Pride I recently saw the film ‘Pride’, an exuberant, uplifting, funny yet deeply moving account of the unlikely alliance that was formed between a small group of London Gay and Lesbian activists and a South Wales pit village during the 1984 miners’ strike. It is a film that is easy to commend to pretty much anyone, especially if you liked ‘The Full Monty’ or ‘Brassed Off’ or if you are fans of Bill Nighy or Imelda Staunton, both of whom, along with the rest of the cast, produce brilliant performances. Much of the comedy, drama and poignancy in the film stems from inhabitants of completely different worlds trying to find common ground across a chasm of initial fear, suspicion and prejudice. Part of the common ground that brings them together is their mutual feeling that they are members of oppressed minorities and victims of repressive policing. Something else they hold in common is the sense of pride that they have in their identities, as miners and as Gay and Lesbians. But as the film develops so too do the relationships between the communities and, without giving too much away, ultimately the story is both a celebration of our common humanity and the principle of solidarity. ‘Pride’ is a concept Christians are rightly wary of. Not for nothing does the Bible and the weight of Christian tradition stress the virtue of humility. After all, we aspire to follow the example of Jesus who ‘though he was in the form of God ……humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death …’ (Philippians Chapter 2). And the very challenge of trying to live a life based on Jesus’ teachings is enough to make anyone humble! However , even if we shy away from self-pride, there is no reason why we cannot, like the miners and the Gay and Lesbian activists in the film, feel pride in our identity; our identity as followers of Jesus Christ . And there is no reason why we should not feel some pride in the difference Christians so often make to their local communities. When a columnist in my local newspaper suggested that the Church of England was ‘ clapped out’ , it was both an easy and satisfying task to write a comprehensive rebuttal of that charge, using local examples of how the Church’ s mission and witness is a force for good. But, as individuals and collectively, we are a work in progress, which will remain unfinished this side of heaven. And I don’t suppose I will have been the only Christian to watch ‘Pride’ and experience a deep sense of regret, that the Church of England still finds it so difficult to embrace those who are Gay, in the way in which those miners did in 1984. Rt. Revd. Clive Gregory Bishop of Wolverhampton 2nd November 2014 Year A God of holiness, your glory is proclaimed in every age: as we rejoice in the faith of your saints, inspire us to follow their example with boldness and joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Readings for today: Revelation 7 9-17 1 John 3 1-3 Matthew 5 1-12 November 15th & 16th Christ Church celebrates 175 years in the community since 1839 For more information please pick up a leaflet, or ask either Heather or John All Souls’ tide Thanksgiving Memorial Services Tonight Holy Trinity 6.00pm Friday 7th November Christ Church 7.30pm Wrekin & Telford Singers Concert of Remembrance in support of Help for Heroes Sunday 9th November Christ Church 6.00pm Admission: £7 Tickets available at the door 30th November Christ Church - 6.00pm Music and Carols for Advent Holy Trinity - 6.30pm Advent Carol Service WELCOME To all who join us for worship this week At services of Holy Communion we invite all full or communicant members of Christ’s church to share with us in the Holy Sacrament. This morning at Christ Church our celebrant and preacher is Revd Heather Page, and at Holy Trinity our celebrant and preacher is Revd Alastair Wood. THIS WEEK’S DIARY Sun 2nd 4th Sunday before Advent All Saints’ Day Mon 3rd at Holy Trinity: Ward; Our For theFor peoples of Syria and and thosemutual Our World: Community: peace, harmony, attempting to our bring peace; For thethose growing respect amongst communities. families on humanitarian problem in West Africa. holiday at this time. Our Departed: World: For Kenneth the peoples of Iraq, Syria, Palestine, The Farrell; Susan Linsey Israel, Afghanistan, Egypt, Russia and the Ukraine, Coles; William Ernest Magrath; Hilda Margaret and especially those attempting to bring peace and Burrowes; reconciliation. Our Church Parish: For Janet, Martin, The work of ourand charities this month: Joyce, Heather, theBlind: Churchwardens, PCC and group Guide Dogs for the The Telford fundraising Ministry during the interregnum. has beenTeam running for a number of years andFor runthe monthly stalls at the Princess Royal and Hospital as well as taking Parish Representatives those who may part in large events suchto asminister the Cosford Air Show. consider a calling in this parish. Mission Aviation Fellowship: A dynamic Christian organisation operating more than 130 aircraft in around 25 countries in the developing world. Flying across hostile environments, they reach the world’s most isolated people. MAF partner with over 1,000 organisations to bring physical and spiritual care to those who need it most. The Departed: Christ Church: Lawrence Pritchard; Irene Caton; John Tomsett; Trevor Preece; Holy Trinity: James Harding; Frank Smith; Mavis Steele; James Pugh; Our Church and Parish: For Alastair, Heather, Joyce and Cerys. Those being baptised at Holy Trinity: For Noah William Lonnon, his godparents, family and friends. th Tuesday 4 November Morning Prayer (CC) 4th 8.30 am 10.00 am 12.30 pm 6.30 pm Morning Prayer (CC) The Eucharist (CC)(AW) Fellowship Group (CC) Office Hour (HT) Wed 5th 8.30 am 9.30 am 12.30 pm 7.00 pm Morning Prayer (HT) The Eucharist (HT)(HP) Staff Meeting (46 Appledore Gardens) Study Group (31 Dee Close) Fri It is time to bring in your Children’s Society box to church for its annual emptying 8.30 am Tue Thu Simon Baverstock; Hilda Dakin; Brian Our Community: For peace, harmony, and Ray Harrison; Peter Humphries; Matthew Hutchings; Hutchings; Sallyamongst Rooney; our Aishling Scott; Jill Scott; Peter mutual respect communities. The Eucharist (CC)(HP) The Eucharist (HT)(AW) Holy Baptism (HT)(AW) Thanksgiving Memorial Service (HT) All Souls’ Day FOR YOUR YOURPRAYERS PRAYERS THIS WEEK FOR THIS WEEK For People: For People: For Dave, Julie, Louise & Richard at Christ Church: Christine Charles Bowley; Alf Collingham; Powell; Brian Harrison; Tranter; Alf Ken Corbett; Margaret Couzens; Ian Easthope; Brian Harrison; Collingham; Joan Yeomans; Ted, Lorna & Celia Hopley; Marlene Hopley; family; Family; Doug Hodson; MargaretPowell Woods; Mary Lucie Rostron; Sylvia Woodhall; Joan Yeomans; James; Jones; Kath Brothwood; Beryl Poole; 9.15 am 11.00 am 12.30 pm 6.00 pm Mission Collections this Month th 7.30 pm Mothers’ Union (HT) th 7.30 pm Remembrance Concert (CC) 6 7 th Sat 8 Sun 9th 3rd Sunday before Advent 9.15 am 11.00 am 12.30 pm 6.00 pm The Eucharist (CC)(AW) The Eucharist (HT)(HP) Holy Baptism (HT)(HP) Thanksgiving Memorial Service (CC) Christ Church Guide Dogs for the Blind Holy Trinity Mission Aviation Fellowship Weekly News If you have items for inclusion in the Weekly News please pass these to Richard Page either on a copy sheet from the back of church or by email to: [email protected] 12.30pm at Christ Church Thursday 6th November 7.30pm at Holy Trinity Christ Church are holding their Christmas Tree Festival in December. If anyone would like to contribute a Christmas Tree it would be very much appreciated. More info from Dill or Thelma How to Contact us Holy Trinity Church Christ Church Churchwardens Holy Trinity Christ Church 253242 New Church Road Wellington Telford TF1 1JX Mr Philip Wyld - 01952 248515 [email protected] Mrs Thelma Davies Mr Richard Page 01952 251388 01952 249165 [email protected] [email protected] 01952 261010 01952 249165 [email protected] [email protected] 01952 223501 [email protected] Clergy The Revd Alastair Wood The Revd Heather Page Reader Mrs Joyce Garbett 273515 Waterloo Road Hadley Hollow Telford TF1 5NX (Vicar) (Curate) To Book Weddings and Baptisms Come to the Church Office at Holy Trinity Church, Hadley on any Tuesday 6.30 ~ 7.15 pm or 273515 or [email protected]
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