ST. PETER’S CHURCH — A Roman Catholic Parish Community — Belleville 155 William Street Founded 1837 Pastor: Fr. Ivan Sciberras Parochial Vicar: Fr. Wojciech B. Jaskowiak In Residence: Fr. Giovanni Rizzo Deacons: Mr. Julio Roig Mr. Guillermo J. Valladares Elementary School Principal: New Jersey 07109 Mrs. Phyllis A. Sisco Parish Catechetical Coordinator: Mrs. Lisa A. Melillo Director of Music: Parish Secretary: Business Manager: Parish Trustees: Mr. John Christian Colaneri Sr. Vilma Orejola, FLP Mrs. Linda Makofka Mrs. Nancy Adessa Mr. Thaddeus Rajnes Pastoral Council President: Mr. Gary Hinton The Lord’s Day: Saturday Eve: 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 7, 8:30 10, 11:30 a.m., 1 p.m. Spanish Weekdays: (Summer Schedule) Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. Monday 7:00 p.m. (Evening Mass in the Retreat House Chapel) Saturday: 8:00 a.m. Infant Baptism Spanish - Second Sunday of each month at 2:30 p.m. English - Fourth Sunday of each month at 2:30 p.m. Parents must register by calling the Rectory at least one month in advance. Baptism Instruction held the week before the Baptism. Proposed godparent/s need to be living in accordance to the teachings of the Catholic Church, and are asked to attend the Baptism Instruction along with the child’s parents. Christian Marriage The couple should contact a parish priest or deacon one year before the desired date for the marriage to ensure proper preparation for the Sacrament. Couples are not to make FIRM plans for the reception PRIOR to speaking with a parish priest or deacon. Sacraments for the Sick/Homebound Anointing: Anytime upon request in the home of the sick. Communion: A Priest, Deacon or Eucharistic Minister of the parish will bring Holy Communion to those parishioners confined to home. Please notify the Rectory when someone is ill or admitted to the hospital. St. Peter’s Cemetery For information about acquiring a plot, or to make a donation to our Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund, please contact Mrs. Linda Makofka at the Rectory. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. or anytime at the Rectory upon an appointment with a priest. Rectory School 973-751-2002 973-759-3143 Fax: 973-751-6201 (offices open at 9 a.m.) Novena Miraculous Medal Novena - Mondays 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Teaching the Good News St. Peter Elementary School - Pre K through 8 Religious Education Kindergarten through Eighth grades Contact Lisa Melillo - 973-751-4290 Coordinadora de Clases de Religión en español (Confirmación de Adultos) Elena Ayala - 973-207-3623 Religious Education 973-751-4290 Cemetery 973-751-2002 Social Service Hotline (Catholic Community Services) 973-266-7991 1-800-227-7413 Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time † November 16, 2014 Page Two November 16, 2014 A Word from the Pastor … Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Last Sunday’s Gospel on the care for the House of the Lord impelled me to write today about progress on two major projects we are undertaking here at St. Peter’s. These projects can only happen through the generosity of parishioners like yourselves. Church Handicapped Ramp - Thank God, last week saw the pouring of the last batch of concrete, which means that the ramp can now be used. Few people can appreciate the amount of work (as well as the amount of metal and concrete!) involved in the construction of such a ramp. The old ramp, built along with the Church 101 years ago, had become not only an eye-sore, but had become even dangerous to use (especially after the beating it received with last winter’s storms). The new ramp, which is over 75 feet long, not only makes it much easier for disabled persons to use, but will also allow access to the elevated Sanctuary Area of the Church without the need to use any steps. It is also designed in a way that a extra-heavy casket can be wheeled to the Church without breaking anyone’s back. The about to be completed Church Handicapped Ramp We are now waiting for the railings to be installed in the coming days. I am sure you will all be happy with the outcome of this project. Blessed Mother Grotto – We are now in the final stages of the construction of a grotto that will host a statue of the Blessed Mother. The grotto is located just in front of the former Convent building (now used as the Parish Retreat House). Great care has been taken to ensure that the structure blends well with the building just behind it. Work is progressing well on the construction of four arches, which are made of brick. The placing of the roof, the installation of railings all around, and the placing of the pedestal and statue should bring this project to its conclusion. The grotto and statue will remain as a testimony to the love that the parishioners (and others who participated in the project) have for the Blessed Mother. The architect, contractors and many others are offering their services pro bono. We are only paying for the materials. It is also worth mentioned that all the money that is being collected is coming from parishioners who are not seeking any human recompense. I have resisted the temptation to hold fund raisers to underwrite the project … so that no one donates in the hope of getting anything in return (such as winning a raffle, or any such thing). Every cent is a sign of gratitude towards the Blessed Mother for the Maternal love she continues to shower on all of us. It is still not too late to donate towards the completion of these two projects. Why not consider contributing to two worthy projects that will be enjoyed by future generations of parishioners, just as we worship in a beautiful Church built by poor immigrants over a hundred years ago? Work on the Blessed Mother Grotto in front of the former convent Sincerely yours in Christ, Fr. Ivan Sciberras [email protected] Page Three FINANCE PLEASE HELP FOR THANKSGIVING 11-09-2014 All Souls Day Collection $ 5,848 11-09-2014 Assessment Collection $ 1,957 Two collections will be taken up today: The regular Sunday Collection and the second collection will be divided between Campaign for Human Development and for the Black & Indian Mission. $6,100 are needed weekly to meet our operating budget (any capital expense that arises not included). Please consider increasing your weekly offering. Whenever possible, please use the corresponding envelopes for the different collections and please write the amount on the envelope. Dropping in one check or cash equivalent for several different collections complicates the work of our money-counters. Your understanding is greatly appreciated. We thank you all for your generosity! PLEASE REMEMBER TO MAKE YOUR PLEDGE TO THE 2014 ARCHBISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL ARCHBISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL 2014 as of 11-12-2014 Goal: Pledges Received: Over (Under) Goal: Number of Donors: $ 30,630 $ 34,730 $4,100 160 THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS We would like to thank the following volunteers who came to help us on “Maintenance/Cleaning Day”. Armando Alvarado, Joseph Rivera, Juan Oviedo, Mathew Munoz, Allen Gomez, Kevin Zavala, Osmaly Urena, Isabel Tejada, Angel Soto, Andres Pasuizaca, Joch Uceta, Joel Melendez, Andy Villamarin, Diana Matute Calle, Maria Fernandez, Luz Gires, Martha Clavijo y Wiliam Allison. Thank you again for your help. Deacon Bill Valladares Here is the November Catholic Advocate link to the Online version: catholicadvocate_1114 Can you donate a turkey, ham, chicken or ham steaks to the food pantry for Thanksgiving? We know the need is great, and many people will be coming to the food pantry for help at this time of the year. Any donation will be greatly appreciated. Please bring any item you can give to the rectory by November 23rd. Please DO NOT leave any perishable item in the vestibule of the church. We promise our prayers for you in return. NOVEMBER FOOD PANTRY SCHEDULE Thanksgiving distribution will be on Wednesday, November 26th from 10 a.m. until 12 Noon. There will be NO FOOD PANTRY on Friday, November 28th. GIVING TREE Saint Peter’s Giving Tree will be in Church beginning the weekend of November 30th and December 1st. All parishioners are invited to take an ornament from the tree, purchase the gift specifies on the ornament and return the unwrapped gift, with tag attached, by Wednesday December 10th. The gifts can be returned by placing them under the tree in Church or by bringing them to the Rectory. All gifts are given to parish families in need. Thanking you in advance for your generosity and support of the less fortunate during the season of giving. THANKSGIVING MEAL AT ST. MARY’S IN NUTLEY St. Mary’s Church in Nutley will be holding a Thanksgiving Meal on Thursday November 27 from 12 noon to 2:30 p.m. It will be held at St Mary's Gym (16 Msgr. Owens Place, Nutley, NJ 07110). All are welcome. Please make your reservation for this dinner by November 18, 2014. For any question or to RSVP, please call Coco @ 973 661 0284 or Diane @ 973 235 1100. Transportation will be available for those who cannot drive there themselves. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MASS: All Members of Knights of Columbus Council #835 are encouraged to attend the 7pm Mass on Monday November 17 at the Convent Chapel. We will pray in a special way for the deceased members of this Council. Page Four Saturday, November 15 5:30 Harry Groome, rq Gary & Linda Hinton Sunday, November 16 7:00 Fr. Mark O’Connell, rq Quyen & Barry Wong 8:30 Frank A. Begans, rq James F. Begans 10:00 Tobia DeAngelis, rq Naida DeAngelis 11:30 Carmela & Joseph Bianchino, rq daughter, Marie 1:00 Enrique Lopez, rq Familia Lopez Monday, November 17 9:00 Fr. Mark O’Connell, rq Nguyen Family 7:00 Fr. Mark O’Connell, rq Minh Chu & Family Tuesday, November 18 9:00 Ellen O’Connell, rq Fred & Linda Makofka 7:30 Gonzalo Acuña Ramos y Nestor Espinoza Ricra, rq Maria Ramos Wednesday, November 19 9:00 Fr. Mark O’Connell, rq Naida DeAngelis 7:00 Fr. Mark O’Connell, rq Minh Chu & Family Thursday, November 20 9:00 Joanne Kennedy, rq Friend Friday, November 21 9:00 Giuseppe Pasquarelli, rq Gina Peluso 7:00 J. Barry O’Connell, rq Friend Saturday, November 22 8:00 Fr. Mark O’Connell, rq Fred & Lucy Sasso 5:30 Frank Bologna (10th Anniversary), rq Patricia Bologna Sunday, November 23 7:00 Andrew Burkhardt, Karen & Joe Paglia 8:30 Peter Rossoniello, rq wife, Ann 10:00 Rosa Nguyen, rq Michael, Sandra & John Scriffo 11:30 Ellen O’Connell, rq The Cowley Family 1:00 Rosita Padilla & Maria Rodriguez, rq Amaris & Family Pray for these in our community who are ill among us: Maria Jose Alfonso, Dolores Bowie, Frank Bradley, Jamie Canal, Jim Cataldo, Janet Cubellis, Evelyn DiChiara, Delaine Kurbyla, Felipe LaRiba, Fran Lombard, Barbara Mende, Antonio Rosa, Ana Salazar, Marie McConnon, Ana Challenger, Tony De Sent, Riley Hayes-Lopez, Margaret Steinhauser, Casey Paradine, Ethel Thomas, Gordon Gladden, Carmella Parilla, Phyliss Bocchino, John Grimes, Orlando Perry, Alice McCants, Oscar Reyes, Alicia & Miguel Encalada, Robert Brinkerhoff, Edward Matera, Thomas Barros, Carmen Ravancho, Geza Roman, Celeste Rodriguez, Anthony Barbara, Jean Rolli, Andy Valladares, John Sabbak, Noah & Jacob Ferreira Bryan Reedy, Carmen Romero, Ana Frederick, Florencio Gesuden, Patricia Concata, Agnes Colaneri, Mary Kay Wright, Eduardo Zuniga, Julia Diaz, Awilda Diaz, Bill De Paola, Riley June Nazario, Lucy Sasso, Dawn Negron, Joan Holly, Luciana Leeman, Willy Lema and all people wishing to remain nameless. Let us also pray for those who have recently died especially Martha Pinto, Jack Wegele, Carolyn Petoia and Fr. Thomas Foye. SAINT PETER’S THIS WEEK MONDAY, November 17 St. Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious 7:45 pm Pastoral Council Meeting 8:00 pm Clases de Religion, Jovenes y Adultos, Casa de Retiros Juan XXIII TUESDAY, November 18 The Dedication of the Basilicas of Sts. Peter Paul, Apostles; St. Rose of Philippinne Duchesne, Virgin 6:00 pm English Baptism Class, Church 7:00 pm Confirmation Class, School 7:30 pm Movimiento Juan XXIII, Mass, Church WEDNESDAY, November 19 7:30 pm Neo-Catechumenal Way, School Annex 8:00 pm Vietnamese Prayer Group Mass, Chapel THURSDAY, November 20 7:00 pm Bible Class, RMR 1 7:30 pm Youth Group (Jovenes Creyentes), Church Basement 7:30 pm Choir Practice, Church 7:30 pm Legion of Mary, RMR 3 FRIDAY, November 21 The Presentation of the Virgin Mary Juan XXIII Retiro Hombres, Retreat House 10:00 am Staff Meeting, RDR 5:30 pm John XXIII Retreat Mass, Chapel 7:00 pm NA Support Group, Church Basement SATURDAY, November 22 St. Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr Juan XXIII Retiro Hombres, Retreat House 9:30 am First Communion Class - Tour of Church 1:00 pm Confessions, Church 7:30 pm Neo-Catechumenal Way, School Annex SUNDAY, November 23 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Juan XXIII Retiro Hombres, Retreat House 8:30 - 9:45 am CCD Class, School 10 am & 1 pm Mass - Children Liturgy of the Word 4:30 pm John XXIII Men’s Retreat Mass, Church The CHURCH SANCTUARY LAMP will burn the week beginning November 16th in loving memory of Ellen O’Connell at the request of Peg & Roy Chrobosinski. The BLESSED MOTHER LAMP will burn week beginning November 16th in loving memory Evelyn Espinar at the request of her husband, Len & Family. Page Five POPE FRANCIS AT GENERAL AUDIENCE: PRAY THAT THE PASTORS OF OUR COMMUNITIES MAY BE THE LIVING IMAGE OF COMMUNION AND OF GOD'S LOVE What is required of ministers of the Church – bishops, priests and deacons – for their service to be authentic and fruitful?” This was the question posed by Pope Francis in his catechesis during this Wednesday's General Audience in St. Peter's Square. In his pastoral epistles, St. Paul lists, alongside faith and spiritual life, a number of human qualities essential for these ministries: hospitality, temperance, patience, gentleness, reliability, and goodness of heart. These, said the Holy Father, are “the alphabet, the grammar at the base of every ministry! Without this predisposition to encounter, know, enter into dialogue with, appreciate and relate to one's brethren in a respectful and sincere way, it is impossible to offer a service and a truly joyful and credible witness.” Pope Francis greets people as he arrives for his weekly open-air general There is another basic attitude that Paul recomaudience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican on November 12, 2014. mends to his disciples and, consequently, to all those in whom pastoral ministry is invested: the continual renewal of the gifts received. “This means always keeping alive the awareness that one does not become a bishop, priest or deacon for being more intelligent or better than others, but by receiving a gift from God … for the good of His people. This knowledge is truly important and constitutes a grace to be asked for every day. Indeed, a pastor who is aware that his ministry stems solely from the mercy and from the heart of God can never assume an authoritarian attitude, as if he had everyone at his feet and as if the community were his own property, his own personal kingdom.” “The awareness that it is all a gift, it is a grace, also helps the pastor not to give in to the temptation to place himself at the centre of attention and to trust only in himself. These are the temptations of vanity, pride, sufficiency, arrogance. God does not like it when a bishop, priest or deacon thinks that he knows it all - that he always has the right answer for everything and has no need for anyone else,” exclaimed Pope Francis. “On the contrary, the knowledge that he, first and foremost, is the object of God's mercy and compassion must lead a minister of the Church always to be humble and understanding towards others. While aware of his being required to courageously guard the Faith entrusted to him, he must always be willing to listen to the people. Indeed, he is aware that there is always something to learn, even from those who may be distant from the Faith and from the Church. All this must lead him to assume, with his brethren, a new attitude characterised by sharing, corresponsibility and communion.” “We must always be grateful to the Lord Who, in the person and the ministry of the bishops, priests and deacons, continues to guide and form His Church, enabling her to grow along the path of sanctity. At the same time, we must continue to pray, so that the pastors of our communities may be the living image of communion and of God's love,” concluded the Bishop of Rome. At the end of the General Audience, Pope Francis added: “It is with great trepidation that I follow the dramatic events of Christians who in various parts of the world are persecuted and killed for their religious beliefs. I feel the need to express my profound spiritual closeness to the Christian communities who are so badly afflicted by an absurd violence that shows no sign of stopping, and I encourage the pastors and all faithful to be strong and firm in their hope.” The Pope thus launched a heartfelt appeal to all those with political responsibility at local and international levels, as well as all persons of good will, “to mobilise consciences on a large scale in favour of persecuted Christians. They have the right to find safety and serenity in their own countries, freely professing their faith.” THE ARCHBISHOP JOHN J. MYERS ANNUAL LECTURE SERIES ON LAW, SOCIETY AND FAITH Noted theologian Dr. Regis Martin sheds light and hope on the nature of a “fallen world” for the Archbishop John J. Myers Lecture Series with “Still Point: Loss, Longing, and our Search for God.” The second annual lecture series continues on Wednesday December 3 at 5PM in Jubilee Hall Auditorium, Seton Hall University, 400 South Orange Avenue. All are welcome and admission is free; guests are encouraged to R.S.V.P. to Alexandra Benson at [email protected] or (973) 2752808. Regis Martin is a professor of theology at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, where he has taught for the past twenty-five years. He studied in Rome at the Angelicum and graduated summa cum laude in 1988 with a doctorate in sacred theology. Page Six Saint Peter School forming the future with Purpose, Passion and Power! Visit us online at: FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK. . . St. Peter’s School has been participating in the SEEDS Program (Securing Elementary Education through Development Solutions) during the past several years. Letters were mailed to alumni asking them to participate in contributing to the Annual Alumni Fund. I received a call from a graduate of St. Peter’s class of 1947 Mr. Henry Watters, now living in Arizona. He recalled fond memories of his alma mater and spoke of his brother one of whom is a Jesuit Priest who also attended St. Peter’s School. Through donations from our alumni, we will be able to continue to offer a quality Catholic School Education. If you are interested in the school’s annual fund drive, please call the school office for more information. We at St. Peter’s continue to strive to make a difference and follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Throughout the next few weeks our students will be conducting a school-wide food drive as the Thanksgiving holiday approaches. “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”. GET YOUR TICKETS!!! NOW ST. PETER’S SCHOOL PRESENTS 23rd ANNUAL TRICKY TRAY THURSDAY NOVEMBER 20, 2014 THE CHANDELIER 340 FRANKLIN AVE. , BELLEVILLE, NJ DOORS OPEN AT 6:00PM TICKET COST: $45.00 EACH Tickets Include Dinner, Coffee, Tea, Soda, Dessert and 2 Sheets of Blue Tickets COME JOIN THE FUN AND A CHANCE TO WIN GREAT PRIZES, PRE-SALE PRIZE TICKET BAGS ARE AVAILABLE FOR $30.00 EACH PLEASE HELP MAKE THIS THE LARGEST SCHOOL EVENT. TICKETS WILL NOT BE SOLD AT THE DOOR! NO ONE UNDER 18 PERMITTED FROM THE TREASURY OF CATHOLIC PRAYERS DAILY PRAYER FOR THE HOLY SOULS IN PURGATORY Immortal God, holy Lord, Father and Protector of all You have created, we raise our hearts to You today for those who have passed out of this mortal life. In Your loving mercy, Father of all, be pleased to receive them in Your heavenly company, and forgive the failings and faults they may have done from human frailty. Your only son, Christ, our Savior, suffered so cruelly that He might deliver them from the second death. By his merits may they share in the glory of His victory over sin and death. For all the faithful who have died we pray, but in particular for those dear to us, parents, relatives and friends. Nor do we forget who did good to us while on earth, who helped us by their prayers, their sacrifice and their example. We pray also for any who may have done us harm, as for all who stand in need of your forgiveness. May the merits and prayers of our Virgin Mother, Mary, and those of all Your Angels and Saints, speak for us and assist them nw. This we ask in Christ’s name. Amen. WORD CLUSTER This cluster helps our parish proclaim and teach the good news of Jesus Christ and forms Christian disciples. For information on this cluster, call Angie Stefanelli at 973-759-5252. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 18:35-43 Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10, or, (for the memorial of the Dedication) Acts 28:11-16, 30-31; Ps 98:1-6; Mt 14:22-33 Wednesday: Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 19:11-28 Thursday: Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 19:41-44 Friday: Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Lk 19:45-48 Saturday: Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 20:27-40 Sunday: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23:1-3, 5-6; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 SECCIÓN HISPANA LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Apo 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lc 18:35-43 Martes: Apo 3:1-6, 14-22; Sal 15 (14):2-5; Lc 19:1-10, ó (para la memoria de la Dedicación) Hch 28: 11-16, 30-31; Sal 98 (97):1-6; Mt 14:22-33 Miércoles: Apo 4:1-11; Sal 150:1b-6; Lc 19:11-28 Jueves: Apo 5:1-10; Sal 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lc 19:41-44 Viernes: Apo 10:8-11; Sal 119 (118):14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Lc 19:45-48 Sábado: Apo 11:4-12; Sal 144 (143):1b, 2, 9-10; Lc 20:27-40 Domingo: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Sal 23 (22):1-3, 5-6; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 CONFESIONES Cada Sabado del año de 1pm hasta 2pm un sacerdote es disponible en la iglesia para escuchar confesiones. CLASES DE BIBLIA Cada lunes a las 8pm en la Casa de Retiros. Hay cuatro niveles. Para mas información, comuníquese con el Diacono G. Valladares al 973-667-1323 o Llamando a Lucina Pellicia 862-576-1441. ARBOL QUE DA (GIVING TREE ) El Giving Tree de San Pedro ya estará listo en la Iglesia comenzando el fin de semana del 30 de Noviembre y el 1 de Diciembre. Todos los feligreses están invitados a tomar un adorno del árbol, comprar el regalo especificado en el adorno, y devolver el regalo sin envolver junto con la etiqueta antes del Miércoles 10 de Diciembre. Los regalos deberán ser dejados debajo del árbol en la Iglesia o podrán llevarlos a la Rectoría. Todos los regalos se entregaran a familias necesitadas de la parroquia. RETIRO DEL VIÑEDO DE RAQUEL Fecha: Enero 30 a Febrero 1, 2015 Lugar: Archdiocesan Youth Retreat Center 499 Belgrove Drive, Kearny, NJ 07032 Costo: $150 por persona Ayuda financier disponible para todos aquellos no puedan pagar. Auspiciado por: La Oficina del Respeto a la Vida ¿Sufre por haber abortado? ¿Tiene sentimientos de culpabilidad y ansiedad? ¿Sufre de depresión? ¡Hay esperanza! Retiros de Viñedo de Raquel ofrecen esperanza y sanación para el syndrome post-aborto. Para información llama a Rosa al Tel: 908-837-9474 o [email protected] Page Seven POR FAVOR NECESITAMOS SU AYUDA PARA EL DIA DE ACCION DE GRACIAS Puede usted donar un pavo, jamón, pollo o filetes de jamón a la Dispensa de Alimentos (Food Pantry) para el día de Acción de Gracias? Sabemos que la necesidad es grande, pero también sabemos que mucha gente vendrá a la dispensa de alimentos en busca de ayuda para esta época del año. Por eso les agradecemos cualquier donación que usted pueda hacer. Por favor traiga cualquier articulo a la rectoría hasta del 23 de Noviembre. Les pedimos que no dejen artículos que se puedan dañar en el vestíbulo de la Iglesia. A cambio de sus gestos de generosidad nos comprometemos a orar por ustedes. HORARIO DE NOVIEMBRE PARA LA DISPENSA DE ALIMENTOS (FOOD PANTRY) La distribución de alimentos para el día de Acción de Gracias será el miércoles 26 de Noviembre desde las 10 AM hasta las 12 del mediodía. No habrá entrega de alimentos el día viernes 22 de Noviembre. ESPOSAS CON CRISTO Te sientes sola? Estas Triste? Estas abrumada? No Sabes lo que Dios espera de ti? No te preocupes ven a desahogarte o a compartir tus experiencias con otras esposas que buscan la ayuda de Dios los días y Diciembre 4—18 aquí en esta tu parroquia de San Pedro. Para todos detalles contáctate con Diana Matute al 973-302-7852 o Ruth Herrera 201-748-9355. Dios las bendiga. GRACIAS VOLUNTARIOS Damos las gracias a los siguientes adultos y jovenes que vinieron ayudarnos en el dia de Mantenimiento/Limpieza de nuestra Parroquia: Armando Alvarado, Joseph Rivera, Juan Oviedo, Mathew Munoz, Allen Gomez, Kevin Zavala, Osmaly Urena, Isabel Tejada, Angel Soto, Andres Pasuizaca, Joch Uceta, Joel Melendez, Andy Villamaria, Diana Matute Calle, Maria Fernandez, Luz Gires, Martha Clavijo y Wiliam Allison. Gracias nuevamente a todos ustedes, por su gran ayuda, sin ustedes nuestras oficinas y salones de reunions estarian sucias. Diacono Bill Valladares
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