Curriculum Vitae

Kivinen, Markku Jalmari
(CV updated 23.2.2015)
b. 1951 Helsinki
Current hometown: Helsinki
Adjunct professor, University of Lapland, sociology 19.6.1996
Adjunct professor, University of Helsinki, sociology 1.11.1991
Doctor of Social Sciences (Sociology) (Dissertation The New Middle Classes and the Labour
Process - Class Criteria Revisited, graded Eximia cum laude approbatur, University of Helsinki
Licentiate of Social Sciences (Sociology), University of Helsinki 7.5.1986
Master of Social Sciences (Sociology), University of Helsinki 6.4.1977
Finnish Mother tongue
English Written: fluent, Oral: fluent
Swedish Written: fluent, Oral: fluent
Russian Written: fluent, Oral: fluent
German Written: good, Oral: good
French Written: basic, Oral: basic
2012-2017 Director of the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Russian Studies: Choices of
Russian Modernisation
1.6.1996 -> Director of Aleksanteri Institute (The Finnish Centre for Russian and Eastern
European Studies), University of Helsinki (Professor)
2008 -> Host of nearly 40 international Visiting Fellows at the Aleksanteri Institute
1998 -> Director of the Finnish Doctoral Programme for Russian and East European Studies
(over 58 finalized PhD dissertations have been produced in the programme)
1998 -> Chair of the Executive Board of the Finnish Master’s School in Russian and Eastern
European Studies with nearly 500 students and 250 MA’s
1/2001-8/2001 Visiting Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Michigan
9/2000-12/2000 Visiting Senior Fellow, Centre for Russian and East European Studies,
University of Michigan
9/1995-2/1996 Professor (Sociology), University of Lapland
9/1994-8/1995 Visiting Senior Fellow, Department of Sociology, Research Centre for
Comparative Labour Studies, University of Warwick, UK
9/1992-8/1995 Senior Research Fellow, Academy of Finland
1/1990-8/1992 Professor (Sociology), University of Lapland
6/1989-12/1989 Associated Professor (Sociology), University of Tampere
10/1982-12/1988 Research Fellow, Academy of Finland
Selected Funding Received & Projects Directed (unless otherwise indicated)
Academy of Finland
 Finland Distinguished Professor (FiDiPro) project, FiDiPro professor Vladimir Gel’man
(European University at St. Petersburg, Russia): Regimes, Institutions and Change:
Politics and Governance in Russia in a Comparative Perspective (1.9.2012–31.8.2017;
760 000 €)
 Finnish Centre of Excellence in Russian Studies – Choices of Russian Modernisation
(1.1.2012–31.12.2017; 1 670 500 €)
 Russian Energy Policy and its External Effects (2008-2011; 337 280 €)
 At the Crossroads of Post-Communist Transformation: The Strategic Choices of
Russia and China in a Comparative Perspective (1.1.2008-31.12.2011; 300 000€)
 Finnish Graduate School for Russian and East European Studies (1998-2015; 20052010 1 913 676 €, 2011-2013 492 000 €)
 East European Transition as a Total Social Change (2001-2003)
 Carelian Forestry in Transition. Director with Olli Saastamoinen (1999-2002)
 Research Programme on Russian and East European Studies (1998-2001)
 Social Change and Cultural Inertia. Director with Elina Haavio-Mannila and Jukka
Gronow (1995-1997)
 Developing Economic and Social Strategies for Barents-Sea Region 1995, InterregProject on the same topic 1991, Lapland Regional Council.
 Survival Strategies and Social Change in St.Petersburg (1992-1995)
 Developing Forms of Continuous Education in Finland (1990-1993)
European Commission
 MARIE Skłodowska-Curie, Individual Fellowships (IF) 24 kk;
Dr. Arthur Mason: “Energy Futures of the High North: Assessing Intermediary
Expertise and Valuation Practices that Guide Arctic Hydrocarbon Development”
(2015-2016; time frame to be confirmed)
The OVET project – Specialists in Russia and Eastern Europe in the Working Life (ESF,
2010-2013; 587 090 €)
Getting Energy to EU (Marie Curie PIIF, 2010-2011; 159 861 €)
Promotion of European Governance in the North-Western Regions of Russia.
(Tempus, 2008-2010; 474 080 €)
Understanding European Governance in the North-Western Regions of Russia.
(Tempus, 2005-2007; 287 835 €)
Nationality and Ethnicity in Russia. Tempus (2000-2002)
Russian Competence. University of Lapland (Interreg Program)
Working with Russia. University of Lapland (Interreg Program, 2000-2002)
Nordic Council of Ministers
 Mapping of Education and Research Activities between the Nordic Countries and
Russia (2010; 40 000 €)
NordForsk / NorFA
 NERU Network (2007-2009; 100 000 €)
 Nordic Summer Schools of Russian and Eastern European Studies, (2000-2012;
227 967 €)
Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
 Security and Development Research within the Wider Europe Initiative Security
Cluster (2010-2012; 284 983 €)
 Managing Problems of Economy and Environment in Circumpolar Region: Local
Authorities and Civil Society (MOST-project, 1995-)
Supervised Dissertations
 Dusseault, David: Elite Bargaining and the Evolution of Centre-Periphery Relations in
Post-Soviet Russia: A Comparative Analysis (University of Helsinki)
 Joutsenoja, Markku: The calling of sociology: early Talcott Parsons and the
construction of a disciplinary ship (University of Lapland)
 Kerkelä, Heikki: Vanhan maailman peilissä: Modernin yhteiskunnan synty ja
pohjoinen aineisto (University of Lapland)
 Kulmala, Meri: State and Society in Small-town Russia: A Feminist Ethnographic
Study into the Boundaries of Society in the Finnish-Russian Borderland. (University of
 Kumpulainen, Riitta: Timber and herring : modernisation and mobility in Finnish
Lapland and the Western Islands of Scotland, 1770-1970 (University of Helsinki)
Larjavaara, Ilmari: Funktionaalinen transitioteoria: Hallinto, oikeusjärjestys ja
instituutiot Venäjällä (University of Helsinki)
Lindroos, Maarit: Opetusdiskurssiin piirretty viiva: tyttö ja poika luokkahuoneen
vuorovaikutuksessa (University of Helsinki)
Melin, Harri: Suunnitelman varjossa: tutkimus yritysjohtajista Neuvostoliitossa ja
Venäjällä (University of Tampere)
Miklóssy, Katalin: Manoeuvres of National Interest. Internationalism and Nationalism
in the Emerging Kádárist Criticism of Romania 1968-1972 (University of Helsinki)
Mäkelä, Jukka: Menneisyyden nykyisyys: kvalitatiivisen ja kvantitatiivisen tuolla
puolen (University of Lapland)
Nikula, Jouko: From state-dependency to genuine worker movement: the working
class in socialism and post-socialism (University of Helsinki)
Rautio, Vesa: The Potential for Community Restructuring - Mining towns in Pechenga
(University of Helsinki)
Ruutu, Katja: Venäjän politiikka ja perustuslaki - Tutkimus Venäjän
perustuslakikäsitteistön kehityksestä 1900-luvulla (University of Helsinki)
Salo, Ulla-Maija: Ylös tiedon ja taidon ylämäkeä: tutkielma koulun maailmoista ja
järjestyksistä (Lapin yliopisto)
Salmi, Anna-Maria: Social networks and everyday practices in Russia (University of
Tuomi, Marja: Diffusing Social Innovations Across the Borders (University of Eastern
Turunen, Maija: Faith in the heart of Russia: the religiosity of post-Soviet university
students (University of Helsinki)
Valkeapää, Leena: Luonnossa: vuoropuhelua Nils-Aslak Valkeapään tuotannon
kanssa (Aalto University, Helsinki)
Ongoing dissertations:
 Halonen, Anna: "Learning by Doing?" Development and Construction of European
Union Civilian Crisis Management (University of Helsinki)
 Jelin, Irene: Maja Plisetskaja ja venäläinen tanssikulttuuri (The Theatre Academy)
 Leisti, Simo: Guardians of the Truth and Scientific Quest - a Study in the Changing
Relationship Between Ideology and Social Sciences in the Soviet Union from 1971 to
1991 (University of Tampere)
 Svynarenko, Arseniy: Different Generations-Different Worlds: study of cultural
transitions between generations in post-soviet Ukraine (University of Tampere)
 2011 Honorary Doctor, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Sociology
 2011 Silver Medal of the University of Helsinki
 2001 Academician of the International Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Moscow
1990 Doctor Primus at the Conferment Ceremony of the University of Helsinki
Pre-examination and opponent positions, statements
 15 statements for docent competence and professorship, 23 pre-examined
dissertations, official opponent of 8 doctoral dissertations
Memberships in Professional Bodies
 Academic Advisory Board of Centre for Baltic and East European Studies, Södertörns
Högskola, Huddinge, 2011 Advisory Board of the National Defence University 2010 –
 Advisory Board of Nordi (Northern Dimension Research Centre at the Lappeenranta
University of Technology 2009-2011
 Advisory Board of the Institute of International Economic Law of the University of
Helsinki 2008  International Advisory Committee of University College London/Oxford/Birmingham
Centre for East European Language Based Area Studies (CEELBAS) 2007 –
 International Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (Moscow) 2001 –
 Advisory Board of the Slavic Library of the University of Helsinki 2005–2009
 Advisory Board of CEMAT (Center for Markets in Transition of the Aalto University
School of Economics) 2004 International Advisory Board of the European University in St. Petersburg 2003–2007
Specific Country Experience as an EU Expert
 2000–2010 Director of three Tempus projects on Russia
 2000 EU Tempus Expert: Armenia, Azerbaidjan and Georgia
 1999 Participant in Research Network of Scholars studying middle classes: Bulgaria
 1998 EU Tempus Expert: Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary
 1997 EU Tempus Expert: Bosnia and Croatia
Editorial Boards
 Editor of the series Studies in Contemporary Russia, Ashgate Publications Ltd., 2013 Editorial Board member of Sotsiologija i sotsialnaja antropologija (Russian) 2015 Editorial Board member of Vestnik Instituta Sotsiologii RAN (Russian) 2011 Editorial Board Member of Östforum 2009- (Norway/Nordic)
 Editorial Board Member of Ekonomitsheskie i sotsialnye peremeni 2008 Member of Steering Committee of Transition Studies Review (Springer/Wien) 2008 Editorial Board Member of Mir Rossii (Universe of Russia) 2006-2013
 Chair of Kikimora Publications 1996-
Editorial Board Member of Sovershenno sekretno. Lubjanka – Stalinu o polozhenii vv
v strane 1922-1934 2008-2009
Editor of Acta Sociologica 1985–1987
 more than 340 publications and papers
 Novel: Betonijumalia. Helsinki: Teos, 2009.
 Textbook: Sosiologia ja Venäjä. Helsinki: Tammi, 1998. (Translated as Progress and
Chaos: Russia as a Challenge for Sociological Imagination. Helsinki: Kikimora
Publications, 2002)
 More than 300 papers presented at both international and national conferences and
seminars, dozens of invited keynote presentations
 Chair of the organizing committee of 12 annual Aleksanteri Conferences of the home
 More than 550 interviews in TV, radio and newspapers on issues of Russia and
Eastern Europe
 2014 City of Helsinki Science Award
 2011 Civic Inspirer of the Year, the Helsinki Civic Institute
 2008 Decoration of the Finnish White Rose Knighthood for merits in founding an
academic school of thought and research centre