Editor: Mike Ortmayer
Volume No. 21
“Safety is No Accident”
Issue No. 11
Date: November 2014
Website: www.ancientcityrc.org
Ancient City R/C Flyers, Inc AMA #2075
P.O. Box 346, St. Augustine, FL 32085-0436
President: Steve Braxton
[email protected]
Vice President: Carl Schneider
Wx Info:
St. Augustine Airport – 904-824-7084
September Meeting:
Secretary: Mike Ortmayer
[email protected]
Treasurer: Bob Colpitts
Email address not available
Safety Coordinator: Mike Kern
[email protected]
Field Marshall: Alex Gaillard
[email protected]
Upcoming Mowing Schedule :
1 - Warren Vanderwell
2 - TBT
1- George Skrtich
2- TBT
1-Mike Speckhahn
2- Carl Schneider
The complete 2014 Mowing Schedule is available
on the club website at the following link:
We still need some backup volunteers for the
months of Nov and Dec. Please email Mike
Ortmayer if you are available to assist in these
months so the schedule can be updated.
If there are any changes, corrections or problems,
please contact - Alex.
Upcoming Meetings:.
November 8th Parker Field
December 13th
January 10th, 2015
President Steve Braxton called the meeting to order
@ 10:11am with 26 members and 3 guests present.
The minutes from the September meeting were
read and a motion to accept was made by Toni
and seconded by Starling as corrected. The
correction was the 50/50 winner addition.
Bob Colpitts was not present and the Treasury
report was given by Mike Ortmayer on Bob’s behalf.
After all known bill and deposits were made, the new
balance was $3778.66.
If you would like to make a donation to any of the
future projects and/or picnic tables, please mail them
to the club’s mail box: ATTN: Bob Colpitts
P.O. Box 346
St. Augustine, Fl
Nothing to report
Starling made a mention that the ant beds are
starting to get bad and suggested that we use some
of the club funds to purchase some ant killer. The
remaining product would be stage in the condemned
building for future use.
Mike Kern was not present to give a report. To the
best knowledge from the members, there were not
any issues that came to mind.
ALES: Dave mentioned that all of the requirements
have been met. All of the volunteers have been
identified for the food, drinks, timers and event
Sunshade: Carl mentioned that the last meetings
report was the last and there was nothing else to
report. There was an open discussion on how the
remaining money should be spent. Most of the
members seemed to be happy/ok with the first
table/bench. A vote ended in 22 favors and 1
opposed resulting in the purchase of two more
tables/benches. Trash cans was also discussed and
Kevin offered to put 2 out at no cost to the club. A
vote ended in 18 in favor and 2 opposing.
Chief Aircraft’s 3-D event is on for November 15 &
16. They are expecting 40-50 pilots with a few
spending the night. Joe Lippo has arranged to have
a barbeque vendor present at the event.
A secret ballot was held for the following: The Gray
Family, Michael Gray, Gene Schepers and Leo
McCarthy. The voting results all ended with them as
permanent members to the club. Welcome aboard!!
Steve Braxton reminded the club members that
nominees for club officers will be taken from the floor
at the November meeting and voted on at the
December meeting. The positions are President,
Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Safety
Coordinator. Appointed officers are the Field
Marshall and Newsletter Editor.
A reminder went out that it’s that time of the year to
renew you’re AMA membership and not to let it
We have reached our club membership cap per our
by-laws. The club is not able to take any further
members until vacancies become open. This brought
up a lot of discussion amongst the club. The final
outcome was a motion by Dave Milliong and a
second by Shawn to amend the by-laws thus lifting
the cap. After a vote of 18 in favor and 7 opposed, it
was settled and that the amendment process will
begin. Steve Braxton is going to draft the changes
and when ready, they will be sent out to the club
members for review.
Harry brought up a change to move the start of the
meeting back to 09:00AM. He placed a motion
without any further action.
Carl Schneider made a suggestion in regards to
placing a shed at the field to store the mower and
some items of lesser valve. After some stories from
the past with this, it was in the best interest of the
club to not to do this and continue to use the security
and shelter provided by the Parkers.
The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday,
November 8th, 2014 at 10:00AM.
A motion to adjourn was made by Toni Orsini
and seconded by Dave Milliong. The meeting
was adjourned at 11:10AM.
The 50/50 raffle was won by Mike aka “Electric Mike”
Have something that you want to sell trade or give
away? Email me at [email protected] and I will
get it in the upcoming newsletters.
See what’s happening in our neighboring clubs:
Click on the links below
Some Useful links:
The newest addition to the field, 80 feet of shade!!