Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November 9, 2014 WELCOME TO BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH PASTOR Fr. John Marie Bingham, OP, 206-547-3020 [email protected] PAROCHIAL VICAR Fr. Francis Hung-Le, OP, 206-547-3020 [email protected] PAROCHIAL VICAR Fr. Marcin Szymanski, OP, 206-547-3020 [email protected] PARISH ADMINISTRATOR Debbie Gonzalez 206-732-7340, [email protected] OFFICE ASSISTANT Patricia Denend 206-732-7355, [email protected] DIRECTOR, LITURGY Jesson Mata 206-732-7343, [email protected] DIRECTOR, FAITH FORMATION AND EVANGELIZATION Walt Sears 206-732-7345, [email protected] We strive to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ through our life of prayer centered on the Eucharist and through the formation of our members for evangelization and loving service to others. BLESSED SACRAMENT CHURCH 5050 8th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98105 (Office) Phone: 206-547-3020 Fax: 206-547-6371 Website: - Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM -12:00 Noon, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM The church is open daily from 6:00 AM until 7:00 PM MASS SCHEDULE Sunday 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 Noon, 5:45 PM Monday 5:30 PM Tuesday 8:00 AM Weds - Friday 8:00 AM, 5:30 PM Saturday 8:00 AM, 5:00 PM (Sunday Vigil) Holy Days 5:30 PM (Vigil), 8:00 AM, 12:00 Noon, 5:30 PM, 7:00 PM NEWMAN CENTER at the University of Washington DIRECTOR, RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Marilyn Thornton 206-355-6540, [email protected] 4502 - 20th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98015 Phone: 206-527-5072 Website: DIRECTOR, OUTREACH Nina Butorac 206-732-7351, [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE DIRECTOR, FACILITIES Gary McDonald 206-732-7366, [email protected] Weekdays 12:35 PM (excluding Wednesdays) Wednesday 9:00 PM Sunday 10:00 AM, 5:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 9:00 PM FACILITIES ASSISTANT Aaron O’Bryan-Herriott 206-547-3020 ORGANIST Laura Ouimette 206-659-9251 [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul SHOE DRIVE! November 2014 PRAYER TREE AND PRAYER REQUESTS Call 206-732-7350, or email [email protected] LITURGY OF THE HOURS AND THE ROSARY Morning and Evening Prayer: 7:25 AM and 5:10 PM Rosary: following morning and Monday evening Masses ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Tuesday-Saturday 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM Every Friday from 8:00 PM to Saturday 8:00 AM Door combination required from 8:00PM TO 6:00AM Contact Jesson Mata 206-732-7343, [email protected] SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Monthly communal Baptisms during Mass or by appointment. Call the Parish Office at 206-547-3020. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confession) Thursdays after the 8:00 AM Mass; Saturdays from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM; or by appointment. Confessions at the Newman Center: Sunday 4:00 - 4:45 PM, 6:15 - 6:45 PM Wednesday 8:00 - 9:00 PM SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION Contact Marilyn Thornton [email protected] SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK After Sunday Mass or by appointment. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Contact the Parish Office for more information. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Contact Marilyn Thornton [email protected] DOMINICAN FRIARS IN RESIDENCE Fr. Jordan Bradshaw, OP [email protected] Director, Newman Center Prior Superior of Dominican Community Fr. Lukasz Misko, OP [email protected] Assistant Director, Newman Center Please search your closets for those extra, decent quality shoes for the St. Vincent de Paul Shoe Drive. We need sturdy, wearable shoes for our guests at the Sunday Dinner and Friday Food Bank. Bins are currently set up at the entrances to the Church. We ask that you please bring in your donations with the laces tied (or taped) so that they do not get separated. Shoes will be distributed to guests at the end of November. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY OF BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH Emergency Assistance: Call 206-930-6439. Please leave your name, phone number, and the details of your situation and request. Response usually occurs within 24 hours. Sunday Dinner and Food Bank: Dinner is served Sundays 12:00 noon 2:00 PM. Food Bank is open Fridays 10:30 AM - 12:00 noon. For further information about the dinner or food bank, or to make a donation or volunteer, email John Morford at [email protected] or visit the Parish website at All Souls Remembrance Each day in November a Mass will be offered for the dead. These Masses are not offered for any particular individual, but rather for all of the deceased. If you would like to commemorate a loved one, please sign up by using the envelopes that are available in the bulletin racks at entrances to the Church. Mass intentions SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9 7:30 AM Jim Wellnitz (Sara Wellnitz) 9:00 AM † All Souls Intentions 10:30 AM Parishioners of Blessed Sacrament 12:00 Noon † Phillip Coles (Harry Coles) 5:45 PM † Ramon DeGuzman (The Bermudez Family) MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10 5:30 PM † All Souls Intentions TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 8:00 AM † Virginia Wachsmith (Carolyn Plant) WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 8:00 AM † All Souls Intentions 5:30 PM † Carole Campbell (Carolyn Plant) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 8:00 AM Private intention (Bernadette Bermudez) 5:30 PM † All Souls Intentions FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 8:00 AM Thanksgiving (Theresa Blahato and Tereza Benevides) 5:30 PM † All Souls Intentions SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 8:00 AM † Louis & Dorothy Hon (P. Hon) 5:30 PM † All Souls Intentions MASS READINGS FOR THE WEEK For the week of November 9 - 16 SUNDAY Ez 47:1-2,8-9,12; 1Cor 3:9c-11,16-17; Jn 2:13-22 MONDAY Ti 1:1-9; Lk 17:1-6 TUESDAY Ti 2:1-8,11-14; Lk 17:7-10 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Ti 3:1-7; Lk 17:11-19 Phlm 7-20; Lk 17:20-25 2Jn 4-9; Lk 17:26-37 Sir 6:18-21,33-37; Ps 119; Mt 25:14-23 Prv 31:10-13,19-20,30-31; 1Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 Calendar of parish events SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9 10:00 AM Coffee Hour - Aquinas Library, Parish Hall. 10:30 AM Children’s Sunday School - UCDS. 10:30 AM Sunday Forum: Meet Our New Pastor, with Fr. John Marie Bingham, O.P. - TEC,UCDS. 10:30 AM Knights of Columbus Meeting - St. Pius V, Priory. 4:00 PM RCIA - Margaret of Savoy, Priory. 8:15 PM Byrd Ensemble Compline Service - Church. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10 7:00 PM Communion and Liberation - Margaret of Savoy, Priory. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 5:30 PM Prayer Liturgy for Life - Church. 7:00 PM Spirit and Truth - Church/Aquinas Library, Parish Hall. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 8:30 AM Wednesday Morning Bible Study - Aquinas Library, Parish Hall. 10:00 AM Mom’s Prayer and Support Group - Parish Hall. 7:00 PM St. Dominic Rosary Makers - St. Pius V, Priory. 7:00 PM Youth for Life Meeting - Parish Hall. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 7:00 PM Latin Class - Holy Family, Sacristy. 7:30 PM Veritas Study Group - Aquinas Library, Parish Hall. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 10:30 AM Friday Food Bank - Parish Hall. 7:00 PM Calix Meeting - Margaret of Savoy, Priory. 8:00 PM Young Adult Holy Hour and Adoration Church. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 8:45 AM Legion of Mary - Holy Family, Sacristy. 7:00 PM Young Adult Saturday Night Alive - Church and Parish Hall. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 10:00 AM Coffee Hour - Aquinas Library, Parish Hall. 10:30 AM Children’s Sunday School - UCDS. 10:30 AM Sunday Forum, Catholic Housing Services of Western Washington, with Gloria Burton, Director of Farm Worker Housing Initiative TEC, UCDS. 4:00 PM RCIA - Margaret of Savoy, Priory. 7:00 PM Healing Prayer Team - Church. 8:15 PM Byrd Ensemble Compline Service - Newman Center. COLLECTION FOR OCT 30 - NOV 5: $ 49,695 ALL SAINTS: $ 1,430 ALL SOULS: $ 1,667 The collection helps to support the work and ministry of Blessed Sacrament Church. Thank you for your continued generosity! Parish events Parish events Advent Matters: Grieving Through the Holidays Making the Most of the Season November 18-December 16 Tuesday Evenings, 7:00 - 8:30 PM - Parish Hall Facilitator: Jon Talbot Each Advent the Church invites us to embrace again the coming of Christ at his birth, his final coming at the end of time, and his continual coming and presence in our lives. One of our holy Fathers defines Advent as “the presence begun - the presence of God himself.” That truth beckons us in this first season of the liturgical year to renew Christ’s presence in our lives by joyful, holy remembering, wide-eyed expectation, and good preparation. Yet it is far too easy to have a ho-hum attitude toward Advent. It is far too easy to have it come and go so quickly, without treasuring its gifts. It is far too easy to allow holiday details and events to distract and consume our time and energy. So what is a Catholic to do? Well, unless you have secured a hermitage, please do join us on these five Tuesday evenings, to make the most of Advent by more fully welcoming Christ into our lives. We will explore the lectionary texts and other classic Advent writings. Our format includes a presentation, discussion, and quiet reflection. No required texts, but please bring your Bible. For more information, contact Walt Sears at 206-732-7345 or [email protected]. Peace and Justice Committee Meeting Friday Evening, November 21, at 6:30 PM Blessed Sacrament’s Peace and Justice Committee meets every other month in the Margaret of Savoy Conference Room of the Priory. We are committed to education, charitable works, and advocacy for peace and social justice. Our work includes the Pro-life Ministry, Pan de Vida’s mission to Mexico, prison ministry, the promotion of fair trade, immigration reform, and environmental stewardship. We advocate for those who are marginalized by poverty and homelessness. We are also the ones behind the seasonal formation film series. If you would like to join us, please contact Nina Butorac at 206-732-7351 or [email protected]. Wednesday, November 19 7:00 PM - Margaret of Savoy, Priory When you are grieving the loss of a loved one, the holidays can be especially difficult. It does not matter how many months or years have passed, their absence is still deeply felt at family gatherings. We invite you to join Sandi Tennyson and Nina Butorac for a conversation about grief and how to make the coming holidays a time of remembrance, and an opportunity for grace. Contact Nina Butorac at 206-732-7351, or [email protected]. Calix Society at Blessed Sacrament Friday, November 14, 7:00 PM Are you active in a Twelve-Step Fellowship and yearning for a deeper connection with your Catholic faith? We invite you to join our next Calix meeting on November 14, at 7:00 PM, in the Margaret of Savoy Room in the Priory. The Calix Society is an organization for Catholics in recovery, as well as their families and friends. We meet every second Friday of the month. Questions should be directed to Nina Butorac at 206-732-7351 or [email protected]. Healing Prayer November 16, 7:00 PM If you are concerned about finances, family, or relationships, or if you need spiritual, emotional, or physical healing, please join us for healing prayer after the 5:45 PM Mass, every third Sunday of the month. Meet with the prayer teams in the north transept of the church, by the statue of St. Joseph. For more information, please contact Jesson Mata at 206-732-7343 or [email protected]. El Dia de los Muertos Remember to bring your photo or remembrance for our Day of the Dead altar! Each parish family is invited to bring a framed picture of loved ones who have died, and place it at the shrine in a spirit of memory and communion with our beloved departed. Be sure to include your name and phone number on the back of the frame, and place only framed photocopies of cherished, one-of-a-kind pictures. The altar will remain in place through November 16. Parish events Compline at Blessed Sacrament with The Byrd Ensemble Alternating Sunday Evenings at 8:15 PM Join the Byrd Ensemble for Compline Services every Sunday until January 4, alternating between Blessed Sacrament and the Newman Center. Compline lasts about a half hour. The schedule can be viewed in the Calendar of Parish Events, on the second page of this bulletin. SUNDAY FORUM, and COFFEE & CONVERSATION The Sunday Forum and Coffee and Conversation sessions meet in the Teacher Education Center (TEC) at UCDS School from 10:30 - 11:45 AM. Contact Marilyn Thornton at: [email protected] Nov 9 Meet Our New Pastor Nov 16 Catholic Housing Services of Western Washington Presenter: Gloria Burton, Director, Farm Worker Presenter: Fr. John Marie Bingham, OP Housing Initiative Nov 23 A Mother’s Story of Raising a Child with Intellectual Disabilities Presenter: Cheryl Felak, RN BSN Nov 30 Advent Workshop (Thanksgiving weekend) No Sunday School or Forum classes Dec 7 Coffee & Conversation Hosted by the Peace and Justice Committee Dec 14 Catholic Christmas Traditions Worth Preserving Presenter: Syd C’deBaca Dec 21 Dec 28 CHRISTMAS/ NEW YEAR BREAK CHRISTMAS/ NEW YEAR BREAK Young Adult events VERITAS BOOK CLUB Thursday Evenings 7:30 PM - Margaret of Savoy, Priory (We will meet in the Aquinas Library on November 13!) For years, our Veritas group has sought the truth in nonfiction through spirited discussion. Now we are excited to pursue the same truth in fiction! This month we will be reading Mikail Bulgakov's classic, The Master and Margarita, and exploring the author's perspective on prayer and conversion. Please plan to read about seventy pages each week to keep up with the conversation. All adults 18 to 40 are invited to attend. For more details, please contact David at [email protected]. local events Peace Days for Women “Pray Always - Pray All Ways” Led by Sisters Carmel Little, CSJP, Kathleen Pruitt, CSJP, and Jo-Anne Miller, CSJP Wednesday, November 19, 9:30 AM to 2:00 PM St. Mary-on-the-Lake Peace and Spirituality Center 1663 Killarney Way Bellevue, WA 98004 Free-will offering. Bring a sack lunch, coffee and tea provided. We encourage you to carpool. To register or for more information contact Diane Figaro at 425-635-3603 or e-mail [email protected]. Mother & Daughter Advent Retreat Led by: Sr. Miriam James Heidland, S.O.L.T. Begins Friday, December 12 until Sunday, December 14 Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center at the Palisades Advent is a special time when we journey with Mary as she prepares to give birth to the Light and Hope of the world. Many times as women we feel tired and anxious about life. We struggle with past wounds and present difficulties. This retreat will bring mothers and daughters on a deeper journey of healing and freedom within their own hearts and with one another. For mothers and adult or teenage daughters aged thirteen and older. Scholarships are available. To register, visit palsiades or call 206-748-7991 St. Catherine’s Holiday Bazaar St. Catherine’s Holiday Bazaar will take place on Saturday, November 15, from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, and on November 16, from 9:00 AM until noon. Join us in St. Catherine’s parish hall, located at 814 - NE 85th Street in north Seattle. Proceeds from all of our vendors will support a variety of non-profit organizations. There will be amazing Indonesian food for sale for lunch on Saturday. There will be frozen pies for purchase from our St. C’s pie bakers, crafts and baked goods made by St. Catherine parishioners, Mexican chocolate sold to support Esperanza, candles on sale from the L’Arche community, homemade cards sold to support Elizabeth Gregory Home, and fair trade crafts created by artisans from around the world, plus much, much more! Local Events Volunteer Opportunities School of the Americas Watch Send Off Thanksgiving Day Blessings and Food Drive You are invited to the annual send-off ceremony for those going to the annual vigil at Fort Benning, Georgia, where they will call for the closing of the School of the Americas. The send -off will be held on Monday evening, November 17, from 7:00-8:30 PM at Saint Patrick's Catholic Church, located in at 2702 Broadway East, in the Eastlake neighborhood of Seattle. Thousands are expected to gather at the gates of Fort Benning, Georgia, to promote peace. This year, the vigil remembers the 25th anniversary of the Jesuit martyrs, cries out for the children crossing our borders, and honors communities in resistance. Come for music, speakers, and an offering of roses. Everyone is invited. A reception will follow the send-off. On Thanksgiving Day, November 27, we invite you to join us for Mass at 10:00 AM. We also encourage you to bring a food item to be blessed for your own family table, as well as nonperishable food items for those who come to our St. Vincent de Paul Friday Food Bank. For more information about the send-off and SOA-W Puget Sound, call 206-633-6667 or by email at [email protected]. Sponsored by SOA Watch Puget Sound, St. Patrick's Social Justice Committee, Veterans for Peace, Washington State Religious Campaign Against Torture, and Western Washington Fellowship of Reconciliation. “Wake up the world! Be witnesses of a different way of doing things, of acting, of living! ” - Pope Francis A REFLECTION DAY on CONSECRATED LIFE Saturday, December 6, 2014 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM At the University of Washington Newman Center 4502 20th Ave. NE, in Seattle’s University District Coffee and donuts when you arrive, and LUNCH PROVIDED Includes prayer, quiet time, media info on religious life, time to meet with religious Sisters, Brothers and Priests. Hosted by the Religious Communities of Women and Men serving in the Archdiocese of Seattle Please sign up by December 1. Email Sister Jo-Anne Miller, CSJP at [email protected], or call 206-920-8560 The collection for Thanksgiving Day will be given to Street Youth Ministry, designated to assist those homeless families who are living on the streets, within our Parish boundaries. Thank you for caring and sharing! Operation Nightwatch - Sock Drive Operation Nightwatch invites you to Sock it to Homelessness, their Open House Sock Drive Kick-Off happening on Sunday, November 16, 1:30 - 3:00 PM. Offering a new pair of socks to a homeless person can make a huge difference in their lives! Operation Nightwatch is located at 302 - 14th Avenue South, in Seattle. We invite you to stop by, drop off socks for distribution through Operation Nightwatch's late-night homeless program, and take an informal tour of the facility. Contact information: 206-323-4359 or [email protected]. Street Ministry Volunteers Do you have a ministry background? Do you have a passion for helping the homeless? Operation Nightwatch is currently recruiting volunteers to join their Street Ministry program. We are looking for committed people who would be willing to go out on the street once a week, in the evening, to be present and develop relationships with homeless people. Serious inquiries only, please. For an application, contact Ben Curtis at [email protected]. Thanksgiving Dinner for Seafarers Thanksgiving Day from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM Catholic Seafarers' Center 2330 First Ave, Seattle Volunteers are needed! Please call 206-441-4773 to volunteer or join us. announcements Knights of Columbus Christmas Card Sale Keep Christ in Christmas! Purchase religious themed Christmas cards and ornaments after all Masses on the weekends of Nov 9, 16, 23, and 30. See the Knights in the vestibule of the Church beginning this weekend. The Knights Thank You! On behalf of the Blessed Sacrament Council of the Knights of Columbus, we want to thank the parishioners for another successful Oktoberfest. Your gracious generosity helped us raise $1,700 for our Dominican Seminarians. Great work! Advent Workshop - Volunteers Needed Women, men and teens are needed on Sunday, November 30, to teach and supervise the making of Advent wreaths and other crafts at our Advent Workshop. Please contact Marilyn Thornton, at 206-355-6540 or by email at [email protected]. Photos Wanted! If you have photographs from events that have taken place here at Blessed Sacrament, and you are willing to share, we could always use them! Photos must be non-copyrighted, which means we cannot use any pictures from professional photographers. But if you have your own digital images that you would allow us to use, please email them to [email protected]. Thank you! “Ninth Means North!” Arrive Northbound, Park Northbound, Exit Northbound We are requesting that all those attending Mass on Sundays, and who use 9th Avenue (for street parking or who park in the Priory Lot, to try and arrive, park and exit traveling NORTH on 9th Avenue. It will greatly reduce the congestion on that street, especially as there are often people arriving for the next Mass, and we have all seen the gridlock! Thank you for your patience and for your cooperation. Let’s try to make this plan work! The submission deadline for the Blessed Sacrament Bulletin is at the end of day on Friday, nine days prior to the publication weekend. Please submit articles and suggestions to [email protected]. Welcome! We welcome you to our Liturgy today and hope that you find Blessed Sacrament Church to be a warm and welcoming community. If you would like to become a member of the parish, please fill out a registration pamphlet located in the Church vestibules. You may also register on-line from our website, at Giving Tree Gift Giving Tree You are invited to share a gift this Christmas! Blessed Sacrament parishioners are invited to participate in the Giving Tree Project again this year, sponsored by St. Vincent de Paul and Pan de Vida. Beginning November 29, a tree will be set up in the back of the church, decorated with gift request cards of two kinds: 1. Pan de Vida Envelopes requesting $15 to buy clothing for the children at Rancho Nazareth and Casa Salvatierra, two Mexican orphanages that are sponsored by Blessed Sacrament’s Pan de Vida ministry. 2. Angel, Caroler, Tree, or Star tags requesting gifts for children within our Parish, children at St. Francis House in the Central Area, needy families in our Parish and at St. Edward Parish in the Rainier Valley, and homeless adults and teens in our area. Pan de Vida Directions: Take an envelope from the tree and place $15 (cash or check) inside. Checks should be payable to Blessed Sacrament/Pan de Vida. Return envelopes to a volunteer, or in the regular collection basket at Mass. Angel Directions: Remove a two-part angel tag from the tree and complete the information requested. Leave the bottom copy with the Giving Tree volunteer and return the top copy with the gift requested. Please do not wrap gifts. However, a gift of wrapping paper would be appreciated, so parents may wrap gifts for their children. Caroler/Tree/Star Directions: Remove tag from tree and return your gift with the tag attached. Please do not wrap presents. Please return all gifts and donations to the Giving Tree volunteers at Mass on December 6/7 and 13/14. ALL GIFTS MUST BE RETURNED BY DECEMBER 14, SO THEY MAY BE DELIVERED BY CHRISTMAS. If you would like to volunteer for the Giving Tree, please contact Joan Kirkland, at 206-542-9157, or Barbara Coté, at 206-789-5822.
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