The E-Knightlighter The Official Publication of the Knights of Columbus, Msgr. James R. Jones Council 3303 and Kenneth I. Parker Assembly 1820, New Bern, NC 5, 12, 19, 26 - Bingo 6:30 PM, Hall 6 - 3rd Degree Meeting 7:00 PM, Chamber. 13 - 2nd Degree Exemplification, 8:00 PM, Hall 14 - 4th Degree Meeting, 7:00 PM, Hall 17 – Annual Celebration of Life, Raleigh 27 - 3rd Degree Officer Meeting, 7:00 Pm - 8:00 PM, Hall Volume: 2015. 01 Editor: Michael Haynes [email protected] May this truly be a year of Peace for EVERYONE Grand Knight’s Knightlighter Comments Brothers, I hope you had a Blessed Christmas with your family. We have a lot to be thankful for: *The Birth of our Savior. What a Wonderful Gift. *To live in the USA. We are truly Blessed. *Our Families, Church and Brother Knights and their families. *Our opportunities to serve the needy and underprivileged in our Church and Community Thanks go to Nick and Liz D’Alessandro for Chairing the Christmas Party that was so successful. Also, thanks to everyone who helped. It was truly a group effort. Also, thanks to Steve Harman for running our Christmas Card Program so successfully. Please continue to pray for our Brothers and their wives who are ill. Our Prayers really do make a difference. I would also like to thank all the Brothers who delivered the Christmas poinsettias to all of our widows. This was organized by Nick D'Alessandro and he had many "elves" helping him. The widows were extremely appreciative and somewhat overwhelmed. A great idea from our FS Larry Spallanzani. I look forward to working with you in 2015 as we help the needy and underprivileged in our Community. You really do make a difference. Have a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. Vivat Jesus! Dick Dodson Knight of the Month We are proud to honor Jack Betler as our Knight of the Month for January, 2015. When we are looking for volunteers for our Council or for St. Paul Catholic Church, Jack is always among the first to offer to help. When we have LAMB, you will see Jack stan standing ding outside a retail store in cold or hot weather, sunshine or rain, with his collection can. He will be smiling and asking for donations for this very worthwhile program. As a member of the Color Corps, Jack serves as a Color Guard of Honor Guard at re religious or civic functions. He is always among the first to volunteer and is one of our most dependable members. If all Knights gave as freely of their time as Jack, we could accomplish much more. Thank you, Jack for all that you do for our Council and Church. Jim Whetzel, DGK Family of the Month The Family of the Month for January 2015 is Ginny and Bill Camp. Bill is very active in the Council helping with Bingo, working at the Fish Fry and does a lot of recruiting for the 4th Degree. He also is an o officer for Assembly 1820. Ginny helps us with the Fish Fry and other dinners. She is also in the Choir at St. Paul. Thanks for all your help and hard work in making our community a better place. Nick Dalessandro, Family Director Faithful Navigator’s Report Sir Knights, As we look forward to the new year with hope let us keep in mind our many blessings of 2014. Cherish the joy, peace and hope of Christmas and carry it with us all year through. Without a doubt 2014 has been a very successful year financially financially for our Assembly, due in large part to the hard work and dedication of the fantastic yard sale crew under the direction of SK Danny Gennantonio. We have been able to double our budget so that much more can be given to the charities we support as well well as adding some new ones. Many thanks Danny for your years of service and dedication to the Yard Sale effort. Our hope is to continue to expand our support to the needy in our area and beyond. Sad to say that due to illness, maturity and other reasons reasons some of our regular yard sale workers have chosen to discontinue serving with us. We do wish them good health, contentment and will keep them in our daily prayers. I invite all Knights and their wives to consider joining us in our Yard Sale efforts. We are in need of pick-up up crew help (pickup truck highly desirable), and sales personnel. I also invite all Knights to seriously consider leadership roles in the Yard Sale activities (Manager and Assistant Manager). If interested please call me at 638-6623 23 and/or come join us at the Blue Building beginning the first Tuesday morning in January and every Tuesday. We’d love to have you become part of this worthwhile and rewarding effort. I would like to invite and encourage all Sir Knights to join us at our our regular meeting on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM for our short business meeting, to socialize with your brother Knights and become involved in one or more of our various activities. Please remember to keep our brothers in need and our widows wi in your prayers. Remember: Prayer Changes Things Vivat Jesus, SK Vince Fragnito, Faithful Navigator Sir Knight of the Month In recognition of his many accomplishments SK James Bottcher is recognized as the Fr. Kenneth I. Parker Assembly SK of the Month. Jim is a valuable asset to our yard sale, and is the contact person for the area in which he lives for the pickup of donated items for the yard sale. Monies from the sale of these items support many local organizations. Jim also is our Hall House man taking care of all the electrical and general maintenance of our facility, and by doing so has saved us many dollars in labor cost installing numerous lights, switches and electrical equipment. He also helps in the kitchen at Bingo, and is a regular regular fixture at Daily Mass at St Paul Catholic Church as an Alter Server. His dedication to the order, makes Jim truly deserving of this award. Patrick Rocco, Faithful Captain We Stand Strong On Ethical Ground I have learned that if you care more abou aboutt other people, than you do yourself, something greater takes over and leads one down a road of prosperity, happiness and fulfillment. The key is to give unconditionally, with faith, where it comes directly from the heart. The beauty of the Holiday Season n is this philosophy seems to come out on its own and becomes contagious. I ask all of us to let go of what is troubling and stressful, and truly leave it to Jesus. Relief never comes in the time frame we want it to, but it comes at some point every single time. God is slow because if you are building something with quality, it's not to be produced in mass quantity. It takes time. "Good things come to those who wait" I don't know who originated this saying but it's true. Some people believe that ethics in business is a contradiction in terms. They think that in order to be profitable, a company and its leaders must abandon morality and embrace the dark, greedy side that they see so often in the news and in movies. At the Knights of Columbus, we know this isn’t true. A business can be both ethical and successful, we are. As a Catholic organization, we understand the value and importance of our core beliefs and the original mission of Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney. In fact, much of the strength and financial security we provide to members and their families can be attributed to our ethical, moral standards. More than 96 percent of Knights who buy our life insurance keep it, year in and year out. The Order takes this commitment to our members very seriously. This means carefully planning when it comes time to invest. Our professional staff researches all transactions to insure that they fall in line with Catholic values. If a transaction makes them uncomfortable, they don’t make it. “We exclude any company engaged in activity that conflicts with Catholic moral teaching: companies directly involved in abortion, contraception, human cloning, embryonic stem cell research, for-profit health care that pays for any of these, or pornography,” said Supreme Knight Carl Anderson. “There are many companies in the pharmaceutical and communications industries that would undoubtedly provide excellent returns for us, but which are not in our portfolio because they engage in research and development or programming in ways that violate the sanctity or dignity of human life.” In the end, the Knights of Columbus investment strategy is motivated by morality, not money. Yet, each year we remain profitable, increase our assets and stay dedicated to this vision that will keep the Order financially sound for generations to come. “Faithful Catholics have choices when buying life insurance,” said the Supreme Knight. “But they know that at the Knights of Columbus their policy is supplied by an insurer that shares their moral and ethical values and is guided in all of its investment and sales practices by those values.” I Pray 2015 brings all you want it to the members and their families of the greatest Catholic organization in the world. Witnessing and being part of what the Councils I serve do, is an honor and a privilege. God Bless: Robert Leonardo, Field Agent 910-708-1404 973-445-7809 (text) [email protected] Annual Widows Dinner Our annual Widow’s Dinner was a big success. All the widows enjoyed it. We also delivered flowers to the widows at Christmas time. Thanks to all that helped with the dinner and to deliver all the flowers at Christmas time. Nick D’Alessandro, Family Director Annual Celebration of Life The 16th Annual Breakfast for Life will be held Sunday, Jan. 17th beginning at 9:00 am. Preregistration is required by Jan. 14th. The costs are; individuals $30; couples $50; seniors/students $25. Checks to be mailed to NCRTL Events PO Box 9282, Greensboro, NC 27429 or call (336) 274-5433 to pay by credit card. One of the speakers is our new Senator Thom Tillis. Following the Breakfast, Mass will be said by Bishop Burbidge at noon in a heated tent in Halifax Hall behind the Legislative Building. The Mass will be followed by the Rally and March for Life beginning at 1 PM. Hopefully once again our Brother Knights, their families and the Color Guard will offer a prayerful presence. For any assistance with registration/payment, travel directions, car pooling, etc., please feel free to contact Dr. Bart Spano 633-4768 or email [email protected]. Thank You, from the CDA Catholic Daughters of the Americas-Court Msgr. Michael A. Irwin # 1704 is taking this opportunity to thank everyone for their support of their Christmas Boutique. Some of you donated items and some attended and made purchases. One of the greatest supporters was the Knights of Columbus. The Knights once again brought tables, set them up, took them down and gave us support in any way they could. Their continued support is greatly appreciated. Catholic Daughters of the Americas Father Upah Presented with K of C Vestment Father Kenneth I. Parker Assembly # 1820 presented Father Bill Upah a Knights of Columbus vestment. Father Bill is our Faithful Friar and a 4th degree member and the Knights wanted Father to have one of our significant vestments. Pictured left to right: Sir Knight Rich Tomasik, SK Vince Fragnito, SK Lud Hartung, SK Jim Whetzel, Father Bill Upah and SK Phil Nassef. Celebrating a New Year of Hope “I thank God for a year of growing. Hope is my balance brought forward into a New Year’s ledger.” (Quote from A Day At A Time, a book of daily reflections for recovering people). -- PGK Mikie Casem Convention News Unfortunately we have only received a response from 2 Knights regarding the ads. If each Knight would make an effort to get at least 2 or more ads, we could go over the top with ads. This would not only be a financial success, this is our largest means of making money from the Convention. If you need help with designing or putting the ads together, we have a great team and they are willing to assist. Just get the names of where/who you intend to ask and send it to us and we will take care of the rest. Of course we want the check. Forms have been passed out at the meetings. Please send us back the names of people or places you will approach, so we can avoid duplication of effort. We will send out list as we get them. Please direct all questions to us, either by e-mail [email protected] or phone 633-9419. Any actual ads/forms you get please save and let us know. We will make arrangements to get it from you. Now the Holidays are over please let’s get going on this project. Feel free to contact us if you need more information. The Stewarts Annual Family Christmas Party These pictures are from our Annual Family Christmas Party. The party was well attended, including good old St. Nicholas himself. The children had a great time. Officers and Program Chairmen of Msgr. James R. Jones, Council 3303 Chaplain Grand Knight Deputy Grand Knight Chancellor Recorder Financial Secretary Treasurer Advocate Lector Warden Inside Guard Outside Guard Trustee (1 Yr.) Trustee (2 Yr.) Trustee (3 Yr.) Program Director Church Council Reverend Thomas Tully Dick Dodson Jim Whetzel Ray Savage Sandy Stewart Larry Spallanzani Larry Winsor Mikie Casem CJ Brooker Nick D’Alessandro Bill Bottcher Dean Reynolds Rich Tomasik Leo Minervini Pat Rocco Open Jim Anderson Community Family Youth Membership Director Hispanic Membership Bingo Pro-Life Operation Lamb Knightlighter House Golf 300 Club Columbus Club Bowling Special Olympics Public Relations Web Master Lounge Manager Walter Bock Nick Dalessandro Jeff Ross Tony DiFede Richard Mora Doug Uhland Bart Spano Jim Kelly Michael Haynes Jimmy Bottcher Chick Natella Chick Natella Gerald Boyle Don Monk John Scharf George Halyak Martin Culpepper Ralph Aviles Officers of Father Kenneth I. Parker Assembly 1820 Faithful Friar Faithful Navigator Faithful Captain Faithful Pilot Faithful Comptroller Faithful Scribe Faithful Purser Reverend William J Upah SK Vincent A. Fragnito SK Patrick Rocco SK David Rose SK William Camp SK Ralph Aviles SK George Halyak Inner-Sentinel Outer-Sentinel Faithful Admiral Trustee 3 Year Trustee 2 Year Trustee 1 Year Lounge Manager Yard Sale SK Doug Uhland SK Phil Nassef SK Rich Tomasik SK James Whetzel SK Sandy Stewart SK Ignacio "Budd" Rancatore SK Ralph Aviles THE KNIGHTLIGHTER THE KNIGHTLIGHTER is published bi-monthly (Feb., Apr., Jun., Aug., Oct., Dec.) by Council 3303 K of C, New Bern, NC. Editorial deadline is the 20th of the month preceding. The E-KNIGHTLIGHTER is ELECTRONIC ONLY and published (January, March, May, July, September, November) Editor: Michael Haynes ([email protected] ) Circulation: R. Andre, Wm. Camp
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