Kort dansk i bunden af dokument Garden Pulling European Championship Brande / Denmark General infos for all participants pull sequence track 2 Saturday Sunday Showpull 3,5t mod./ 500 kg mod/ 350 kg Stock / 3,6t Supersport 600 kg mod/ 600 kg CD/ 500 kg stock / 45,t Supersport Saturday, Sept. 12 09.00 hrs 10.15 hrs 11.00 hrs 11,45 hrs 12.30 hrs 13.00 hrs 19.00 hrs Sunday, Sept.13 08.30 hrs 08.30 hrs 09.30 hrs 11.00 hrs 17.00 hrs Start tech inspection all Saturday/ Sunday vehicles before the competition start., not later than 12.45 hrs Weightbridge open (closed during driversmeeting) Driversmeeting (closed pit area) mandatory for all drivers, ore replacement, Team Captains, Promotor. Weightbdrige closed Opening ceremony with Drivers (in firesuit) Start Competition on track 2 with 3,5t mod. Show 500 kg modfied GP 350 kg stock GP 3,6t Supersort FP End first day EC pulling 2015 Start Tech inspection (all Sunday not teched vehicles before the competition strts not later than 10.30 hrs Weightbridge open (closed during driversmeeting) Driversmeeting (closed pit area) mandatory for all drivers, ore replacement, Team Captains, Promotor. Start competition with 600 kg modified GP 600 kg Compatdiesel GP 500 kg Stock GP 4,5t Supersport FP End of the EC 2015 Sled are Simply Magic (D) and Unbeatable (NL) Track lenght in .. Stock classes 50 meters + 10 meters by floating finish line modified and diesel 70 meters + 10 meters by floating finish line In the Pull Offs there is a floating finish line at two attempts to achieve a Full Pull prize ceremony immediately after each class protest, which must be in writing and com from a fellow contestand, maybe present by Teamcaptains only, the deposit is 250 Euro (ETPC) Free entrance for the driver and two teammembers Free entrance for the officials including staying in the open pit area The following information is an exerpt from the general info letter ot the ETPC T & S Board to Brande Also valid for all Garden Pullers!!!!! IMPORTANT; PLEASE INFORM YOUR PULLERS: a) all tractors of the day must be tehed in good time before the competition starts, no tech inspection after 12.30 hrs on Sturday and 10.30 hrs on Sunday b) All tractors competing at the EC must present the yearly national inspection forms and photos, concerning clutch and clutch protection and the 2015 national technical inspection form signed by a National Board member or Tech inspector, upon ETPC/ EGPC Tech Inspector's request. c) The killswitch test is mandatory on both days. d) weightbridge be checked Saturday morning, no tolerance on max. weight in class. e) Plastic sheet under the tractor is mandatory in pit-area f) draining water or other liquids on the ground not allowed g) With every pulling vehicle, only 1 truck and 1 car allowed in open pit-area h) no sounds sources as running engines or loud music between 24.00 and 06.00 i) Important: No driving on own power by loading and unloading and in the open pit. j) All flammable liquids must stay in trailers at all times l) The Valtra tape, separating teams and 3 mts. Free spae between the vehicles in open pit MUST be We wihs everybody a good trip to the EC 2015 and look forward to a fair and safe competition! On behalf of the EGPC Board Gaby Kilian Dansk: VIGTIGT; VENLIGST INFORM Puller: a) alle traktorer på dagen skal klargøres i god tid før de konkurrencemæssige starter, ingen tech inspektion efter Kl.12.30 om lørdagen og 10.30 søndag b) Alle traktorer der konkurrerer på EC skal kunne fremvise bevis på de årlige nationale kontroleftersyn i former af logbog og fotos, c) vedrørende kobling og kobling beskyttelse og 2015 national teknisk inspektion formular underskrevet af en synsmand d) Nationale Bestyrelsesmedlem eller Tech inspektør efter ETPC / EGPC Tech inspektørs anmodning. e) c) Killswitch test er obligatorisk på begge dage. f) d) Indvejning kontrolleres lørdag morgen, ingen tolerance på max. vægt i klassen. g) e) Plastic underlag under traktoren er obligatorisk i pit-området h) f) dræning af vand eller andre væsker på jorden er ikke tilladt i) g) Med hver puller køretøjer, kun 1 lastbil og 1 bil tilladt i åbne pit-område j) h) ingen lyd kilder som kører motorer eller høj musik mellem 24.00 og 06.00 i) Vigtigt: Ingen kørsel ved egen kraft ved lastning og losning i det åbne pit. ii) j) Alle brændbare væsker skal opbevares i trailere på alle tidspunkter iii) l) Valtra tape, der adskiller hold og 3 meter. Der skal være afstand mellem køretøjerne i åben Pitområdet Vi ønsker alle en god EC 2015 og ser frem til en retfærdig og sikker konkurrence!
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