CPD: Skills Competitions By building skills competitions into the core teaching and learning curriculum providers of vocational education and training can ensure their learners and staff aspire to and showcase excellence (Inspiring Excellence, LSIS 2012) Links to OFSTED Key National Priorities • Strengthen local accountability and governance/leadership of FE and skills providers to focus on overall impact of their provision • Raise the status, quality and impact of vocational training • Improve the quality of TLA – – – – Major shift in emphasis to teaching, learning and assessment Focus on learning and learners Focus on impact Focus on progress Outcomes for learners • A1 All learners achieve and make progress relative to their starting points and learning goals • PS13 Motivate and inspire learners to promote achievement and develop their skills to enable progression Competition increases motivation and focus, accelerating learning • A2 Achievement gaps are narrowing between different groups of learners Competition removes the glass ceiling, providing personal challenge Outcomes for learners • A3 Learners develop personal, social and employability skills • PS17 Enable learners to share responsibility for their own learning and assessment, setting goals that stretch and challenge Competition develops team work, time management, persistence, resilience and working to specific standards Quality of teaching, learning and assessment • B1 Learners benefit from high expectations, engagement, care, support and motivation from staff • PS3 Inspire, motivate and raise aspirations of learners through your enthusiasm and knowledge Competitions and coaching challenge learners to go beyond their ‘normal’ work and stretch and challenge themselves • B2 Staff use their skills to plan and deliver teaching, learning and support to meet each learner’s needs • PS7 Maintain and update knowledge of your subject/ vocational area Opportunities for tutors to explore different ways of using their expertise to develop, consolidate and assess skills and wider learning Quality of teaching, learning and assessment • B3 Staff initially assess learners’ starting points and monitor their progress, set challenging tasks and build on and extend learning for all learners Marking schemes set out clear assessment criteria, to identify strengths and weaknesses. • B4 Learners understand how to improve as a result of frequent, detailed and accurate feedback from staff following assessment of their learning • PS18 Apply appropriate and fair methods of assessment and provide constructive and timely feedback to support progression and achievement Feedback to competitors, based on sharp assessment criteria for technical and personal learning skills, is an integral and valuable part of competition. Time for reflection built in. Quality of teaching, learning and assessment B6 Appropriate and timely IAG supports learning effectively Reflection and evaluation time at the end of the competition allows for timely IAG to be provided on next steps in training, education and employment. Often employers are present and can support this process, providing enhanced IAG. Quality of teaching, learning and assessment • B7 Equality and diversity are promoted through teaching and learning • PS14 Plan and deliver effective learning programmes for diverse groups or individuals in a safe and inclusive environment Competition briefs and coaching methods foster good relations and are sensitive to and promote equality of opportunity. The coaching sessions which precede and follow competition activity allow for individual needs of learners to be met. Regional Approach By developing a regional competition strategy and activities staff are able to • PS1 Reflect on what works best in their teaching and learning to meet the diverse needs of learners • PS10 Evaluate their practice with others and assess its impact on learning • PS19 Maintain and update teaching and training expertise and vocational skills through collaboration with employers • PS20 Contribute to organisational development and QI through collaboration with others Lesson learned • • • • • • • • • • • • Senior leadership involvement Clear strategic plan and operational plan Plan for long term impact Dedicated coordinator with authority Assignment of responsibilities - clarity Effective communication – regional bulletins Time to meet and plan Employer involvement Publicity and dissemination Prepared workspaces and resourcing Separate coaching from judging Time to reflect and evaluate ‘in action’ and ‘on action’ Next steps Complete the competition activity checklist to help you self- assess your starting point and identify any future actions required.
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