Covenant Bible Study 6:30 PM AA SATURDAY, November 1 8:00 AM Turnip Gleaning 10:00 AM AA SUNDAY, November 2 COMMUNION SUNDAY 9:00 AM Sunday School 10:00 AM Fellowship 10:30 AM Worship 4:00 PM YYCF 5:00 PM Celebration Choir 6:00 PM Cherub & Children’s Choir 6:00 PM Covenant Bible Study 6:00 PM UMYF SERVING IN MINISTRY LAY READER ACOLYTE USHERS HAPPY CLUB CHILDREN’S CHURCH COUNTERS GREETERS SERVING THIS WEEK 10/26 ANN PLATENKAMP ZACH SUMMER MARY SUE FRANCE & DAVE FORD JESSICA SUMMER & TRACY WHITE CURT MOORE JEFF ROOT & KATHY CAGLE MIKE & LAURA COSNER SERVING NEXT WEEK 11/2 ABBY BRUCK KEITH SADDLER, JEFF ROOT & BRIAN SACHLIS KATHY CAGLE & MARGARET BECKING DOUG & DENISE WRIGHT PRAYERS AND CONCERNS OUR MEMBERS Jim Bennet Bob Williams Pat Swaney Alice Howe Debi Salman John Williams Duane Riege HOME BOUND MEMBERS Helen Walker John Becking David Hopkins Katherine S. Schmidt Norma Goodman SERVING AT HOME Jennifer Copeland John Egan Shane Larkin Chris Plante Aaron Stephens C.P. Watkins Bob Miller Katie Egan Grant Robinson SERVING AWAY Name Removed .... Parris Island, South Carolina Name Removed ............................... Afghanistan Name Removed .........................Okinawa, Japan Name Removed ............................... Afghanistan Name Removed ...................................... Hawaii Name Removed ................................. California FRIENDS AND FAMILY IN NEED OF PRAYER Valerie Shakely a friend with cancer, Rev. Wally Hiller grandfather, by Joanna Dietz Roberta Henry, mother of Carol Henry-Chappell Steve & Jean Bothe, for the loss of their son, Phil; by the Brucks Kimberly Finn; by Dawn Whitehorne Kevin Ford and Lisa Fitchett; by Pat Nash Jane Kramer, surgery; by Carrie Watkins Betty Dileanis, Peggy’s mother; by Peggy and Tracy Deihr Donald Dean & wife Babs; by Dorothy Dowdy Uncle Lou Owens; facing heart surgery; by the Coffin family Cara Golias and Family, Fairfax High School student who went missing and was found deceased; that she is at peace and her family and friends know God’s comfort during this sad time; by Lisa Copeland Sarah Miller and her family (Ed, Cathy, Max, and Jeni) Sarah passed away after having been found unconscious the day prior. Sarah and our daughter Jennifer played soccer, were in the girl scouts, and attended high school together. Our hearts go out to their family during these sad times; by the Copelands Robin, Emma, and David Gardner, may they remain strong as they face legal issues; by Lisa Copeland Jill Davis, Jessica Davis’ mother Anmarie Kallas and her daughter, Bethany, friends of Kathleen McLane Darrell Dalkin and Bill Trent, friends of Jeff Root John Smiel, friend of by John Nash Sena Clarke, mother of Michael Clarke Brooke Buesking and her family, a Robinson student who died on October 15th; by Satya Ortiz and the Ford Family The Lamb Center, FACETS, the homeless and the hungry among us; countries and peoples at war; and those in places of natural disaster Please submit your prayer requests by noon on Wednesday for inclusion. All prayer requests will be printed in the bulletin for four weeks. Welcome Guests of St. George’s! Please sign the Attendance Registration pad located in the pew or complete a visitor card found in the pew rack and place it in the offering plate. We are glad you are here! Sunday Schedule 9:00 AM Sunday School for ALL ages 10:00 AM Fellowship Time 10:30 AM Worship The nursery (located off the Fellowship Hall) is available for children through Kindergarten age during Sunday School, Fellowship Time, and Worship. ALTAR FLOWERS This week’s flowers on the altar are dedicated to the honor and glory of God and in celebration of Morgan Whitehorne’s 14th birthday on October 24. Happy Birthday Morgan; by Sally Adkins NAME TAGS Please remember to wear your name tag every week and return it to the rack as you leave so that it is ready for you to wear the next Sunday. Many thanks! ST. GEORGE’S CONTACT INFORMATION 4910 Ox Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 Bishop Young Jin Cho Jeffrey P. Mickle [email protected] Rev. Steven B. Wells [email protected] ext. 101 All the Members of St. George’s UMC Rev. Joanna Dietz [email protected] ext. 105 Sylvia Mulherin [email protected] Katie Schultz [email protected] ext. 100 Jessica Summer [email protected] ext. 110 Kevin Phillips [email protected] ext. 100 Eleazar Castenada [email protected] Carol Henry-Chappell Frank Ford Church Telephone and Fax Office (703) 385-4550 Fax (703) 385-7771 Preschool Phone (703) 385-4422 Resident Bishop District Superintendent Senior Pastor Ministers Minister of Music Accompanist Administrative Assistant Preschool Director Admin and IT Support Custodian Lay Leader Lay Leader Pastor Steve’s Phone Numbers Home (703) 239-2638 Cell (703) 554-5240 Church Office Hours Monday-Friday 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Preschool Website Church Website
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