Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost Worship Leaders: Beverly Goines, Mark Masdin, Michael McMahon, and Beau Underwood Preacher: Stephen Gentle THE COMMUNITY GATHERS FOR WORSHIP PRELUDE We Gather Together All Creatures of Our God and King Charles Callahan Your mighty acts work our salvation. All earth waits hopefully. You have the strength to move the mountains, to calm the stormy sea. You calm the tumult of the people. Such awesome signs you do That earth from sunrise to the sunset, for joy cries out to you. You visit earth in streams and rivers and in the gentle rain. You settle ridges, soften furrows, and bless the sprouting grain. You crown the year with ample harvest; where you go new life springs. All flocks and hills and meadows: Creation shouts and sings. SCRIPTURE Mark Masdin NT p. 76 John Hebden Schaffner MOMENT OF FRIENDSHIP AND WELCOME Stephen Gentle Welcome! National City Christian Church is the national church of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and a house of prayer that is open and affirming of all people. We pray that today’s worship will please God and edify God’s people. Please sign the Connect With Us card in the bulletin. If you are a first-time guest, please indicate your address, telephone number, and email address. There is a space on the back for prayer concerns and comments. As we prepare for worship, please turn off all cellular telephones, pagers, and watch alarms. The service is approximately one hour and fifteen minutes. Luke 17:11-19 PRAYER AT THE TABLE HYMN No. 531 THANK YOU, LORD Thank You, Lord SERMON Stephen Gentle Entrusted With Gratitude J. A. Freylinghausen Heaven and Earth and Sea and Air Heaven and earth and sea and air all their maker's praise declare. Wake, my soul, awake and sing. Now God's grateful praises bring! OPENING HYMN No. 22 RESPONSE OF THE PEOPLE Leader: O give thanks to God, for God is good. People: God’s steadfast love endures forever. Leader: Let them give thanks for God’s steadfast love, for God’s wonderful works to all humankind. People: For God satisfies the thirsty, and fills the hungry with good things. Leader: Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you. Unison: God provides food for all living creatures, for God’s faithful love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of heaven, for God’s faithful love endures forever. SCRIPTURE THE COMMUNITY HEARS GOD’S WORD Mark Masdin NT p. 161 1 Corinthians 9:6-15 CHORAL PSALM arr. John E. Hamersma Psalm 65: Praise Is Your Right Praise is your right, O God, in Zion. To you we pay our vows. When we your people pray, you hear us. All flesh to you will bow. When our transgressions overwhelm us, you graciously forgive. How satisfied your chosen servants; within your courts they live. ( Please stand as you are able.) No. 411 AGAPE For the Bread, Which You Have Broken For the bread, which you have broken, for the wine, which you have poured, for the words, which you have spoken, now we give you thanks, O Lord. No. 695 God of the Fertile Fields GIVING AND RECEIVING OF THE OFFERING Beau Underwood The Lord's Supper is for all believers in Christ Jesus. Please come forward down the center aisle as directed by the Deacons. Offering trays are available at the front for your estimate-of-giving envelope, offering, and "connect with us" cards. When receiving communion, take a piece of bread or wafer, dip it into the cup, and partake. After you have received the Lord’s Supper, please return to your seat by the side aisle. If for any reason you would prefer to receive communion in your pew, please remain seated and a Deacon will bring the communion and offering trays to you ITALIAN HYMN LASST UNS ERFREUEN All Creatures of Our God and King WORDS OF INSTITUTION Those desiring to become members of the community of National City Christian Church, either by transfer of membership, profession of faith, reaffirmation of faith or as an associate member, are invited to come forward during the hymn. HYMN OF COMMITMENT John Sparkman COMMUNION HYMN THE COMMUNITY CELEBRATES GOD’S GRACE INTROIT People: Grace us, we pray, on this special day, with hearts and minds that embrace the truth you have revealed in your Holy Word. With souls that seek your presence and rejoice in the wonders you have created, we celebrate the mercies you bestow, with hands that are as generous and as open as your own. Elder: We give you thanks for the great mercies and promises given to us in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whose name we pray: All: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. THE COMMUNITY GOES FORTH TO SERVE Beau Underwood OFFERTORY SONG HYMN OF GOING FORTH No. 714 AR HYD Y NOS For the Fruit of All Creation Insert Ps 138: Lord, I Thank You Please join in singing the refrain after the cantor and again after each verse. Martha Sobaje Trumpet Tune in F DOXOLOGY PLEADING SAVIOR For the Life That You Have Given For the life that you have given, for the love in Christ made known, with these fruits of time and labor, with these gifts that are your own: here we offer, Lord, our praises; heart and mind and strength we bring; give us grace to love and serve you, living what we pray and sing. INVITATION TO COMMUNION PRAYER OF THE PEOPLE Leader: People: Elder: People: Elder: POSTLUDE Following the worship service, our pastors are at the back and side doors of the Sanctuary to greet you. All are invited to the Atrium for coffee and fellowship immediately following the worship service. The flowers were given by the Kelleys in memory of Mary S. Kelley. Beverly Goines Douglas Cook Let us lift up our hearts. We lift them to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise. Loving God, Creator of heaven and earth, you confer healing and wholeness upon your people. You lift us from the dust and make us little less than the angels. You forgive our sins and grant us new life each day. Truly your steadfast love endures forever - and we thank you for it. Worship and Preaching resources: David Bartlett and Barbara Brown Taylor, ed. Feasting on the Word (Louisville: Westminster Press, 2009); Colbert Cartwright and O.I. Cricket Harrison, ed. Chalice Worship (St. Louis: Chalice Press, 1999); James G. Kirk, When We Gather (Philadelphia: The Geneva Press, 2001); Craig Schaub, et. al., Seasons of the Spirit (British Columbia, Canada: Wood Lake Publishing, Inc., 2007), Revised Common Lectionary, Center for Biblical Preaching, Welcome to National City Christian Church, national church of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and an open and affirming congregation. We have many reasons for giving thanks to God today… and your presence in worship is one of them. Thank you! National City Christian Church is a unique faith community. Our facility is held in trust for all Disciples all across the United States. Our church members seek to offer hospitality, especially to our guests, as we all come together in worship today. On this blessed day, we pray that God’s Spirit will move in your life – and our life together – as we give thanks to God. ANNOUNCEMENTS Refugee & Immigration Ministries invites you to a screening of FOOD CHAINS - November 21 at West End Cinema (2301 M St), and running for 1 week. The movie documents farm worker struggles. Contact Sharon Stanley-Rea at [email protected], or 202-957-7826. Thanksgiving Offering - The Thanksgiving offering supports the work of higher education institutions, 14 colleges, and seven seminaries. Annual Report Alert - We ask that all department and committee chairs submit your report for our Annual Report to Loretta Tate on or before December 15 at [email protected]. Breakfast With Santa - Come and have breakfast with Santa and Mrs. Claus on Saturday morning December 6th from 9-11. This free event includes a photo with Santa, crafts, story time, and a yummy breakfast. Bring your kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, and neighbors. Help Needed - For our Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, December 6. Help is needed before the event to advertise, set up, plan crafts, and pray. During the event we need a photographer, a photo printer, greeters, servers, helpers. Afterwards we need folks to help clean up and take down decorations that won't stay up for the season. Please let Teresa Swihart know of your availability to help out. FOR OUR GUESTS Membership at National City Christian Church - It would be our joy to welcome you into the membership of this congregation. You may join through transfer of membership from another congregation or through a profession of faith and baptism. Full and associate memberships are available. Please feel free to talk with any minister or email [email protected] Sanctuary Tour - Tours of our historic Sanctuary are available following the 11 a.m. worship service. If you are interested, please meet at the Garfield Window in the rear of the Sanctuary (pulpit side). Coffee and Fellowship - Come to the Atrium for a warm cup of coffee and meet some of the warm people of National City. The Atrium is located on the first floor of the building through the front, right door. Nursery - Childcare is available during the morning for children through age four. The nursery is located in Fellers Foyer. Speak with a greeter or any member for directions. Accessibility - Elevator access to the Sanctuary is available via the 14th Street courtyard entrance. If you would like to request a handicapped parking space for Sunday, please call the church office by 12 noon on Friday. EN ESPAÑOL - Culto en la Capilla Phillips, Domingo 11 a.m. Parking - Complimentary parking is available at the Washington Plaza Hotel parking garage. Simply ask for a voucher at the church front desk at the 14th Street entrance. Free street parking is available every Sunday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the west ramp off Thomas Circle, which leads to Massachusetts Avenue. Pastoral Needs - If you would like to speak with a pastor, please feel free to meet with one of the pastors at the door after the worship service or call 202-232 -0323 during office hours. National City Online - Visit online at to find a recording of Sunday's sermon. Members and guests are encouraged to sign up for our email list at Facebook aficionados are encouraged to sign up as fans of National City Christian Church’s Facebook page. See you online! SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal - 9 a.m., Music Suite. Congregational Discussion Class - 10 a.m., Community Room, led by Loretta Tate Acts Bible Study - 10 a.m., Howland Center, led by Beau Underwood Deaconesses Meeting - 12:30 p.m., 3rd Floor Conference Room MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Fluent City Language classes* - 6:30 p.m., 3rd Floor Campbell TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 Thomas Circle Singers - 6 p.m., Scott Hall Fluent City Language classes* - 6:30 p.m., 3rd Floor Campbell Fortissima Choir - 7 p.m., Phillips Chapel Gospel Choir Rehearsal - 7 p.m., Music Suite WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence - 8 a.m., Howland Center Center for Responsible Lending - 9 a.m., 3rd Floor Conference Room Children's Community Playgroup - 9:30 a.m., Community Room Food Pantry - 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., Atrium House of Ruth - 5:30 p.m., 3rd Floor Conference Room Fluent City Language classes* - 6:30 p.m., 3rd Floor Campbell Yada D-Space - 7 p.m., Community Room Service of Remembrance and Healing - 7 p.m., Howland Center THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 House of Ruth - 11 a.m., Community Room Fluent City Language classes* - 6:30 p.m., 3rd Floor Campbell Book Club - 7 p.m., Community Room Choir Rehearsal - 7:30 p.m., Music Suite DC Lambda Square Dancing - 7:30 p.m., Music Suite, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21 TRINITY UMC BUNKHOUSE DC Coalition Against Domestic Violence - 8 a.m., Howland Center Carl Vogel Food Pantry - 11 a.m., Community Room Friday Noon-Time Organ Recitals - at 12:15 p.m. Featuring: Carol Feather Martin presenting a performance of works by composers Aram Khachaturian, Jehan Alain, William Albright, Calvin Hampton, Edvard Grieg, and Camille Saint-Saens. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22 TRINITY UMC BUNKHOUSE Elders Coffee - 8:30 a.m., Atrium Elders' Mini-Retreat - 9 a.m., Community Room Organ Crawl: Cumberland Valley Chapter, AGO - 9 a.m., Sanctuary Disciples 101 - 9:30 a.m., 2nd Floor Conference Room Thomas Circle Singers - 10 a.m., Music Suite Fluent City Language Classes* - 11 a.m., 3rd Floor Campbell Building November 16, 2014 11 a.m. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23 TRINITY UMC BUNKHOUSE Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal - 9 a.m., Music Suite Congregational Meeting & Luncheon - 12:30 p.m., Howland Center Thomas House Service - 2 p.m., at Thomas House. * For more information about language classes, go to CAPITAL AREA PRAYER CALENDAR First Christian Church, Falls Church, Virginia PRAYERS FOR THE CHURCH FAMILY Fay Arrington; Jim & Jane Baines; June Chewning; Eddie Franklin; Vivian Henderson; Will Hill; Constance Jennings; Betty Jones; Pearl King; Graver Lovick; Victoria Rose Mayfield-Mayo; Anne Petty; Hilda Reynolds; Missy Walsh; and persons in military and civil service around the world. National City Christian Church 5 Thomas Circle, NW, Washington, DC 20005 202-232-0323
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