Florey Primary School Newsletter An ACT Government School Phone: 6205 8011 T E R M 1 W E E K Fax: 62058002 PO Box 223, Kippax, ACT, 2615 e: [email protected] 1 www.floreyps.act.edu.au 5 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 5 Upcoming Events….. Principal’s Message... Term 1 Dear Parents and Carers Week 2 Welcome to the 2015 school year! The introduction of letters to families in January to provide class placement information has proven to be very successful. Students were settled and working by morning tea on day 1 and have continued to be settled this week. Fri 13 Feb P&C Twilight Picnic Week 3 Tues 17 Feb 7pm P&C Meeting Staffroom Week 6 Mon 9 Mar Canberra Day Public Holiday Tues 10 Mar School Photographs Week 9 Fri 3 Apr Good Friday Public Holiday Week 10 Mon 6 Apr Easter Monday Public We have been fortunate to gain a number of new staff members this year, including: Miss Stacey Low who has joined us as an executive teacher and will be looking after the 5/6 team as well as coaching staff; Miss Bronwyn Vickers teaching year 5/6; Bronwyn Jadav team teaching year 3/4 and supporting English as a second language or dialect (EALD) Students; Mark Robson teaching year 3/4; Jack Lewis teaching year 1/2; Emily Hunter teaching Kindergarten; Anne Hickson supporting EALD and Fern Hyde supporting EALD. The school day begins at 9:00 am and concludes at 3:00 pm. Students should be dropped off at school between 8:45 am and 8:55 am ready to begin learning at 9:00 am. Students should be collected between 3:00 pm and before 3:15 pm as we do not provide supervision after this time. Play equipment is not supervised before or after school and should not be used by students. To allow our learning program to operate more efficiently, we have changed the lunch bell times. 12.50 pm –1 pm is lunch eating time and 1 pm-1.40 pm is playtime outside. Florey Primary School has a great tradition of all students wearing school uniform. The uniform is important as it allows both students and strangers to be quickly identified, develops pride in our school and a sense of belonging for students. The school uniform shop is open from 8:30 am to 9:30 am every Wednesday morning and is located at the entry to the school hall. The shop also stocks second hand clothing. Families having difficulty meeting the costs of the uniform are encouraged to make an appointment with myself so that we are able to assist. As a ‘Nut Free’ school, we ask that families please take care when packing food for students for the day. We have both staff members and students who have life threatening nut allergies. Foods such as Nutella, nut bars, many types of muesli bars, anything cooked with pea-nut butter or with nuts in it and food that has been cooked in peanut oil need to be avoided. Please assist us in keeping the school a safe place for our staff and students. The school also needs your help with communicable diseases. Should your child be diagnosed with a communicable disease, please let the school know. We are then able to inform others, in particular any teachers or families with children at risk. The school calendar for term 1 will be distributed to families next week. Dates to keep in mind at this stage include the first P&C meeting for the year on Tuesday 17 February at 7:00 pm in the staff room, located in the schools administrative building. New members are welcome. Friday 13 February is the P&C Twilight Picnic. More information is available in this newsletter. Team information evenings will occur in week 3. More information will be provided during the course of next week. Please note that when dropping students off in the morning we would appreciate parents and students walking up the ramp and around the basketball courts to allow students to play on the courts to use up some energy before the school day starts. If we follow this procedure, we can avoid people from accidently being hit by the balls. I look forward to a very successful 2015 together. Felicity TERM 1 WEEK 1 Snack Shack News... PAGE 2 Save Time! Order Online! - www.flexischools.com.au Welcome 2015 Welcome back. We hope you all had a wonderful and safe Christmas and New Year. We are open for business and it is lovely to see such smiling and eager faces coming to say hello at recess and lunch. We would like to extend a warm welcome to the families and students who are new to Florey Primary, particularly those beginning ‘big school’ in Kindergarten. We look forward to getting to know you over the next few weeks. Parent Volunteers: If you would like to join our little team and enjoy a bit of a laugh, we would love to have you. Without the help of parent volunteers the canteen cannot operate. Volunteering in the canteen also helps parents get to know other parents, students and teachers. It also enables you to contribute to the school community. Volunteer forms are available from the front office, school website under the canteen tab or by emailing Lisa in the canteen on [email protected]. Canteen Committee The Canteen Committee is a group of parents who meet once or twice a term to discuss all things related to the operation of the canteen. We are always open to new ideas and ways of running the canteen so if you would like to join the Committee please see Lisa in the canteen or email her on [email protected]. Student Volunteers: If your child is in year 6 this year and interested in volunteering in the canteen at lunch time, please complete a parent permission form. We would appreciate a prompt return of the note to school as soon as possible so that we can get the roster up and running. Permission forms are available from the front office or canteen. Online ordering: Please try our online ordering with Flexischools (www.flexischools.com.au). It is quick and easy to set up and will save you time in the mornings as you can order anytime up to 9am. For more information please see Lisa in the canteen or under the canteen tab on the school website. Parent Roster Term 1 WEEK 2 10/02/2015 to 13/02/2015 Tuesday 10/02/2015 AM – Kim Badelt Wednesday 11/02/2015 PM – Kaelah Manson Thursday 12/02/2015 AM – Beth Brown PM – Adam Rayner Friday 13/02/2015 AM – Cath McCallum PM – Cheryl Clarkson TERM 1 WEEK 1 PAGE 3 TERM 1 WEEK 1 PAGE 4 Welcome Back Twilight Picnic To celebrate the start of school we are holding our very first twilight picnic. Come along and mingle with our Florey families. Catch up with your friends and meet new families. Familiarise yourself with the school and where all the facilities are. Bring along your picnic rug and picnic dinner (no nuts). Venue: grassed semi circle (in the hall if wet weather) We will have some games and activities for families to participate in for a fun evening. Friday 13th February 2015 (week 2) 5.30-7.30pm (There is no cost for this event) With Shirley Enrolments are now open for Term 1 Zumba Kids @ Florey Primary School. The sessions are run in the school hall every Friday during lunchtime. The first session for term starts Friday 7 February 2015. If you would like to enroll your child please contact Shirley from “Funkshirlnal Fitness” on 0417282173 or [email protected]. If your child would like to come along to a trial class this Friday please fill in the form below. Please note your child will not be able to attend unless they have permission from their parent/caregiver. ************************************************************************************************************* CHILD’S NAME:__________________________ PARENTS/CAREGIVERS NAME: ________________________________ EMAIL: ______________________________________ PHONE:_________________________
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