Därför måste företag substituera Carl-Gustaf Bornehag Professor in Public Health Sciences Karlstad University, Sweden Our natural hormones are of the greatest importance for a healthy development during the entire life span from the moment of conception until death Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) -Natural estrogen hormone Binding Adverse health effect Pharmaceutical drugs Metals Natural occuring hormones Building materials Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Pesticides Herbicides Fungicides Personal care products Consumer products Food Water Early life is important David Barker (1938-2013) The fetal period is important for chronic diseases later on in life, e.g., hypertonia, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases... Birth weight Low birth weight Body weight Macrosomia IUGR*** Median IUGR Birth Wean Adult Low birth weight & Centile crossing Body weight Macrosomia IUGR*** Median IUGR Birth Wean Adult Stress Infections Malnutrition Pharmaceuticals Environmental chemicals Environmental influences during development A 70 year old man with cardiovascular disease A 60 year old man with Parkinson's disease A 50 year old women with breast cancer A 40 year old man with type 2 diabetes A 30 year man with infertility problem A 20 year old man with overweight A 10 year old boy with asthma A 6 year old boy with ADHD A newborn boy with malformed genitals The dirty dozen The 12 worst endocrine disrupters (EWG) Bisphenol-A (BPA) Dioxin Atrazine Phthalates Perchlorate Fire retardants Lead Mercury Arsenic Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) Organophosphates Glycol ethers The dirty dozen The 12 worst endocrine disrupters (EWG) Bisphenol-A (BPA) Dioxin Atrazine Phthalates Perchlorate Fire retardants Lead Mercury Arsenic Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) Organophosphates Glycol ethers Fyra exempel på svårigheter vid riskvärdering av hormonstörande ämnen Kontroversen kring lågdosexponering! EFSAs riskvärdering av Bisfenol a! Substituering av ftalater som mjukgörare i PVC! Perfluorerade ämnen och hälsorisker The low dose controversy exemplified by bisphenol A The low dose controversy exemplified by bisphenol A Myer et al., 2008 Response The dose-response paradigm Phillippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim Paracelsus 1493-1541 Dose Response Non-monotonic dose responses Toxicity Programming Dose Regulatory science Response MTD 1493-1541 LOAEL NOAEL Safe dose Safety factors Dose EDCs are not poisons! Available information Standardized studies Academic research Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) Industry Animals “dose response paradigm” Epidemiology Animals In-vitro Cells Around 450 studies! 2 studies Tyl et al., 2002 Tyl et al., 2008 Efsas risk assessment of BPA Standardized studies Academic research Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) Industry “dose response paradigm” Epidemiology 91 studies/60 with positive findings! Animals Tyl et al., 2002 Tyl et al., 2008 Focus on EDC problems Cells Low dose exposure • Det finns en utbredd oro över BPA bland forskare världen över! • Vi känner väl till källorna och vi mäter rutinmässigt BPA i urin hos barn och vuxna! • Oenighet om gränsvärden för olika myndigheter och organisationer (Anses, WHO, etc.)! • Oenighet om hur man ska se på standardstudier och forskningsstudier! • Oenighet hur man ska värdera epidemiologiska studier! • Svårt att mäta BPA i blod (risk för kontaminering)! • Stort behov av bättre riskvärdering där all tillgänglig information vägs samman!!!!!!!! Group Phthalates (urine) Phenols (urine) Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (serum) Parent compound Metabolite n>LOD GM (95% CI) (ng/mL) 95% (ng/mL) DEP MEP 2,356 67.97 (60.30 - 76.60) 511.49 DBP MBP 2,356 63.99 (57.72 - 70.94) 236.03 BBzP MBzP 2,356 16.11 (14.17 - 18.32) 101.59 2,356 2,356 2,356 2,356 3.28 (2.98 - 3.61) DEHP MEHP MEHHP MEOHP MECCP 17.30 67.57 46.33 65.30 DiNP 7OH-MMeOP 7OXO-MMeOP 7CX-MMeOP 2,356 2,356 2,356 3.06 (2.81 - 3.34) 10.84 (10.00 - 11.75) 60.18 20.92 78.31 BPA 2,356 1.54 (1.48 - 1.91) 6.37 Triclosan 2,356 0.75 (0.61 - 1.18) 315.41 PFNA PFDA PFUnDA PFDoDA PFHxS PFHpA PFOA PFOS 2,393 2,393 2,381 1,083 2,393 1,748 2,393 2,393 0.54 (0.53-0.55) 0.26 (0.25-0.27) 0.21 (0.20-0.22) 0.05 (0.04-0.06) 1.31 (1.30-1.32) 0.03 (0.01-0.04) 1.61 (1.60-1.62) 5.24 (5.23-5.25) 1.33 0.60 0.53 0.08 3.66 0.10 3.96 12.00 Phenols PFASs 14.49 (13.23 - 15.87) 9.73 (8.86 - 10.68) 14.25 (13.03 - 15.58) 6.82 (6.14 - 7.58) Natural hormones Estrogen Testosterone Thyroids. etc. EDCs “Xenoestrogens” Anti-androgens Phthalates 1st trimester DiNP exposure increase the risk for shorter AGDas in 196 SELMA boys (21m) OR (95% CI) 10 1 Bornehag et al., 2015 0,1 1st ref 2nd 3rd MEP MEP 4th 1st ref 2nd 3rd MBP MBP 4th 1st ref 2nd 3rd MBzP MBzP 4th 1st ref 2nd 3rd 4th 1st ref 2nd 3rd 4th DEHPsum DiNPsum DEHPsum DiNPsum Phthalate metabolites in quartiles Replacement of phthalates in PVC ? DINCH Non-phthalate DiNP DEHP 1990 2000 2010 2015 Replacement of phthalates in PVC ? DINCH Non-phthalate Greenscreen 2012 Campioli et al., 2015 DiNP Lee et al., 2001 Lee et al., 2006 Borch et al., 2004 DEHP Clevell et al., 2013 Boberg et al., 2011 Hannas et al., 2011 Bornehag et al., 2015 Axelsson et al., 2015 Foster et al., 2005 # studies Swan et al., 2005 Gray et al., 2000 1990 2000 Swan et al., 2015 Bustamente al., 2013 Suzuki et al., 2012 2010 2015 DINCH/MINCH vs. PPAR expression Campioli et al., 2015 1st trimester urinary levels in 2,355 SELMA mothers DEHP DiNP BBzP Need for better procedures for how chemicals are replaced and how new molecules are introduced on the market Natural hormones Estrogen Testosterone Thyroids. etc. EDCs PFASs Livsmedelsverkets inventering visar att upp till 66 vattentäkter i landet kan vara kontaminerade med PFAS från brandskum Landets länsstyrelser har identifierat över 500 platser där yt- och grundvatten kan ha förorenats av kemikalier från bland annat brandskum Sveriges Radio 16 maj 2015 Low birth weight & Centile crossing Body weight Macrosomia IUGR*** Median IUGR Birth Wean Adult Reglering av PFAS Sedan juni 2008 är det förbjudet, med vissa undantag, att använda PFOS och ämnen som kan brytas ned till PFOS i kemiska produkter och varor inom EU. Sedan 2009 är PFOS inkluderad i Stockholmskonventionen för persistenta organiska miljögifter samt FNs LRTAP-konvention. För PFOA och övriga PFAS-ämnen finns det idag inga restriktioner. Thank you! Vandenberg et al., 2013, Reproductive Toxicology Regulatory decision and research on EDCs have to be based on principles of endocrinology!
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