THANKS -‐ Many Thanks for kind wishes and gree3ngs on my birthday. THIS WEEK we pray for the souls of two Priests who have died, Fr Mar3n Brogan and Fr Kevin Griffin. Please pray for the and for their families; indeed pray for all us Priests and for those in training -‐ the Harvest is great, there’s lots to do – but the Labourers are few. We pray in thanks too for all those who share in the work of the priesthood -‐ especially in this parish, our catechists, ministers of the Eucharist, readers, parish visitors, cleaners and those who help with finances, by coun3ng etc. Please consider joining one of our teams. Especially we need 1 new team to count aNer mass on Sunday (once every 6 weeks or so) and 1 team to take on the weekly ‘bank run’ -‐ perhaps Tuesday is a beTer day than Monday for this. Also, you do not need to ‘run’ -‐ walk or drive is equally welcome! THANKS. Fr Bernard Wilson JOURNEY IN FAITH Next mee3ng 11th November at 7.00pm. If you missed it last Tuesday, no problem, come along. NIGERIA TALK On Thursday 6th November , 7.00pm. At Holy Name Church, Oxford Road, M13 9PG. By the Most Rev Igna3us Kaigama, Archbishop of Jos. Title: ‘Nigeria, The Struggle for Faith and Free-‐ dom’. Phone John Dowling 0208 6615154 or [email protected] PTA QUIZ NIGHT Friday 28th November at 7.45pm. Tickets £8.00. Cheese & Pate plus 80’s Disco. Please ring Jamie Richardson on 07523 949241. NBCS Event lst November An aNernoon of study and reflec3on. Time: 12.20pm to 5.00pm at St Sebas3an’s Hall, Douglas Green, Salford M6 6ES. For the Women of the Diocese Led by Mr Phil Doyle. DIDSBURY BEER FESTIVAL Thur 30 Oct -‐ Sat 1st Nov at St Catherine’s. This is the 7th annual Didsbury Beer Fes3val and we need volunteers to help -‐ bar, door, glasses & clean-‐up. Please help for a couple of hours or a full session. Please visit website & click on ‘volunteer’ to select 3mes & days you would like to help. All volunteers receive a fes3val t’shirt, glass and refreshments. Cheers! Email Claire & Sophie at [email protected] CAFOD News -‐ 1st MEMORIAL Mass Saturday 8th Nov 12noon at St Mary’s Denton to be celebrated by Fr Peter Kinsella. It is hoped this will be an annual event in different parts of the Diocese each 3me. Infant Liturgy Sessions every Sunday based on the Gospel readings and includes age-‐ appropriate discussion and ac3vi3es. Aimed at 0-‐7 yr olds with their parents. Meet in parish social club (via side ent.) Timing 9.30am (rejoining the main congrega3on for the Eucharist). Contact: Jenni Rose ([email protected] or 07740822948). Junior Liturgy -‐ aimed at 7-‐11 yr olds. Based on Gospel readings in the Sacristy at 9.30am Mass, returning to church for the Offertory. Contact Helen 07903 811553. The good Lord didn’t create anything with-‐out a purpose, but mosquitoes come close…
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