Document 397984

Padbury Catholic PRIMARY School
30 October 2014
Number 17
29th P & F Meeting
31st Merit Assembly
OLM Parish Dance
1st All Saints Day
2nd All Souls Day
4th Yr 1 Liturgy
5th 4B Joondalup Songfest
6th Parent Forum 6.30pm
7th 2015 Kindy Parent Orientation
2F Class Assembly
Icy Pole Day
10th 2015 Kindy Gecko Orientation
11th Remembrance Day Yr 6
2015 Kindy Wallaby
12th Board Meeting
14th Merit Assembly
18th Yr 2 Liturgy
21st Christ the King—
Assembly Yr 3 2.30pm
St Vincent de Paul Christmas
Hamper items due today
26th Annual General Community
9404 4080
Feasts of All Saints and All Souls – 1st & 2nd November
These two special days remind us that God
has a special plan for everyone. Before we
were born, God willed for us to live with
Him forever. When we were baptized, we
became part of a special family called the
communion of saints, who share in Jesus’
gift of His holiness. The saints are people
who said “yes” to God’s plan for them and
are now in heaven. Some were children and
young people, some were mothers and
fathers, some were monks, priests or nuns,
and some were single people. On All Saints
Day we praise and thank God for what He has done for us through these holy people. We ask
the saints to pray for us that we might love our God and neighbour the way Jesus taught us.
On All Souls Day, we pray for all people who have died. We ask God to bring them to the
joyful banquet of heaven to be with God and the saints forever.
God our Father,
by our Bapsm, you made us your holy people and called us to share in the joy of
your saints. By their help and example, you guide us to live for others as Jesus
taught us. May their prayers strengthen and comfort us as we follow Jesus to his
promise of everlasng life.
We make this prayer to you in His name.
Dear Parents, friends and students,
Parish AGM—On the 21st of October Maura Killalea and I attended the Parish
AGM. It was a wonderful opportunity to highlight the connection between our
school and the parish and acknowledge all of those that work hard to ensure
the parish and school community are one. It is one of the times where we can
say thank you to Fr Joseph and Fr Renald for the exceptional work they do for
our school and to acknowledge how they bring the love of Jesus into the hearts
of us all. The Parish staff were also acknowledged as they too work tirelessly to
keep us informed and make us truly feel a part of the Church.
Padbury AGM Change of Date—Please be aware that the Padbury Catholic
Primary School AGM Date has changed to the 26 of November. I
apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding. The AGM
will be held in the Hall at 7pm and will conclude with light refreshments. We
appreciate your support of this event and look forward to sharing the
outstanding year we have had with our community. Thank you also to those
that have nominated for a position on the School Board. Nominations are still
open until 4th November.
O’Leary Road, Padbury WA 6025
Telephone (08) 9404 4000 Facsimile (08) 9307 7533
Email:[email protected] Website:
Rainbows wrap up—Thank you to Jenny Rea for coordinating another important
year of the Rainbows program. The program supports students who have
experienced a loss in their lives in many ways and it is important in helping them
through the grief process. Thank you also to the staff, including
Mrs Papasergio, Mrs Hutcheson and Mrs Sharpe for their dedication to the
program and most importantly our students who took part in this program throughout this year.
Interschool Athletics—Once again the school was represented at the Regional Interschool Athletics
Carnival. Padbury put in a strong showing and were competitive in all events. John Hignett put in a huge
effort into preparing the team and was busy on the day organising the whole event. We are blessed to have
such passionate staff at Padbury and John certainly is one of those passionate staff members. Thank you to
the parents and students for their support.
Duty of Care after school—Parents can I ask for your support in caring for our students before and after
school. At Padbury we welcome the community to gather after the siren to develop relationships and connect
with other families. This is one of the strengths of our school. I ask that you are vigilant in monitoring your child
or the children you are collecting at the end of the day. If they are playing anywhere on the school grounds
you are responsible for their duty of care. I appreciate your support in ensuring the safety of our children.
Facebook—I encourage you to join the PCPS P&F Facebook group so you can keep abreast of events and
give feedback to the school. Check out the latest post about what it is like joining Padbury for new families.
NEITA Awards—We are blessed to have outstanding teachers at our school and one of these has been
recognised for their efforts. Ms Natasa Bebich has been selected as one of 60 State and Territory Award
recipients in the 2014 ASG National Excellence in Teaching Awards. NEITA received more than 1000
nominations from school communities across the country this year and Ms Bebich was selected from 120
finalists. Congratulations Natasa for this outstanding effort.
Fr Joe Birthday—Fr Joe celebrated his birthday last week and all of us here at Padbury would like to wish
him all the very best for this special day.
School Front Entrance—With the artistic design of Kate
Howard, the assistance of Mrs Megan Woodall and the art
work created by each one of our students here at Padbury
Catholic the front entrance of our school has been
transformed. We have received much positive feedback about
this fantastic work of art. Well done to all who were involved
as this activity demonstrated how the core value of
Togetherness can produce such a magnificent result.
The front wall of the school looks fantastic thanks to Kate’s artistic
vision (and hard work!)
Well done to Kate and all the staff for brightening up the school and
making the entrance so welcoming!
Mitch Bristow
Acting Principal
Planning on leaving……
Our school has a wonderful reputation and as such we have
many families looking to enrol their children at Padbury
Catholic Primary School.
If you are planning on leaving our school community please
let us know in advance by emailing us on
[email protected].
2015 School Board Nominations
There will be vacancies on the School Board at the end of this year. If you would like to
become involved in the needs and wellbeing of the School, you may like to consider becoming
a member of the 2015 School Board.
The School Board functions include:
· Planning for the present and future operation of the school.
· Assisting on selection panels for the employment of school staff.
· Managing all finances associated with the school.
Criteria for Membership to the School Board:
· Possession of an enthusiasm for and the willingness to promote Catholic Schooling.
· A deep interest in the welfare of all students and staff.
· A desire to give service to the Padbury Catholic School Community.
· An ability to work co-operatively and constructively with all other members of the Board
and School Principal.
· Sufficiency of time (at least one 3-4 hour meeting per month) to devote to Board duties.
· An ability and desire to uphold confidentiality in Board matters.
· Possession of special skills that will be an asset to the Board.
Please complete the tear off slip below if you would like to nominate to become a School
Board Member for 2014.
An election for the Board Positions will be held at the School Board AGM, on Tuesday, 18
November, 2014. If you would like further information on the role of Board members please
contact Mitch Bristow, Acting School Principal..
Nominations are now invited from persons interested in serving on the School Board. The
School Board meets monthly. At the end of this year, there will be a number of Board
positions up for nomination. The successful candidates will be required to serve a two year
Name: …………………………………………..
Contact Number……………………………….
Eldest child at PCS…………………..……
Nominations need to be forwarded to the school office by
4th November 2014
Special celebrations in the Church….
All Hallows' Eve falls on 31st October each year, and is the day before All Hallows' Day, also known
as All Saints' Day in the Christian calendar. The Church traditionally held a vigil on All Hallows' Eve
when worshippers would prepare themselves with prayers and fasting prior to the feast
day itself.
The name derives from the Old English 'hallowed' meaning holy or sanctified and is now
usually contracted to the more familiar word Hallowe'en.
The Solemnity of All Saints celebrated on November 1. It is a holyday of obligation, and
it is the day that the Church honours all of God's saints, even those who have not been
canonized by the Church. It is a family day of celebration — we celebrate the memory
of our family members (members of the Mystical Body, the communion of saints) now
sharing eternal happiness in the presence of God. We rejoice that they have reached
their eternal goal and ask their prayers on our behalf so that we, too, may join them in
heaven and praise God through all eternity.
The Christian life is a journey with others. We travel together, sharing our lives, our
hopes and fears. With joy, but also with a touch of sadness, we remember our family and friends who
have moved ahead of us on the road through death. Together we thank you for the gift of their lives
shared with us. In letting them go to You, we celebrate the goodness of your promise that they will be
with You forever. May we also remember the presence of the Holy Spirit, guiding where you will, forming
and leading the lives of all your people.
Our Padbury Catholic Primary School has always been very generous when asked to support families less
fortunate than us. As such once again we will be supporting the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal. Each
class has been asked to help by donating food items for hampers.
To ensure that the hampers have a variety of food items to provide a meal on Christmas Day, we are asking
each year level to bring in different items.
Year Level
Suggested Food Item to Donate
Bags of Lollies, packets of jelly, popcorn
Packets of biscuits, sweet or savoury, or bags of chips
Tinned Fruit, fruit salad, peaches, apricots, pears, etc
Tinned Vegetables – beetroot, corn, peas, carrots etc
Christmas cakes or puddings
Tinned meats – ham, tuna, corned beef etc
Gravy powder, custard powder, long life milk, Instant coffee, tea
Drinks- cordial, Fruit juice, soft drink
Fruit mince pies, Christmas crackers
Please place food items in the basket in your child’s classroom by Friday 21st November, Week 6. This will
enable time for the St Vincent De Paul volunteers to put the hampers together before Christmas. Thankyou for
your support and hopefully we can make many extra families smile this Christmas.
Booklists 2015
Just a friendly reminder that all book lists for 2015 are due 17th November and you will receive free
delivery. Your home delivery will be dispatched the week ending 19th December.
Any orders being returned to Campion by mail must be received two days prior to the cut off date to
ensure your order does not incur a late fee.
Last Thursday night we took our team of spellers to the annual interschool spelling bee which was held at
St Stephens Carramar.
Year 4 representatives were Leoni Burnley, Kirby
Watson and Allysa Dehne.
Year 5 representatives were Jayden Ghai, Tanika
Peverall and Niamh Gollan.
Year 6 representatives were Callum O'Shea, James
Hodges and Anna Lewis.
Congratulations to Allysa Dehne and Anna Lewis who
beat the 21 students from the 7 schools in this area to
gain 1st place! This gave us 6 points toward the overall
trophy which we narrowly took out over Francis Jordan
Catholic. This is the 4th year in a row Padbury have won
this event and the trophy will be on display in the office
for a couple of weeks.
The final ICAS results for 2014 have arrived! They all did their best and we have achieved some terrific results.
Special mention should be made of the following results:
YEAR 3 – Merit – Patrick Hackett, Trent Johnson, Sienna Thomson.
Credit – Julia Buswell, Gabriel Pereyra, Liam Scott, Kylie Sheppard, Samya Sirohi, Jed Walton, Bailey Snelling.
Distinction – Tristan Tan, Sophie James.
YEAR 4 – Merit – Jasmine Gerard, Luke Sprigg.
Credit – Joel Bayntun, Leoni Burnley, Riley Hill, Jeff Lui, Matthew Mackenzie.
Distinction– Meaghan Emery, Alex Sorensen.
Year 5 – Merit – Jacob Gibson, Trent Wilson.
Credit – Darcy Hunt, Alex Banducci, Belinda Gill, Ryan Lowry, Luke McIntosh, Monica Olea, Michael
YEAR 6–Merit – Kate Axworthy, Matthew Clynk, Imogen Durell, Matthew Grinceri, Euan Hough, Kade
Credit – Harper Baron-Hay, Alex Dijkhuizen, James Hodges, Kristen Parotte, Mitchell Simpson, Madison
Snelling, Joseph Warr.
You are welcome to get a copy of this test or any of the previous tests from me on a Thursday or Friday to go
through your child’s results. This is the last ICAS test for this year. I look forward to you all participating again
next year.
Tanya Atherton – Extension Teacher
Last Thursday and Friday our students competed in the annual NIPSSA Interschool Athletics carnival. On
Thursday, they competed at Charles Riley Reserve in the jumps, throws and 800m events. On Friday, we
competed at JSR in the sprinting and team games. As usual our students competed with fantastic spirit and
enthusiasm. The final scores were:
St Marks
St Stephens
John Septimus Roe
Peter Moyes
Francis J ordan
Thankyou to Mr Randazzo and Miss Bellombra who assisted with coaching and marshalling over the two
days. Thankyou to Mr Currell who assisted with the transportation of our school tent and to the other parents
who supported us on the day. Padbury parents always cheer the loudest!!
That ends the competition for Padbury Catholic in 2014. It has been another successful year for our
competing students. Good luck to our Year 6 students going to high school next year. A lot of our awesome
Year 6 students have represented the school in the different sporting fields. We will miss their competitive
spirit next year and wish them well for the future. We now look forward to many new experiences during the
2015 year.
Mr Hignett
Physical Education
EEKRecovery Graduates. We would like
Liz Johnston and Lisa Hawkins are proud to present the following
to congratulate the children on their hard work and fantastic results. You are an example of what persistence
Food for our Future
and resilience looks like in action. Padbury Catholic
Primary School is very proud of you.
Front Left:
Back Left:
Lucas Pelle
James Bloomfield
Jett Wilson
Samuel Studman
Jacob Alvarado
Paige Michailidis
Grace Walford
Reid Smith
The Running Club is coming to an end! Next Tuesday, (4th November) will be the last
day and as such we will be celebrating with our annual Crazy Hair day. All Running
Club participants are invited to come and run the final day with Crazy Hair. Well done to
all of those children who came and ran their way to health in 2014! A HUGE thank you
to my loyal assistants, Miss Fanderlinden and Mrs Barry. They are awesome and I really
appreciated their assistance each week.
Mr Hignett
Diagnosis of both whooping cough and head lice have been reported to the school office this term. Please be
very vigilant if your child is unwell with a persistent cough or is scratching their head continually and follow
recommendations by your family doctor. Both these diagnosis require students to remain at home until the
condition is under control. Thank you for your understanding in this area.
The staff from Padbury were thrilled to hear that many of our past students have been elected as leaders for
2015. Congratulations to:
HEAD GIRL - Charlotte Groom
YEAR CAPTAINS - Jacob Dudesek, Connal Axon
MEDIA CAPTAIN - Clara Bertozzi
SPORT CAPTAIN - Michaela Scamaton
HOUSE CAPTAINS - Noel Bautista, Josie Lee Cutten
LONG TAN AWARD - YEAR 12 SPECIAL AWARD to the student who has displayed outstanding qualities
including leadership, teamwork, ethics and values, community involvement and a commitment to the school RHYS JONES!!!
We have a great sense of pride when we look back and see the achievements of so many of our students and
the terrific people they have developed into.
Please note that the Parish Family Dance is
All our community is invited to attend the Parish Family Dance to be held in our school Hall this Friday, 31st
It is a BYO event for alcohol and supper with cool drink, water, tea, coffee and cake on sale. Please call Jo on
9403 2763 if you would like any further information.
Dear Parents,
Welcome back, we hope you had a good break. Can you believe that it’s the last term of the year, time
goes by very fast? We would like to welcome all new parents and children that have enrolled at OSH, we
hope you will be very happy with us.
We are also busy making our own little fruit and vegetable garden. The children did paint the garden pot,
we just need to decorate it and do all the planting. Let’s all have fun and enjoy the lovely weather that we
are getting. We would like to say a big thankyou to the parents and the school for their support - we really
appreciate it.
Programmes contact number. 0478 182 388
31 October 2014
Christopher Van Ranst
Kayley Thomas
Hien-Minh Chau
Noah Smith
Makenzi Aloi
Callum Link
Millie Matson
Blake Carey
Jacob Willshire
Lachie Dymock
Eliza Brennan
Kobe McCormack
Henry Conroy
Patrick Gradek
Phoebe Hignett
Fern Bryant
Glenn Walsh
Lia Young
Kirsten Tan
Thomas Sheedy
Ethan Hall
Leah Sorensen
Joshua Bertolucci
Emily Nissen
Mia Kalaji
Josephine Hunt
Harrison Withnell
Charlotte James
Antony Lewis
Jessica Maxwell
Samuel Studman
Stefan Trofimczyk
Mitchell Watts
Niamh Hackett
Daniel Johnson
Hannah Sanders
Caitlin Leahy
Xavier Prentice
Monet Heredia
Theodor Stillitano
Liah McLean
Lani Wilson
Samuel Swadling
Emily Wardlaw
Jack Sprigg
Timothy Mullett
Ciara Wood
Olivia Burnley
Brodie McGuirk
Mathilda Stillitano
Tristan Tan
Ella Giles
Josef Persak
Mitchell Baker
Stella Clynk
Robert Sixsmith
Nikita Bloomfield
Brianna Huggins
George Hunt
Sophie James
Julia Buswell
William Evans
Olena Edmeades
Kyana Weir
Larissa Stavrianos
Ethan Eddy
Trent Johnson
Lara Hough
Lewis Dolan
Liam Ferreira
Jett Ing
Alex Sorensen
Remy Baron-Hay
Leonie Burnley
Sophie Hughes
Caitlin Sheedy
Finlay Cannon
James Fowler
Riley Hill
Harrison McGuinness
Sky Lawler
Samuel Smart
Matthew Cunningham
Christopher Franz
Madison Hughes
Jackson Gifford
Sophie Stray
Dean Johnson
Mason Matthews
Luke Morgan
Darcy Hunt
Kylah Songerwala
Ben Chamberlain
Mitchell Slattery
Ella Maricic
Thien Tran
Anabella Naumoski
Hannah Currell
Maxime Lenferna
Callum O’Shea
Jeremy Shaw
Alex Dijkhuizen
Madison Snelling
Euan Hough
Holly Cannon
Troy Schneider
Kasia Cooper
Michaela Carey
Max Connell
Jorja Abbott
Lily-May Johns
Merit award recipients will receive their certificate at the Merit Assembly this Friday at 2.30pm.. .
Last week was National Water Week.
Many of our classes discussed the many Water Sources that we have
available to us at this time.
Further information can always be found at the Water
Corporation website,
OLM Family Parish Halloween Dance: THIS IS NOW A FREE EVENT!
PLEASE SUPPORT our annual dance! Friday 31st October from 7.30-11pm in the Padbury Catholic
School Hall, Cnr Gibson/Hepburn Ave Padbury, BYO alcohol drinks, supper & glasses. Canteen will
sell Bottle water, cans of soft drink, chips, tea/coffee with cake. We welcome the D J - Rowan. Please
dress up for the night. Bring the family. Contact 9403 2763.
40th Anniversary / Parish Feast Day: Due to the bad weather on the 19th of October we had to
cancel the celebrations and picnic. The celebration and picnic will now be held on Sunday 9th
November. Please join us.
Altar Servers: You have a new roster to collect from the Sacristy. This now includes all of the children
who attended the recent training courses. Please collect promptly so that you do not miss out on your
Helping Hands: for students in Years 5 and 6 on Fridays from 5-6pm in the Parish
Hall. Contact Lisa on 0481 190 869 for more information or just come along!
All Souls: Our parish will hold its annual liturgy service at Pinnaroo Crematorium
Chapel on Sunday 3rd November, starting at 2.30pm. Please let your friends, family
and neighbours know, particularly those who have lost a loved one this past year. Note: This is NOT a
Position Vacant: Editor and/or Co-ordinator for Weekly newsletter: We have a vacancy for you to
join a committed team of 3 parish volunteers. A monthly roster means that you will edit the newsletter
about 3 times a year. You will be using Microsoft Word and need a good grasp of the English
language, grammar, spelling etc. Friendly ongoing training is provided. If you are interested please
call the Church office on 9307 2776.
Bric a brac donations: NOT before Next weekend 1/2 November, please. NO footwear, clothing,
(place in Vinnies Bin) NO Furniture (ring Vinnie's they will collect) NO Electrical Goods, but your
preloved & unwanted gifts & goodies. Contact Jo 9403 2763.
Carols By Candlelight: If anyone is interested in joining in with this event please come to our first
rehearsal on Wednesday 5th November, 7.30pm in the Church.
Prison Chaplain/Pastoral Worker: Catholic Prison Ministry is inviting applications for a Chaplain/
Pastoral Worker to work 1-2 days per week. The successful applicant will provide spiritual and
emotional support to prisoners and staff in prison, as well as leading regular Sunday worship services.
For further information and an application package, please contact Fr David Shelton on 0417 938 168
or email [email protected].
7.30 pm in the College Staff Room
The Annual General Meengs of the College Board and P&F will be held at the College on Wednesday 19 November, 2014 commencing at 7.30 pm in the Staff Room.
In accordance with the Board Constuon, five (5) posions will become vacant on the Board as a result of the
term of the exisng members expiring. Being eligible, four (4) members again offer themself for renominaon.
Those wishing to nominate are asked to submit a brief biography of no more than 400 words with their Nominaon.
The College is a large and diverse enty and scope exists for a variety of persons possessing differing skill sets to
contribute to the ongoing growth and success of the College. Skills in the areas of Compliance & Legal, Academic
experience, Accountancy, Building, Risk, Markeng, Human Resources and Informaon Technology would be
held in high regard. However, those who possess a general will and desire to contribute in any way they can are
also most welcome. The College’s Strategic Plan for the period 2014 – 2016 would provide a good basis for understanding where the College is heading; a copy can be accessed at h?p://
Enquiries can be made with the College Business Manager, Mr Stephen Marn, by phone on 9246 8268 or by
email to [email protected]. The Board operates under a Constuon which can be found on the
College website at: h?p://
Community members wishing to place an item on the Agenda of the Board meeng can also contact the Business
The closing date for nominaons and agenda items is 3.00pm Monday 10 November 2014. Late applicaons and
submissions cannot be accepted.
College community members are invited to a?end as reports will be provided by the Principal, Board Chairman,
Board Treasurer and P&F Chairperson.
Stephen Marn
For and on behalf of the Board
24 October 2014
Aranmore Catholic College is currently accepting enrolment applications for 2015.
Places available for 2015 in Year 7, due to the introduction of an extra class and limited places in Year 8-12.
Aranmore offers:
Academic Extension programmes
Strong discipline and pastoral care
Learning Support programmes
Specialist Sport and Music programmes and scholarships
Conveniently located near Leederville Train Station.
For enrolment enquiries or to have a tour of the college please phone, 9444 9355