VW Symphonic Band Seating and part assignments* based on auditions submitted from 10/20-10/24 are found below. Despite the outcomes- we are still ONE BAND... ONE FAMILY. Be kind to yourselves and to one another. There is still ONE GOAL: To be THE BEST band that we can be. Flute 1 1 1 1 ? ? ? 2 2 2 2 LeAndryce Miller Alicia Danylchuk Tyler Ruger Mackenzie Agler Briana Kesler Kateri Steinecker Olivia Profit Sami Shartzer Tabitha Howell Lilian Geething Briana Martz Bass Clarinet Erik Barber Alto Saxophone 1 1 2 2 2 2 Tenor Saxophone Lydia Rohrbacher Brook Zimmerman Bassoon Haley Richardson Camryn Nouza Baritone Saxophone NyKeely Billingham Caylee Boroff Clarinet 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 Jacob Blackmore Audrey Johnson Steele Stabler Aimee Nicolai Madalyn Riley Olivia Wingo Chloe Boroff Nathan Ireland Olivia Mengerink Wesley Wagner Austin Carnahan Andrew Perry Isaac Rager Alexandria Bartley Erin Gemmer Vincent Figel Kassey Miller Trumpet 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 Kory Schlatter Madison Bowers Daniel Wray Valerie Barnhart Madeline McKeddie Rick Eberle Katie Able Maggie Davis French Horn 1 Alexandria Green 2 Noah Brubaker Trombone 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 Julie Steinen Daniel Perry James Defore Lexie Walker Ethan Feasby Sharayah Eddins Kaylin Yorkovich Maggie Cripe Caitlin Ireland Baritone Caleb Baker Richard Temple Tuba Erin Richardson Jessica Smith Percussion *Part assignments subject to change. Alaina Alvarez Jeremy Gunsett Rachel Davis Lauren Cooper David Slagle
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