The Conservative Jewish Congregation Serving San Antonio and Central Texas since 1889 “Our Voice” November 2014 Cheshvan - Kislev 5775 Kolenu Who We Are What’s Inside Advertisers…………………….……...…………..19 Rabbi [email protected] Anniversaries….………...………….….…….…..16 Cantor [email protected] Bequests……………….…………….…....………17 Birthdays……………………......……...…….…..16 Interim Executive Director [email protected] Brews & Schmooze……………………..………...7 President [email protected] Calendar……………...…………………....…..10/11 President-Elect Friday Night With Friends …………...………….7 Immediate Past President Heintz Preschool….………………….…...…..…12 VP Fundraising Inda Posner Religious School…………..…....13 VP Membership VP Education Jeffrey Abraham Jeremy Lipton Mike Kelne Randy Pulman Barbie Scharf-Zeldes Robi Jalnos Ephraim Brenman Pam Rosen Elizabeth Glazier Kol Shira-The Voice of Song…………....…..…4 VP Ritual Alice Troy Rabbi’s Roundup………………….………..…….5 Secretary Craig Berkowitch Scholar-In-Residence………………………...….3 Treasurer Michael Peck Sisterhood ………….…………….……...…..…...8 Inda Posner Religious School Education Director [email protected] Karen Katims Book Review ………………………...…..8 Casino Trip………………………………..8 Games Day………………………...…….18 Rummage Sale…………………………...8 Veterans Day Shabbat……………….....9 Tell and Kvell/Agudas News ………........…...14 Torah Fund…………………..….....……..….…..18 Tributes………………………..……..….............15 Yahrzeits……………..….………......…………...15 Heintz Preschool Director [email protected] Aliza Holzman Cantu Director of Membership and Communication [email protected] Mindi Stern Executive Secretary [email protected] Rose Koss Accountant [email protected] Administrative Assistant [email protected] IPRS Assistant [email protected] Heintz Preschool Assistant [email protected] Men's Club President [email protected] Olivia Hernandez Linda Brown Samantha Burgess Jen Eichelbaum Mike Kelne Sisterhood Co-Presidents Sandy Weingart /Judy Halfant Goldie & Joe Tills Library Librarian [email protected] 2 Lynn Waghalter IPRS PTO President Daphna Haas HPS PTO President Vicki Adelstein Scholar in Residence 3 Kol Shira-The Voice of Song Hazzan Jeremy Lipton THE JOURNEY IS THE DESTINATION! I will never forget the first time I read an article in one of Kay’s scholarly Musicological journals. Perhaps you have had a similar experience in another academic domain? You begin to read the seemingly short, usually introductory, paragraph which, if well written, presents a clear thesis and simple statement of fact, and then...FOOTNOTE! As your eyes scan toward the bottom of the page, you see a short line that separates the succinct body of the article from the often protracted footnotes—invariably the article text takes up less space, often only a quarter of the page above the line, while beneath the line the explanatory footnotes fill the remaining three quarters of the page! This type of scholarly methodology has parallels in our Jewish method of study and analysis. Think for example, of the critical, rabbinic commentary beneath the biblical text that we read weekly in our Etz Chayim Chumash. As you read any particular week’s Torah portion, you generally see a few lines of Hebrew text set directly across from its English translation, and then many levels of literal and/or interpretive commentary further down the page that refers to a particular verse or textual phrase. This style of commentary and criticism can present itself in non -written formats as well. When we study together with others, often the deepest learning comes through the exploration, discussion and consideration of the commentary…in its essence, the journey becomes transformed into the destination! In my continuing Tuesday morning Adult Education class, “It’s a Mitzvah III: Discovering the 613 Commandments,” and in my new Wednesday morning Adult Education class, “Pirkei Avot: An Exploration of Jewish Ethics, Spiritual Health and Interpersonal Relationships,” both of which began only a few weeks ago, the class participants will tell you that the subject at hand is merely a pretext for individual reflection and always lively discussions. These popular, hour-long classes will continue to meet on Tuesday mornings at 11:30 a.m. and Wednesday mornings at 10:30 a.m., respectively, and are offered free of charge to all Agudas Achim members (with a small fee for non-members). It is most certainly not too late to join one or both of these classes, where the journey of interactive learning and discovery is the destination! And for those of you who may be interested a different kind of educational experience, this year I have instituted a new learning program entitled "Davening On Demand" (DOD). During the past six years I have taught a number of synagogue-skills-related courses to many of our community members, including the chanting of Torah and Haftarah, the leading of worship services, and the participation in Friday Evening, Shabbat Morning Services and home rituals. Inevitably, individuals come up to me and say "I wish I could take your evening/day class but that evening/day is really tough for me to commit to on a regular basis." Solution: DOD!! I will make arrangements for independent study with ANYONE in our congregational family who expresses an interest to learn a synagogue skill. I will individualize a program just for you so that you will be able to study at your own pace and meet at a time that works for both you and for me! So...what are you waiting for? Contact me and let me know what you would like to learn and when you would like to start!! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to become a more involved member of the Agudas Achim sacred community—come, study, learn, participate and grow! Enjoy the journey!! B’shalom, Hazzan Jeremy Lipton Congregation Agudas Achim LIMMUD Adult Education brochure is available on our website, 4 Rabbi’s Roundup Rabbi Jeffrey Abraham Honoring Our Veterans As the days move on, I find that we have more congregants who have served in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other danger spots all over the world from at least as far back as World War II. At the break on Yom Kippur, I met a newcomer to our shul currently with the Navy. He is probably the same age as me and he related that he had been on interdiction in the Gulf of Somalia, actually boarding pirate vessels and arresting them. Once again, I was humbled. By now most of you know that when my brother finished college in Arizona, he went directly to the Israel Defense Forces and served as a tank commander for two years. Every time I think about my brother as well as our congregants who serve here at home and abroad, I am truly amazed with their dedication to protect us. This year, we will of course remember our Veteran’s on November 11th, but at Agudas, we are having a special Veterans Day Shabbat service on Saturday, November 1st. We will be honoring all at Agudas who serve or have served. I hope you will all join us to honor these special people at what should be a meaningful service. It is as it is inscribed on the wall of the Korean War Memorial, “Freedom Is Not Free.” As our Jewish calendars turns to the month of Heshvan, we often take a collective deep breath. We have made it through a month of holidays and are often spiritually exhausted. The month of Heshvan does not have any holidays in it and is often referred to as “Mar Heshvan” meaning a bitter month of Heshvan with no holidays. However, I always like to use this as an opportunity to look at Veterans Day, an extremely important day for us here in San Antonio. My first inclination concerning Veterans Day was to touch on and expand on Chapter 20 of Deuteronomy. Chapter 20 deals with four categories of individuals who are exempt from military service. They are those who have built a new house, those who have planted new vineyards, engaged men who have not yet married and the “timid.” The first three involve specific acts with the final embracing those who would be useless in combat or even coerce others to give less than one B’Shalom, hundred percent. At first blush this seems a little Rabbi Jeffrey Abraham questionable, until one does more research. The Talmud (Sotah 8:7) mentions that our rabbis carved out that these exemptions are for an “elective war.” In an obligatory war there are no exceptions with the classical example of a bridegroom and his bride being ripped off the marital alter going directly into the battle. In the midst of formulating this in my mind, I have come to be more and more familiar with our congregants. Like most, I assumed it was all men in Iraq and Afghanistan and never really gave it a thought. One Shabbat, I was visiting with a husband and wife and felt somewhat humbled that the husband had done one tour in Iraq and another in Afghanistan. As the conversation went on, I discovered the wife had just been discharged from the Army and that she had been to Afghanistan for a lengthy tour. To say that I was doubly humbled was an understatement. 5 President’s Kol Nidre Remarks Randy Pulman For 125 years Jews have gathered together here at Congregation Agudas Achim to observe our holiest night, Kol Nidre. One hundred and twenty five years ago in the lunar year 5650 many of our ancestors and family members found their way from virulent anti-semitism in Eastern Europe to a little outpost built around the Alamo, called San Antonio. And here they started a shul and hoped for a brighter future for their children. That future, their wish, has been realized. We stand here tonight in the lunar year 5775 doing what they did 125 years ago, praying freely and openly, with friends and family. The truth is that over the years we have had our own ups and downs. We have agreed and we have disagreed. But tonight I think we have found our collective footing. Tonight I will speak to you about our future and what I see as the opportunity for this shul to thrive for another 125 years and beyond. Tonight our future is as bright as I have ever seen it. Probably the best indicator of a bright future is sitting right here, next to me on the bima. It has been many, many years since we at Congregation Agudas Achim have been blessed with a rabbi as energetic and committed to our Synagogue, to our people and to the state of Israel, as Rabbi Abraham and his lovely wife, Lauren. Rabbi Abraham wants to meet and get to know each of you and your families. The fact of the matter is that Rabbi Abraham will name your babies, bar mitzvah your teenagers, marry your children, celebrate with you in times of joy and comfort you in times of sorrow. This young man will be a leader in our Jewish community and in the greater San Antonio area for years to come. For this young Rabbi to find a place in our future, to be successful in making his own history, he needs our support. Give him some of your time and the opportunity to get to know you and your family and your history. Make him feel welcome in the wider Jewish Community, most of all be proud of him and of us. 6 And this I know, for you to be a part of our future, you must participate. You must teach your children the customs of our people and you must give of your time and your resources so that they have a place to learn and practice Judaism. Only we can make the future happen. As I see it, there are at least three ways you can contribute to the future of our Shul. First, when Herod built the Second Temple on Mount Moria 2200 hundred years ago, he did so out of gigantic blocks of stone. Painting was not something the Levi’s had to worry about when maintaining the Temple. Today it is. This year we raised substantial resources in the Jake and Minnie Pulman Building and Endowment Fund to repair and repaint our building. That work has now been completed and the building is refurbished. For those of you who pledged to that fund you have my deepest personal thanks and appreciation. All of the remaining commitments will be placed in the permanent endowments of the Congregation and used to maintain the physical structure going into the future. If you would like to make sure that the building continues to be maintained, please make a pledge to the Jake and Minnie Pulman Building and Endowment Fund. Second, I ask you tonight to make a High Holiday pledge to the synagogue’s general fund. Please reach deeply into yourself and renew your commitment to our shul. These pledges will be used to fund our religious schools and other education projects for the future of our children. Rabbi Abraham has many good ideas for our children and for adult education as well here at the Shul. We just need to find some room in the budget for him to get started. If you have not yet made a High Holy pledge, I ask that you do so tomorrow night. We will have pledge cards available in the Gurinsky Family Social Hall at the community break the fast. Third, I ask that you be a sponsor of our Kosher BBQ or that you volunteer your time and efforts. We are expecting a few thousand people here in three weeks and will be preparing literally a ton (that is 2000 pounds) of kosher bbq for the greater community. We will need all of the help we can get, and I am asking all of you to participate and engage as we bring the profile of our synagogue back to the place it belongs as a leader of our local Jewish community. I ask that you make these commitments so that there can and will be a future for Judaism here in San Antonio, so that we can look forward to the coming year, the coming decade, and the next 125 years at Congregation Agudas Achim. We are all the next vital links in the chain ensuring that our children, our grandchildren, our great-grandchildren have a place to come to be a Jew, to experience a bar or a bat mitzvah, to read and understand the history of our people and to make their own contribution. My personal hope is to be here with all of you thirty Kol Nidres’ from tonight, and hear the President of Congregation Agudas Achim recall the great contributions that Rabbi Abraham and Hazzan Lipton will have made to our congregation over the course of their careers’; and for each of us to know that what we did here tonight, the commitments that we made, helped each of them make their own history here at Congregation Agudas Achim and in San Antonio. Tonight will be the last time I address you on the high holidays as the President of the Shul. For those of you with whom I have disagreed over the past two years, I thank you for your input and for our discussions, and I ask for your forgiveness if I have offended you in any way. I thank all of you for the trust and confidence you have placed in me. There are a few people I would like to thank in particular. Since December of 2006, Mike Kelne, Robi Jalnos and I have communicated by phone, text or e-mail on an almost daily basis regarding the business of the shul. Our synagogue would not be on sound footing today if it were not for Mike and Robi’s efforts and the tireless devotion of their wives, Eileen and Judy. On behalf of the entire Congregation I say thank you to the four of you for your unwavering commitment. I also must thank my lovely wife, Shari, for all of the time, effort and support she has put in over the past two years, helping me. And finally I wish our next president, Barbie Scharf-Zeldes, a term free of controversy and one flowing in milk and honey. From myself, Shari, Jason, Lindsay, Hailey and Josh, we wish all of you an easy fast and G'mar Hatimah Tovah--May You all Be Sealed for a Good Year in the Book of Life. May we all have a great future together here at Congregation Agudas Achim for the years, decades and centuries to come. La Shana Tova Tekatevu. Randy A. Pulman NOW WEEKLY! 7 Sisterhood What’s New With Sisterhood! Hi Everyone, Even though I'm writing this a few days before Yom Kippur, I can envision a wonderful October for Sisterhood---a totally successful New Members Lunch on October 7, and, the following week, the Board's enjoyable morning with Rabbi Abraham and Lauren in their huge sukkah. A great big thank you goes to Marilyn Karren and her committee for planning and implementing the New Members lunch and program and a heartfelt thank you to Rabbi Abraham and Lauren for their hospitality. As I write this, Caryn Landes is hard at work compiling names for our new Membership Directory, which should be in your hands shortly. Thank you, Caryn, for this effort. I am proud to say that Sisterhood has---as of September 30---14 new members and several other members, who left us last year, but have now rejoined. We are very excited to have their input and participation in our programs. As I'm thinking of the weeks to come, I hope the Kosher Barbecue will be a huge success, and I know that Sisterhood will be working there to help ensure this. Now for November. Please join us at Shabbat services on November 1, when Sisterhood honors our Agudas Achim military veterans. Jean Schlesinger and Deanie Voigel have a wonderful service and Kiddush lunch planned for everyone. Please come to shul and honor these people who have given so much for this country. A quote from Susanne Jalnos says it all: "I'm here because veterans liberated me." And, then, on November 4 (I hope you voted early), you will be at the shul at 7:45am to board the bus for Eagle Pass and the Lucky Eagle Casino. The bus will leave the casino at 6:00 and return to San Antonio at approximately 9:00pm. Good luck and have fun to all who go!!! I cannot close this article without a reminder about our Rummage/ Estate sale. We have been working, shlepping, and pricing (along with some kibbutzing) every Tuesday for the past 8!!!! months, and WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!! You will be doing a mitzvah for Sisterhood, as well as the synagogue. We also need your donations of good, clean, used clothing and other items until Tuesday, November 25. We especially need houseware and artwork. If you can bring these items to the synagogue, we appreciate that. For pickup or further information, please call Joyce Leighton at 4945861 or Bernice Mazer at 341-8226. Well, I think I've covered everything for now. Sandy Weingart, CoPresident, and I thank our workers for all they do for Sisterhood, welcome our new members, and hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving with lots of kosher turkey!! See you in shul! B'Shalom, Judy Halfant, Sisterhood Co-President 8 9 Calendar Novemb Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 2 Morning Minyan 9:00 am Challah Covers & Wall Hangings 12:30pm 3 Morning Minyan 7:30 am 4 Morning Minyan 7:30 am Sisterhood Casino Trip 7:45am It’s a Mitzvah III 11:30am 5 Morning Minyan 7:30 am Pirkei Avot 10:30am IPRS Pizza Night (Grade 6/7) 6:0 Scholar in Residence Program 7:30pm followed by Dessert Reception 9 Morning Minyan 9am Challah Covers & Wall Hangings 12:30pm 10 Morning Minyan 7:30 am Lunch & Learn @ Pulman, Cappuccio, Pullen, Benson & Jones LLP 12:00pm 11 Happy Veterans Day Morning Minyan 7:30 am Sisterhood Book Review 10:00am It’s a Mitzvah III 11:30am 12 16 Morning Minyan 9am Agudas Participates in Global Day of Learning 9:30am-4:00pm. Rabbi’s session at Agudas is from 9:30am to 10:30am 17 Morning Minyan 7:30 am Exec Comm Mtg 5:30pm Board Mtg 7:30pm 18 Morning Minyan 7:30 am Sisterhood Board Meeting 9:45am It’s a Mitzvah III 11:30am 19 Morning Minyan 7:30 am Pirkei Avot 10:30am IPRS Pizza Night (Grade 6/7) 6:0 Sex, War & Betrayal Class 7pm Hebrew I 7pm Intro to Judaism 8pm Hebrew II 8pm 23 Rosh Chodesh Kislev Morning Minyan 9am IPRS Family Program (Grade K-7) 9:30am No IPRS Grade 8-10 Installation of Rabbi Abraham 11:00am ______________ 30 IPRS Closed Morning Minyan 9am Sisterhood Cruise 24 HPS Closed Morning Minyan 7:30 am 25 HPS Closed Morning Minyan 7:30 am It’s a Mitzvah II 11:30am 26 HPS/IPRS Closed Morning Minyan 7:30 am Pirkei Avot 10:30am IPRS Pizza Night (Grade 6/7) 6:0 10 Morning Minyan 7:30 am Pirkei Avot 10:30am IPRS Pizza Night (Grade 6/7) 6:0 Sex, War & Betrayal Class 7pm Hebrew I 7pm Intro to Judaism 8pm ber 2014 00pm 00pm Thursday Saturday 1 Sisterhood Veterans Day Shabbat 9:00am Jr. Congregation 10:15am Bim Bam Shabbat 11am Torah Study 1:15pm Lech Lecha Havdalah 7:24pm 6 Morning Minyan 7:30 am Schmooze in the News 12:30pm Brews & Schmooze Family Style @ Big’z Burger Joint 5:00pm 7 Morning Minyan 7:30 am Friday Night with Friends Kabbalat Shabbat Service 6:15pm Family Friendly Friday Night Service 6:15pm Candle Lighting 5:25pm 8 Shabbat Services 9am Lindsay & Claire Weingart B’not Mitzvot Bim Bam Shabbat 11am Torah Study 1:15pm Vayera Havdalah 6:19pm 13 Morning Minyan 7:30 am Schmooze in the News 12:30pm 14 Friday Night with Friends Kabbalat Shabbat Service 6:15pm Candle Lighting 5:21pm 15 Shabbat Services 9am Rachel Solomon Bat Mitzvah Bim Bam Shabbat 11am Torah Study 1:15pm Chaye Sarah Havdalah 6:16pm 20 Morning Minyan 7:30 am Schmooze in the News 12:30pm 21 Morning Minyan 7:30 am HPS Yad b’Yad Grandparents Day 9:00am Friday Night with Friends Kabbalat Shabbat Service 6:15pm Candle Lighting 5:18pm 22 Shabbat Services 9am Ben & Max Fogel B’nai Mitzvah Bim Bam Shabbat 11am Torah Study 1:15pm Toldot Havdalah 6:14pm 27 Happy Thanksgiving! Office/HPS Closed Morning Minyan 9:00 am 28 Office/HPS Closed Morning Minyan 7:30 am Kabbalat Shabbat Service 6:15pm Candle Lighting 5:17pm 29 Shabbat Services 9am Bim Bam Shabbat 11am \ 00pm 00pm Friday Vayetze Havdalah 6:13pm 11 Heintz Preschool 12 Inda Posner Religious School 13 Tell and Kvell /Agudas News Goldie & Joe Tills Library B’Nai Mitzvot Claire & Lindsay Weingart Claire Madeline Weingart and Lindsay Brooke Weingart will celebrate their B’Not Mitzvah with family and friends on November 8, 2014 at Congregation Agudas Achim. Claire and Lindsay are the twin daughters of Dan Weingart and Amy Sugarman and the sisters of Ethan Weingart. They are the granddaughters of Kenneth and Carol Sugarman and Mel and Sandra Weingart. Claire enjoys dance, baking, and spending time with friends. Lindsay is involved in volleyball, swimming, playing the piano and the ukulele. Both girls are seventh grade students at the Eleanor Kolitz Hebrew Language Academy and love going to sleep away summer camp. Rachel Solomon 14 Pulman-Anderson Engagement Jason Ian Pulman and Lindsay Elaine Anderson have announced their wedding engagement. How did they meet? In 2007, Jason’s mother, Shari, was looking into a college program for Jason. Upon hearing from a teacher at Clark High School that Lindsay was very happy at the program in Austin, Shari contacted Lindsay’s mother, Lydia, for more information. Eventually the two students met on campus during Jason’s freshman year. It wasn’t until they became friends that they realized they lived across 1604 from each other. The rest, as they say, is history. Jason is the son of Shari and Randy Pulman. He is the grandson of Reesa and Joel Pullen, and Minnie and Jake Pulman (both of blessed memory). Lindsay is the daughter of Reverend Charles and Lydia Anderson. She is the granddaughter of Terry and Helen Anderson of San Antonio, and Janet Scales and Reverend Bill Scales (of blessed memory) of Boerne. Jason is an administrative assistant at Pulman, Cappuccio, Pullen, Benson & Jones, LLP. Lindsay is a receptionist at the West Field Office of the Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services. A March 2015 wedding is joyfully being planned in San Antonio. Tributes RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Appreciation for the moving Kever Avot at Memorial Gardens & Palmetto Street cemeteries by Linda & Marvin Aboloff In Honor of Rabbi Abraham’s birthday by Julie & Ira Miller of Rabbi Abraham and his family “Welcome to San Antonio and wishing you all a happy, healthy New Year” by Nancy & Brad Smith In Loving Memory of Sam Cohen by Tammy & Jerome Cohen Marvin Jalnos of father-in-law, Sidney Lehrman on his yahrzeit by Frances Lehrman CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Appreciation ELAINE AND IRVING birthday and to Arnie & Jean FRANK EDUCATIONAL Eisenstot on their 60th ENRICHMENT FUND anniversary by Sylvia Wilk BERTIE AND SELIG GLADYS AND MINNIE FRANK HERITAGE AND GREENBERG KITCHEN ENDOWMENT FUND FUND TO REPLENISH To send students and teachers to THE ROSS FAMILY Israel to learn about their heritage KITCHEN In Honor HEINTZ PRESCHOOL of Bertie Frank on her FUND birthday by Dorothy Frank In Honor of aunt Bertie Frank’s special birthday by Hilary & Neal Kavy GENERAL FUND Thank You of Aliza Cantu by Karen Heintz Speedy Recovery to Marci Bernstein Matz and with our wish for a continued and complete healing by Joel & Marjorie Baseman to Stuart Bernstein and with In Honor our wish for a continued and of Rose Koss and Mike Kelne complete healing by Joel & and in memory of great grand Marjorie Baseman uncle, Alton B. Copeland and SAM HYMAN his wife, Fannie Jaffe PRAYERBOOK FUND Copeland by Anne M. Dean RUTH RUTSTEIN of Anniversary by David POSNER AND NATHAN Regenbuam POSNER RELIGIOUS of Harold Vexler’s 100th SCHOOL FUND birthday by Ira & Julie Miller In Loving Memory of Jennifer Gurinsky & Reid of Sam Cohen by Kenny & Meredith on their wedding by Sharon Kaufman Ira & Julie Miller to Kathy & Joe Sasson for their generous donation to Margot Moreno for her generous donation Rochelle Adelstein & Family of Freda & Emile Aaronson, Gertrude Wilk & Ruben Jorrie, Rose Wilk & Bill Epstein and Leon Pullen by Marilyn Jorrie of Carrol Meyer by Joyce Meyer & Family MINYAN FUND In Honor of Jean & Arnold Eisenstot’s 60th wedding anniversary and Arnold’s birthday by Judy & Eddie Halfant of Mike Winakur - Happy Special Birthday - by Suzan & Max Mendlovitz of Arnold Eisenstot’s 85th birthday and Arnold & Jean Eisenstot’s 60th wedding anniversary by Sandy & Bernard Shaenfield In Loving Memory of Sam Cohen by Sheldon Levine and Marilyn & Cal Lemmon JAKE AND MINNIE PULMAN BUILDING AND ENDOWMENT FUND In Loving Memory of Steven Gossen by Lala Gossen RUTH, FELIX & SAMMY REIF BUILDING AND SECURITY FUND In Loving Memory of Sam Cohen by Lala Reif Gossen and Emily & Eleanor of Sam Cohen by Rhonda, Carl, Rebecca & Matthew Jalnos ROSS FAMILY KITCHEN IMPROVEMENT FUND In Loving Memory of John Sigman by Hana Ross of Sam Cohen by Hana Ross Mazal Tov to Sylvia Wilk on the birth of her beautiful great grandchild by Hana Ross RUTH RUTSTEIN POSNER AND BARBARA AND ERICA to Mike Winakur on his 60th RUTSTEIN CAMP FUND birthday by Sheldon Levine RABBI LOUIS In Honor and Marilyn & Cal Lemmon SCHECHTER SCHOLAR of and happy birthday to Luise JACK AND KITTY IN RESIDENCE FUND Speedy Recovery Bankler by Bertie & Selig KADISH MINYAN Speedy Recovery MAX AND SERENE to Tevia Friedman by Frank BREAKFAST FUND to Eileen Jalnos with love Joel LOWY SCHMIDT Linda & Marvin Aboloff Thank You of Hazzan Lipton for saying & Marjorie Baseman SCHOLARSHIP FUND Gloria & James Cohen to Mervyn & Thea Bloom for the prayer “El Maleh In Loving Memory A. STILLMAN FUND Suzan & Max Mendlovitz their generous donation Rachamim” in memory of my of Arthur Schwartz on his beloved father, Isadore by SYNAGOGUE to Eileen Jalnos by Suzan & In Honor Yahrzeit by Laura Schnitzler Sally Scharff BEAUTIFICATION FUND of Arnold Eisenstot on his Max Mendlovitz of Mr. Sammy Cohen by Rosa 85th birthday and Jean & of Hazzan Lipton on his SYNAGOGUE Arnold Eisenstot on their 60th to Linda Wilk by Suzan & Max S. Samuelson birthday by ENDOWMENT FUND Mendlovitz wedding anniversary by Helen Pearl Gossen GOLDIE AND JOE TILLS of Kenneth Brown by Merle Isgur Julie & Ira Miller GERTRUDE MYERS LIBRARY FUND Polunsky of Arnold Eisenstot on his FAMILY FUND of Ron Noble on the 40th In Loving Memory 85th birthday and Jean & of my mother, Nathalie Leon, anniversary of his performing of Sam Spigel, father of ONEG AND KIDDUSH Arnold Eisenstot on their 60th on her Yahrzeit by Renee L. with the San Antonio wedding anniversary by Helen FUND Stanley Spigel, on his Yahrzeit Kerman Symphony by Julie & Ira Miller Sabel In Loving Memory by Stanley & Barbara Spigel of Maurice Levin on his of Sam Cohen by Robi, Eileen TORAH RESTORATION of Arnold Eisenstot on his of Merle Polunsky on her Yahrzeit by Frances Anderson birthday by Ira & Julie Miller & Stevie Jalnos 100th birthday by Linda & AND REPAIR FUND of Mike Winakur’s 60th Marvin Aboloff In Honor of Sylvia Schlesinger on her Speedy Recovery birthday by Ron Noble & Kathy of Miriam & Morton Yahrzeit by Ronald & Jean In Loving Memory to Micki Harris by Susanne O’Neill for the moving Kever Avot at Memorial Gardens &Palmetto Street cemeteries by Linda & Marvin Aboloff of Sam Cohen by Marvin Jalnos Speedy Recovery to Marci Bernstein Matz by Linda & Marvin Aboloff to Stuart Bernstein by Linda & Marvin Aboloff Schlesinger of Harry Hyman and Harry Saltzman by Joyce & Irving Saltzman to Arnie Eisenstot on his 85th Jalnos Greenberg by an Anonymous Donor Kerman TOT SHABBAT PROGRAM BERNARD AND SYLVIA KANTER FUND to Stuart Bernstein by Helen To assist in the continued sustenance of Congregation Agudas Achim BOB KBOUDI CHILDREN’S BOOK FUND of Sam Cohen by Lois Lown ANNA AND SAMUEL ALEXANDER YOUTH and Ruth Lown MEADOWS FUND SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Appreciation ALWAIS SCHOOL FUND of the misheberach recited for MARTIN AND SARAH DOROTHY CHASAN, Evelyn Goldstein and David MARCUS ENDOWED MOTHER OF BARBARA Brothman by Risa Weinberger SCHOLARSHIP FUND CHASAN ENDOWMENT Allan Glazerman’s service as MEMORIAL GARDENS FUND FUND Executive Director at Agudas HANNAH JEAN COHEN Achim by Ira & Julie Miller In Loving Memory SCHOLORSHIP of William “Cookie” Mazal Tov ENDOWMENT FUND Adelstein on his Yahrzeit by of mother, Florence Wain by Don & Joanne Zaike Mazal Tov to Marci Bernstein Matz by Esther Jacobs to Stuart Bernstein by Esther Jacobs PALMETTO STREET HISTORICAL CEMETERY FUND In Loving Memory of grandfather, H. Davis by Mark Roffman JOSEPH AND PAULINE PREISSMAN FUND USY PROGRAM ABRAHAM AND ROSE VEXLER YOM KIPPUR FLOWER FUND WEINGART YOUTH CAMP AND TRAVEL FUND In Honor of Joan & Stuart Bernstein on their 55th wedding anniversary by Phyliss & Steve Cole YOUTH OPPORTUNITIES FUND 15 Mazal Tov! Birthdays To 120 and beyond! November 1 Mike Birnbaum Joyce Meyer Gregg Rosenfield November 2 Lauren Abraham Bonnie Archer Cathy Efron Carolyn Glick November 3 Denise Horowitz November 4 Jacqueline Bankler Deborah Ciment Jack Feldman Rhonda Gurinsky Sylvia Wilk November 5 Gail Topp Helaine Wolf November 6 Jonathan Lipton Peggy Pullen Phyllis Rosenfield Octavio Viramontes November 7 Rachel Rosenberg Peden November 8 Raquel Barrera Jennifer Ross November 9 Neal Kavy Terri Magram Hannah Sasson Tamara Say November 10 Magi Blucher Maurice Isaac Emi Jacobs Michael Piesman Shannon Root November 15 Shayna Lauterstein Craig Teplitz November 16 Sharon Abelow Meg Grossman Lauren Ross Ryan Schwope Michael Thompson Fred Wartell November 11 Rosa Jonasz Aaron Pearsall November 17 Joe Hernandez Marcy Hyman Deborah Linck November 12 Caryn Landes Lily LoCurto Leah Maze Sandra Wartell Dan Weingart November 18 Lisa Edelman Marinel Robbins Jeff Tomes Halli Weinstein November 13 Jerry Friedson Jennifer Goldberg Michael Rocklin November 14 Stephen Cole November 19 Lily Mintz Sam Pullen Robert Stanley November 20 Karen Barnhardt Lynni Cohen Julie Miller Lauren Stanley November 21 Lisa Abramson Jerome Cohen Renee Glazier Justin Horowitz Ruth Lown Benita Ross November 22 Cary Fox Alfred Sumberg Daniel Ziger November 23 Caroline Clarke Charles Gurinsky Babs Schnitzer November 24 Barbara Rocklin Samuel Schwope Anne Wise Joanne Zaike November 25 Morris Eskenazi Gary Loeffel Julio Ordonez, Jr. November 26 Steven Ross Claire Weingart Lindsay Weingart November 27 Marjorie Baseman Ray Elias Sioma Lubetzky Sandra Rosenthal Anne Roth Benjamin Wolf November 28 Ephraim Brenman November 29 Louise Beldon Ruth Goldberg Marvin Jacobs Joshua Rosenthal Alex Scharlack Emma Sowry Eli Weingertz November 30 Samantha Fein John LoCurto Anniversaries Here’s to many more years! November 1 Cathy & Rick Fein Heather & Gary Wilk November 2 Carol & Joel Klein Esther Lasky-Mata & Gerry Mata November 3 Amanda & Joe Lundblade November 4 Tabitha & David Lauterstein Kathy O’Neill & Ron Noble 16 November 5 Charlotte Sue & Richard Alterman Kay & Richard Rose Anne & Morris Wise November 7 Jennifer & Jeff Brody November 9 Stefanie & David Goldberg November 11 Lauren & Murry Stein November 15 Morgan & Michael Lichtmacher Lauren & Marc Ross November 22 Ahuva & Jacob Shweiki November 23 Sandy & Bill Rosenthal Karin & Tamir Zaltsman November 26 Susan & Jeff Goldberg Tania & Sioma Lubetzky November 27 Katie & Edward Jaramillo Perla & Irwin Scott November 28 Patti & Marvin Kaminsky November 29 Barbara & Ronnie Argo Shari & Stuart Markowitz November 30 Marge & David Present Myra & Abe Ribak Yahrzeits May their memories be for a blessing Our sincere condolences to Micheline Cohen, Jerome & Tammy Cohen, Bernard Cohen and Philip Cohen and Family on the loss of Sam Cohen; Lauren, Marc, Rebecca and Sam Ross and the Sigman-Ross Family on the loss of John Sigman; Sharon and Harry Abelow, Maya, Julia & Samantha Abelow, Allison & Austin Abelow and Family on the loss of Brian Abelow. November 1 Fanny Schneider November 2 Joseph Bloch Israel Kanter Elizabeth Ravich Saklad November 3 Rae W. Asher Anna Hyman Anne Segaloff Sidney Stallman November 4 Lee Noble Samuel Friedberg November 5 Lawrence Feldman Ronald Kamen Harry Siegel Patricia Rayl November 6 Dora Hahn Adler Mark Lauterstein Rae Leof Faye Richman Barbara Flaum November 7 Rita Simon November 8 Ben Lionell November 9 Doris Savin Steven Gossen Max Stool November 10 Esther Baumann Ruth Ozer Carlin Janet Roth Erica Rutstein Natalie Rosenblatt November 11 Sam Asarch Minnie Cytrin Eric Rose November 12 Milton Gold November 13 Hyman Cohen David Schlesinger Carol Wolf November 14 Eva Flaum Julius Helbon Joy McInnes Sally Vogler November 15 Bernard Weiner November 16 Sadie Abadie Nagar Sam Polunsky Kenneth Topletz Sidney Waghalter Israel Shulman Yvonne “Bitsy” Adelstein November 17 Joseph Birnbaum Abe Davis November 18 Max Eisenstot Zachary Kelne Ann Loebel November 19 Sidney Berg Sadie Gold Laszlo Mate November 20 Helen Jacobs Isadore Tudzin Samuel Waldgeir Joe Eisenstein Julia Grolnick November 21 Myrtle Dodic Nussbaum Chaim Levy Les Wilk Leonard Edelman November 22 Seymour Lyman Milford Jacobs November 23 Philip Barshop Cindy Maxwell Alvin Seidenberg Gladys Pressman Julia Solomon Sallie Friedman Charles Hugh Glazier Nellie Finegold Rocklin November 24 Tess Vogel Rachel Leah Zay November 25 Lubob Bregman Betty Schwartz November 26 Jean Abromowitz November 27 Samson Abelow Sarah Davis Manuel Mata Morris Schnitzer November 28 Violet Hyman Florence Fairman Allen Pullen November 29 Henrietta Brenman Grace Muller Mike Snyder Esther Spitzer November 30 Harry Hyman Abe Lewis Nancy Litofsky Eva Weiss Olian Bequests In loving memory of those caring individuals who remembered the synagogue in their wills. Esther Alterman Charles Atkin Solis Berman Max & Ethel Borowsky Sam Briskman Joseph Chasan Marilyn Dubrin Norman Fink Irving & Elaine Lachman Frank Joe & Harry Freeman Cynthia & Sam Glasser Dr. Eugene Gold Phyllis Gordon Phil Heintz Rose Jacobson Rosa Lee Katz Eva Kavy Elsa Lampert Isaac & Rivka Ledor Itta Lenowitz Stizzi & Israel Lewin Gertrude Mendel Sam Polunsky Nat Posner Thelma Preissman Minnie Pulman Odessa Ring Max Rosenman Shirley Rosofsky Leon Sachnowitz Berdie Scharlack Schwartz Leah Shapiro Israel and Esther Silber Greta Stat Joseph Steinfeld William Udinski Ruth Wilk 17 Torah Fund Donations Torah Fund Donation Information Thank you for your support of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism’s Torah Fund. Torah Fund cards are only $4 each. To order, please make a payment to Sisterhood Torah Fund and send check to: Judy Halfant, 15214 Eagle Grove, San Antonio, TX 78232 ~ You may also contact Judy at 210.494.2813. Jean Eisenstot will continue to prepare and mail your cards, so contact her at 210.614.4617. Please call Sunday through Friday before 8:00pm. Please order your cards before calling. Todah Rabbah for In Honor Of Birthdays Benny Abraham by Marguerite Lerer Carolyn Devin by Gaby & Alex Scharlack Arnold Eisenstot on his 85th birthday by Marguerite Lerer Joel Friedman by Marguerite Lerer Sara Lee Gurinsky by Marguerite Lerer Magda Herzfeld on her 90th birthday by Fannie Rae Shapiro, Leah Maze Judy Kelne by Marguerite Lerer Bernice Mazer by Judy & Eddie Halfant, Marguerite Lerer, Gaby & Alex Scharlack Bernard Shaenfield by Marguerite Lerer Mike Winakur by Marguerite Lerer Anniversaries Stuart & Joan Bernstein by Marsha & Gary Greenberg Speedy Recovery To Marci Bernstein by Marsha & Gary Greenberg, Fannie Rae Shapiro, Leah Maze, Esta & Stan Zucker, Bernice Mazer Stuart Bernstein byFannie Rae Shapiro, Leah Maze, Esta & Stan Zucker, Bernice Mazer Judy & Eddie Halfant, Thelma Lettman Tevia Friedman by Bernice Mazer Victoria Levy by Gaby & Alex Scharlack Selma Mintz by Marge & David Present Esta Zucker by Tevia & Joel Friedman, Sandy & Mel Weingart, Bernice Mazer, Joan Fries In Memory of Jake Alonso by Esta & Stan Zucker, Marsha & Gary Greenberg Alvin Breit by Arnold & Jean Eisenstot, Bernice Mazer Ivy Cohen by Marge & David Present Sam Cohen by Jean & Arnold Eisenstot, Marsha & Gary Greenberg Judy & Eddie Halfant ,Bernice Mazer Lee Greenberg by Marsha & Gary Greenberg Goldie Herschman by Pearl Gossen Ilean Kanter by Leah Maze, Fannie Rae Shapiro Ed Ruzumma by Sylvia Wilk Miriam Soble by Bernice Mazer Leon Zetley by Bernice Mazer 18 Advertise with Us! Call 210.479.0307 for rate information to place an ad. 19 Address Service Requested NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS PERMIT NO. 57 Congregation Agudas Achim 16550 Huebner Road San Antonio, TX 78248 Donations made to the synagogue will be acknowledged as follows: $10.00 Donation listed in Kolenu and acknowledgement mailed to the recipient only. ONE honoree’s name per donation Donations received after the publication deadline will be published in the following Kolenu. $18.00 Donation listed in Kolenu and acknowledgement mailed to the recipient and donor. Shabbat Evening 6:15pm ~ Vexler Chapel Shabbat Morning 9:00am ~ Alterman Salkind Louis Sanctuary or Vexler Chapel Yahrzeits are read at EACH service. Babysitting provided for birth through 2nd grade at all Shabbat Morning services. Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 6:00pm. Service Times Daily Minyan 7:30am Monday - Friday ~ Vexler Chapel 9:00am Sunday ~ Vexler Chapel Evenings by contacting office Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm Office Closed Thursday, November 27 and Friday, November 28 in observance of Thanksgiving The Kolenu is published monthly. The deadline for all submissions is the 28th day of each month two months prior to publication. So, we want to hear from you! Yell a kvell to Mindi Stern at 210.479.0307 or email to [email protected]. Administration Office 210.479.0307 Fax - 210.479.0295 Heintz Preschool 210.479.0429 Inda Posner Religious School 210.479.2689 [email protected]
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