A Levels at DBGS Proposed for 2015/16 Academic Year 29 October 2014 Why A Levels? Why now? Better serving the community Better serving the school community ✤ Current options post-16 for our students … ✤ ✤ ✤ AP program at DHS, IB programme at DBC, St Christopher’s, BISAK, other schools in Kingdom Boarding school or return to home country The future? Stay at Dhahran British Grammar School for Cambridge A Levels A Level advantage at DBGS ✤ Maintains continuity with the IGCSE programme ✤ Capitalise on established relationships with teachers and friends. A ready made support community. ✤ Consistency in teaching ✤ Security - small classes - familiar environment ✤ Excellent preparation for college and university Cambridge International A Level programme A world class education and college preparation Cambridge A Levels ✤ Thousands of learners use Cambridge International AS and A Level every year to gain places at leading universities worldwide. ✤ Students develop a deep understanding of subjects, as well as independent learning and constructive thinking skills – abilities which universities value highly. ✤ Taken by over 175 000 learners in more than 125 countries every year. College ready with DBGS Through Cambridge A Levels Date Cambridge and DBGS creating learners who are: !confident in working with information and ideas – their own and those of others !responsible for themselves, responsive to and respectful of others !reflective as learners, developing their ability to learn !innovative and equipped for new and future challenges !engaged intellectually and socially, ready to make a difference “I found that Cambridge developed a mindset – a desire not only to learn the work, but also to understand and interpret problems.” Warren Little, former Cambridge learner, South Africa, who progressed to the University of Cape Town Cambridge Learners Learner profile Courses that develop students that universities want ✤ Cambridge International AS and A Level develops learners’ knowledge, understanding and skills in: ✤ In-depth subject content ✤ Independent thinking ✤ Applying knowledge and understanding to new as well as familiar situations ✤ Handling and evaluating different types of information source ✤ Thinking logically and presenting ordered and coherent arguments ✤ Making judgements, recommendations and decisions ✤ Presenting reasoned explanations, understanding implications and communicating them logically and clearly ✤ Working and communicating in English. Subjects offered ✤ Maths ✤ Geography ✤ Chemistry ✤ History ✤ Physics ✤ French ✤ Biology ✤ ✤ English language Economics or business studies ✤ Other demand? ✤ English literature ✤ Careers/ University/ PSHE ✤ Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award ✤ Arabic for all Changes to A Levels in the UK ✤ The UK government is making changes to the examination system that will result in UK AS and A Levels moving from a modular structure to a linear structure with exams at the end of the course. ✤ This approach has been championed by Cambridge and is a key feature of Cambridge International AS and A Levels. ✤ Many of the world’s top universities have made clear their appreciation of this linear approach ✤ We believe that linear courses allow learners to develop a deeper understanding of subjects. A two year linear programme A two year programme offers more opportunities for in-depth study, continuity and better results, without the stress of external examinations at the end of Year 12. Alternative is a tiered system with AS levels in Year 12 and A Level in Year 13 What would a programme look like? Non-staged option - 2 Year Programme Students study 3 A Levels Examined in June of the second year Gives continuity Teaching time Each subject requires a minimum of 180 hours of instruction per year. So 8 periods per week/subject …provides over 190 hours per subject/year So a student would typically spend 24/40 periods in subject study, 2 periods MoE specified Arabic/culture, 1 period of Careers/ PSHE The rest of the time… ✤ Private study time ✤ Careers research and advice ✤ Personal, health and social education ✤ Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award participation Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award An integral part of the A Level experience Producing well-rounded students and giving them the edge in college application Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award ✤ Aiming for the Gold Award ✤ Community service ✤ Physical activity ✤ A new skill ✤ Adventurous journey ✤ Residential project Teachers and training ✤ Provide well-qualified staff who have training and experience with delivering an A Level programme ✤ Strong maths, English and science and maths departments ✤ Recruiting new sponsored hire staff: English, history, geography, science and business/ economics. ✤ Cambridge training courses for staff and ongoing professional learning both in school and overseas Cambridge teachers Training and professional learning Careers advice counselling ✤ Providing high quality careers advice ✤ Assist students in university selection, application and placement Entry to British Universities ✤ Cambridge International AS and A Levels are equivalent to the AS and A Levels taken by learners in the UK, and are accepted for entrance to all UK universities. ✤ Entry to UK universities is through UCAS - the centralised admissions service ✤ Entry requirements for specific UK university courses can be found at http://search.ucas.com/ Using Your Cambridge qualifications to study in the UK UCAS Going to show only part of this video today, you can see the rest on line Recognition by American Universities Cambridge A Levels are recognised by 450 top American universities Again, only part of this video today, the rest on line. Applying for university in the US Fees and costs ✤ DBGS SR64,000 per year ✤ BISAK SR54570 BS Bahrain BD6726 St Christopher’s BD6936 ✤ ✤ ✤ Textbooks: approximately SR600, but as required ✤ Computers/tablets - BYOD bring your own device. Required A Levels at DBGS: Next Steps Proposed for 2015/16 Academic Year 29 October 2014 Useful links ✤ http://www.ucas.com/how-it-all-works/ international/international-guides ✤ http://recognition.cie.org.uk/ ✤ http://www.cie.org.uk/cambridge-for/learnersand-parents/ ✤ http://www.cie.org.uk/images/122973-cambridgeadvanced-brochure.pdf
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