ST. MARK CATHOLIC CHURCH 5601 SOUTH FLAMINGO ROAD SOUTHWEST RANCHES, FLORIDA 33330 PHONE: 954-434-3777 FAX: 954-434-3125 HOME PAGE: E-mail address: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Saturday - Closed Sunday - 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM Monsignor Edmond F. Whyte, Pastor Rev. Juan Pedro Hernandez, Parochial Vicar Mr. Vincent Farinato, Deacon Mr. John Lorenzo, Deacon SCHEDULE OF SERVICES 8:00 AM (In the Chapel), 5:00 PM 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM, 12:30 PM (Spanish) 7:00 AM, 8:00 AM (In the Chapel) 9:00 AM, (Thursdays - Only During School Year) Eves of Holy Days: 7:00 PM Holy Days: 7:00 AM, 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 7:00 PM Masses: Saturday: Sunday: Weekdays: Confessions: Saturday: 4:00 PM; Other times on request. Marriages: Six months notice required. Contact Church office. Baptisms: Contact office for a copy of Guidelines English - second & fourth Sunday 2:00 PM Spanish-third Sunday of each month 2:00 PM Novena of the Miraculous Medal: Monday at 7:30 PM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Monday 8:30 AM - 8:00 PM Tuesday thru Friday 8:30 AM - 12 Noon EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Grace Lyn Fatt - 954-680-3481 ADORERS OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Prayer Group-Deacon John - 954-438-0417 ALTAR SERVERS Marilyn Rosa - 954-434-3777 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Scott Czubkowski - 954-655-4084 PARISH OFFICE - 954-434-3777 Helen Long, Marie Motta, Dayna Rivero LECTORS Norma Rodriguez-954-661-4418-English Martha Garcia - 954-447-1032 (Spanish) SPANISH CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP Betty Agramonte - 954-433-9780 RESPECT LIFE-Sharon Conklin - 434-4842 CATHOLIC SCRIPTURE STUDY Michele Chinault - 954-680-8313 LEGION OF MARY - 434-3777 CARNIVAL Ann Haeflinger - 954-473-4495 MAILING COMMITTEE Connie Middleton - 452-3993 CHOIR AND MUSIC MINISTRY Mary Lou Corbiere, Director Bill y Clifford MARRIAGE MINISTRY Adolfo/Lizette Lantigua-954-649-6088 CURSILLOS Matilde Mora-954-224-0392 EMAUS-Spanish Men -Tony Garcia -954-558-6588 Women-Kathryn Warnken-954-540-6497 EMMAUS - English Women-Babi Plasencia-954-558-0061 Men - Dr. Carlos Plasencia -954-436-3880 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Kathleen Fuentes - 954-434-3777 SPANISH BIBLE-Roland Ramirez-954-849-4905 MEN OF ST. MARK Bob Harris - 954-931-9640 ST. MARK SCHOOL - 954-434-3887 Shirley Sandusky, Principal ST. MARK RELIGIOUS ED. - C.C.D/RCIA 954-252-9899-Susan Mikluscak, Director SPANISH USHERS- Jesus Collantes-954-812-3165 MUJERES DE GRACIA (WOMEN OF GRACE) Olgamarie Tanom- - 954-793-0135 STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE - Juan Jimenez 954-205-1765 OUTREACH - PAT SANTOS - 954-434-3777 WOMEN’S CLUB - Grace Manne - 954-434-3777 PADRES Y MADRES ORANTES Luz Marina 954-588-8422/ Freddy Briceno - 954-701-3186 YOUTH GROUP -Gustavo De La Fe 954-434-3777 ext. 5 November 16, 2014 Page 2 St. Mark Catholic Church THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME November 16, 2014-Mass Intentions Week of November 15, 2014 Saturday (11-15-14) Sunday (11-16-14) Monday (11-17-14) Tuesday (11-18-14) Wednesday (11-19-14) Thursday (11-20-14) Friday 11-21-14) Saturday (11-22-14) Sunday (11-23-14) 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:30 PM 12:30 PM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM 8 :00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 7:00 AM 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:30 PM 12:30 PM REQUESTED BY WILLIAM PAJO TIM KLEMENS EMMANUEL AND EVA DECAMBRE CHARLOTTE GOSHGARIAN PEOPLE OF ST. MARK JEAN RUBINO ANTHONY KOMOROWSKI VINCENT AND TONY SCOTTO JUNE FRIES JUAN AND MARIA TIBANA JORGE EDUARDO AMAYA ARISTIDES VERA (LIVING) PAOLA CRESPO (LIVING) LILIANA MEDINA MARGARET CARLIN BETH MEYER KEVIN P. FENTON ARSEN POOCHIGIAN BETH CUNNINGHAM ALL SOULS DANIEL AND ROSE MERLINI PAM RICHMOND EDMOND WHYTE, SR. OLGA ARIAS JEANNE RIDGEWAY BENJAMIN SANCHEZ SAMUEL DONALDSON NELY GUERRA MARGARET CARLIN LILIANA MEDINA JUANA VALLE TIM KLEMENS ENRIQUE NAVARRO DEVASIA N. PEOPLE OF ST. MARK GRACE AND EMILIO PASCUCCI ESTHER AND PIO TORLONE MICHAEL TORLONE MILDRED MAINARDI IN THANKSGIVING IN THANKSGIVING LOVING FAMILY NOREEN MARQUEZ LOVING DAUGHTER ROURKE FAMILY MSGR. EDMOND WHYTE HER SON LOVING FAMILY LOVING WIFE AND MOTHER LOVING FAMILY LOVING FAMILY LOVING FAMILY JACKIE VERA JACKIE VERA SHIRLEY STOLTZFUS FAMILY NINA AND CO-WORKERS LOVING FAMILY JOHN AND GAIL CONIGLIO JOHN AND GAIL CONIGLIO TOM AND SANDY IDA TORRES FAMILY HIS LOVING FAMILY LOVING FAMILY ANN BELLEVILLE ST. MARK CATHOLIC SCHOOL YVONNE TANG-HAP LOVING FRIEND MR. AND MRS. BEN SCHWARTZ DAVIS FAMILY LOVING DAUGHTER MARGARET PELLEGRINI LOVING FAMILY LOVING FAMILY MSGR. EDMOND WHYTE LOVING DTR. ROSEMARIE LOVING FAMILY LOVING WIFE HAWKESBLUFF 3RD GRADE ALARCON AUMAITRE FAMILY MIGUES FAMILY page 3 St. Mark Catholic Church GOD HAS A PLAN FOR US; WE CAN HELP OR HINDER THAT PLAN’S FULFILLMENT!! Beavers are fascinating animals. They've created more ponds and lakes than we can ever imagine because they love to swim and put their homes in waters that can protect them from predators who can't swim or invade their nests. Yet, beavers are also dangerous pests for animals and people downstream who rely on the waters the beavers are holding back. While beavers are great at creating new ecosystems, the reality is that beavers live for beavers. They really don't give a dam (pun intended), neither do they build one, for anyone but themselves. People can be like beavers. We can be given great teeth and great skills for engineering, but we're not always thinking about what our dams are doing to the rest of our fellow creatures. The Gospel parable is about an investment of money that the servants do not own. They are being given their master's money to invest "according to their abilities." Two of the men in the story double the investment to the master's benefit. One of the men is more afraid of what the master will do to him if he loses it; he's more preoccupied with his own future, not with the master's. Jesus' parable intends to focus on God's goals and God's mission. God's gifts are meant for a purpose. Unlike the master, God's treasure is not to enrich himself. God's gifts are intended to multiply for the sake of others. One way to 'dam up' God's gifts is to imagine they are intended only for us. Pope Francis has warned seminarians that the call to priesthood is not about personal fulfillment. Vocations need to be judged on whether a future priest is good for the People of God. In marriage, ideally, spouses are sent for the salvation of the other spouse, becoming a sign of God's fidelity and compassion. That's what makes the sacrament. Is Mass really for you and me? The word Mass comes from missa, which implies being sent for a task. Can we be so deceived as to think we're here for ourselves-and not for the God who has a plan for us to accomplish outside? The proverbial wife of Proverbs devotes her life to the benefit of the family and not to self-interest. Those who think the reading means that men can sit around and do nothing and watch the wife do everything are definitely on the wrong track. In ancient Palestine, wives were a major investment that had to be chosen wisely; she can multiply the goods of a family and benefit the members' lives and reputations. The task of all followers of Jesus is to devote our energies to God's project: Goodness is shared so that goodness can be shared. Hoarded goodness is a contradiction in terms. Acts of kindness or a smile from a good person inspire goodness in others. Time spent with a child, with our spouse, in a charitable act, or at a parish picnic is never wasted. It will reap goodness that goes beyond the simple action. God calls us to live for his future and not our own. We've been given a treasure to pass on, a way to move forward God's kingdom, knowing that Jesus and his self-gift are the pattern for all men and women. We live so that God's reign, God's life and grace, will live on and prosper in human lives so that all may be saved and know the joy of the Good News. Life is meant to be shared, not squandered. This Eucharist leads to communion. God's grace and life become real when communion takes a human form: lives poured out for the sake of the other. Christ's eternal life is a great gift, but it is lost, or at least blocked, when all we do is receive it. As Oscar Hammerstein II once wrote, "Love isn't love till you give it away." What a great investment God makes in us today. Let's not make self-serving lakes; let the river flow. Page 4 St. Mark Catholic Church Weekend of Nov 22nd-23rd 5:00 PM 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:30 PM Msgr. Whyte Msgr. Whyte Fr. Hernandez Msgr. Hennessey Fr. Hernandez Weekend of November 8th-9th Offertory $17,010.00 Second Collection $ 6,029.00 Attendance 2727 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday, Nov. 16th thru Sunday, Nov. 23rd Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:15; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21] Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 18:35-43 Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10 Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 19:11-28 Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 19:41-44 Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Lk 19:45-48 Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 20:27-40 Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23:1-3, 5-6; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 MONDAY, November 17, 2014 1. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - 8:30 AM until the end of the Novena 2. Divine Mercy Chaplet - 3:00 PM - Chapel 3. Spanish Choir Practice - 7:00 PM-Parish Center 4. Novena in Honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal - 7:30 PM 5. Cursillo - 7:30 PM - School 6. RCIA - 7:00 PM TUESDAY, November 18, 2014 l. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 8:30 AM - 12:00 Noon - Tuesday thru Friday 2. Spanish Bible Study - 7:30 PM 3. Legion of Mary - 9:00 AM - Conference Rm. 4. CCD - 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM WEDNESDAY, November 19, 2014 1. CCD - 4:00 PM 2. Emaus - 7:00 PM - Parish Center 3. Choir Practice - 7:00 PM 4. Catholic Scripture Study - 7:30 PM THURSDAY, November 20, 2014 1. Spanish Charismatic Prayer Group - 7:30 PM 2. Catholic Scripture Study - 9:00 AM & 3:30 PM 3. Women’s Club Meeting FRIDAY, November 21, 2014 No scheduled activities SATURDAY, November 22, 2014 No scheduled activities SUNDAY, November 23, 2014 1. Holiday Gift Mart - 8:00 AM 2. High School Youth Ministry Meeting Weekend of November 8th-9th Valentina Rose Abreu-Aranda, Angel Gabriel Plasencia and Ariana Sarria. Congratulations to these beautiful children and their families. Welcome to the Family of St. Mark. The St. Mark Women’s Club Holiday Mart will be Sunday, November 23rd from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Great variety of wonderful vendors to start your holiday shopping. See you there!! Page 5 Phone #: 954-252-9899 E-mail address: [email protected] THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE ITEMS DUE THIS WEEK! Every student was assigned an item (check for the coupon!) to bring in to class on either Tuesday, November 18th or Wednesday, November 19th to contribute to the class Thanksgiving Food Basket. If you have any question regarding this charitable project, please ask your child's teacher or call the office of Religious Education. If any family would like to get involved with food baskets or if you own a business that would like to donate in bulk, please call our office or the Parish Outreach (954-434-3777). SHOEBOXES FOR HAITI: If your child is enrolled in a Confirmation or Pre-Confirmation year class, please be aware that on Tuesday, November 18th, we have scheduled the kick-off for our annual service project. At both the 5 PM and 7 PM sessions, the 7th, pre-Confirmation 8th, Confirmation 8th grade and High School Confirmation candidates will attend a presentation from Amor En Accion, an outreach arm of the Archdiocese of Miami serving the poor in Haiti. Afterwards, the Confirmation students were given the Shoebox Project materials and instructions and the Pre-Confirmation students were given an assigned list of bulk items to bring in. This annual service activity is a Confirmation prerequisite and will be due on December 2nd, so parents should be aware of this distribution. REMINDER TO ALL FAMILIES, CATECHISTS AND VOLUNTEERS: There will be no classes in session during Thanksgiving week - Tuesday, November 25th and Wednesday, November 26th CHILDREN'S CATECHUMENATE PROGRAM We will soon be celebrating the Liturgical New Year of the Catholic Church - the First Sunday of Advent -- on November 30th . On the second Sunday of Advent, December 7th, our catechumen will be participating in the Rite of Acceptance. In order to be prepared for this rite, the students must be attending Sunday Catechesis. All families attend the 9:30AM Mass and sit together in the designated pews. At the homily, the children will be blessed and sent with their catechist team to room 114 (located in the downstairs hall of the North school building) for catechesis. Parents and other family members will join them after Mass for the closing prayer. Whether your child is preparing to receive sacraments at Easter Vigil 2015 or Easter Vigil 2016, participation in the Sunday Catechesis is required. If your child is a catechumen and you do not have the materials from the Orientation held on October 7th please see the Sunday team catechists or contact the office of Religious Education as soon as possible. RCIA - Our topic for Monday, November 17th will be “Divine Revelation”. If you are an adult who has been wondering how to go about receiving any or all of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation) we would love to have you join our group. We've only just begun!! It is an interesting and uplifting process to connect to your faith among inquiring minds just like yours. If you are interested and would like more information, please call the office of Religious Education or email us Page 6 St. Mark Catholic Church ST. MARK CATHOLIC SCHOOL Our Mission Statement Our mission is to provide a safe Christ-centered learning environment where students grow intellectually, spiritually, and physically to foster a desire for learning and to prepare each child to be a witness to the Catholic Faith and achieve their God given potential. School Closings - The school will be closed November 26th through November 28th for Thanksgiving. Please mark your calendars. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in Chapel Monday 8:30 AM to 8:00 PM ... Tuesday to Friday 8:30 AM to 12:00 Noon My Dear Adorers, During the week of October 20 (3) brothers and sisters of Jesus enrolled as Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament. This brings our enrollment total to 4633 Adorers. During this week our Lord was visited by 617 Adorers in the chapel for a total of 287 hours. Will you be the next new Adorer of the Blessed Sacrament? We Catholics are different because we take Jesus Christ at His word. We believe that Jesus gave us His own body and blood in the special sacrament we call the Holy Eucharist. We Catholics actually believe that Jesus is really present in this sacrament! For us Catholics, the Holy Eucharist is not just a symbol. It is not just a memory. It is not just a promise. It is really Jesus Christ. The Holy Eucharist is not some 'thing'. It is some 'one'. It is Jesus, our Lord and our God. This is what we mean by the Catholic doctrine of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. This is why we call the Holy Eucharist "the Blessed Sacrament". The enrollment book is located in the Chapel. Just enter your name and take a numbered membership card and become an Adorer of the Blessed Sacrament. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Clare Fortino, Brian Conklin, Nicholas Sciascla, Jorgelina Alsonso De Montiel, Norma Marie D’Azzo Roxanna Benavides, Mary Escobr, Jorge Garcia, Blane McGrath, Louise Pontes Silva, Frankie Martinez, Oneida Estyrabao, Olympia Muniz, David Cibrian, Andrew Wiener, Tony Calabrese, Dan Alsfelt, Baby J. Carr, Jordyn Hopkins, Luc ille Cook, Raquel Boluda, Julie Stevens, Gene Simpkins, Lily Tisdale, Elvia Jaramillo, Christine Natalie Flores, Cheryl and Richard Friedland, Jordan Richard, Steven Cabral, Louise Cowhig, Baby Connor Frawley, Otto Secada, Julio Martinez. Josephine Scalzo, Roger Vales, Diane Eckert, William O’Day, Pam Lenartowitz, Melisa Becker, Raul Rivera, Rose Marie Baloga, Mario Rocco, Margie Rankin, Tierney Rankin, Teresa DiazJane, Jade Alexa Martin Healing Mass: 7:00 P.M. Friday, November 21, 2014 St. Mark Catholic Church We are blessed to have Fr. Michael Barry, SS.CC., come to South Florida to lead us in a powerful evening of prayer and healing. Fr. Barry is from San Bernardino, California, where he tends Mary's Table, a ministry for the poor. He also travels the world giving Healing of the Family Tree Workshops and Retreats. He is the former provincial of his order, The congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Fr. Barry has visited our area many times over the past several years doing healing masses and retreats. Those who have come can attest to the joy they have felt in hearing Fr. Barry's insightful sharing and healing prayer. His Irish charm and humor keeps spirits high. THE SECOND COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND WILL BE OUR ANNUAL CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY. Page 8 St. Mark Catholic Church ST. MARK CHRISTMAS TREE SALE - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The Men of St. Mark will be holding their 19th Annual Christmas Tree Sale beginning Saturday, November 22nd with the arrival of the first load of trees. Once again, the time & talent of volunteers will be a key to making this important fundraiser a success. Volunteer sign-ups for both adults & teens will be held before & after the Masses this weekend across from the fountain in the Church entrance building. Here's a great opportunity to earn service hours or just make new friends. If you have any questions, please contact Mike Smith at (954) 557-7402 or Greg Smith at (954) 483-7279. “Mary’s Land” movie is coming to South Florida. Let us support this Catholic movie about God and Our Blessed Mother. At this time it will only be played at Paradise 24, 15501 Sheridian Street, Davie. Saturday, November 22nd - Women’s Morning Advent Retreat - 9:00 AM-12:00 Noon (8:00 AM Mass) - All Saints parish in Sunrise - breakfast and lunch - Theme: Faith, Hope, Love...and Music of the Heart. St. Brendan High School, Miami’s largest Catholic co-ed institution, hosts an Open House on November 23rd from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. For more information please visit or call 1-305-223-5181. International Food Celebration - St. Bernard Catholic Church, 8279 Sunset Strip, Sunrise - Sunday, November 16th from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM - different countries represented - raffles, bingo, arts and crafts, music, heritage dances, food, etc. Frances Barrera, Esq. ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” SANTOS ASSOCIATES and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Accounting, Tax & Financial Planning since 1961 Specializing in Personal Tax & Small Business Corporations 954-384-6200 Weston Rd. and State Rd. 84 CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER TM ENROLLED AGENT Board Certified Optometric Physicians 954 All Aspects of Family Law 1961 N.W. 150th Avenue, Suite 104 Pembroke Pines including Dissolution of Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! REGISTERED TAX RETURN PREPARERS 437-1040 Parishioners PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE Marriage, Child Custody, PUSH Adoption, Probate, TALK ........... Linda S. Rouse, OD, FAAO ~ David Rouse, OD, FAAO Guardianship,Wills & Trusts Laura Clune, OD Pembroke Falls Professional Center 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH 1806 N. Flamingo Road, Suite 350 ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB Pembroke Pines, FL 33028 Se Habla Español (954) 424-8471 TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Home Care for Seniors by Seniors Providers of loving, caring and compassionate, non-medical, in-home senior care • Companionship • Meal Preparation • Light Housekeeping • Transportation • Pet Care • Dementia • Alzheimer’s • Relief for Family Members and more! También prestamos servicios en español AHCA #233436 Call us today at (754) 202-5200 2 FREE hours of service with 10 hour minimum committment for new clients 514186 St Mark Church (C) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Joseph A. SCARANO Funeral Homes 954-438-8222 Catholic Family Owned and Operated RAVIOLI • MANICOTTI STUFFED SHELLS FRESH PASTA BAKERY • PREPARED FOODS AND BRICK OVEN PIZZA Gourmet Pasta, Soup & Sauce 5714 Johnson St., FL 33021 954-983-3711 GIRLS DRESSES FORMAL/INFORMAL GIRLS SWIMSUITS FIRST COMMUNION AND BAPTISM Made in Colombia Embroidery by Hand WE DON’T JUST SELL HOUSES, WE IMPROVE YOUR LIFESTYLE. Ramiro Morales, Jr., MD. FACS Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Parishioner Claudia Velasco (Spanish) A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. 954-450-6594 (954) 394-9083 HABLAMOS ESPAÑOL Felipe Arenas (English) COSMETIC & PLASTIC SURGERY (954) 793-9793 [email protected] BOTOX ® • Juvéderm® Latisse® SEEK INDEPENDENT PROMOTERS Thomas L. Hunker, Attorney at Law APPEALS, CIVIL LITIGATION, PROBATE, WILLS & TRUSTS, CRIMINAL DEFENSE, AND BUSINESS LAW — Parishioner — “Rated AV Preeminent” [email protected] Phone: (305) 459-0554 Fax: (954) 400-5419 1031 Ives Dairy Road, Suite 228 Miami, FL 33179 BANKRUPTCY FORECLOSURE DEFENSE John D. Segaul 954-732-9674 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal Immigration Law Firm An ideal companion Attorney At Law for personal prayer. Over 21 Years Bankruptcy Experience Office 954-424-3600 After Hours 954-324-1638 • Over 200 beauty products of high quality. • Clinically proven • Extra income instantly • Time freedom to enjoy life with your family • Hablamos español • Call now In Stock & Ready to Order Today. Ileana Arias Tovar Attorney at Law, Parishioner CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 ARIAS TOVAR & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 2250 NW 136th Avenue 300 South Pine Island Road, Suite 304, Plantation, Florida 33324 Pembroke Pines, FL 33028 Payment Plans Available Ph: 954.385.2284 • Fax: 954.385.8864 FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION 800-566-6150 • [email protected] • Locally Owned Family Funeral Home and Crematory Since 1965 Thomas M. Ralph & Judith C. Ralph Independent Owners & Funeral Directors Patricia J. Ralph, L.F.D. Thomas H. Ralph, L.F.D. 514186 St Mark Church (B) Plantation Funeral Home 7001 Northwest 4th St., Plantation, FL 33317 Our Inflation Fighting Funeral Pre Payment Plan 954-587-6888 Sawgrass/Weston 371 NW 136th Ave. Sunrise, FL 33325 ( For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 A CATHOLIC FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED FUNERAL HOME 954-989-9900 6400 HOLLYWOOD BLVD. HOLLYWOOD 1600 N. UNIVERSITY DR. PEMBROKE PINES 100 S. DOUGLAS RD. PEMBROKE PINES 1680 N. STATE RD. 7 HOLLYWOOD WWW.BOYDPANCIERA.COM 954-983-6400 BURIAL • CREMATION • PRE-ARRANGEMENTS • CEMETERY PROPERTY AUTO INSURANCE IT PAYS TO COMPARE JOHN SCINICARIELLO 2116 N. Flamingo Rd. 800.929.0259 – Pembroke Pines, FL Brickman Ins. & Fin. Services, Inc. Guy Brickman, CLU, ChFC, CASL Parishioner Tel: 954.252.0091 JOHN THE BAKER Fax: 954.252.0093 Law Offices of John’s Cooling Inc. Parishioners Guillermo P. Rodriguez, DDS Diana Santa Maria, P.A. Restorative & Cosmetic Dentistry 954-384-8484 Trial Practice, Personal Injury, Wrongful Death & Medical Malpractice Norma Lloret Rodriguez, PA 5220 S. University Dr., Ste. 205, Davie Realtor / Broker Associate (954) 434-1077 434-3433 NEED A DENTIST “Doctor Bill” NEED A REALTOR “Norma” 954-661-4418 Se Habla Español Website: Parishioner “The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisement. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience.” SALES • REPAIRS SERVICE — INSTALLATION — 954-680-6325 10% PARISHIONER DISCOUNT Repairs & Service AD MUST BE PRESENTED AT TIME OF SERVICE Karen & Mark Bonawitz OWNERS/ PARISHIONERS DESTINATION TRAVEL, INC. Lic.# CA C058523 Insured FPL Participating Independent Contractor “We Service All Your Travel Needs” LAW OFFICE 954-435-0900 • FAX 954-435-0903 8976 Taft Street • Pembroke Pines Gerard M. Kouri, Jr., P.A. Donna S. Rizzo • Parishioners • Maria Lamberson 954.862.1731 —Family Dentistry and Orthodontics— Preventative and Restorative Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Pines Professional Campus • Ph. 954-437-9288 650 N.W. 180 Terr. Ste. 103, Pembroke Pines For further information, please call the Parish Office. OSMANI DIAZ, D.D.S., P.A. (Parishioner) Attorney At Law / Parishioner • Real Estate • Wills • Probate • Corporate • • Bankruptcy • Home Owners Association • Email: [email protected] 12401 Orange Dr., Ste. 226, Davie “The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisement. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience.” Keep Your Teeth and Gums Healthy for Life AIRMATIC Air Conditioning Commercial & Residential Licensed & Insured CAC-042583 / EF-0001145 VICKI and BOB MINNAUGH Bob Harris Realtors / Parishioners Owner / Parishioner (954) 450-2990 514186 St Mark Church (A) (954) 370-7282 • Caring, Knowledgeable Dentist and Staff • Friendly, Professional Care • Convenient Appointment Times Sun East Dental, P.A. — Maria C. Verne, D.D.S. Family Dentistry and Orthodontics 19620 Pines Boulevard #203 Pembroke Pines, FL 33029 Phone 954-885-5351 / Fax 954-885-5352 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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