International Politik, Obligatorisk, Efterår 2015 Uge 36 – Introduktion til IP teori og IP historie Forelæsning: Introduktion til IP-disciplinen: De store debatter B Baylis, John, Steve Smith & Patricia Owens. (2014). Introduction. In: John Baylis, Steve Smith & Patricia Owens (ed.), The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations, (6.ed). Oxford University Press, pp. 2-13 B Smith, Steve (2013). Introduction: Diversity and disciplinarity in International Relations Theory. In: Dunne et al. (ed.), International Relations 12 14 Theories, (3.ed). Oxford University Press, pp. 1-13 B Kurki, Milja & Colin Wright (2013). International Relations and Social Science. 13 In: Dunne et al. (ed.), International Relations Theories, (3.ed), Oxford University Press, 1, pp. 14-26. Holdtime: Why Study IR? K1 Jackson, Robert & Georg Sørensen. (2013). Why Study IR? In: Robert Jackson 27 & Georg Sørensen (ed.), Introduction to International Relations, (5. ed.). Oxford University Press, pp. 3-31. Forelæsning: Introduktion til international politisk historie B Amstrong, David. (2014). The Evolution of International Society. In: John Baylis, Steve Smith & Patricia Owens (eds.), The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations, (6.ed). Oxford University Press, pp. 35-49. B Len, Scott. (2014). International history 1900-9., In: John Baylis, Steve Smith & Patricia Owens (eds.), The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations, (6. ed). Oxford University Press, pp. 50-64. 14 15 B Cox, Michael. (2014). From the cold war to the world economic crisis. In: John 14 Baylis, Steve Smith & Patricia Owens (eds.), The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations, (6. ed). Oxford University Press, pp. 65-79. B Hurrell, Andrew. (2014). Rising Powers and the emerging global order. In: 19 John Baylis, Steve Smith & Patricia Owens (eds.), The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations, (6. ed). Oxford University Press, pp. 80-98. Holdtimer: Krigsudbruddet 1914 E Tierney, D. (2011). Does Chain-Ganging Cause the Outbreak of War? International Studies Quarterly, vol. 55, pp. 285–304. E Christensen, T. J. and Snyder, J. L. (2011). Multipolarity, Perceptions, and the Tragedy of 1914. International Studies Quarterly, vol. 55, pp. 305–308. OA Nye, Joseph. (2014). "1914 Revisited?” Project Syndicate OA Allison, Grahan (2014). “Good Year for a Great War?” National Interest . OA Stephen Walt. (2013). “Good News: World War I is over and will not happen again”. Foreign Policy. is_over_and_will_not_happen_again OA Richard Evans (2014) “Before the First World War: What can 1914 tell us about 2014?” The New Statesman. 20 4 2 4 3 6 Uge 37 – Realisme Forelæsning: Klassisk Realisme og Neorealisme E Donnelly, Jack (1992). Twentieth-Century Realism I: Terry Nardin & David R. Mapel ,“Traditions of International Ethics”, Cambridge University Press, pp. 85-111. (E-Book in REX) K2 Carr, Edward Hallett. ([1939] 2001). The Twenty Years’ Crisis, 1919-1939: An Introduction to the Study of International Relations. N.Y.: Perennnial, pp. 89-94 K3 Wæver, Ole. (1992). Introduktion til Studiet af International Politik. Kbh.: Forlaget Politiske Studier, s. 128-133 K4 Waltz, Kenneth N. (1979). Theory of International Politics. N.Y.: Random House, pp. 123-131. E Waltz, Kenneth N. (1988). The Origins of War in Neorealist Theory. I: Robert I. Rotberg & Theodore K. Rab (eds.), The Origin and Prevention of Major Wars. Cambridge University Press, pp. 39-52 (E-Book in REX) K5 Hansen, Birthe. (2011). Unipolarity and World Politics. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 111-126. Holdtime: Anvendelse af klassisk realisme og neorealisme E Rynning, Sten (2011), “Strategic Culture and the Common Security and Defence Policy – A Classical Realist Assessment and Critique”, Contemporary 27 6 6 9 14 15 15 Security Policy 32(3): 535-550 E Wivel, Anders (2008). “Balancing against threats or bandwagoning with power? Europe and the transatlantic relationship after the Cold War”, Cambridge Review of International Affairs 21(3): 289-305. [E-tidsskrift i REX] 16 Forelæsning: Nyere udviklinger af realisme E Rathbun, Brian C. (2008). A Rose by Any Other Name: Neoclassical Realism as 28 the Logical and Necessary Extension of Structural Realism. Security Studies, 17(2), pp. 294-321. (E-journal in REX) K6 Wivel, Anders. (2002). Realismen efter Waltz: Udvikling eller afvikling? Politica, 34(4), s. 431-48 18 Holdtime: Anvendelse af nye udviklinger af realisme E Onea, Tudor. (2012). “Putting the ‘Classical’ in Neoclassical Realism: 25 Neoclassical Realist Theories and US Expansion in the Post-Cold War”, International Relations 26(2): 139-164 E Kirshner, Jonathan (2012) "The tragedy of offensive realism: Classical realism 22 and the rise of China." European Journal of International Relations 18(1): 5375. Uge 38 – Liberalisme Forelæsning: Liberalisme og demokratisk fred B Russett, Bruce (2013): Liberalism I: Dunne et al. (2013), International Relations Theories, (3.ed), Oxford University Press, pp. 113-125 B Tim Dunne (2014): Liberalism, I John Baylis, Steve Smith & Patricia Owens (eds.), The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations, (6.ed). Oxford University Press, pp. 114-123 E Owen, John M. (1994) “How Liberalism Produces Democratic Peace” International Security 19(2): 87-104, 119-125 Holdtime: Demokratisk fred E Sørensen, Georg. (2006). Liberalism of Restraint and Liberalism of Imposition: Liberal Values and World Order in the New Millennium. International Relations, 20(3), pp. 251-272 E Rosato, Sebastian (2003) “The Flawed Logic of Democratic Peace Theory” American Political Science Review 97(4): 585-600 (16 sider) 13 10 24 22 16 Forelæsning: Neoliberalisme og Two-level games E Putnam, Robert (1988):”Diplomacy and domestic politics: the logic of twolevel games”, International Organization 42(3): 427-460 B Sterling-Folker, Jennifer. (2013). Neoliberalism. I: Tim Dunne, Milja Kurki & Steve Smith(eds.), International Relations Theories, (3. ed.). Oxford University Press, pp. 114-131 34 15 K7 Keohane, Robert O. (1989) ‘Neoliberal Institutionalism: A perspective on World Politics’. In Robert O. Keohane (ed.), International Institutions and State Power: Essays in International Relations Theory, Boulder: Westview, pp. 1-19. 20 E Drezner, Daniel W. (2013). “The Tragedy of the Global Institutional Commons”, i Finnemore & Goldstein (eds.), Back to Basics: State Power in a Contemporary World, Oxford; OUP, pp. 1-12 (E-Book REX) (pp. 280-291 original) 13 Holdtime: Den liberale verdensorden og dets institutioner E Ikenberry, G. John. (2008). The Rise of China and the Future of the West Can the Liberal System Survive? Foreign Affairs, 87(1), pp. 23-37 (E-tidsskrift i REX) E Drezner, Daniel W. (2013): “The Tragedy of the Global Institutional Commons”, i Martha Finnemore & Judith Goldstein (eds.), Back to Basics: State Power in a Contemporary World, Oxford; Oxford University Press, pp. 11-20 (E-Book REX), pp. 291-300 (i original) (TRIPS, WMD case-study) 15 12 Uge 39 - Konstruktivisme Forelæsning: Konstruktivisme B Barnett, Michael. (2014). Social Constructivism. I: John Baylis, Steve Smith & Patricia Owens (eds.), The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations, (6. ed). Oxford University Press, pp. 155-168 E Wendt, Alexander. (1992). Anarchy is what States make of it: The Social Construction of Power Politics. International Organization, 46(2), pp. 391425. (E-tidsskrift I REX) Holdtime: Normer og ideer i International Politik E Finnemore and Sikkink. 1998. International norm dynamics and political change. International Organization, 52 (autumn), pp. 887-917. (E-tidsskrift I REX) 15 35 31 Forelæsning: The Practice Turn E Adler Nissen, Rebecca (2014). "Stigma Management in International Relations: Transgressive Identities, Norms, and Order in International Society", International Organization, volume 68 (1), pp. 143-176. E Adler, Emanuel, and Vincent Pouliot (2011). "International practices." International Theory, vol. 3 (issue 1), pp. 1-36. (E-tidsskrift I REX) Holdtime: The Practice Turn E Tannenwald, Nina (1999) The Nuclear Taboo: The United States and the Normative Basis of Nuclear Non-Use International Organization, Vol. 53, No. 3 (Summer, 1999), pp. 433-468 (E-journal in REX) E Adler-Nissen, Rebecca & Vincent Pouliot, (2013): ”Power in Practice: Negotiating the International Intervention in Libya”, European Journal of International Relations, pp. 1-24 (E-journal in REX) 34 37 36 24 Uge 40 – Engelsk Skole og Kritisk Teori Forelæsning: Den engelske skole B Dunne, Tim. (2013). The English School. I: Dunne et al. (2013), International Relations Theories, (3.ed), Oxford University Press, pp. 132-151 K8 Bull, Hedley. [1977] (1995). The Anarchical Society: A Study of Order in World Politics (2. ed.). London: Macmillan, pp. 38-50. Holdtime: Den engelske skoles anvendelse K9 Bull, Hedley. (1984). The Emergence of a Universal International Society. In: Hedley Bull and Adam Watson (ed.), The Expansion of International Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 117-26. B Knudsen, Tonny Brems (2012). ’Den Engelske Skole og den humanitære intervention i Libyen: Legitimitet, dilemmaer og stormagternes rolle’, I: Ditte Friese, Liv Andersson og Gorm Kjær Nielsen (eds.), IP i Praksis - Et værktøj til studiet af international politik, København DJØF, pp. 117-133 Forelæsning: Neomarxisme og Kritisk teori E Cox, Robert W. (1981): ‘Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory’, Millennium: Journal of International Studies, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 126–55 (E-journal in REX) B Hobden, Stephen and Richard Wyn Jones (2014). Marxist theories of international relations: I: John Baylis, Steve Smith & Patricia Owens (eds.), The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations, (6. ed.). Oxford University Press, pp. 141-154 20 13 12 17 30 14 Holdtime: Det kritiske hegemonibegreb E Richard Saull (2012): Rethinking Hegemony: Uneven Development, Historical 16 Blocs, and the World Economic Crisis, International Studies Quarterly, 56(2), pp. 323–338 Uge 41 – Poststrukturalisme, PoCo og feminisme Forelæsning: Poststrukturalisme B Campbell, David (2014). "Poststructuralism", In: Tim Dunne, Milja Kurki & Steve Smith (eds.), International Relations Theories, (3. ed.). Oxford University Press, pp. 223-246 E Jennifer Milliken, 'The Study of Discourse in International Relations: A Critique of Research and Methods', European Journal of International Relations 5:2, 1999. P. 225-254 (E-journal in REX) Holdtime: Diskursanalyse K10 Wæver, Ole. (2002). Identity, communities and foreign policy: Discourse analysis as foreign policy theory. In: Lene Hansen & Ole Wæver (ed.), European Integration and National Identity. London: Routledge, pp. 20-49 B Philipsen, Lise (2012): Diskursanalyse af Human Security, i Andersson, Friese og Kjær Nielsen (eds.), IP i praksis: et værktøj til studiet af international politik. Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag, København, pp. 159-174. 24 30 30 16 B Tickner, Ann J. & Laura Sjoberg (2013): Feminism, I : Tim Dunne, Milja Kurki & Steve Smith (eds.), International Relations Theories, (OUP), 205-222 B Sylvester, Christine (2014): “Post-colonialism,” in: Steve Smith, John Baylis, and Patricia Owens (eds.), The Globalisation of World Politics (OUP), 184-197 18 E Buzan, Barry & Amitav Acharya (2007) "Why Is There No Non-Western International Relations Theory? " International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, 7(3): 287-309 22 Holdtime: Ikke-vestlig IP teori og feminisme E Tickner, Arlene (2003) “Seeing IR Differently: Notes from the Third World”, Millennium, 32 (2): 295-320 E Cohn, Carol. (1987). 'Sex and Death in the Rational World of Defense Intellectuals', Signs, vol., 12(4), pp. 687-718 E Enloe, Cynthia (2014) Bananas, Beaches and Bases (UC Press, 2. ed.), 1-36 (E-book in Rex) 19 26 32 36 Uge 43 – Københavnerskolen og Humanitær Intervention Forelæsning: Nyere sikkerhedsteori K11 Buzan, Barry, Ole Wæver & Jaap de Wilde. (1998). Security: A New Framework for Analysis. Lynne Riener, pp. 21-48. E Buzan, Barry, and Ole Wæver. "Macrosecuritisation and security constellations: reconsidering scale in securitisation theory." Review of international studies 35.02 (2009): 253-276. Holdtime: Københavnerskolens sikkerhedsteori E Vuori, Juha A. "A timely prophet? The doomsday clock as a visualization of securitization moves with a global referent object." Security Dialogue 41.3 (2010): 255-277. K12 Wæver, Ole. (2009). Klimatruslen – en sikkerhedsteoretisk analyse. Tidsskriftet Politik, 12(1), pp. 5-26. Forelæsning: Humanitær intervention B Bellamy, Alex J. and Nicholas Wheeler (2014): Humanitarian intervention in world politics, I: John Baylis, Steve Smith & Patricia Owens (eds.), The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations, (6. ed.). Oxford University Press, pp. 479-494 E Weiss, Thomas. (2004). 'The Sunset of Humanitarian Intervention? The Responsibility to Protect in a Unipolar Era', Security Dialogue, vol. 35(2), pp. 135-153 Holdtime: Libyen-interventionen E Kuperman, Alan J. (2013): 'A Model Humanitarian Intervention? Reassessing Nato's Libya Campaign', International Security, vol. 38(1), pp. 105-136 E Choi, Seung-Whan (2013). What determines US humanitarian intervention? Conflict Management and Peace Science, 30(2), 121-139. 27 24 24 22 16 19 32 19 Uge 44 – Failed States og Politisk Globalisering Forelæsning: Failed States E Rotberg, Robert I. (2002). Failed States in a World of Terror. Foreign Affairs, 81(4), 127-140. E Call, Charles T. (2011). Beyond the ‘failed state’: Toward conceptual alternatives. European Journal of International Relations, 17(2), 303-326. 14 23 Holdtime: Failed States E Piazza, J. A. (2008). Incubators of Terror: Do Failed and Failing States Promote Transnational Terrorism? International Studies Quarterly, 52(3), 469-488. 20 E Mazarr, M. J. (2014). The Rise and Fall of the Failed-State Paradigm. Foreign 9 Affairs, 93(1), 113-121. E Grovogui, Siba N. (2002). Regimes of Sovereignty: International Morality and 24 the African Condition. European Journal of International Relations, 8(3), 315338. Forelæsning: Politisk Globalisering K13 D. Held & A. McGrew (2007). Globalization/anti-globalization. Beyond the 10 great divide. Cambridge: Polity, pp. 1-11. E Justin Rosenberg (2005) (især pp.1-11) i ’Globalization Theory – a post 10 mortem’, International Politics 42, (2–74). E Lovbrand, E. and Stripple, J. (2013) ‘Bringing governmentality to the study of 14 global climate governance’ in Stripple, J. and Bulkeley, H. (eds) Governing the Climate: New Approaches to Rationality, Power and Politics, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 27–41(E-book in Rex) Holdtime: Governmentality, polity og klima E C. Methmann (2011) The sky is the limit: Global warming as global 24 governmentality, European Journal of International Relations, pp. 1-13 E O Corry (2013): ’The Rise and Fall of the Global Climate Polity’, in Bulkeley & J 26 Strippel, Governing the Global Climate. Rationality, Practice and Power. Cambridge: CUP, pp. 219-234 (E-book in Rex) Uge 45 – IPØ Forelæsning: IPØ teori og økonomisk globaliseringen B Woods, Ngaire (2014): “International Political Economy in an age of globalization”, I: John Baylis, Steve Smith & Patricia Owens (eds.), The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations, (6.ed). Oxford University Press, pp. 243-257 14 K14 Broome, André. (2014). Issues and Actors in the Global Political Economy. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 16-31. K15 Ougaard, Morten (2013). Hegemonikrise og kampen om den næste 18 økonomiske verdensorden, Økonomi og Politik, vol. 86(3), s. 3-20. Holdtime: Finanskrisen E Germain, Randall (2009): Financial order and world politics: crisis, change and continuity, International Affairs 85: 4, pp. 669–687 E Woods, Ngaire (2010) “Global governance after the financial crisis: A new multilateralism or the last gasp of the great powers?”, Global Policy 1(1): 5163 19 13 Forelæsning: Udviklingsteori K16 Phillips, Nicola. (2011). Globalization and Development. In: John Ravenhill 34 (ed.), Global Political Economy, (3. ed.). Oxford University Press, pp. 416-449. E Collier, P. (2007): Chapter1: Falling behind and falling apart: The 11 Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries Are Failing and What Can Be Done about It. Cary, NC, USA, Oxford University Press, pp. 3-13 (E-Book in REX) E Woods, Ngaire (2008) “Whose aid? Whose influence? China, emerging donors 17 and the silent revolution in development assistance”, International Affairs 84(6), pp. 1205-1221 Holdtime: Food Security E Mihalache-O’keef, Andreea & Quan Li (2011): “Modernization vs. Dependency Revisited: Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on Food Security in Less Developed Countries”, International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 55, 1, pp. 71–93 (E-journal in REX) E McMichael, Philip & Mindi Schneider (2011): “Food Security Politics and the Millennium Development Goals”, Third World Quarterly, vol. 32(1), pp. 119- 23 21 139 Uge 46 – Udenrigspolitikanalyser: Danmark og EU Forelæsning: Udenrigspolitik teori B Beach, Derek. (2012). Analyzing Foreign Policy, Kapitel 1 (‘Introduction: Analyzing Foreign Policy’), pp. 1-27. E Allison, Graham. (1969). Conceptual Models and the Cuban Missile Crisis. The American Political Science Review, 63(3), pp. 689-718. Holdtime: Dansk udenrigspolitik E Wivel, Anders (2013). “From Peacemaker to Warmonger? Explaining Denmark’s Great Power Politics”, Swiss Political Science Review 19(3): pp. 298-312. (E-tidsskrift i REX) 27 30 15 Forelæsning: Normative Power Europe E Ian Manners (2008), ' The normative ethics of the European Union', International Affairs, 2008, vol. 84, no. 1, pp. 45-60 E Ben Rosamond (2013), 'Three ways of speaking Europe to the world: markets, peace, cosmopolitan duty and the EU's normative power' British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 2013, pp. 1-16 16 17 Holdtime: NPE analyser af EU som international aktør E Gordon, Neve; Sharon Pardo (2015): Normative Power Europe and the Power 12 of the Local, JCMS 2015 Volume 53. No.2 . pp. 416–427 E De Franco, Chiara; Christoph O. Meyer; Karen E. Smith (2015): ‘Living by Example?’ The European Union and the Implementation of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P), JCMS 2015 pp. 1–16 17 Uge 47 - Magttransitioner Forelæsning: Magttransitioner og den post-amerikanske verden E Kugler, Jacek. 2006. “The Asian Ascent: Opportunity for Peace or 7 Precondition for War? International Studies Perspectives 7: 36-42 (7 sider) E Layne, Christopher. 2012. “ This Time It’s Real: The End of Unipolarity and the Pax Americana International Studies Quarterly, 56(1): 203–213 11 E Nye, Joseph S. 2012. “The Twenty-First Century Will Not Be a “Post 3 American World” International Studies Quarterly 56(1): 215–217 E Wohlforth, William C. 2012. “How Not to Evaluate Theories”, International 4 Studies Quarterly 56: 219–222 E Keohane, Robert O. 2012. “Hegemony and After: Knowns and Unknowns in 5 the Debate over Decline” Foreign Affairs 91: 114-118 Holdtime: Kinas Opstigning E Legro, Jeffrey W. 2007. “What will China Want: The Future Intentions of a 20 Rising Power” Perspectives on Politics 5(3): 515-534 E Mearsheimer, John J. 2006. “ China ’s Unp eaceful Rise ". Current History 105: 3 160–162 E Buzan, Barry. 2010. “ China in International Society: Is ‘Peaceful Rise’ Possible?", Chinese Journal of International Politics 3(1): 5-36. 32 Uge 48 – Afslutning Forelæsning: IP disciplinens fremtid og debatten om debatterne B Wæver, Ole (2013): “Still a Discipline After All These Debates?”, I : Tim Dunne, Milja Kurki & Steve Smith (eds.), International Relations Theories, (3. ed.). Oxford University Press, pp. 306-324 (sider 325-327 tæller ikke) E Lake, D. A. (2011), Why “isms” Are Evil: Theory, Epistemology, and Academic Sects as Impediments to Understanding and Progress. International Studies Quarterly, 55: 465–480. E Sil, R. and Katzenstein, . P. J. (2011), De-Centering, Not Discarding, the “Isms”: Some Friendly Amendments. International Studies Quarterly, 55: 481–485 E Nau, H. R. (2011), No Alternative to “Isms”. International Studies Quarterly, 55: 487–491. I ALT obligatorisk pensum 19 16 4 5 1955
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