St. Columba’s School Bayswater 32 Roberts Street, Bayswater Phone: (08)9208 2700 PO Box 61, Bayswater WA 6933 Email: [email protected] Website: Fax: (08)9370 3985 30 October, 2014 Term 4, Issue 33 Newsletter Attachments St. Columba’s School Core Values based on the values of the Sisters of Mercy, our founders. MERCY JUSTICE SERVICE COMPASSION EXCELLENCE St Columba’s Swimming Squad MERCY VALUE FOR 2014 IS COMPASSION Keynote and Workshop with David Price OBE At St. Columba’s Primary we believe that Compassion is a core value that encourages children to develop awareness and respond to the needs of other. From the Principal’s Desk Dear Parents, Caregivers & Students IMPORTANT DATES* FRIDAY 31st OCTOBER Whole School Mass All Saints Day TUESDAY 4th NOVEMBER Science Talent Search It is very evident that St Columba’s School is blessed to have many wonderful and strong community relationships and links. Last week Lisa Baker attended our assembly where she presented the Chocolate Fundraiser Raffle prizes to the winners. Congratulations to Tobey Grant, Norah Hammond and Kalan Tran. Tobey was very pleased to be presented with a Bike Force voucher donated by Lisa, to purchase a new bike. This Chocolate Fundraiser was a P&F event that was well-supported by our families, their friends & many sponsors and raised a substantial sum to be used for the benefit of all students. Congratulations everyone! I thank you, once again, for your efforts in assisting the school to be a good neighbour to the surrounding residents by using the parking facilities and kiss and drive in a way that will enable the smooth navigation of Roberts and Almondbury Streets, especially during peak times. Regarding a similar matter, I request that all parents collecting children via the Milne Street gate depart promptly. Please do not allow your children to play on the playground after school as some areas are only suitable for older students. The gate is manned until 3.15pm. THURSDAY 6th NOVEMBER Instrumental Music Assembly 2.15pm Cont. page 2 Be Allergy Aware! Families are reminded that St. Columba’s is an Allergy-friendly school. Please DO NOT bring nuts or nut by-products onto the school grounds. Some of the foods to avoid are Muesli Bars with peanuts, Nutella products, peanut butter and any other foods containing traces of nuts. Parish Priest: Fr Minh-Thuy Almondbury Street, Bayswater Phone: (08)9271 1414 [email protected] Parish Mass Times Weekdays: 9.00 a.m. Saturday—Vigil Mass 6.00 p.m. Sunday—Mass 7.30 a.m. and 9.30 a.m. Parish Youth Mass—Last Saturday of each month. Term 1 Dates: Mon 3 Feb—Fri 11 Apr School Times: Recess: Lunch: 8.30 a.m.—3.00 p.m. 10.40 a.m.—11.00 a.m. 1.00 p.m.—1.40 p.m. *PLEASE CHECK THE WEBSITE PLANNER FOR REGULAR UPDATES TO THE CALENDAR Page 2 Newsletter Term 4, Issue 33 From the Principal’s Desk (continued) Reflection God of Love and Mercy Bless our school, our parish and community as we aspire to walk in the footsteps of Catherine McAuley. We ask for your help to live by the Mercy values that we hold dear. Holy Spirit, we ask you to guide us to act more justly to strive for excellence to be generous in your service to show compassion and to be examples of your mercy Guided by St Columba, let us grow in faith seek wisdom and live in peace. St Columba, pray for us Catherine McAuley, pray for us Amen Last Friday our ‘piratical’ Year 2 students visited AQWA, while students in Years 3 to 6 participated in a Team Sports day. Well done to everyone for their fantastic behaviour and sportsmanship. It was lovely to hear that, although our Year 2s looked like pirates, their behaviour was exemplary. We all know that social media is a great way to keep abreast of what is going on with friends and family. Our school Facebook page is stringently monitored and provides a great forum for the sharing of news and information. I would, however, like to remind everyone who accesses any forms of social media, that privacy laws prohibit the distribution of photos without permission. Please consider carefully before uploading or posting any photos or videos that may include children other than yours. If other people are in the photo perhaps you could crop or edit it to remove their image. Thank you for the generous donations already received for the St Vincent de Paul Society’s Christmas Appeal. Please send all donations in by Monday 17th November so they will be ready for collection on Wednesday 19th December. For those parents wishing to attend the instrumental music assembly next Thursday 6th November, the assembly will commence at 2.15pm. Following our recent school photography by Kapture, you can now view and order any sports and / or special photos taken on the day. When visiting you will need to enter our school code to access the gallery – Code: PY5CEG Kapture have anticipated delivery of the photos in approximately 2 weeks. A Reminder to parents that if your child is not returning to St Columba’s in 2015 please notify the school in writing as soon as possible. “One of the marvellous things about community is that it enables us to welcome and help people in a way we couldn't as individuals. When we pool our strength and share the work and responsibility, we can welcome many people.” ( Jean Vanier ) God Bless Megan Dwyer Ne P a gws e let 3 t er Newsletter T e r m 4 , Pa I s sge u e3 3 3 New Flip Lid Lunchboxes Open up Flip Lid for sandwich and snack compartments…..Flip it over and open it up again for fruit, drink and more snacks! It’s the easy way to pack and preserve lunches with a wide variety of healthy foods for the whole family. Includes custom drink bottle. This funky new ‘Flip Lid’ lunchbox can be purchased from the office for $24.95. Ne P a gws e let 4 t er Newsletter T e r m 4 , Pa I s sge u e4 3 3 St Columba’s Travel Mugs Thinking of Christmas Presents????? St Columba’s travel mugs are on sale at the office for only $10 and would make an excellent stocking filler. Page 5 Newsletter Term 4, Issue 33 Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) Please direct all enquiries relating to OSHC to our OSHC Supervisor - Rebecca Shaw on 9208 2723 or email [email protected] ATTENTION PARENTS of Kindergarten 2015. If you wish to secure a place in OSHC for your child in 2015 please contact Rebecca directly for enrolments. Children must be 4 years and over. P & F News Helping Hands Corner Congratulations to Year 4 who won last term’s helping hand fund with 136 helping hours volunteered by parents. (Year 2 Green – came a close second with $131 helping dollars). Year 4 will be awarded their prize at the assembly next week, Thursday 6th November. A total of 920 hours was volunteered by St Columba’s parents in Term 3! All parents are being asked to offer their assistance at the school. Each hour of help = $1 St Columba’s helping dollar Start planning now, how you can give your 4 hours this term… Canteen – email: [email protected] Uniform shop – email : Tammi - [email protected] Helping Hands/Library /Sewing - drop into the library or email : [email protected] to find out when helping hands group meet P & F sub committees/class reps etc – email P & F President : Tara Savage - [email protected] Pastoral Care –will ask for help when needed. For further information - please email : [email protected] Sporting help/Options Programs/ etc – to register your interest in assisting - please email : [email protected] School Banking School Banking is conducted in the canteen area between 8.00am and 9.00am every Tuesday. Please feel free to call the volunteer school banking coordinator, Chris Cornish, on 0409 998 330 should you have any questions. Uniform Shop News The uniform shop is open every Friday, 8.45am to 9.30am Page 6 Newsletter Social Worker News PEAK HOUR PARENTING Malcolm Dix & Jenny Brockis present: Please refer to the Peak Hour Parenting follow up articles attached to this newsletter. Jennifer Maughan School Social Worker Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays 9208 2704 St Columba’s Catholic Primary School 32 Roberts Road Bayswater WA 6053 Email: [email protected] Term 4, Issue 33 Page 7 Newsletter Term 4, Issue 33 Canteen News Week 4 Term 4 Roster A huge thank you to all of the Parents who have offered to help in the canteen this year. It is greatly appreciated! Monday HELP NEEDED 3/11/14 We are trying to complete the Canteen Roster for 2014. If you can help for a morning, or just an hour, please contact the office [email protected] Wednesday Linda Orsi 5/11/14 Friday Katy McDougall 7/11/14 Thank you. SHERYL MILONAS Happy Birthday! Piper Anderson Year 1W Keira Nguyen Kindy White Ruby Dodd PP White Finley Car Year 1W Ben Rochford Year 2W Zach Dancewicz Year 5 Lila Brown Kindy Green Denver Havercroft Year 3 Pastoral Care Raffle Kindy Green Week 3 Amelia Brajevic Week 4 Piers Christensen Term rosters are placed on the classroom door and printed in the weekly newsletter for you to check when your child/ children are due to donate the prize (one prize donated per child a year) for their class. The idea is to provide a small gift (eg book, puzzle, pencils etc) to the value of $5. The child rostered to donate a prize is required to hand the prize to the class teacher on the morning. Tickets are 20c each, with a maximum of 3 tickets. Your participation and continued support is greatly appreciated. Kindy White Week 3 (31/10/14) And Week 4 (7/11/14) ***************Book Raffle*************** Wishing a very happy birthday to: Week 3 Gabrielle Van Maanen Week 4 Max Gardiner PP Green Week 3 Lachlan Harris Week 4 Amber Nguyen PP White Week 3 Christian Campbell Week 4 Emily Thoms Year 1 Green Week 3 Addison Markovic Week 4 Roman Kaless Year 1 White Week 3 Piper Anderson Week 4 Archie Jarvis Year 2 Green Week 3 Selene Seneviratne Week 4 Riley Longson Tear 2 White Week 3 Sophie Klass Week 4 Carter Robertson Year 3 Week 3 Hannah Doyle Week 4 Sebastian Car Year 4 Week 3 Ella Shanahan Week 4 Timira Ratnasekara Year 5 Week 3 Mateo Clark Week 4 Ivy Fuentes Year 6 Week 3 Evelyn Vanderklau Week 4 Bailey Seal If any family is able to prepare a meal for the Pastoral Care Team please leave your name and number at the office and they will contact you. Page 8 Newsletter Term 4, Issue 33 Community News FOUND A neighbour of the school has found a small black & white rabbit (with lead & collar). If anyone has lost this pet they can contact Max on 0410 316 198. ARANMORE CATHOLIC COLLEGE Aranmore Catholic College is currently accepting enrolment applications for 2015. Places available for 2015 in Year 7, due to the introduction of an extra class and limited places in Year 8-12. Aranmore offers: Academic Extension programmes Strong discipline and pastoral care Learning Support programmes Specialist Sport and Music programmes and scholarships Conveniently located near Leederville Train Station. For enrolment enquiries or to have a tour of the college please phone, 9444 9355 CHISHOLM CATHOLIC COLLEGE ENROLMENTS IN YEAR 7, 2017 The parents of Year 4 students are invited to join their sons and daughters for a presentation about Chisholm Catholic College, which includes a screening of a 10 minute DVD about the College. The presentation will take place at our school on Wednesday 5 November at 11.30am. Chisholm Catholic College senior staff and current Year 7 students, who have formerly attended our school, will give the presentation and answer any of your questions. Applications are now invited from parents of Year 4 children for entry into Chisholm Catholic College. The first round of applications close on Friday 27 March 2015 Page 9 Newsletter Community News (Continued) Schoenstatt Spring Affair Sunday, 2nd November 2014 From 10 am till 2 pm At the Schoenstatt Shrine 9 Talus Drive, Mt. Richon 9399 2349 Be in it to win it. Term 4, Issue 33 Ne P a gws e let 1 0t er Newsletter Classifieds Advertising space available! $50.00 per term for a business card-sized ad. Contact [email protected] with your pdf and to arrange payment to the P&F. T e r m 4Pa , I ge s s u1e0 3 3 Ne P a gws e let 1 1t er T e r m 4Pa , I ge s s u1e1 3 3 Newsletter Classifieds Lisa Baker MLA MEMBER FOR MAYLANDS (08) 9370 3550 (fax) 9272 4291
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