KILLEEN & LOUISBURGH NEWSLETTER 02 November 2014 All Soul's Day 1862 098 66198 Masses Louisburgh Church Saturday 01 Nov 7.30 p.m. Carmel Salmon, Month's Mind, and deceased family James O Grady, Month's Mind, Curradavitt and Coventry Sunday 02 Nov 11.30 a.m. Monday 03 Nov 10.00 a.m. Tuesday 04 Nov 10.00 a.m. Wednesday 05 Nov 10.00 a.m. Thursday 06 Nov 10.00 a.m. Friday 07 Nov 11.30 a.m. Saturday 08 Nov 7.30 p.m. Sean and Ellen Gibbons & deceased family, Ballyhip Sunday 09 Nov 11.30 a.m. Mary Ellen & James Sammon and deceased family Masses Killeen Church Sunday 02 Nov 10.00 a.m. James and Nora Kilcoyne, Woodfield Sunday 09 Nov 10.00 a.m. Phil Taylor, 9th anniversary Paddy and Maggie Burke & their son Padraic, Derryheigh & Castlepollard Liturgical Ministries, Nov: Louisburgh Vigil Mass Eucharistic Angela McGuinness, Mary B Durkan, Agnes Cox Reader Mary O Toole Collectors Padraig McHale, Joe Fergus Louisburgh Sunday Mass Eucharistic: Mary O Malley, Francis O Malley, Margaret O Malley Reader Peter O Malley Collectors: Seamus Cusack, Edward O Malley Killeen Sunday Mass Eucharistic Margaret Donnelly Reader Margaret Donnelly Collector Vivien Gibbons Altar Servers Louisburgh: 08 Nov: M Power, C Morrison, R Hutchinson 09 Nov: C Hynes, D O Toole Altar Servers Killeen: 09 Nov: V O Malley, L O Malley Altar Society, November, Louisburgh: Imelda O Grady, Frances Morahan Killeen : Mary O Malley, Ger Scanlon. R.I.P. Please pray for Bridie Harney, New York, (nee McNamara, Collacoon) wife of the late Kevin Harney, The Square, Louisburgh. Louisburgh St. Vincent de Paul: For assistance please contact 087 921 0885 in confidence. 1897 November Masses for the Dead: The lists of the dead will be kept before the altar for November. Those listed will be prayed for at all Masses during November in Louisburgh and Killeen Churches. Please do not leave any offering with these lists. All the dead are prayed for in all Masses. Annual Mass for the Dead in remembrance of all those of our parish who died during the past year will be celebrated on Friday, 21 November, at 7.30 p.m. in Louisburgh Church. Louisburgh Church Opening Times for Winter. In an effort to protect the church building from the cold and damp there will be some changes to the closing times of Louisburgh church during the winter months. Monday to Saturday the church opens at 7.30am and on Sunday opens at 9.00am. The church will remain open until 6.30 p.m. each evening unless there is a scheduled Mass, service, adoration, or choir practice. Handel's Challenge for Mayo: Again this year two of our choir members are taking part in the Handel's Challenge to raise funds for the Mayo Roscommon Hospice and Mayo Mental Health. It will be held in Holy Rosary Church, Castlebar, this Sunday 02 November. Mass for Bereaved Parents: The annual Mass for parents who have lost a child in death, at any age or in any circumstances will take place in St John's Rest and Care Centre, Knock Shrine on Sunday, November 09 at 3.00 p.m. The celebrant will be Fr Colm Kilcoyne and all bereaved parents are welcome. Louisburgh Hospice Support Group Meeting: Wednesday 05 November at 8.00 p.m. in the Parochial Hall. Tidy Towns Litter Pick Rota: Sunday 09 Nov: Kate Petrovic, Patricia Maxwell, Kevin & Nuala Keegan, John Staunton. Bord na nÓg Training in Sancta Maria Gym 07 Nov: 6, 7 and 8 year olds at 7.00 pm and 9, 10 and 11 year olds at 8.00 pm. Bring gum shields and water. Louisburgh NS Parents Association: Would like to thank everyone who contributed to our collection last weekend, Your generosity is very much appreciated and will make a huge difference. Killeen Community Centre; Zumba classes begin from Tue 11 November at 8.00pm. Proceeds of classes to Killeen Playschool. Killeen Community Council AGM: Killeen Community Council will hold their AGM on Wednesday 05 November at 8.00 p.m. Killeen Knitting Group: Meetings begin on Wednesday night 12 November at 8.00 p.m. in the Community Centre, (Crochet and knitting) Beginners welcome. If you have any unloved wool at home bring it along for our swap box. €3 will be collected to cover the cost of the room rent. Tel 086 3859217 for details. Prayers for November: Opening Prayer: Compassionate Lord, someone we love has been taken from us, someone precious and irreplaceable, and we know that there are no words that we can say at this moment to express what we are feeling, no words can alleviate our sorrow or take away our pain. So we turn to you to express the grief, the pain, the emptiness, the loneliness, the fear, the uncertainty that still at times threatens to overwhelm us. We come bringing these feelings honestly before you and ask for strength in times of darkness. Hold on to us even when we find it hard to hold on to you. Be very near, even when we feel you to be very far away. Support us in the weeks, months and, yes, even the years ahead. Grant us the comfort you have promised, until the time finally comes when we can look back, not just with pain, but with thanksgiving, not just with sorrow but with joy. Intercessions We remember in love those who have died, let us bring our prayers to the God of hope. ✙ For this family that we may never forget those who have died and that through prayer we may remain united with them. Lord hear us. ✙ For those close to death that they may feel the comforting presence of the Lord in their time of need. Lord hear us. ✙ For those we remember today in prayer ...... that we may be re-united with them in the peace of the kingdom. Lord hear us. ✙ For those who mourn, that they be uplifted by the love of friends and family and the power of prayer. Lord hear us. Father in heaven listen to the prayers of your family which we offer in the Spirit, through Christ, Our Lord, Amen. Our Father....Hail Mary....Glory be to the Father... Closing Prayer May the Lord support us all the day long ‘til the shadows lengthen and the evening comes and the busy world is hushed and the fever of life is done. Then in his mercy may He grant us a safe lodging, a holy rest and peace at the last. Amen. Blessing May Almighty God bless us, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Mission Sunday Collection: Total now collected €2,401. Sincere thanks to all for supporting the missions with your prayers and donations. Weekly Collection Envelopes: The weekly envelope collection is used for the upkeep of parish property and the running expenses of the parish. All Catholic adults are asked to contribute according to their means. At present a revised and updated list of contributors is being prepared for 2015. If you have not received envelopes in the past year and would like to contribute during the coming year please return the attached form to the Church or speak with Fr. M Long. Parish of Kilgeever I wish to receive a set of weekly envelopes to help contribute to the upkeep and running of my parish. Name ..................................................... Address ..................................................... ..................................................... Bible Reflection / Study It is proposed to hold a Bible reflection / study group over a number of weeks. (dates to be decided) It is planned to give an oversight of the background to some of the Books of the Bible and how the Bible was actually written. A selected passage will be read, reflected upon and thoughts shared about its relevance to today's world. Pope Francis recently recommended that the bible " is not for putting in a shelf, but rather for having it at hand. It is for reading it often, every day, either individually or in groups...” The bible reflection group will be led by Willie Davitt and a bible will be made available to each person participating. Please fill in the application below and return it to the church next weekend if you are interested. Parish of Kilgeever Bible Study / Reflection group I am interested in learning about the Bible and being part of the Bible Study/Reflection Group. Name ..................................................... Address ..................................................... ..................................................... Notices should be sent to the parochial house or emailed to [email protected] no later than Thursday evening
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