Weekly News www.st-pauls-school.net Tel: 01932 848528 20th March 2015 Issue 25 Dear Parents and Carers, Please have a read of our new monitoring report, a copy of which has been sent home with your child today. This has been published following a full day inspection visit to the school this week. We are delighted that it recognises further improvement and I would like to thank all the staff for their hard work and dedication in helping to achieve this. Thank you for all your donations and to all the children who bought a red nose last Friday for Comic Relief. We raised a fantastic £468. The best bit is, this Red Nose Day, the UK Government is going to match all money raised by UK schools to help get 300,000 children in Africa into school and education. As part of their English topic, Year 6 have produced a fantastic cross section of The Titanic showing their impressions of what it might have looked like inside. I was amazed at the detail they had included to make this fascinating and eye-catching piece of work, which is currently displayed on our Upper Base stairwell (see photos). The VLE will be re-launched before the end of term. We will let you know as soon as it is available! As we move into the Summer Term, girls will be able, if they wish, to wear a blue gingham summer dress to school with white socks. We do have a variety of second hand dresses available from the school office for sale at £2. Please call if you would like to look at the selection available. Finally, a reminder that school finishes at 12.15pm prompt on Friday 27th March (no lunches) for the Easter break and we return to school on Monday 13th April. All of Mrs Wilson’s and Mr Allen’s after school clubs are now finished for this term but look out for the new sports club letters in your child’s book bag early next week which will give details of all the summer clubs on offer. Please return the signing up slips to the office as soon as possible. Best wishes, Mrs Johnson This week’s prayer is from Tigers Class (Year 4): Dear heavenly Father, Thank you for the food we eat because it keeps us healthy and helps us to survive. Thank you for giving us the brilliant lives we have. Thank you for our families because they keep us safe from danger. Amen. Friends of St Paul’s School Registered Charity No: 1017849 FOSPS NEWS Mother’s Day Sale Thank you to everyone who supported the Mother’s Day Sale and to all the lovely mums that gave up their time and helped last Friday. We raised £838 at the event which is the most we have ever raised at a Mother’s Day Sale, all of which goes to support our children’s education. Easter Disco The end of term Easter discos for the children will take place next Wednesday 25th March as follows; Reception/Lower Base - 3.45pm to 5.00pm Middle Base/Upper Base - 5.15pm to 6.30pm Cost is £2 per child. There will be glow sticks and a tuck shop at the MB/UB disco only Please fill out the Disco Entry Form attached to the back of this newsletter and bring it along with the payment to the Disco on the day. Further forms will be available at the school office (but please do not hand your completed forms to the office, thanks) As always, we are in need of parent helpers in order for this event to go ahead please! If you are able to stay and help, please email me at the FOSPS email address below as soon as possible. Many thanks you for your support., Mrs Surey If you have any questions/queries please use the FOSPS email address [email protected] we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible. HEADTEACHER AWARD The following children received a Headteacher award for great work: Anaiya, Simone, Nicolly and Caleb from Kestrel Class for brilliant character description homework. Crystal, Oscar, Luke and Emir in Sharks for great independent work using phonics to increase their understanding in English Well done to you all! School Dinner Money A child with annual attendance of 85% will have missed half a term of school Week commencing 16/03/15 Class Attendance Awards Lower School Jaguars Dolphins Dinner money for the next half term will be £60.93. This takes into account Bank Holiday Monday on May 4th but does not include any other trips or visits. If your child is going to Osmington Bay the amount due will be £52.53. Please remember that, in line with Surrey County Council guidelines, our policy is that dinner money must always be paid in advance of meals being taken. Please act promptly if you receive a payment reminder text. Many thanks for you cooperation Notices P & G Surrey Youth Games I would like to draw your attention to this year’s P&G Surrey Youth Games. As you may know, the Surrey Youth Games are a fantastic opportunity for every child in Surrey to train and compete in a variety of sports. In Runnymede Borough, there are 15 different sports to choose from, most of which have 8 weeks of free sports coaching for children. At the end, there is a weekend of competition at the Surrey Sports Park in Guildford. To find out more about what is on offer in the local area, please visit www.runnymede.gov.uk/syg. To complete a registration form for the sessions, please go to http://goo.gl/H4B85a. For further information, please contact Matt Doherty from Runnymede Borough Council on 01932 425677 or via e-mail on [email protected] Class Awards In our whole school celebration Assembly held last Friday, the following children were presented with achievement certificates for great work: Pixies - Mason for working hard in his measuring Sprites - Sophia for working back from 18 to find out how many Sprites were at school the day before Stingrays - Matthew for being a great mathematician during World Maths Day Starfish - Cassidy for participating enthusiastically during World Maths Day Dolphins - Finley for making a fantastic maths game Sharks - Setarah for her enthusiasm in trying to discover the secret number! Lions - Tobiah for perseverance with problem solving Leopards - Demi for accurately reading scales Jaguars - Charlie for outstanding effort and Maths thinking Tigers - Alisha for being an excellent mathematician ALL day! Falcons - Charlie for persevering to successfully complete a challenge Kestrels - George for careful work to produce an accurate tesselation Ospreys - Angel R for working systematically to solve a problem Eagles - Scarlet for being a good team member and helping others Mason in Pixies for fabulous effort and sharing his wonderful thoughts with the class! Alfie in Jaguars for amazing contribution to the lesson Well done to you all! Mrs Webb Sport, Gym & Dance Outside sporting achievements Two of our pupils are to be congratulated for their achievements, dedication and commitments to their out of school sporting clubs. Livvy in Eagles has been selected to be an ambassador for the Surrey Youth Games. George in Kestrels for competing in Guildford at a indoor athletics competition. George trains with Woking Athletics Academy and his team picked up the bronze award. Football Our boys football team had two matches this week, the first one being away to St Judes where we sadly lost 9-1 (goal from Ben W in Eagles). However, yesterday we played away against Ashley and won! At half time we were 6 - 1 up, the final score was 9-3. A massive well done to all the boys and especially Jaiden(3), George(3), Arthur(1) and Ben W(2) for scoring the goals!! Two more games next week - Monday at Bell Farm and Thursday at home to St James. Our year 6 girls footballers are taking part in our first ever Futsal tournament next week at Walton Excel Centre. We wish them the best of luck with that too! It is lovely to see the children taking part Follow us on Twitter in so many new sporting events! Mrs Wilson & Mr Allen @sport_stpauls End of Term Easter Disco Wednesday 25th March Reception Y1 and Y2 Disco 15.45 - 17.00 £2.00 per child includes drink & snack <<<>>> Middle & Upper Base Disco 17.15 - 18.30 £2.00 per child, tuck shop will be open & Glowsticks for sale! St Paul’s Primary School - End of Term Easter Disco Entry Form Please complete this form and bring it along with Child’s Name: Class: Parent’s Name: Emergency Contact No:
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