CHESHVAN - KISLEV 5775 NOVEMBER 2014 The Temple Emanu-El Bulletin is published monthly except for July and August by Temple Emanu-El 2956 St. Paul Boulevard, Rochester NY 14617 Rabbi S. Robert Morais Rabbi Emeritus Michael B. Herzbrun President Leslie Schwartz Schedule of Services and Events Friday, Nov 7 Shabbat Va-Yera 8:00 PM Friday, Nov 14 Shabbat Hayyei Sarah 8:00 PM Friday, Nov 21 Shabbat Toldot 7:30 PM Discussion Session with Rabbi Morais Saturday, Nov 23 Rosh Chodesh Kislev Friday, Nov 28 Shabbat Va-Yetze 8:00 PM On November 7 and 21st, Shabbat services will be led by Rabbi Rob Morais. On November 14 and 28th, Shabbat services will be led by our congregants. Message from the President Dear Friends, For those of us involved in making sure that the High Holy Day services, meals, and study sessions went smoothly, the last few weeks were a study in detail. I’m sure that all of us were able to snatch some spirituality here and there, but it’s hard to continuously open yourself up to the universe when you’re wondering if the congregants in the back rows can hear well enough or whether there will be enough challah to go around at the Break-Fast. In contrast, the next few weeks at Temple Emanu-El will immerse many of us into the big picture of long range strategic planning. Most of our Board members and committee chairs have already filled out specialized surveys called, “Change Style Indicators.” These surveys will help each of our Board members and committee chairs understand his/her attitude towards change. Does he always want things to stay the same? Does she want to go forth even if some of the relevant facts aren’t yet known? Do they want to understand all sides first and then come to a compromise? Most importantly, do we have a good range of styles present in our Temple Emanu-El leadership so that all important points of view can be aired and debated when a question arises? When this bulletin comes out, Temple Emanu-El’s Board members and committee chairs will also have participated in our long-deferred strategic planning day – six glorious hours’ worth - where we will craft a vision and direction for Temple Emanu-El’s future. The day will be led by Michael Perlson, our VP of Membership, who has years of experience conducting such sessions, and Rabbi Rob Morias, who has the specialized knowledge that comes from leading a series of synagogues and other Jewish institutions. During this month, our Board members and committee chairs will participate in two additional strategic activities. First, our November Board meeting will be will co-opted by Rabbi Lou Feldstein, the consultant hired by Rochester’s synagogues. Lou will present the results of our Change Style Indicator surveys and help us come up with recommendations specific to our Board and how it should operate. And near the end of November, our Board members and committee chairs will join with those from nine other Rochester area synagogues to participate in a 6-hour workshop (another six hours!) exploring how collaboration between synagogues can help us all do a better job of serving our members and the community. My goodness – from the details to the big picture in three short months….Does any of this tempt you? We always welcome new people on our committees and on our Board, so if you’re interested in either the details or the big picture, I’m sure that we can find something that will satisfy you. Please contact me or any other Board member or committee chair if you’d like to learn more about what gets done around Temple Emanu-El and how you can become involved. Meanwhile, many thanks to our hard-working Board members – Bob Ginsberg (Treasurer), Cathy Leora Dayan, David Kassnoff (VP Education, Publicity Chair), Denise Lippa, Don Hurwitz, Elaina Ginsberg (Corresponding Secretary), Evie Schron, Harvey Mymit, Hillary Harter, Jerry Dunn (House and Bingo Chair), Judy Greenstein, Jule Rayburn (Board Chair), Merril Greenstein (VP Finance), Michael Perlson (VP Membership), Randy Perlson, Renate Livingston, Rose Levin, Ruth Siegel, and SuSan Cambell (Board Secretary). And to our committee chairs – Carl Wetzstein (Webmaster), Harold Paschal (Cemetery Chair), Janet Wagner (Ritual Chair), Judy Goldstein and Jill Chesley (Library Co-Chairs), and Phyllis Hirsch (Adult Ed Chair). And to the presence behind the scenes who increasingly is the driving force that keeps us all functioning smoothly, Bernice Rayburn (Temple Emanu-El’s Secretary/Office Manager). It’s a pleasure working with you all! Kol tuv, Sunday Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 5 Thursday Friday 6 Janet's Team 9 Brunch 10:30 AM 10 RASP Board Training 7:00 PM Brian Stanfield 16 12 13 Renate's Team 1 7 8 Torah Study 10:00 AM 14 15 21 22 Torah Study 10:00 AM Shabbat Service 8:00 PM Rabbi Morais 11 17 Saturday Shabbat Service 8:00 PM 18 19 20 Audrey's Team Shabbat Shabbat Service Service 7:30 PM 8:00 PM Discussion Rabbi Session with Morais Rabbi Morais Books & Bagels 10:00 AM 23 RASP Workshop 11 AM - 5 TBK 30 24 Pat's Team 25 26 27 Shabbat Service 8:00 PM 28 29 TEE School It’s been a whirlwind month of many holidays and experiencing different Rabbis, vocalists, and services. We also share fond thoughts of Rabbi Mike’s teachings, silliness, and honor the memory of his wife, Pnina. As we celebrated the precious Torah this past week, in all the learning that leaps from these Hebrew letters, stories, Midrash, rituals, we shared time with one of Temple Emanu El’s precious teachers, Mr Bill Newman. He taught us many things, including the requirements of the “sofer” who very carefully scribes the Torah each day for a year. As we returned to our classroom after the studying with our Torah scrolls in the library, we proceeded to create edible Torahs. I asked, “What do we need to make a Torah?” A student aptly answered, “A year without a schedule.” So with fruit rollups for the scroll, markers that draw with edible ink, the students chose Hebrew words, drawings which served as their guide for living. Delicious fun! Submitted by Denise Lippa Seven blunders of the world that lead to violence: wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, worship without sacrifice, politics without principle. -Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) Submitted by Edie Bonferraro Welcome Welcome to our new member, Stu Brickman Readers may be divided into four classes: 1. Sponges, who absorb all that they read and return it in nearly the same state, only a little dirtied. 2. Sand-glasses, who retain nothing and are content to get through a book for the sake of getting through the time. 3. Strain-bags, who retain merely the dregs of what they read. 4. Mogul diamonds, equally rare and valuable, who profit by what they read, and enable others to profit by it also. -Samuel Taylor Coleridge, poet, critic (1772-1834) Submitted by Edie Bonferraro I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library. -Jorge Luis Borges, writer (1899-1986) Submitted by Edie Bonferraro Announcements Adult Education Brunch Sunday, November 9, 10:30am RSVP (Please) to Judy Greenstein by Tuesday, November 4th, [email protected] or (585) 366-4180. Topic: “R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant: Safe, Clean and Dependable Electricity for Western New York” Speaker: Brian Stanfield, R.E. Ginna – Procedure Development Unit, Administrative/Balance of Plant Work Group Lead Brian’s presentation will focus on Ginna’s safety precautions to protect community neighbors in the current context of international terrorism, extreme weather (a la Japan) as well as vandalism and whatever other malicious-mischief meanspirited people decide to conjure up. He will present a light overview of just enough technical information as is needed to support and understand the workings of the safety precautions. He plans to have some slides describing Ginna’s Emergency Plans and how they work with the Counties and the State, as well as some slides with public domain information describing security precautions utilized to resist hostile acts against the plant. A few slides describing the way a nuclear plant operates will be included. Brian Stanfield is employed by Exelon at the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant in Ontario, New York. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering and has worked for 32 years in Nuclear Power. This includes 24years in Quality Assurance and 8 years in Procedure Development at two Nuclear Power Plants : The Callaway Nuclear Power Plant in Fulton, Missouri and the R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant. PARKING A New Sunday Brunch Parking Arrangement To facilitate parking for our Sunday Brunch speakers, we are instituting a new parking arrangement for them. When you see (a) cone(s) in the parking lot, please leave enough space around the area to accommodate a large vehicle. Books ‘n Bagels There will be NO November Books’n Bagels due to a Rochester Area Strategic Planning (RASP) meeting involving area Temple Boards on November 23rd, our regular book group day. See you in December! KEVIN & RUSS DRIVEWAY SEALING COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL QUALITY WORK SINCE 1981 RUSS LYONS 150 Palm Street Rochester NY 14615 Office: (585) 647-3030 Fax: (585) 458-2033 Cell: (585) 747-4117 Important Information Contact Information Rabbi S. Robert Morais Rabbi’s Phone: 248-410-5677 Rabbi’s E-mail: [email protected] President Leslie Schwartz President’s Phone: 585-944-2361 President’s E-mail: [email protected] Temple Information Website: Secretary: Bernice Rayburn Office Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs 9:00am - 1:00pm Office Phone: 585-266-1978 E-mail: [email protected] Help us keep in touch Elaina Ginsberg will help us keep in touch with members who are ill or in the hospital, could use our sympathy, or would enjoy a mazal tov. Please call Elaina with any news of this kind at 585-381-3864, and she will mail out cards to let our members know that we are thinking of them. Rides to Temple Need a ride to services or a Temple Brunch? Can you offer an occasional ride? Our ride contact person is Rosanne Cohen, 585-388-6954. Temple Needs You If you can volunteer one night a month for our Tuesday fundraiser, please call Jerry Dunn, 585-342-7466. Social Networking! You can now follow Temple Emanu-El on Facebook and Twitter. You need to become a member (free) in order to access these social network sites. Questions? Send a note to David Kassnoff at [email protected]. On Twitter, find us at: Induction Hearing Loops On Facebook, find us by typing ‘Temple Emanu-El of Rochester’ in the Search bar near the top of the page. Our Induction Hearing Loops are up and running! If you have a hearing aid with a T-coil, turn on the coil! If your hearing aid does not have a T-coil, or if you have hearing difficulty but no hearing aids, we can give you a cell-phone-size receiver and a pair of ear buds, and these will plug you right into the Loop. The ear buds are for you to keep and bring back each time you want to use the system, or you can bring your own headphones. (For more information, contact Merrill Greenstein, 585-366-4180.) Yahrzeits - CHESHVAN / KISLEV Our Yahrzeit List is read every Friday evening. Memorial dates for the names on the list are from Sunday to Saturday of that week. FRIDAY, NOV 7 Claire Garver Neil Jeffrey Harris Hattie Chadwick Sara Silverman Anna Ball Lester Levin Frieda Pfingst Alfred Pfingst Irwin Halpern Vincent Bonferraro Frances Stark Edith Mazel FRIDAY, NOV 14 Mary Skopinsky Joseph Woldenberg Rose Zar Samuel Morris Cohen Richard Gersten Ruth Greene Max Rose Harold Gertzog Benno Wetzstein Stephen Zweig Goldie Biernbaum Marvin Butler Judith Turof Joseph Livingston Ruth Winter Hannah Brodsky FRIDAY, NOV 21 Harold Achter Myer Biernbaum Julius Zanger Julian Zweig Jacob Gerber Warren Goldstein FRIDAY, NOV 28 Joan Yessenow Ruth S. Cohen Betty McGorky Walter Shifton Ethel Brightman Menachem Baker Jack William Biernbaum Milton Terris Lester C. Elsberg Goldie Levy Morris Mintz Lilyan Perlson If you have a yahrzeit anniversary coming up for a loved one and would like to light Sabbath candles in that person’s memory, please contact Elaine Greene at [email protected] or (585) 271-6753. If you are interested in sponsoring an “oneg” at the time of yahrzeit, please call Janet Wagner at (585) 248-0576 or [email protected]. Contributions TEMPLE FUND In Memory of Pnina Herzbrun Ina Suher Cathy Leora Dayan Frimith Sacks Ethel & Michael Moskow Marley & Allan Korn In Memory of Larry Sapozink Larry & Mary Chesin Rosanne Cohen & George Madden Betty Cohen Rona & Bill Newman Carl Wetzstein Harvey Mymit Florence Mymit Gloria Chesin Barbara Weinstein In Memory of Kay Wetzstein Edie Bonferraro Cathy Leora Dayan Ron & Fran Gluck Bert & Sylvia Butler George & Judy Shapow Phyllis Hirsch Bill & Rona Newman Ruth Harris Gladys Napier Rosanne Cohen & George Madden Ruth Siegel Renate Livingston Don Hurwitz Bernice & Jule Rayburn Judy & Merrill Greenstein Harriet Zweig Abrahan deLeeuwe & Family Ellyn R. Bagley, Nancy Haas, Ruth & Peter Szanto, & Harold L. Ruslander, Jr. Ina Suher Barb & Shel Silverstein Audrey Biernbaum Shelley Biernbaum Harold & Rhea Feinberg Mr & Mrs Paul Krebs Roberta Kinel Mr & Mrs Angelo Fazio Fredda & Pete Silverstein Marion Wowkowych Mary Ann DiMartino Madeline Stanton Linda & Milt Rapkin Janet Vanamersfort Fern Marlan Daniel Miriam & Lloyd Krieger Martin & Penny Lustik Gail Miller & Marty Raffner Marcia Lewis Jay Lodge 639, Knights of Pythias In Memory Nettie Rabinowitz The Rabinowitz Family In Memory of Milton (Mike) Weinstein Della Cerasoli In Memory of Lee Bailey Gladys Napier In Memory of Belle Epstein Gladys Napier In Memory of Lenore Shapiro Rosanne Cohen & George Madden Betty Cohen & Marsha Cohen In Memory of Herbert Hirsch Phyllis Hirsch, Sue Hirsch & Debi Boyer In Memory of Lillian Harris Ruth Harris In Memory of Frances Stark Cathy Leora Dayan In Memory of Mary & Charles Skopinsky Bernie Skopinsky In Memory of Ann Kassnoff David & Barbara Kassnoff If you wish to make a contribution to any fund for any occasion, please contact Bernice Rayburn at 585-266-1978 or by e-mail ([email protected]). Contributions can also be made by clicking “Donations” on the website. A reminder that all donations are handled by theTemple Office only! Please designate all donations to one of the following funds: Temple Fund, Library Fund, Elizabeth Friedman-Leblanc Hebrew School Fund. Donations received after the 14th of every month will be listed in the following month’s bulletin. Contributions, continued Mazel Tov: In Gratitude for Leslie Schwart’s Hebrew Classes Lisbeth Ornstein Barbara Grosh Steven Huff Marty Levin Diane Levin Richard Giannetti Zhanna Yurkevich Robert Baker Leslie Baker Shaya Greathouse Jarvin Mendez-Castro Hector Rodriguez In Honor of our New Rabbi, Rob Morais Cathy Leora Dayan Best Wishes to Yoni on His Bar Exam Ruth Siegel In Memory of Susan Kay David & Barbara Kassnoff In Memory of Anita Stein Don Hurwitz In Memory of Vinny Bonferraro Edie Bonferraro Recovery,Healing& Spiritual Well-Being: To Rabbi Michael Herzbrun Ruth Siegel ELIZABETH FRIEDMAN-LEBLANC HEBREW SCHOOL FUND In Memory of Kay Wetzstein Michael & Michelle Weinstein Betty Rose In Memory of Nathan Larman Michael & Michelle Weinstein LIBRARY FUND In Memory of Kay Wetzstein Susan Lippman In Memory of Irwin Halpern Phyllis Hirsch, Sue Hirsch & Debi Boyer In Memory of Sol & Sara Silverman Gale & Fred Rosen Thank you to the following people who have Hosted or Sponsord Onegs in October: Jerry Dunn Davida Bloom Randy & Michael Perlson Thelma & Marty Nemeroff Please designate all donations to one of the following funds: Temple Fund, Library Fund, Elizabeth Friedman-Leblanc Hebrew School Fund. Donations received after the 14th of every month will be listed in the following month’s bulletin. 2956 St. Paul Boulevard Rochester, NY 14617 TEMPLE FUND RAISERS REMEMBER Don’t discard your old inkjet printer cartridges or cell phones. Please bring them to the Temple for recycling as a fund-raiser. (All proceeds support Temple Emanu-El) TOPS GIFT CARDS Tops Market gift cards ($25/$50) are available. Buy groceries and help raise money for our temple at the same time. Please call Jerry Dunn, 585-342-7466, if you would like to purchase a Tops gift card. Many thanks! WEBSITE FUNDRAISERS On our website Click: Shop Amazon and earn money for temple with every purchase Click: and earn money for temple with every search HANDMADE CANVAS ARTICLES FOR SALE Kleenex Boxes $5 Pocket Kleenex Holders $3 Pen Holders for your Purse $3 Memo Pads with Pencils $3 Party favors for any event: Baby Showers, Birthdays, Weddings $1.50 Call Betty Rose 585-544-2557
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