WILLETTON PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Office Hours: 8.30am to 3.30pm - allocated school days 14 Woodpecker Avenue Willetton WA 6155 School Telephone: (08) 93542088 Facsimile: (08) 9354 4385 Dental Unit Telephone: 9457 4624 School Website: http://willettonps.wa.edu.au Email Address: [email protected] P&C Email Address: [email protected] Number 15 /Term 4 22 October 2014 Term Four Term Four presents as possibly the busiest time for students and staff with a full diary of learning as well as events throughout the term. However, we ask that parents stay away from the faction bays and allow the teachers to supervise students and organise event participants. Only students should be in the faction bays. Notes are sent with details of events and timelines for payment etc. Please be prompt with the return of information and keep an eye out in student school bags for notes. If you sign your younger students out of class, please keep them under close supervision whilst on the oval which is booked as a school event under school control. The School website will also display notes etc that can be downloaded. Website: http://willettonps.wa.edu.au (which is also now included in our Newsletter letterhead). Term Planner A term planner with events and dates has been sent home for your convenience. A copy is also on the Willetton Primary School website: http://willettonps.wa.edu.au A reminder that only 1 note will be issued for each event. This is part of our move to develop greater responsibility in students to ensure notes get home. No pay, no go, late payment or no permission slip also results in students missing events. Problem paying? Please contact the school registrar to discuss payment options if needed. Parent Committee: Year 6 & 7 Presentation Dinner and CD production. Information has been circulated by the committee requesting photographs to be included on the CD. The school has had a number of enquiries for additional notes. Once again this issue requires student and parental action, it is not a matter for school staff. Please show the parent committee some consideration and act promptly to assist these volunteers who are working for the benefit of your child(ren). Athletics We welcome parent attendance and support, especially volunteers to assist with judging etc. Student Supervision A reminder that child supervision needs to be close and active supervision whilst on the school premises. It is not acceptable for students, “under parent control”, to wander around the school. Class Placement Requests 2015 Parents who wish to raise particular student needs are invited to write to the Principal expressing their request. It should be noted that this expression must focus on legitimate educational reasons and that there are no guarantees that requests will be met. It does however, allow for consideration of parent views regarding class placement. Parents are asked to present written requests no later than Friday 7 November 2014 (Week 4, Term 4). Responsibility for the placement of students rests with the Principal. Class Planning Planning for 2015 is underway and the school is currently looking at enrolment numbers and trends in an endeavour to structure classes and staffing to cater for student numbers. The structure below is a draft of 2015 plans and is subject to change if circumstances alter. Staff will be allocated to classes when the final staffing allocation is made. This may be in December or January. 2015 DRAFT PLAN (Yr 1 – 7) Yr 1 - 2 classes Yr 1/2 - 1 class Yr 2 - 3 classes Yr 3 - 3 classes Yr 4 - 2 classes Yr 4/5 - 1 class Yr 5 - 2 classes Yr 6 - 3 classes From the Office – Pay In Advance For all parents who had elected to participate in “Pay In Advance”. The following will apply unless advised otherwise to the office. Students in Years 6 & 7: If there are siblings still in the school then any funds left will be automatically transferred into their accounts. If there are no siblings then a cheque will be issued at the end of the year and posted home. Students in Years K-5 Any funds will be automatically carried over into 2015. 2015 “Pay In Advance” is a great system for parents who find it a hassle to find change all the time. Please refer to the “Voluntary Contributions & Charges for 2015” when it comes home shortly or make enquiries at the school office. Congratulations to the following people who were awarded Achievement Certificates at the assembly on 26 September: Shadward S, Maxcin L, Suthan K, Caitlin W, Jenna M, Ahsab S, Joel B, Renae G, James Y, Liana S, Kahlira B, Amy G, Ewan B, Isabelle K, Airen I, Binthi G, Tahni W, Jasmine W, Jayanth S, Rutvi U, Kyah F, Stephanie H, Hunta R, Jack C, Zahra H, Thuto N and Zane N. ICAS Results Our students achieved excellent results when they participated in ICAS this year. Those students whose achievement was outstanding in Mathematics and English were rewarded with certificates of Merit, Credit, Distinction and High Distinction. We would like to acknowledge and praise the following students. High Distinction in English (top 1% in Australia) Phoebe M Year 4 Jason Li Year 6 Manha M Year 4 Caroline T Year 6 Nisani G Year 5 Distinction in English (top 2 to 11 % in Australia) Atulya C Year 3 Kate G Year 6 Kristy C Year 4 Sashini L Year 6 Amy G Year 4 Nishtha M Year 6 Evangeline Q Year 4 Leah S Year 6 Saanvi R Year 4 Finn S Year 6 Shreya S Year 4 Jasmine W Year 6 Teshan G Year 5 Jonathan H Year 7 Marsha O Year 5 Deepak R Year 7 Jonathan L Year 6 High Distinction in Maths (top 1% in Australia) Jonathan C Year 6 Caroline T Year 6 Distinction in Maths (top 2 to 11 % in Australia) Jeong H Year 3 Teshan G Year 5 Maegan L Year 3 Nisani G Year 5 Huw S Year 4 Victor T Year 5 Phoebe M Year 4 Marsha O Year 5 Saanvi R Year 4 James Y Year 5 Ida S Year 4 Jason L Year 6 Shreya S Year 4 Nathan Year 6 Kristina H Year 5 Jonathan H Year 7 Alliana Y Year 5 Deepak R Year 7 George Z Year 5 Leesha S Year 7 Kevin C Year 5 Rohit P Year 7 Kailai D Year 5 Meng Zhun Y Year 7 Celebrations and Festivals Around the World Deepavali, Eid, Halloween,Chinese New Year, Christmas, Children‟s Day – do you celebrate special days in your family? In Term 4 children at WPS will be looking at special days around the world. We would like to start a collection of multicultural resources to share around classes every year. If you have anything that you could donate to the school please drop it off with Mrs Long in the EAL room. Suggestions might be decorations, costumes, ornaments, jewellery, cards. Please don‟t give us anything precious or expensive, the idea is to show WPS students some authentic items from different celebrations. THANK YOU. DID YOU KNOW – Deepavali ( Indian Festival) is celebrated next week. You may like to visit Swan Festival of Lights in the City -22-26 October. P&C News As we start term 4, the P&C would like to thank everyone that supported term 3's jam packed fundraisers and activities. We will be putting out a short survey late October (via the newsletter and online) to hear your thoughts on this year's events and ones you'd like to see in 2015. We aim to offer relevant, good value and fun events, that not only help us fundraise for the school but also engage the school community. Safety House Week for Pre-Primary-Year 3. Thank you to all the budding artists for their wonderful Safety House colouring competition entries - our judges faced some very difficult decisions. Congratulations to the winners: Jaide F, Dermott K, Tiana M, Sebastien T, Jacob P.S., Sheridan C, Millie A, and Mohammad R.H. The yellow cup cake stall was a great success, raising $611. A huge thanks to all who provided treats, it was an overwhelming response! The children thoroughly enjoyed the event and we had many repeat customers (some even buying takeaways for parents). A big thanks to Mandy C, Karen dJ, and Sara H who assisted Jodie W from beginning through to sales at recess and lunch break. The KPP disco groovers happily finished off the remaining stock! Kindy & Pre-Primary Disco: After school Friday September 12 saw the school ring with the happy sounds of over 80 kindy and pre-primary children dancing and singing at their annual disco. All kids and parents had a fun time, especially the girls in the house when the DJ finally gave into pressure and played "Let It Go" from Frozen. Thanks to DJ Dave from Kidz Paradise for his tireless efforts that kept everyone entertained. Thank you to all the parent volunteers for your help and support of our organisers Mandy C, Tracey W, Michelle Z, Deb G and Pip W. A special thank you to Brett K for doing an amazing job as 'door security' for the second year in a row. While the KPP disco was not a fundraising event, it did raise $373 towards the nature playground. Krispy Kreme doughnut fundraiser was a great success raising $1380! Hope you all enjoyed your treats! Thank you to everyone for getting your orders in on time for the pies, sausage rolls and sushi Special Lunch Order on the last day of term 3 we served up 216 delicious lunches. One more to go for term 4 any menu suggestions are welcome. Year 1-7 School Discos Friday 7th November - Notes have gone home for the school disco. Years 1-3 will dance the afternoon way between 4.30-6pm while year 4-7s will celebrate 6.30-8pm. Tickets are $8 and include a juice and pack of chips. Sunday 9th November - Save the Date! If you have a couple of hours to spare and handy with some BBQ tongs or a friendly smile to sell hotdogs and drinks, join our roster of volunteers at Bunnings Willetton for our fundraising sausage sizzle. If you can help out please drop us a line at [email protected] or call Mandy on 0403159677. If you have any ideas, feedback or would like to help out on any of the events, please email us ([email protected]) or join us at our next meeting on Monday 27th October at 7pm in the school library. You can also keep up with P&C news on our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WillettonPrimarySchoolPandC Adolescent support services - Where to go for help? Kids Helpline is a free, private and confidential telephone and online counselling service specifically for young people aged between 5 and 25 years. You can phone the helpline anytime on 1800 55 1800, or visit the website at www.kidshelp.com.au. Somazone is a safe space for young people to ask questions, share stories and get help for mental health issues, sexual health, relationships, abuse, body image, and drug use. Visit the website at www.somazone.com.au. If you need help or information relating specifically to mental health difficulties, you could also try www.reachout.com.au, www.youthbeyondblue.com.au, or www.headspace.org.au. You can also talk through any problems you may be having with your local Community Health Nurse, (Fiona) on (93135418). Remember, no matter how big or small your problem is, there is help available and it is important to seek help as soon as possible. Puberty Puberty is an interesting time for children and their parents. Children may become bewildered or embarrassed about what is happening to them. It is important to talk to your child about the physical and emotional changes that come with puberty. Many children will start to compare his/her body with others. Remind your child that people come in all shapes and sizes and don‟t compare your child‟s body with anyone else‟s body. Talk soon. Talk often. A guide for parents talking to their kids about sex is an excellent (free) book available from www.public.health.wa.gov.au/2/1276/2/parentcare giver.pm You can also show and discuss the Get the Facts website with your child at www.getthefacts.health.wa.gov.au Education about growth and development is usually conducted at school during years 5, 6 and 7. Your child‟s teacher can give you more information about the content of these classes. Talking to your child about sex Parents often feel uncomfortable raising this topic with their children, but young people need accurate information about sex and sexuality in order to be able to negotiate sexual relationships safely and responsibly, and to become sexually healthy adults. Your child will hear information from many sources, but as the most influential role model in your child‟s life you have an important role to play in ensuring that your child receives the information that allows them to make safe and healthy choices. Talk soon. Talk often. A guide for parents talking to their kids about sex is an excellent book that will help you with tricky conversations. Get your free copy at: www.public.health.wa.gov.au/2/1276/2/parentcare giver.pm Try the „Get the Facts‟ website and discuss with your child - www.getthefacts.health.wa.gov.au If you have a concern about your child‟s development, please contact your school Community Health Nurse (Fiona) on 93135418. Community News – the following organisations have asked us to pass on this information. While we do this as a community service when space is available, the school is not necessarily endorsing or promoting any of these individuals or organisations. Riverton Aquanauts Swimming Club Free club night event on the 24 October 2014. The Club has just reformed and we would love to encourage swimmers of all ages and levels to come along and participate in a fun night of swimming. Swimmers can compete in any of the events below: 25m Butterfly 50m Butterfly 50m Backstroke 50m Breaststroke 50m Freestyle 100m Freestyle Prizes will be given and raffles will also be run, and further information can be found on our website, including the nomination form for the night: http://rivertonaquanauts.wix.com/swimming-club Heath Black Presents: Free Anti-Bullying and Mental Health Seminar What: Anti-Bullying and Mental Health Seminar, Presented by Heath Black Who: Ages 4-6, 7-9, 10-14, 15-18, parents, teacher and mentors When: 28th & 29th October 2014 Where: The Lakes Theatre, Catalina Drive, Lakelands WA Tues 28 October 2014 • 10am - 11am, ages 4-6 • 1pm - 2pm, ages 7-9 Wed 29 October 2014 • 10am - 11am, ages 10-14 • 1pm - 2pm, ages 15-18 • 7pm - 8pm, parents, teachers and mentors Register on line for free tickets: www.antibullyingwa.info
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