WELCOMES all High School Participants to be part of the
for the 12 ALL NEW Saturday Engineering Workshops (SEW)
Into its seventh year and geared for Girl Scout Cadettes and Seniors, these workshops challenge participants to sharpen their
math, science and technology skills as they discover engineering! Having completed three/four/five years on various handson projects, all high school participants will get opportunities to explore newer hands-on activities at this level:
The Advanced Level II. In this level, participants will get to explore and experience the joy of electronics with Arduino
programming with littleBits: Participants will get to go through the basics using the Arduino programming environment,
without the breadboarding, soldering or wiring normally required which is perfect for hackers, designers, makers and
tinkerers of all levels and get introduced to the COOLEST WEARABLE ELECTRONICS using the LilyPads and get
introduced to App development for Android phones. Some of these activities were introduced last year. This year the
concepts learnt the past year will be advanced further with newer and coolest projects spread across the 12 hands-on 1.5
hour workshops. As part of a service learning project, participants form this level will have to demonstrate some of these
projects at least in one STEM event: at their local area elementary and middle school STEM nights, science fairs and other
STEM expos.
Girl Scout Cadettes & Seniors in grades 7-12
Nov. 22, Dec. 6 & 13, Feb. 7 & 21, Mar. 14 (3 hr) & 21 (3 hr), April 4 & 18 (3 hr), May 2 & 9
Time: 8:30 to 10:30 A.M.
Summer Camp will be held June 8-12, 2015.
Attended the first or first & second year’s of the NIU-EEP Program
Northern Illinois University Naperville Campus, Diehl Rd., Naperville, IL
$235 per registered Girl Scout/$250 per girl for non-registered Girl Scouts
(includes $15 GSUSA registration fee and $10 administrative fees.
Additional camp costs for T-shirts and field trips (~$75) will be required at a later date)
A few scholarships are available for students who are enrolled in the free and reduced lunch programs at their schools.
Program cost includes all workshops & EEP summer camp
Please go to: and enter the registration code: 322745 for registering for the
2014-15 NIU-EEP program (this code is for the Advanced Level I level only)
SWE Event Patch
Kindly mail or scan & email the completed application forms to Dr. Suma Rajashankar
([email protected]/[email protected]), EB 330 Garden Road, College of Engineering & Engineering Technology,
Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115
by Thursday, November 13th , 2014
Mandatory Orientation for participant & parent
November 15th, from 9 to 11 A.M. @ NIU Naperville Campus
Check out for more information on the SEW program
Registration questions: Contact Candice Schmidt@ (312) 912-6376,or [email protected]
College of Engineering and Engineering Technology
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, IL 60115
Society of P
Women Engineers
NIU Collegiate Section
DeKalb, ILr 60115
Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana
770 N Halsted St., Suite 500
Chicago, IL 60642
Northern Illinois University – Enhancing Engineering Pathways Engineering Opportunities for Girl Scout Cadettes through Saturday Engineering Workshops Funded by Motorola Solutions Foundation
(Submit a separate form for each participant.)
Application due: Thursday, November 13 , 2014
Complete the program registration @: and enter the Registration code: 322745
Mail or Scan & email this completed form to:
Dr. Suma Rajashankar, EB 330 Garden Road, College of Engineering and Engineering Technology, Northern Illinois University,
DeKalb, IL 60504
[email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]
Name: First________________________________Last ____________________________________Middle
Grade____________________School name_______________________________________District
Parent/Guardian name(s)
Day phone (____)_________________________________Evening phone (_____)
E-mail (list alternate emails too)
List the honors or advanced courses you have been enrolled in
Are you enrolled in any special engineering or science curriculum? If Yes, list them.
When you go to college, do you think you will pursue a career in an engineering-related field?
*Don’t know
If yes, to the above question, then explain why you would like to become an engineer? What is it that interests you?
How did you like the NIU--EEP program last year? How did participating in this program, benefit you? Kindly, share your
Parent/Guardian Signature
Applicant’s Signature
Northern Illinois University – Enhancing Engineering Pathways Engineering Opportunities for Girl Scout Cadettes through Saturday Engineering Workshops Funded by Motorola Solutions Foundation
(Submit a separate form for each participant.)
Application due: Thursday, November 13 , 2014
Complete the program registration @: and enter the Registration code: 322745
Mail or Scan & email this completed form to:
Dr. Suma Rajashankar, EB 330 Garden Road, College of Engineering and Engineering Technology, Northern Illinois University,
DeKalb, IL 60504
[email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]
For Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
Need Based Scholarships:
(Scholarships of $115 is available to 10 girls, who are part of the free and reduced lunch program at their schools .)
____ We need the $115 need based scholarship toward the program.
____ My daughter is part of the free and reduced lunch at her school.
____ Enclosed supporting document showing the eligibility for the free and reduced lunch at the school.
Program Registration:
For online registration, please go to the website: and enter the
Program code: 322745
____ Girl Scout membership of $15 taken for the year 2014-15
____ Paid the program fees of $235
____ Completed the online registration
☐ Yes ☐ No My daughter/ward has permission to attend this event.
☐ Yes ☐ No My daughter/ward has permission to have photos taken for public relations purposes.
☐ Yes ☐ No The bearer of this letter has my permission, a parent or legal guardian, to act on my behalf in
an emergency dealing with the health and welfare of my daughter/ward, and to obtain
emergency treatment for her by a licensed physician.
Parent / Guardian Signature __________________________________________________________________________________
College of Engineering and Engineering Technology
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, IL 60115
Society of Women Engineers
NIU Collegiate Section
DeKalb, IL 60115
Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana
770 N Halsted St., Suite 500
Chicago, IL 60642