2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data 27-30 October 2014 • Washington DC, USA Sponsored by IEEE BigData 2014 Program Schedule Washington DC USA Oct 27-30, 2014 Program • • • • October 27, 2014 October 28, 2014 October 29, 2014 October 30, 2013 Keynote Lecture: 60 minutes((about 45 minutes for talk and 15 minutes for Q and A) Main conference regular paper: 25 minutes (about 20 minutes for talk and 5 minutes for Q and A) Main conference short paper: 15 minutes (about 11 minutes for talk and 4 minutes for Q and A) 27-Oct 17:00-20:00 Registration: Ballroom E Foyer 28-Oct 07:30-18:00 Venue: 08:30-08:45 Registration: Hotel Lobby West Ballroom AB (Ba-AB), Ballroom C (Ba-C), Ballroom D (Ba-D), Ballroom E (Ba-E), Ballroom F (Ba-F) Opening and Welcoming Speech Conference Co-Chairs: Charu Aggarwal, Nick Cercone, Vasant Honava Program Co-Chairs: Jimmy Lin, Jian Pei Industry Program co-Chairs: Wo Chang, Raghunath Nambia BigData Steering Committee Chair: Xiaohua Tony Hu (Drexel University) Venue: 08:45-09:45 Ba-AB Session Chair: Keynote Lecture 1: Venue: Ba-AB 09:45-10:00 Coffee Break : Foyer Poster session setup: Ballroom Foyer 10:00-12:30 S1 S2 S3 Visual analytics, time, and space Cloud computing and systems (1) Graphs and networks Ba-AB Ba-C Ba-D Session Chair Venue 12:30-14:00 Lunch Poster session setup: Ballroom Foyer 14:00-16:05 L1 L2 L3 Graphs and networks (1) Scalable systems Storage Ba-C Ba-D Session Chair Venue: 16:05-16:20 Coffee Break 16:20-18:00 L4 L5 L6 Image processing Data streams and time series Regression and machine learning Ba-AB Ba-C Ba-D Session Chair Venue: 18:30-20:30 29-Oct 07:30-18:00 Venue: 08:30-09:30 Registration: Hotel Lobby West Ballroom AB (Ba-AB), Ballroom C (Ba-C), Ballroom D (Ba-D), Ballroom E (Ba-E), Ballroom F (Ba-F) Session Chair: Keynote Lecture 2: Venue: 09:30-10:00 Ba-AB Coffee Break : Foyer Poster session setup: Ballroom Foyer 10:00-12:30 Panel 12:30-14:00 Lunch Poster session setup: Ballroom Foyer 14:00-16:05 L7 L8 L9 Distributed systems Visualization/bioinformatics Cloud computing Ba-AB Ba-C Ba-D Session Chair Venue: 16:05-16:20 Coffee Break 16:20-18:00 L 10 L 11 Privacy and security Graphs and networks (2) Ba-AB Ba-C Session Chair Venue: 30-Oct 07:30-18:00 Venue: 08:30-09:30 Registration: Hotel Lobby West Ballroom AB (Ba-AB), Ballroom C (Ba-C), Ballroom D (Ba-D), Ballroom E (Ba-E), Ballroom F (Ba-F) Session Chair: Keynote Lecture 3: Venue: Ba-AB 09:30-10:00 Coffee Break : Foyer Poster session: Ballroom Foyer 10:00-12:30 S4 S5 S6 Cloud computing and systems (2) Applications Data mining and learning Ba-AB Ba-C Ba-D Session Chair Venue: I Keynote Lectures: 3 Keynote 1: Title: Speaker: Abstract: Short Bio: Keynote 2: Title: Speaker: Abstract: Short Bio: Keynote 3: Title: Speaker: Abstract: Short Bio: I Conference Paper Presentations L 1: Graphs and networks (1) Regular BigD210 Learning to Estimate Pairwise Distances in Large Graphs Maria Christoforaki and Torsten Suel Regular BigD304 Geotagging One Hundred Million Twitter Accounts with Total Variation Minimization Ryan Compton, David Jurgens, and David Allen Regular BigD357 GRAPHiQL: A Graph Intuitive Query Language for Relational Databases Alekh Jindal and Samuel Madden Regular BigD395 PULP: Scalable Multi-Objective Multi-Constraint Partitioning for Small-World Networks George Slota, Siva Rajamanickam, and Kamesh Madduri Regular BigD436 Synergistic Partitioning in Multiple Large Scale Social Networks Songchang Jin, Jiawei Zhang, Philip S. Yu, Shuqiang Yang, and Aiping Li L 2: Scalable systems BigD216 Regular FusionFS: Toward Supporting Data-Intensive Scientific Applications on Extreme-Scale High-Performance Computing Systems Dongfang Zhao, Zhao Zhang, Xiaobing Zhou, Tonglin Li, Ke Wang, Dries Kimpe, Philip Carns, Rob Ross, and Ioan Raicu BigD253 Regular Sparse computation for large-scale data mining Dorit S. Hochbaum and Philipp Baumann BigD306 Regular BASIC: an Alternative to BASE for Large-Scale Data Management System Lengdong Wu, Li-Yan Yuan, and Jia-Huai You BigD336 Regular Facilitating Twitter Data Analytics: Platform, Language, and Functionality Ke Tao, Claudia Hauff, Geert-Jan Houben, Fabian Abel, and Guido Wachsmuth BigD444 Regular Large-scale Distributed Sorting for GPU-based Heterogeneous Supercomputers Hideyuki Shamoto, Koichi Shirahata, Aleksandr Drozd, Hitoshi Sato, and Satoshi Matsuoka L 3: Storage Regular BigD215 Virtual Chunks: On Supporting Random Accesses to Scientific Data in Compressible Storage Systems Dongfang Zhao, Jian Yin, Kan Qiao, and Ioan Raicu Regular BigD271 BurstMem: A High-Performance Burst Buffer System for Scientific Applications Teng Wang, Sarp Oral, Yandong Wang, Brad Settlemyer, Scott Atchley, and Weikuan Yu Regular BigD313 Meeting Predictable Buffer Limits in the Parallel Execution of Event Processing Operators Ruben Mayer, Boris Koldehofe, and Kurt Rothermel Regular BigD398 Effective Caching Techniques for Accelerating Pattern Matching Queries Arash Fard, Satya Manda, Lakshmish Ramaswamy, and John Miller Regular BigD407 Provenance-Based Object Storage Prediction Scheme for Scientific Big Data Applications Dong Dai, Yong Chen, Dries Kimpe, and Rob Ross L 4: Image processing Regular BigD316 Metadata Extraction and Correction for Large-Scale Traffic Surveillance Videos Xiaomeng Zhao, Huadong Ma, Haitao Zhang, Yi Tang, and Guangping Fu Regular BigD360 Structure Recognition from High Resolution Images of Ceramic Composites Daniela Ushizima, Talita Perciano, Harinarayan Krishnan, Burlen Loring, Hrishikesh Bale, Dilworth Parkinson, and James Sethian Regular BigD379 Evaluating Density-based Motion for Big Data Visual Analytics Ronak Etemadpour, Paul Murray, and Angus Forbes Regular BigD421 Locating Visual Storm Signatures from Satellite Images Yu Zhang, Stephen Wistar, Jose A. Piedra-Fernández, Jia Li, Michael Steinberg, and James Z. Wang L 5: Data streams and time series Regular BigD234 Distributed Adaptive Model Rules for Mining Big Data Streams Anh Thu Vu, Gianmarco De Francisci Morales, Joao Gama, and Albert Bifet Regular BigD382 Interpretable Streaming Regression Models with Local Performance Guarantees Ulf Johansson, Cecilia Sönströd, and Henrik Linusson Regular BigD451 Performance Modeling in CUDA Streams - A Means for High-Throughput Data Processing Hao Li, Di Yu, Anand Kumar, and Yicheng Tu BigD445 Regular TRISTAN: Real-Time Analytics on Massive Time Series Using Sparse Dictionary Compression Alice Marascu, Pascal Pompey, Eric Bouillet, Michael Wurst, Olivier Verscheure, Martin Grund, and Philippe CudreMauroux L 6: Regression and machine learning Regular BigD402 Predicting Glaucoma Progression using Multi-task Learning with Heterogeneous Features Shigeru Maya, Kai Morino, and Kenji Yamanishi Regular BigD283 Examination of Data, Rule Generation and Detection of Phishing URLs using Online Logistic Regression Mohammed Nazim Feroz and Susan Mengel BigD454 Regular Large-scale Logistic Regression and Linear Support Vector Machines Using Spark Chieh-Yen Lin, Cheng-Hao Tsai, Ching-Pei Lee, and Chih-Jen Lin BigD465 Regular BayesWipe: A Multimodal System for Data Cleaning and Consistent Query Answering on Structured Data Sushovan De, Yuheng Hu, Yi Chen, and Subbarao Kambhampati L 7: Distributed systems Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular BigD318 Partial Rollback-based Scheduling on In-memory Transactional Data Grids Junwhan Kim BigD337 Main Memory Evaluation of Recursive Queries on Multicore Machines Mohan Yang and Carlo Zaniolo BigD391 Distributed Algorithms for k-truss Decomposition Ming-Syan Chen, Pei-Ling Chen, and Chung-Kuang Chou BigD434 Parallel Breadth First Search on GPU Clusters Zhisong Fu, Harish Dasari, Martin Berzins, and Bryan Thompson BigD471 Optimizing Load Balancing and Data-Locality with Data-aware Scheduling Ke Wang, Xiaobing Zhou, Tonglin Li, Dongfang Zhao, Michael Lang, and Ioan Raicu L 8: Visualization/bioinformatics Regular BigD258 Topic Similarity Networks: Visual Analytics for Large Document Sets Arun Maiya Regular BigD303 Web-based Visual Analytics for Extreme Scale Climate Science Chad Steed, Katherine Evans, John Harney, Brian Jewell, Galen Shipman, Brian Smith, Peter Thornton, and Dean Williams Regular BigD338 Visual Fusion of Maga-City Big Data: An Application to Traffic and Tweets Data Analysis of Metro Passengers Masahiko Itoh, Daisaku Yokoyama, Masashi Toyoda, Yoshimitsu Tomita, Satoshi Kawamura, and Masaru Kitsuregawa Regular BigD277 Random Projection Based Clustering for Population Genomics Sotiris Tasoulis, Lu Cheng, Niko Välimäki, Nicholas Croucher, Simon Harris, William Hanage, Teemu Roos, and Jukka Corander Regular BigD460 Identification of SNP Interactions Using Data-Parallel Primitives on GPUs Can Altinigneli, Bettina Konte, Dan Rujescu, Christian Boehm, and Claudia Plant L 9: Cloud computing Regular BigD380 Combining Hadoop and GPU to Preprocess Large Affymetrix Microarray Data sufeng Niu, guangyu yang, nilim sarma, Melissa Smith, Pradip Srimani, and Feng Luo Regular BigD423 Detecting and Identifying System Changes in the Cloud via Discovery by Example Hao Chen, Sastry Duri, Vasanth Bala, Nilton Bila, Canturk Isci, and Ayse Coskun Regular BigD426 PigOut: Making Multiple Hadoop Clusters to Work Together Kyungho Jeon, Sharath Chandrashekhara, Feng Shen, Shikhar Mehra, Oliver Kennedy, and Steven Ko BigD432 Regular Accurate and Efficient Selection of the Best Consumption Prediction Method in Smart Grids Marc Frincu, Charalampos Chelmis, Muhammad Noor, and Viktor Prasanna BigD244 Regular E-Sketch: Gathering Large-scale Energy Consumption Data Based on Consumption Patterns Zhichuan Huang, Hongyao Luo, David Skoda, Ting Zhu, and Yu Gu L 10: Privacy and security Regular BigD260 Hierarchical Management of Large-Scale Malware Data Lee Kellogg, Brian Ruttenberg, Alison O'Connor, Michael Howard, and Avi Pfeffer Regular BigD294 MR-TRIAGE: Scalable Multi-Criteria Clustering for Big Data Security Intelligence Applications Yun Shen and Olivier Thonnard BigD383 Regular Using Data Content to Assist Access Control for Large-Scale Content-Centric Databases Wenrong Zeng, Yuhao Yang, and Bo Luo ??? Regular L 11: Graphs and networks (2) Regular BigD301 Efficient Breadth-First Search on a Heterogeneous Processor Mayank Daga, Mark Nutter, and Mitesh Meswani Regular BigD419 Clique Guided Community Detection Diana Palsetia, Mostofa Patwary, William Hendrix, Ankit Agrawal, and Alok Choudhary BigD441 Regular Increasing the Veracity of Event Detection on Social Media Networks Through User Trust Modeling Todd Bodnar, Conrad Tucker, Kenneth Hopkinson, and Sven Bilén BigD455 Regular NVM-based Hybrid BFS with Memory Efficient Data Structure Keita Iwabuchi, Hitoshi Sato, Yuichiro Yasui, Katsuki Fujisawa, and Satoshi Matsuoka S 1: Visual analytics, time, and space Short BigD204 The Role of Visual Analysis in the Regulation of Electronic Order Book Markets Mark Paddrik, Richard Haynes, Andrew Todd, William Scherer, and Peter Beling Short BigD217 Preferences over Time noriaki kawamae BigD227 Short Online Temporal-Spatial Analysis for Detection of Critical Events in Cyber-Physical Systems Magnus Almgren, Olaf Landsiedel, Marina Papatriantafilou, and Zhang Fu BigD252 Short In-Situ Visualization and Computational Steering for Large-Scale Simulation of Turbulent Flows in Complex Geometries Hong Yi, Michel Rasquin, Jun Fang, and Igor Bolotnov Short BigD288 Large-Scale Network Traffic Monitoring with DBStream, a System for Rolling Big Data Analysis Arian Bär, Alessandro Finamore, Pedro Casas, Lukasz Golab, and Marco Mellia Short BigD387 Immerive and collaborative data visualization using virtual reality platforms Ciro Donalek, S.G. Djorgovski, Scott Davidoff, Alex Cioc, Anwell Wang, Giuseppe Longo, Jeffrey S. Norris, Jerry Zhang, Elizabeth Lawler, and Stacy Yeh BigD411 Short On Scaling Time Dependent Shortest Path Computations for Dynamic Traffic Assignment Amit Gupta, Weijia Xu, Kenneth Perrine, Dennis Bell, and Natalia Ruiz-Juri BigD413 Short High Volume Geospatial Mapping for Internet-of-Vehicle Solutions with In-Memory Map-Reduce Processing Tao Zhong, Kshitij Doshi, Gang Deng, Xiaoming Yang, and Hegao Zhang BigD431 Short The Adaptive Projection Forest: Using Adjustable Exclusion and Parallelism in Metric Space Indexes Lee Thompson, Weijia Xu, and Daniel Miranker BigD440 Short Low Complexity Sensing for Big Spatio-Temporal Data Dongeun Lee and Jaesik Choi S 2: Cloud computing and systems (1) Short BigD347 Incremental Window Aggregates over Array Database Jiang Li, Hideyuki Kawashima, and Osamu Tatebe Short BigD364 Automated Workload-aware Elasticity of NoSQL Clusters in the Cloud Evie Kassela, Christina Boumpouka, Ioannis Konstantinou, and Nectarios Koziris BigD384 Short Multilevel Partitioning of Large Unstructured Grids Oyindamola Akande and Philip Rhodes BigD392 Short On the Performance of MapReduce: A Stochastic Approach Sarker Ahmed and Dmitri Loguinov Short Short Short Short Short Short BigD428 VENU: Orchestrating SSDs in Hadoop Storage Krish K.R., M. Safdar Iqbal, and Ali Butt BigD438 In-Memory I/O and Replication for HDFS with Memcached: Early Experiences Nusrat Islam, Xiaoyi Lu, Md. Rahman, Raghunath Rajachandrasekar, and Dhabaleswar Panda BigD448 Scaling Up Prioritized Grammar Enumeration for Scientific Discovery in the Cloud Tony Worm and Kenneth Chiu BigD469 In-advance Data Analytics for Reducing Time to Discovery Jialin Liu, Yin Lu, and Yong Chen BigD475 Enabling Composite Applications through an Asynchronous Shared Memory Interface Douglas Otstott, Noah Evans, Latchesar Ionkov, Ming Zhao, and Michael Lang BigD476 k-balanced sorting and skew join in MPI and MapReduce Silu Huang and Ada Fu S 3: Graphs and networks Short BigD225 Random Walks on Adjacency Graphs for Mining Lexical Relations from Big Text Data Shan Jiang and Chengxiang Zhai Short BigD284 MMap: Fast Billion-Scale Graph Computation on a PC via Memory Mapping Zhiyuan Lin, Minsuk Kahng, Kaeser Md. Sabrin, Duen Horng Chau, Ho Lee, and U Kang BigD287 Short Building k-nn graphs from large text data Thibault Debatty, Pietro Michiardi, Olivier Thonnard, and Wim Mees BigD331 Short Empowering users of social networks to assess their privacy risks Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Md Zahidul Islam, and Peter Hough BigD333 Short Matching Approximate Patterns in Richly-Attributed Graphs Robert Pienta, Acar Tamersoy, Hanghang Tong, and Duen Horng Chau Short BigD346 A Unified Approach to Network Anomaly Detection Tara Babaie, Sanjay Chawla, and Sebastien Ardon Short BigD365 Big Data: Myths, Misconceptions and Opportunities Mark Lycett and Asmat Monaghan S 4: Cloud computing and systems (2) Short BigD230 A Cross-job Framework for MapReduce Scheduling Xuejie Xiao, Jian Tang, Zhenhua Chen, Jielong Xu, and Chonggang Wang Short BigD242 Scheduling MapReduce Tasks on Virtual MapReduce Clusters from a Tenant’s Perspective Jia-Chun Lin, Ming-Chang Lee, and Ramin Yahyapour BigD247 Short Rainbow: A Distributed and Hierarchical RDF Triple Store with Dynamic Scalability Rong Gu, Yihua Huang, and Wei Hu BigD259 Short MaPLE: A MapReduce Pipeline for Lattice-based Evaluation and Its Application to SNOMED CT Guo-Qiang Zhang, Wei Zhu, Mengmeng Sun, Shiqiang Tao, Olivier Bodenreider, and Licong Cui BigD264 Short FlexDAS: A Flexible Direct Attached Storage for I/O Intensive Applications Takatsugu Ono, Yotaro Konishi, Teruo Tanimoto, Noboru Iwamatsu, Takashi Miyoshi, and Jun Tanaka Short BigD296 Perldoop: Efficient Execution of Perl Scripts on Hadoop Clusters Jose M. Abuin, Juan C. Pichel, Tomas F. Pena, Pablo Gamallo, and Marcos Garcia Short BigD311 Minimizing Data Movement through Query Transformation Patrick Leyshock, David Maier, and Kristin Tufte Short Short Short BigD315 Evaluating the Performance and Scalability of the Ceph Distributed Storage System Diana Gudu, Marcus Hardt, and Achim Streit BigD350 Analyzing the Language of Food on Social Media Daniel Fried, Mihai Surdeanu, Stephen Kobourov, Melanie Hingle, and Dane Bell BigD362 BigCache for Big-data Systems Michel Roger, Yiqi Xu, and Ming Zhao S 5: Applications Short BigD232 Big Automotive Data - Leveraging large volumes of data for knowledge-driven product development Mathias Johanson, Stanislav Belenki, Jonas Jalminger, Magnus Fant, and Mats Gjertz Short BigD233 On the Impact of Socio-economic Factors on Power Load Forecasting Yufei Han, Xiaolan Sha, Etta Grover-Silva, and Pietro Michiardi Short BigD239 Toward Personalized and Scalable Voice-Enabled Services Powered by Big Data JONG HOON AHNN BigD270 Short A Two-Sided Market Mechanism for Trading Big Data Computing Commodities Lena Mashayekhy, Mahyar Movahed Nejad, and Daniel Grosu BigD310 Short Department of Energy Strategic Roadmap for Earth System Science Data Integration Dean Williams, Giri Palanisamy, Galen Shipman, Thomas Boden, and Jimmy Voyles Short BigD312 Synthetic Data Generation for the Internet of Things Jason Anderson, Ken Kennedy, Linh Ngo, Andre Luckow, and Amy Apon Short BigD324 Learning to Predict Subject-Line Opens for Large-Scale Email Marketing Raju Balakrishnan and Rajesh Parech BigD366 Short Using Geometric Structures to Improve the Error Correction Algorithm of High-Throughput Sequencing Data on MapReduce Framework Wei-Chun Chung, Yu-Jung Chang, D. T. Lee, and Jan-Ming Ho BigD376 Short Knowledge-based Clustering of Ship Trajectories Using Density-based Approach Bo Liu, Erico N.de Souza, Stan Matwin, and Marcin Sydow BigD409 Short Empowering Personalized Medicine with Big Data and Semantic Web Technology: Promises, Challenges, Pitfalls, and Use Cases Maryam Panahiazar, Vahid Taslimi, Ashutosh Jadhav, Amit Sheth, and Jyotishman Pathak S 6: Data mining and learning Short BigD238 Entity Resolution Using Inferred Relationships and Behavior Jonathan Mugan, Ranga Chari, Laura Hitt, Eric McDermid, Marsha Sowell, Yuan Qu, and Thayne Coffman Short BigD291 Dynamic Pre-training of Deep Recurrent Neural Networks for Predicting Environmental Monitoring Data Bun Theang Ong, Komei Sugiura, and Koji Zettsu BigD293 Short Scaling up M-estimation via sampling designs: the Horvitz-Thompson stochastic gradient descent Stéphan Clémençon, Bertail Patrice, and Emilie Chautru BigD327 Short Metadata Capital: Simulating the Predictive Value of Self-Generated Heatlh Information (SGHI) Jane Greenberg, Adrian Ogletree, Angela Murillo, Thomas Caruso, and Herbie Huang Short BigD339 Bootstrapping K-means for Big data analysis Jungkyu Han and Min Luo Short BigD343 Representative Subsets For Big Data Learning using k-NN graphs Raghvendra Mall, Vilen Jumutc, Rocco Langone, and Johan Suykens Short BigD356 Towards Building and Evaluating a Personalized Location-Based Recommender System Rubing Duan BigD361 Distributed Adaptive Importance Sampling on Graphical Models using MapReduce Ahsanul Haque, Swarup Chandra, Latifur Khan, and Charu Aggarwal BigD401 PGMHD: A Scalable Probabilistic Graphical Model for Massive Hierarchical Data Problems Khalifeh Aljadda, Mohammed Korayem, Camilo Ortiz, Trey Grainger, John Miller, and William York BigD410 Distributed Class Dependent Feature Analysis - A Big Data Approach Khoa Luu, Chenchen Zhu, and Marios Savvides Short Short Short Panel: “Big Data Projects Funding: Challenges and Opportunities” Panelists: (1), Moderator: “ Panel Statement: Bios of Panelists
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