Ch!" # King Pa!$ The Home of Catholic Campus Ministry 1400 Gerald Avenue, Missoula, MT 59801 406.728.3845 † The Feast of All Souls † November 1-2, 2014 Our$Missionaries$Have$Answered$the$Call,"" Will$You?$ SUPPORT"ANNUAL"CATHOLIC"APPEAL"2014"" The" people" of" Guatemala" are" faced" with" many" challenges." The" severe" poverty" makes" it" difficult"to"meet"basic"nutritional"and"clean"water"needs,"and"limits"access"to"education"and" medical" care." However," the" Mission" of" the" Diocese" of" Helena" located" in" Santo" Tomas" la" Unión" has" built" a" school," a" medical" clinic" and" a" number" of" churches," which" have" dramatically" improved" the" lives" of" the" people." Gifts" to" the" 2014" Annual" Catholic" Appeal" will"allow"our"missionaries"to"continue"to"provide"education,"health"care"and"catechesis"to" over"50"communities"in"the"Boca"Costa"region"of"Guatemala."Our"missionaries"are"grateful" for"your"financial"support."" ACA funds cannot and will not be used for lawsuits, fees or bankruptcy. To give to the ACA, use a commitment envelop found in the church, or to give online go to or scan this with your smart phone. ! Liturgy Schedule Sunday’s Readings Saturday at 5:15 PM Sunday at 9:00 AM, 11:15 AM & 6:30 PM Mon., Tues., Thurs., & Fri. at 12:10 PM, Wednesday on Campus at 12:10 PM Reconciliation Saturdays at 4:30 PM (and by appointment) Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed Wis 3:1-9; Rom 5:5-11; Jn 6:37-40 Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; 1 Cor 3:9c-11,16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Office Hours Mon. – Thurs. 9 AM - noon & 1-4 PM Fri. 10 AM - 2 PM Pastoral Team – 728-3845 Colleen Rosbarsky, Secretary Richard Bishop, Liturgy and Director of Music Colleen Biehl, Sacramental Preparation Patti Cassidy, RE Coordinator Fr. Jeff Fleming, Pastor Fr. Brian Bergeron, Associate Pastor Kevin Molm, Campus Minister Kirsten Hangas, Strengths and Engagement George Lund, Youth Ministry Coordinator Cathy Schwenk, Office Manager Ann Schellinger, RN, Parish Nurse ext 0 ext 230 ext 232 ext 228 ext 223 ext 224 ext 226 ext 225 ext 231 ext 222 ext 227 Parish Pastoral Council Email: [email protected] Carol Buerman, Maribeth Johnson, Catie Kohler, Brian Moe, Joe Perine, Jim Polsin, Kathy Polzin, Shirley Sweeney Parish Finance Council Email: [email protected] Kevin Fredenberg, Scott Johnson, Marilyn Ryan, Al Pontrelli, John Tabaracci, Sara Streeter, Kim Vuckovich Missoula Catholic Schools St. Joseph Elementary School Loyola Sacred Heart High School St. Joseph Early Education 549-1290 549-6101 549-7648 Weekly Events Monday, November 3 Mass-for the intention of the donor 12:10 PM Baptism Prep 6:30 PM Tuesday, November 4 High School Bible Study 6:30 AM Martha Ministry 9:00 AM Mass- for the intention of the donor 12:10 PM Benedictine Group 5:15 PM RCIA 7:00 PM Wednesday, November 5 Mass at UM- for the intention of the donor 12:10 PM Parish Nurse Hours 1:00-3:00 PM Young Adult Bible Study 5:15 PM Evening Prayer 5:30 PM Women’s Autumn Spirituality 7:00 PM Pastoral Council Meeting 7:00 PM Choir 7:00 PM Men’s Prayer Group 8:00 PM Thursday, November 6 Café Catholicism 10:00 AM Faith in Practice 10:30 AM Mass-for the intention of the donor 12:10 PM First Reconciliation Prep 6:30 PM Friday, November 7 Men’s Breakfast Group 6:30 AM Mass – for the intention of the donor 12:10 PM Saturday, November 8 Mass- for the intention of the donor 5:15 PM Stewardship of Treasure With gratitude for the gifts they have received, parishioners and guests have made a joyful return to the Lord of the following: October 26, 2014 Amount gratefully received: $5724.79 This fiscal year’s weekly goal: $7059.00 Weekly average to date: $6246.92 What Return Shall I Make to " Lord? P SALM 116 Making Sense of the Various Appeals, Priorities, Needs Regular Parish Support Offertory Annual Catholic Parish Capital Campaign Retiring Our Debt Appeal National Collections To provide funding for our parish and our ministerial and operational needs To provide yearly operational support for diocesan ministries and programs To provide funding to pay off our parish’s debt on building To provide funding for charitable and social welfare work at home and abroad Weekly stewardship offerings from our parishioners remain in our parish. They support our parish needs such as programs for spiritual formation; staff salaries and benefits; facilities needs like heat, lights, insurance; and outreach to those in need. The Diocese of Helena’s Annual Catholic Appeal supports the array of diocesan programs, including social outreach, faith formation, pastoral outreach, media communications, diocesan tithing, world wide Church needs, and support for vocations. In the spring of 2013, we launched a new campaign to retire our debt by the parish’s 50th Anniversary celebration in 2016. If pledges continue to come in as scheduled, we should reach our debt free goal by 2016. Eight national collections take place in our parish throughout the year. These collections are: Peter’s Pence, Operation Rice Bowl, Black & Indian Missions, Catholic Relief Services, Catholic Home Missions, World Mission Sunday—Propagation of the Faith, Catholic Campaign for Human Development and the Retirement Fund for Religious. Your support allows our parish to exist and thrive and we thank you! It also includes support for our very own Catholic Campus Ministry. Your gift is held separately from other assets of the Diocese and used SOLELY to support appeal funded ministries. We gratefully accept gifts to help retire our debt and endow a building maintenance fund to cover future maintenance expenses. As a result of our status as a mission diocese, many of our parishes and communities are recipients of funding from three of these collections. Grow - rship Wo n Con ect - ve Christ the King Parish ! Home of Catholic Campus Ministry CTK SPIRITUAL NEEDS ASSESSMENT - FALL 2014 As part of our on-going work to build engagement (a sense of belonging, connection, and commitment) in our parish community, this last September we surveyed the commuity to understand members' spiritual needs. And this is what you told us! are - Ser Sh Think about your life. How would you describe your relationship with God? What would help your spiritual needs be met in our parish? What helps you grow spiritually? Additional comments and information can be found on our website soon. If you would like more information about our on-going path to engagement, please contact Kirsten Hangas in the parish office at 728-3845 ext. 225 or email her at [email protected]. Belonging leads to Believing! Transform November into a Month of Thanksgiving Very soon Americans will celebrate the Thanksgiving holi- days; a time where so much is devoted to sumptuous meals highlighted by turkey and pumpkin pie, traveling to and from the ancestral home, enjoying family, feasting on leftovers, seeing a Thanksgiving Day parade and watching football. Perhaps this November we might allow Thanksgiving to permeate our lives for more than just a day. How about the entire month? For many of us, Thanksgiving Day is so full of activity that there is a tendency to forget what’s at the heart of Thanksgiving, offering our thanks to God for the many gifts that have been bestowed upon us. Although sometimes the reason for the holiday is forgotten in our secular culture today, good stewards of their life and faith recognize that Thanksgiving should be directed primarily in God’s direction. Because the “busyness” of Thanksgiving Day can eas- ily distract us from slowing down to a pace more suitable to adequately expressing our gratitude to God, perhaps this November we might allow Thanksgiving to perme- ate our lives for more than just a day. How about the entire month? Expressing gratitude is at the heart of good stewardship. So, let ’s dedicate a little time each day in November to giving thanks for our blessings. Gracious and loving God, as the autumn season continues its transformation; and the days become shorter, the earth cooler; as we anticipate joining family and friends in joyful celebration on Thanksgiving Day, we pause to give You thanks and praise for the abundant blessings You have bestowed upon us: For life and health, safety and comfort, food and nourishment, we are sincerely grateful. Through your Spirit, open our hearts so that we may be even better stewards of these rich and unmerited gifts. Show us how to be a blessing for the poor, sick, lonely and all who suffer. And help us nurture the gift of faith, revealed to us by your Son, Jesus Christ, our greatest gift, who reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen. Begin with November 1 and 2, All Saints Day and All Souls Day. Spend a few minutes each of those days thanking God for all the people in your life who have gone before you. Then, each day thereafter, set aside a few minutes to remember all that God has given you and say “Thank you.” Take part of a day and walk or hike down a wood- land path. Express your gratitude for the beauty of God’s autumn creation. Take a minute each day to thank the people in your life who matter to you. Tell them you’re thankful for them. Drop someone a note, place a short phone call or even text them! Telling people you’re thankful for them will enrich your life as well as theirs. Take a minute each day to thank the people in your life who matter to you. Make a point to attend at least one Mass outside the regular weekend Masses. Going to Mass on Thanksgiv- ing morning is an excellent way to enrich that holiday. As a community of faith, we know that giving glory to God in this way is an important aspect of our communal life of faith. Transform the month of November into a month of Thanksgiving. If you do, you will find your celebration of Thanksgiving Day a more richer and fuller experience than you could have imagined. In fact, you might just discover that your overall happiness with life improves. May this month of Thanksgiving be a time when we not only say “Thank You” to God, family and neighbor, but a time when our hearts draw us much closer to the Lord. The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) ~ November 1/2, 2014 In today’s Gospel we envision a crowd following Jesus, seek- ing him. He invites them to embrace faith in himself and his Father in heaven and share in their eternal life. He comes right out and says that no one who comes will be rejected, reminding us that even those who feel estranged from God or the Church are welcomed. Good stewards know that ev- eryone can be raised up if they accept the Father’s will, and in turn, use the gifts God has given them to further Christ’s work. This promise gives us hope. The stewardship question is: Are we true seekers of the Lord? Do we genuinely desire a relationship with Christ? Are we willing to follow him? Gratitude is the soul of stewardship ! ! ! Jr. High Rally Grace & Blessings Family Mealtime Prayer Booklet for your family table. Available for download at or pick one up from Patti. Nov 8 in Butte Late registration still available. Bring a friend. More info at or contact George at [email protected] Our Sunday Nursery Now Staffed! …During & between both AM liturgies. Welcome Audrey Brosnan, Maureen Galen, Jessica Diepstraten, Bridgette Bannick, and Tiffany Folkes as our new nursery attendants. They have completed their Safe Environment Training and are ready, willing and able to care for our wee ones on Sunday mornings - and other times during the month. Be prepared to complete some paperwork when you bring your infants through preschoolers to the nursery for the first time. Kindergartners and older children are encouraged to participate in Children’s Liturgy of the Word during Mass. We will offer child care for other events which will be open to school age children as well. “May!we!help!people!to!discover!the!joy!of!the! Christian!message:!a!message!of!love!and! mercy.”!!!! ~!Pope!Francis First R econciliation Learning Centers for Families preparing for First Reconciliation & Eucharist are Thurs, Nov 6. at 6:30 p.m. Childcare provided. Questions of the Week: Adults: How have those you have known who have died taught you how to live a holy life? Children: How can those who died help us learn to be more like Jesus? Ask an adult to tell you stories of someone they knew. Fair Trade Coffee and Chocolate available in Lower Center. Check out this recent article about “Just Coffee” Youth M inistry This W eek: ~ HS Youth Group, Sun, Nov 2, 7:30PM ~HS Bible Study Tues, 6:30 a.m. at Break Espresso ~HS “YOUCat Chat” Tues, 11:00AM at Loyola Sacred Heart Café Catholicism Thursdays @ 10:00-11:30 AM, is open to all adults. We’re exploring different topics for the next several weeks using “Nooma” video series by Rob Bell. ! Safe%Environment% The%diocese%of%Helena%is%firmly%committed% to%the%safety%and%protection%of%our% children%and%young%people.%%To%report% allegations%of%sexual%abuse%or%to%obtain% information%regarding%the% implementation%of%the%“Charter%for%the% Protection%of%Children%and%Young%People,”% email%[email protected]% or%call%Helen%Beausoleil,%the%victim’s% advocate,%at%406J459J0513% If your child is behind on his or her Sacraments (Reconciliation and Eucharist) and you’d like to get them caught up, please contact Colleen Biehl in the parish office, at 728-3845 ext 232, or [email protected] Stay connected to your parish and your faith. If you’re on Facebook, like “Chirst the King Parish” and “CTK Youth Ministry.” Check out our website at Let us know how we can better serve you through technology. Your suggestions are always welcome. For more information on items on this page, contact Patti Cassidy, Director of Faith Formation [email protected] 728-3845 x228 ! THANK YOU! DR. ERIC TREVELLINE We appreciate the support of our business partners such as Dr. Eric Trevelline, whose ad appears on the back page of the bulletin. It is through their sponsorship that we are able to pay for the printing of the bulletin and our Liturgy sheets. BAPTISM PREP The next Baptism Prep class will be Monday November 3rd at 6:30 PM for any parents who want to have their infant or child under age seven to be baptized. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEWLY BAPTIZED! ACE ANDERSON- OCTOBER 19 ROBERT JARVIS- OCTOBER 25 ECUMENICAL MOVEMENT TALK Dr. Susan K. Wood, SCL, President, Catholic Theological Society of America will present “The Gift and Challenge of the Ecumenical Movement Today” on Tuesday November 4th at 7:00 PM at Blessed Trinity Catholic Church, 1475 Eaton Street. Dr. Wood, a Sister of Charity of Leavenworth, Kansas is professor and former department chair of the Department of Theology and Marquette University. She received her doctorate in systematic theology from Marquette University. WALK TO BETHLEHEM We are now in our fifth week of our Walk to Bethlehem. Please continue logging up miles and do know that you are welcome to begin the walk at any time. All miles count toward our goal, so every mile matters. All those young, old and in between please join us on our journey. FAITH IN PRACTICE Please join us on Thursday mornings at 10:30 AM for fellowship, prayer and discussion. November 6th: “Strengths Finder” SANTA SAKS How cold is it, if you sleep outside? Help the homeless this winter by packing backpacks at Santa Saks, 1005 SW Higgins Ave. from 12:30-2:30 PM on Sunday November 16th. For more information contact Kevin at 406-207-1660 or visit our website at Our greatest need is Men’s winter coats in sizes Large and Extra Large. Please bring your new or gently worn coats to place in the donation bin at the church for the next three weekends. CATHOLIC CAMPUS MINISTRY CCM is seeking volunteers to pray during the SEARCH retreat. If you are able and willing to spend an hour in prayer at any point from Friday November 7-9, please contact Kevin Molm to sign up. Email Kevin at [email protected] or call him at 406-207-1660. Please remember in your prayers those who have died recently. GIVING TREE If you have any needs that you would like placed on Christ the King’s Giving Tree or Angel Tree or if you know of a family in the parish that may have needs, please contact the parish office at 728-3845 by November 20th. Ray Howard Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them, O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. !
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