The Catholic Parishes of Uckfield & Heron’s Ghyll Parish Priest: Fr Stephen Hardaker: 01825 762221 or [email protected] The Priest’s House, New Town, Uckfield. TN22 5DJ Deacon The Rev’d Simon Kirkdale: 07729 600156 or [email protected] Deacon The Rev’d David Tutt 07968 749951or [email protected] Newsletter items: [email protected] Parish Website Registered Charity No. 252878 Day Time Where Liturgy Intention Sun (Sat evening) 5.00pm Uck Confessions 9th DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN 5.30pm Uck Mass People of the Parish Nov BASILICA 9.30am Uck Mass Roselie Marsh RIP (Remembrance Sunday) 11.30am HG Mass Agnes Isabel Poyser RIP Mon St Leo the Great 9.30am Uck Mass Manickam & Fr Dhanasekar RIP Tue St Martin of Tours 9.30am Uck Mass Sister Martin’s intentions 11.00am Holy Cross Convent Wed St Josaphat Mass for Deceased Clergy 9.30am HG Mass Elizabeth Gilroy RIP 9.15am Uck School Mass 12noon HG Mass 9.30am Uck Mass No public Mass today Thu Fri Amy Hardaker RIP Sat Our Lady 10.00am Uck Confessions Sun (Sat evening) 5.00pm Uck Confessions 16th 33rd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5.30pm Uck Mass People of the Parishes 9.30am Uck Mass Ints of the SVP and those visited 11.30am HG Mass Ruth & Hugh Monaghan RIP 1.00pm HG Baptism Richardson family Nov Sunday 9th November Eucharistic Prayer 2 This weekend a collection will be taken for the Ebola relief aid via CAFOD. Next Sunday there will be a 2nd collection for the Arundel Cathedral Maintenance Fund. Please use your Gift Aid envelopes, or the yellow ones available in our Church, if you are a taxpayer. Vocation Matters: Promoting priestly vocations "Destroy this sanctuary and in three days I will raise it up". When Jesus gets involved, things change! Pray today for those men who are discerning a call to priesthood, for the members of the St John Vianney diocesan group, and for all those who are asking the big questions about God's plan for their lives. On Tuesday 11th November at 11am, the clergy of the Mayfield Deanery will gather at Holy Cross Priory to offer Mass for all the departed clergy of our deanery parishes. The chief celebrant will be Bishop John Hine, of Southwark Archdiocese, now parish priest of Tenterden in Kent. Bishop John will also bless the new chapel and convent buildings at Holy Cross. All are very welcome to attend. There will be Mass at St Philip’s that morning. Polish Gathering: It was wonderful to see many Polish parishioners attend this year's Easter Blessing. Once again, as Christmas draws near it would be nice to see you again as well as friends and family from the wider community. We invite you all to join us on Saturday, 15th November at 3.30pm to 5.15pm. Bring a dish to share. Refreshments will be available. For further details please contact Elizabeth 765671 or Halina 767040. Amy Hardaker RIP Kochani, Serdecznie wszystkich zapraszamy na ponowne spotkanie w Sobote 15/11/2014 o godz 15 - 17.15. Slodkie i nie tylko dania beda bardzo mile widziane. Kawa i herbata na miejscu. Do milego spotkania przed Swietami. Elzbieta Campbell 01825 765671" St Philip and St John Bridge Group will meet on Wednesday 12 November at 2:00pm in the Lourdes Hall. Cost is £1.50; new members are most welcome. Contact: Chris Found 01825 763601 or 07871806925. St Philip’s Notices The Parish Fair needs you!!! This years Parish/School Christmas Fair will be held on Saturday 6th December 2014 between 11am and 2pm in the school hall. We need your help and support to make sure all goes well and to ensure everyone has a happy and enjoyable time. If you have ideas for a stall, would like to run a stall or would like to offer help in any way please contact any of the fair organisers. We are currently seeking financial sponsorship for the Grand raffle (kind donors for prizes of £100, £75, £50 and a hamper are being sought). If you, or someone you know is able to help with this please contact one of the fair organisers (see list below) or add your details to the poster in the Church. We hope this will be a very successful and above all festive happy event supported by both the parish and school. Organisers: Madeleine Fontana 07922 064 083, Simon Watts 07739 447 394, Vicky Anderson 07818 509 503. Look out for further updates in the newsletters in coming weeks. MISSIO Red Box Holders: Thank you to all of you that hold a red box. Your promoter will be in touch shortly to collect your kind contribution to the priests working overseas. If you wish to speak to anyone regarding red boxes, please call Teresa Bate on 01825 768453. St Philip’s Church Cleaning: The new cleaning rota is now available in the Narthex. Volunteers are always welcome. If you can spare an hour every couple of months please contact Halina 767040. 5.30pm Christmas Eve Children's Mass Choir and Orchestra. We are hoping to put together an Orchestra and Choir for the Children's Christmas Eve Nativity Mass. If you are in KS2 or Secondary School and are interested please contact Lisa Hanson at [email protected] We invite young children to dress up in our Nativity Costumes and process into church with Father Stephen. I look forward to hearing from you all. Many thanks Lisa. St John’s Notices Thank you to you all for gallantly helping with the movement of furniture etc. at Heron's Ghyll after Mass last Sunday in such wet conditions! It will be wonderful to return to our Church again. Annual Blessing of Graves: will take place at Heron’s Ghyll after Mass, the one at Snatts Road took place last Sunday. Please pray for Isabella Richardson who is to be baptized at St John’s next Sunday and for her family at this time. Please leave any items you wish to donate to St Philip's Fair at the back of the church by Sunday 30th November so that they can be transported to Uckfield. Sick At Home Or In Hospital: if anyone is seriously ill at home or is in hospital, it is most important that a priest be informed so that the sick person may receive the spiritual help of the sacraments. Relatives or friends should contact Fr Stephen or the Catholic chaplain of the hospital parish (at Haywards Heath 01444 450139; at Eastbourne 01323 723222; at Tunbridge Wells/Pembury 01892 522525). Mothers Prayers: each Thursday at 10.30am at the home of Janet Desmond, (also a group in Crowborough) Rosary Group: each Tuesday at 10am at St Philip’s & Wednesdays 10am at St John’s St Vincent de Paul: Outreach to those who may need our help or support Justice & Peace Group: meets at St Philip’s regularly Sphere: a ladies group meeting on the first Wednesday for spiritual input, social activities and outings. St Philip & St John’s Bridge Club: meets 2.00pm every 2nd and 4th Wednesday. Newman Forum: an adult faith discussion group meeting 2 or 3 times a year. Traidcraft Stall: at St Philip’s last weekend of each month. Diocesan Information • Healthcare Workers Mass, Crawley, 8 November • Fire Safety in the Parish, Crawley (New Venue), 8 November • Jubilee Event with Fr Christopher Jamison, Hove, 15 November • SUCADO - Sussex Christian Doctors Network, Crawley, 16 November (New) • Vocations Director - Sacramental Programme Support (See Poster) • Advent Booklet - Advent Prayers and Reflections now available from Bookshop. • Advent and Christmas Resource from the Diocesan Bookshop • J&P Assembly on Migration - forward notice, 31 January 2015 (New) • More information on Fr Stephen will be taking Thursdays as his rest day from now onwards. Non Parish Notices Talk at Worth Abbey. Monday 10th November at 7.30 pm. A talk by Sister Cathy Jones on 'Mary in the Church Today - Learning from the woman at the heart of the Church'. Sister Cathy is a member of the Religious of the Assumption. She is a teacher and works as a religious life promoter in the National Office for Vocation. All welcome. St Philip’s St John’s Collections Last week Parish funds £468.73 £166.30 (Plate collection) £138.00 Retired Priests’ Fund £258.30 Second collection Thank you for your generosity and support. Diary Dates Wednesday 19th November Wednesday 26th November Saturday 6th December Film “Mandela” Shared Lunch St Philip’s Parish Fair Regular Events Confessions: Saturday at 10am and 5pm at St Philip’s or after Mass on Sundays at St John’s Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: from 8.45am before 9.30am Masses at St Philip’s (not Sundays) St John Lateran, Rome The Pope’s Cathedral Church
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