Page 1 November 16, 2014 CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION OF OUR LORD 8121 CYPRESS LAKE DRIVE FORT MYERS, FLORIDA 33919 PASTOR: Rev. Msgr. Stephen E. McNamara, V.F., V.G. Parochial Vicars: Fr . Oliver Toner , Fr . Thomas Kelly Deacon: Michael Esper Business Manager: Bonnie O’Connell Director of Religious Education: Lea Pascotto, M.A., M.A. Youth Ministry Coordinator: Vikki Melchior r e Organist: Connie Kish SUNDAY MASSES & CONFESSIONS: See inside NOVEMBER 16, 2014 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME BAPTISMS & MARRIAGE: For these Sacr aments please notify the church office as soon as possible so GET READY The Letters of Paul to the Thessalonians are among his earliest that we may advise you of the requirements. writings, and are driven by his belief and the belief of the entire Thank you. NEW PARISHIONERS: Please fill out r egistr ation card and return to ushers or the church office. RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: Tel. 482-6883 or 481-7172 RELIGIOUS ARTICLES STORE: Tel. 437-9876 The Gift Shop is located in the front of the church RELIGIOUS ED OFFICE: Tel. 482-6883 YOUTH MINISTRY OFFICE: Tel. 481-5144 PARISH OFFICE: Tel. 481-7171 or 481-7172 Fax: 481-8007, E-mail: [email protected] early Christian community that the return of Christ was imminent. Therefore, to devote time or attention to anything else was foolish. As time progressed, this fervor receded a bit. Today we may wonder, when we hear these readings about the coming end-times, if we should take them to heart. What should we do when we hear that the day of the Lord will come upon us “like a thief at night”? (1 Thessalonians 5:2) Does this mean we are to stop our long-range goal-setting, get rid of our yearly calendars and planners, or stop putting money in the college education fund? Of course not. What it does mean is that we need to change our lives, living like children of the light and illuminating the world around us with the light of the gospel. Then, on that day, when the details of our daily living become unimportant, we will be ready to find our peace and security in Christ Jesus. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Page 2 November 16, 2014 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 Blessed are you who fear the LORD. ~ Psalm 128:1a SAT. 3:30 5:00 SUN. 7:30 9:00 10:30 12:45 5:00 MON. 8:00 TUE. 8:00 WED 8:00 THU. 8:00 FRI. 8:00 SAT. 8:00 SAT. 3:30 5:00 SUN. 7:30 9:00 10:30 12:45 5:00 NOVEMBER 15 - VIGIL MASS †Mar y Mochr ie by Husband Ken †Poor Souls NOVEMBER 16 ♥†People of the Par ish †Bar clay & Dor a Tatler by Anne Tatler †Leo & Cecile Lapor te by Luigi & Lucille Latin Mass †Rober t Rohn by Chloe Gier NOVEMBER 17 †J ohn Ritchie by Sister s NOVEMBER 18†Poor Souls NOVEMBER 19♥†Living & Deceased Members of the Womens Guild NOVEMBER 20 †Eleanor & Fr ank Lewandowski by Poff Family NOVEMBER 21 †Anna & Margaret Ford by Robert Ford Family NOVEMBER 22†Poor Souls NOVEMBER 22 - VIGIL MASS †Rober t Rohn by Mer cedes †Mar gar et Himler Pellen by Family NOVEMBER 23 ♥†People of the Par ish ♥†Living & Deceased Member s of Res. Men’s Club †Stanley Gr ebo by Bucholz Family Latin Mass †Rober t Luxedor by Mar y Beekman CONFESSIONS - Saturdays 2:15-3:15 or 30 min. before Sunday Masses or by appointment. REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS……all those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith, especially Elsie McGregor, Giovanna Belmonte, Connie Balestri, Margaret Kistel, Joseph Libasci, Joan Monroe, James Newman. If you are scheduled to have a surgery and would like to meet with a priest beforehand for Confession and Blessing of the Sick please call the parish office to schedule an appointment, 481-7171. PRAYERS FOR PRIESTS Please join us as we gather every Thursday immediately after the 8:00 Mass to pr ay for pr iests. RESURRECTION PRAYER LINE MINISTRY For prayer requests or to sign up as a volunteer call: 481-1170. THE GIFT SHOP IS LOCATED AT THE FRONT ENTRANCE OF THE CHURCH TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The woman who fears the LORD is to be praised (Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31). Psalm — Blessed are those who fear the Lord (Psalm 128). Second Reading — Brothers and sisters, you are children of the light (1 Thessalonians 5:1-6). Gospel — Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities (Matthew 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21]). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. OPLATKI WAFERS AVAILABLE AT THE GIFT SHOP & PARISH OFFICE The Christmas wafer (opłatek, plural opłatki) is a Central European Christian Christmas tradition celebrated in Polish families during Christmas Eve V igil. The unleavened wafers are baked from pure wheat flour and water, are usually rectangular in shape and very thin; they are identical in composition to a round wafer which becomes the Host after the Consecration during Mass in the Roman Catholic Church. Being only a reminder of the Body of Christ used in private homes, Opłatki lack sanctification by a priest or bishop. The Opłatki wafers are embossed with Christmas related religious images, varying from the nativity scene, especially Virgin Mary with baby Jesus to the Star of Bethlehem. COST IS $3.00 AVAILABLE AT GIFT SHOP & PARISH OFFICE PLEASE JOIN US FOR ADORATION EVERY FIRST FRIDAY AFTER THE 8:00 MASS GIFT SHOP HOURS : Thurs. 8:20 - 10:00 Sat. 2:30 - 3:30 Sun. 8:00 - 12:45 Page 3 November 16, 2014 WEEKLY OFFERING November 9, 2014 2014 CATHOLIC FAITH APPEAL Reg. Offertory: $21,475.84 Our assessment for this year is $370,000.00 Latin: $790.00 Pledges made thus far Total: $348,340.21 Pmnts. made thus far Total: $334,897.71 SVDP: $605.00 We are still $35,102.29 short of paying our assessment. Please join our parish family in making a sacrificial gift to the CFA RESURRECTION CALENDAR MINISTRY OF THE SICK ALL events take place in the Parish Center unless otherwise stated. Adoration, F irst F ridays, 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Bereavement & Beyond Ministry, Every Monday, 8:30am. , Alouise 481-8168 Coffee & Donuts, Sundays after 10:30 Mass Craft Club, Tuesdays, 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. Men's Club, 2nd Monday of month, 7:30p.m., Sept. - May Our Lady of Miraculous Medal Novena, Saturdays after the 8:00a.m. Mass, church Prayer for Priests, Thursdays after the 8:00a.m. Mass, chapel RCIA, Wednesdays, 7:00p.m., call 482-6883 for information Rel. Ed., September - May Resurrection for Life, 2nd Wednesday of Oct, J an, Apr. 9 am Resurrection Prayerline Ministry, call Deanna Latell 481-1170. Rosary, before daily Masses and Tues. & Thurs., 1:30p.m., chapel Rosary Makers, 3rd Thurs every month, 9-11 a.m. St. Vincent DePaul Board Meeting, 1st Tues. every month, 7:00 pm. For SVDP assistance call 239-600-6749 Teams of Our Lady, call J oann for more information, 4827982 Women’s Guild, 3rd Wednesday every month, 8:30a.m. Sept. May The following hospitals are attended to by the parish in which they are located: *Gulf Coast Hospital - visited daily by Blessed Pope John XXIII Parish, 561-2245 * Lee Memorial Hospital - visited daily by St. Francis Xavier Parish, 334-2161 * Lee Memorial and Hospice at Health Park - visited daily by St. Columbkille Parish, 489-3973 A priest is on call 7 days a week, 24 hours a day for the above hospitals at the above telephone numbers. TO ALL PARISHIONERS AND VISITORS: To protect your privacy hospitals do not give out information on patients without their permission. If you wish a visit from one of the Resurrection priests please notify the hospital as well as the parish office, 481-7171 as quickly as possible. Resurrection priests visit the above hospitals daily upon request. Page 4 November 16, 2014 Please join us November 30th for Mass with Bishop Dewane at 3:00 p.m. Reception in the Parish Center, immediately following. Page 5 November 16, 2014 ARE YOU NEW TO RESURRECTION PARISH? We would like to welcome you to our parish family. In order to better serve you, please fill out a registration card which is located at the entrances of the church and leave it with an usher or put it in the collection plate. You may also register by stopping by the church office. A reminder that one needs to be a registered member of a parish in order to be a Baptismal or Confirmation sponsor. WE WELCOME OUR NEWEST PARISHIONERS: Brian & Terry Hornert and Family, Carl Latronica, Karen Bonner, Cesar & Kayla Mateo and Family, Gerard & Tiffany Kane, Tricia Besozzi, Mark & Brenda Devine and Family, Steve & Stephanie Genoway and Family, Laura Griffin, Larry & RuthAnn Robbins, Marcial & Gina Semidey, Randall & Betty Handley, Brett & Leslie Urban, Ububb DeDios & Analilia Acateo and Family, Rosalio Gaglio, Brown Thompson, Carl Latronica, Robert & Kelly Hanley and Family, Vincent & Justine Denich and Family, Lex Findlay and Family, Timothy & Darlene Pratt, Anthony & Suzannah Myers, Wayne & Judith Papini, Philip & Nancy Bleser, Carmela Martino, Deborah Wilson, Kevin & Amy Ellis and Family. May they experience the love of Christ here at Resurrection Parish, and may we all help them feel welcome in their new church home. In anticipation of the World Meeting of Families in 2015 the Diocese of Venice will be promoting family throughout the year leading to the WMF in Philadelphia. Each month they will bring different ideas to strengthen your family The first issue of the Diocese of Venice Family Life Newsletter is now available. Each issue contains articles and information related to Catholic family life. This newsletter is available online at: WOMEN’S GUILD NEWS We wish to thank our membership and the many Resurrection parishioners for their support of our Fall Fair. We appreciate all the donations as well as the lovely baked cookies, pies, jams and cakes contributed to make our event a success. The Craft Club did a beautiful job providing a variety of seasonal items which they have been working on throughout the year. They will continue to meet on Tuesday mornings 8:30 10:30 a.m. at the Parish Center. Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday November 19th at the Parish Center immediately following the 8:00 a.m. Mass. Our theme will be Thanksgiving Traditions. We welcome guests and new members. Come on over. The coffee will be ready! Bring a guest and perhaps your favorite Thanksgiving recipe, tradition or story. We will have a 50/50 drawing, a door prize and a table of Craft Club items for sale. The Women’s Guild pink brochure as well as membership envelopes can be found at all the entrances of the church. Page 6 November 16, 2014 Altar Flowers This Week: In loving memory of Iowana Campbell by Ron & Nancy Campbell In loving memory of Ken Gibson by Friends at Resurrection This week’s Sanctuary Candle: In loving memory of William C. Kearns by Family RESURRECTION FOR LIFE NEWS The first Resurrection for Life meeting for this season will be Wednesday, November 19 at 7:15 p.m. in the Parish Center. This a great time to share what God is bringing our way to support all human life. If you haven’t been to a meeting yet, come and sit in and enjoy our time together. Are we not all Resurrection for Life? The Bishop Verot Players present: A NIGHT AT THE THEATER featuring the Bishop Verot Chorus and Band performing numbers from such hit musicals as Wicked, Guys and Dolls, A Chorus Line, The Sound of Music, and many more. November 21st and 22nd at 7:00 PM in the Anderson Theater SAVE THE DATE - 2015 Venetian Charity Ball Please mark your calendars for the 2015 Venetian Charity Ball. Enjoy an exciting elegant evening filled with dinner, cocktails, dancing, entertainment and auction. This event will benefit the Catholic Charities program and services in Lee, Hendry and Glades counties. (For every dollar raised 93 cents will go directly to Catholic Charities programs & services) The Ball will be held on February 14, 2015 at the Hyatt Regency Coconut Point. Reser vations are $200 per person. For more information to reserve tickets, donate, volunteer, or to learn about sponsorship opportunities please call (239) 337-4193 or email at [email protected]. Page 7 November 16, 2014 Did you know??? We have a Ministry for you!!! We are a faith filled community of Catholic Young Adults from area parishes who fellowship with each other and journey along side one another. We have a core group of Young Adults but want to extend an invitation for others to join us. If you are a Young Adult single or married, have kids or don’t, or know someone who may be interested contact: Lea, Director of Religious Education at 482-6883 or email at [email protected]. *Sun 11/16— Chapter 11 *Wed. 11/19— Chapter 11 Sun. 11/23— Chapter 10 Wed. 11/26— NO CLASS Sun. 11/30— NO CLASS 40th Anniversary Celebration 4-6pm Wed. 12/3— Reconciliation Service November Offertory we are collec ng: Canned Tuna Fish Fri. 12/5- Babysitting Bonanza (preregister) **Sat 12/6-1st Reconciliation @ 10 Sun 12/7— Reconciliation Service Wed. 12/10— Nativity Activity Sun. 12/14— Nativity Activity Wed. 12/17— NO CLASS Pageant Rehearsal Sun. 12/21– Wed. 1/7 Christmas Break ** Student/Parent Sacramental Prep Dates • Be part of our Christmas Eve Pageant! The Christmas Pageant is at 3:30 on Christmas Eve and helps to illustrate the birth of baby Jesus. Children can sign up to be Readers, Wise men, Angels, Shepherds, Camels, Sheep, Cows, Donkeys, and of course the Holy Family. Christmas Pageant Sign Ups: Dec. 3th @ 5:30pm, Dec. 7th @ 11:30am Christmas Pageant Costume Fitting: Dec 10th @ 7:00pm, Dec 14th @ 1:00pm Mandatory Christmas Pageant Rehearsal: December 17 @ 5:45pm Student Sacramental Prep Dates “So let us ask ourselves this evening, in adoring Christ, who is really present in the Eucharist: Do I let myself be transformed by Him? Do I let the Lord, who gives Himself to me, guide me to going out ever more from my little enclosure, in order to give, to share, to love him and others?” ♦ ♦ Pope Francis Homily, May 30, 2013 Page 8 November 16, 2014 Page 9 November 16, 2014 The Catholic Faith Explained Come and join us in the Parish center Wednesdays 7:30-9pm to join in discussion each week Or Watch each session in your own home and join our discussion when you can! Two ways to Register: 1) Go to the Church of the Resurrection Web Page at and click the register now link on the left hand side of the page (under the green buttons) Or: 2) Go to Http:// and enter code 377363 to watch each session and to print out participant study guides Knowing the Faith October 22—SESSION 1: THE JOURNEY OF FAITH: Trinity, Faith and the God Who Is Love October 29—SESSION 2: DIVINE REVELATION: God Seeking Us and the Compass for Our Lives November 5- SESSION 3:THE BIBLE: God’s Love Letter to Humanity November 12- SESSION 4: THE STORY OF SALVATION: Creation, Fall and Redemption November 19- SESSION 5: WHO IS JESUS?: Just a Good Man or Lord of our Lives? December 3- SESSION 6: THE PASCHAL MYSTERY: The Mystery of Jesus’ Death and Resurrection December 10- SESSION 7: THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE LIFE OF GRACE: God’s Divine Life Within Us January 14- SESSION 8: WHY DO I NEED THE CHURCH?: The Mystery of the Catholic Church January 21- SESSION 9: MARY AND THE SAINTS: Our Spiritual Mother and the Communion of Saints January 28- SESSION 10: THE LAST THINGS: What Happens After We Die? Living the Faith February 4- SESSION 11: THE SACRAMENTS: Baptism & Confirmation February 11- SESSION 12: THE EUCHARIST: Source & Summit of Christian Life February 25- SESSION 13: WALK THROUGH THE MASS: Exploring the Sacred Liturgy March 4- SESSION 14: PENANCE & ANOINTING OF THE SICK: God’s Mercy Revealed March 11- SESSION 15: MATRIMONY & HOLY ORDERS: The Sacraments of Service & Communion March 18- SESSION 16: A CATHOLIC MORAL VISION: Virtue, Grace & the Path to Happiness March 25- SESSION 17: A LOVE THAT LASTS: The Call to Self-Giving Love April 15- SESSION 18: A LOVE THAT LASTS: God’s Plan for Sexuality April 22- SESSION 19: CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING: Building a Civilization of Love April 29- SESSION 20: CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING: Protecting the Dignity of the Human Person Page 10 November 16, 2014 F.A.N. Friends And Neighbors YOUTH MINISTRY NEIGHBORHOOD OUTREACH PROGRAM RIGHT HERE IN OUR OWN NEIGHBORHOOD! Catholic Charities, Clare House in Fort Myers offers an afterschool program for underprivileged children in elementary school. The children in the program make up 30 families. Each year, RYM delivers a full Thanksgiving dinner to each of the families. It’s a great experience for the teens to meet the families and personally give them the dinners. On Monday, November 24th we will deliver the dinners, enjoy cake with the children, sing songs and celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. They look forward to seeing us and count on us for their Thanksgiving dinners! Would you kindly help us with any of the following donations: *FROZEN TURKEY *Rice * stuffing mix *cranberry sauce *potatoes *canned sweet potatoes *corn muffin mix *canned veggies, *gravy *sweets/desserts If it’s more convenient to make a monetary donation, we’ll grocery shop for you! No amount of help is to big or too small! Please drop off your donations at the Parish Center. If you have any questions, please contact Youth Ministry, Vikki Melchiorre at 481-5144. And do not neglect doing good and sharing; for with such sacrifices God is pleased. ~Hebrews 13:16 Page 11 November 16, 2014 Babysitting Bonanza Friday, December 5, 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm Calling all parents with young children.... plan a quiet date night or get a jump start on your Christmas shopping! $15 for one child; $25 for 2; $30 for 3 or more YOUTH MINISTRY will be providing babysitting in the Parish Center for children through 5th grade! Christmas movie, dinner, crafts, stories, games, just a lot of fun, fun, fun! CALL OR STOP IN TO REGISTER AND SECURE YOUR CHILD’S SPOT… SPACE IS LIMITED! Any questions? Ccntact Vikki with Youth Ministry @ 481-5144 RYM is selling Entertainment Books for **NEW BOOK—NEW PRICE** $25 a book ~ Includes a NEW Mobile App! They can be purchased at the Parish Center or the Gift Shop. All proceeds benefit RYM THANK YOU! Any questions, contact Vikki Melchiorre at 481-5144 Christmas Angel Trees We are sponsoring Christmas Angels for needy families again this year. Last year with your generosity we were able to give a wonderful Christmas to numerous families and over 1200 children’s wishes were granted. We would like to do the same this year. The angels are available at all the entrances of the church. Please visit one of the trees and select an angel. Gifts need to be returned wrapped with the Angel attached and brought to the Church or the Parish Center no later than December 7th. If you prefer to leave a cash donation, please do so in the Parish Center, also by December 7th. On behalf of all the wonderful children that will benefit from your generosity, we thank you very much. ~ Resurrection Youth Ministry PHIL KISER FUNERAL HOME, INC. 9231 Cypress Lake Dr., Fort Myers 481-4341 Breakfast Lunch Dinner 7 Days 6 AM - 9 PM CUSTOM CATERING 239-437-5504 18011 S. Tamiami Trail Ft. Myers Parishioner New Plant Nursery! Briarcliff Plant Nursery 239-404-4183 239-250-0958 [email protected] Plants, palms, and trees for all your landscaping needs! 239-245-8911 9601 Cypress Lake Drive Ft. Myers, FL 33919 Sunday - Church Day Fax: 239-245-8968 Bring Your Bulletin. $1.00 Donated For Each Meal to Education Fund PURCHASE 3 OIL CHANGES GET THE 4TH FREE $21.00 239-275-7850 For 5 qt. change synthetic oil available 4820 Cleveland Ave. • Ft. Myers 239.672.4623 DAILY BUFFET • CATERING • 12801 University Drive, Suite 5 EVENT PARTIES Fort Myers, FL 33907 OPEN DAILY 11AM-10PM 18767 South Tamiami Trail • Fort Myers, FL 33908 (239) 288-6854 • Wheelchairs, Walkers, Cushions, Full Electric Beds, Bed Assists, Shower Chairs, Tub Trans Bench, Commodes, Lift Chairs, Electric Wheelchair, Scooters, Diabetic Supplies & Incontinence Prods 239-939-9722 12951 Metro Parkway [email protected] Laminate Wood Floor and Carpet Store Package Pricing 12771 Metro Parkway, Suite 4 Fort Myers, FL 33966 239.931.9111 Men this tion Ad 10% O FF [email protected] Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 514006 Resurrection of Our Lord (C) an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 HODGES FUNERAL HOME AT LEE MEMORIAL PARK HOME MAKERS LET US HELP YOU WITH COMPANION EVERYDAY LIFE QUALITY AFFORDABLE CARE • Preventative Cardiology • Cardiac Catheterization and Intervention • Nuclear Cardiac Stress Testing • Echocardiography and Holter Monitoring • Pacemaker and ICD Implantation 13411 Parker Commons, Suite 101 Fort Myers, Florida 33912 Lic#233547 Steven Sheppard: 941-276-0800 Yahaira Garcia: 239-425-3434 AHCA#233547 • House Keeping • Meal Preparation • Food Shopping • Errands • Gardening • Doctors Visits or Specialist • Correspondence • Reading & Activities Stephen G. Fedec, DO, FACC /4YOURHOMECARE /4YOURHOMECARE /4YOURHOMECARE (239) 415-4900 Complete Arrangements in one visit to one location 334-4880 12777 State Road 82 Eliot B. Hoffman, MD, FACC PAUL G. GRUMBACH, DDS, MAGD TOM KIERNAN PAINTING CRC056857 Interior/Exterior & Pressure Cleaning Serving SW Florida Over 25 yrs. Honest & Reliable - Lic. & Ins. Free Estimates • 239.357.4076 [email protected] • Parishioner Board Certified in General Dentistry Cypress Lake Dental Associates 9411 Cypress Lake Drive 482-0252 Vincent A. Azzara, D.O. Robert De Phillip Territory Manager Board Certified in General Internal Medicine (1996-2006) Primary Care Medicine (239) 764-9099 Medicare Assignment Accepted 6160 Winkler Road, Ft. Myers, FL 33919 (239) 482-1010 Cell (239) 272-1055 Serving Fort Myers since 1985 Tax Prep AUDIOLOGY AND HEARING SERVICES Uncompromising care for all your hearing needs $99 Lewis Morris Air Conditioning 239-985-0700 [email protected] Family Owned and Operated for over 25 years. We service all makes and models. CAC021352 FPL Participating Independent Contractor with rebates up to $1,000 • SAME DAY SERVICE • SERVICE CONTRACTS FREEDOM TAX & FINANCIAL (239) 768-0841 RICK & CHRIS ESPOSITO OWNER/OPERATORS Mike Stone MBA • Todd Donofrio EA “ Let us do your taxes!” 6mile Cypress & Daniels • INDOOR AIR QUALITY • FREE ESTIMATES & 2ND OPINIONS Certified Master Technicians Computer Diagnostics Specialists Parishioners 2217 Andrea Lane Fort Myers, FL 33912 239-482-4048 All Foreign & Domestic Vehicles Mark Martina, M.A. CCC/A Certified Audiologist 15271-17 McGregor Blvd. 239-433-2060 The Oyster Shell Restaurant SERVING FRESH SEAFOOD SINCE 1978 SOFTSHELL CRABS, OYSTERS & OYSTER STEW Open Tues-Sat 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM • Corner of Cypress LK Drive & McGregor Blvd. 13451-10 McGregor Blvd. Ft. Myers, FL 33919 239-481-2040 The/Floor Covering Specialists Carpet • Wood • Vinyl • Ceramic 12551 S. Cleveland Ave. 936-6900 6000 Trail Blvd., N. Naples 239-597-2195 261 W. Marion, Punta Gorda 941-639-2610 Tel: 239.561.6500 6900 Daniels Parkway Suite A-11 Fort Myers, FL 33912 Website: FACIALS • WAXING • NAILS MASSAGE • ACUPUNCTURE $500 OFF Any Service or Massage Shellac Nails $3000 w/Ad Specializing in: • Heel Pain • Diabetic Foot Care Laser Treatment for Toenail Fungus • Orthotics • Ingrown Nails • Hammer Toes Call for an • Sports Injuries • Fractures • Wound Care Parishioner appointment! 14350 Metropolis Ave., Suite 2 Fort Myers, FL 33912 514006 Resurrection of Our Lord (B) Formerly theSenior Barbershop across from Jamaica Bay 7 BARBERS • WALK-INS WELCOME SENIOR MEN $8 MON-FRI 8AM-6PM REGULAR CUTS $10 SATURDAY 10AM-2PM STYLES $13.+ CLOSED SUNDAY Located in METROPOLIS PLAZA 12951 METRO PARKWAY, FT. MYERS, FL 33966 (239) 482-2211 FOR MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN 239-481-1111 “Excellence In Eye Care” 12951 Metro Pkwy. Fort Myers JEFFREY L. ZIMM, M.D. ANDREW J. HART, O.D. William P. Meehan Attorney At Law General Practice 1950 Courtney Dr., Ste. #205 939-4254 939-3163 6150 Diamond Center Ct., Unit 900 Fort Myers, FL 33912 768-7022 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 METRO DELI / CAFE FOR ALL YOUR CATERING NEEDS Funeral Packages 10% off for parishioners 239-561-0010 HE President, Fee-Only Advisor, Parishioner Providing Advice Since 1986 Phone: 239.275.1122 Lunch Mon-Fri 11:30am-4pm Dinner 4pm Daily LIVE MUSIC Funeral and Cremation Service Serving the Community for over 100 years 239-936-2177 • C. Sutherland, Parishioner Todd C. Macke , CFP® HARVEY~ENGELHARDT • No Commissions • No Referral Fees • No Conflicts of Interest • Adheres to a Fiduciary Oath HOME WATCH AXIOS CLEANING RCV$15.00 Per Visit RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL Licensed, Insured, Bonded Watch Your House While You’re Gone 239-220-3884 Reliable, Honest & Trustworthy Ron Vandenack, Parishioner Two Lunch Entrees for $14.00 Must Present Ad Good References Happy Hour Daily 11:30am-7pm ½ Price on All Drinks, Wine by the Glass & Beer Early Dining Daily $10.00 Dinners Winner Casual Dining 2012 & 2013 Italian & American Cuisine 239-433-4449 • 12984 S. Cleveland Ave. • Fort Myers TUTORING “Let us make your home Sparkle” Call today for a Free Estimate MARTA SIDEROPOULOS Sunbelt Realty 239-841-0961 K-10 Test Prep Math and Reading Skills [email protected] 239-293-3797 Cynthia Ewald, MA, Parishioner (239) 745-0902 [email protected] EXCELLENCE IN DENTISTRY PHONE: 239-936-5252 [email protected] Seafood Steaks Martinis 47 BARKLEY CIRCLE, S.W. FORT MYERS, FL 33907 437-4377 Cosmetic Dentistry • Family Dentistry Private Function Room Parishioners Lunch Mon-Fri 11:00-2:30 Bishop Verot Dinner Nightly from 4:00 Catholic High School Cypress and Summerlin Sponsors Needed! For deserving students to continue their Catholic Education. Inquire by calling 274-6780 LEVINS & ASSOCIATES LLC 6900 Daniels Parkway, Ste 3 Fort Myers 239-768-2600 239-936-7275 FREE CONSULTATION Tom Dyson, EA Sausage E-File & Tax Preparation Tax Consultation/Representation Year Round Service & Mozzarella Hot & Cold Catering USDA Choice Cuts Beef, Pork, Veal & Poultry 12326 Cleveland Ave. Fort Myers, FL 33907 GOT PAIN? CHRISTOPHER A. DAWSON M.D. JESS W. LEVINS Interventional Pain Management • Board Certified & Fellowship Trained MEMBER of FLORIDA BAR & Dr. Dawson specializes in treating back, neck, knee, shoulder and hip pain WITHOUT SURGERY. Certified Management Accountant TDA TAX SERVICES Home Made The Friendly Attor neys You Can Talk Talk To To ... Probate Wills Trusts Estate Planning Power of Attorney Health Care Powers of Attorney Living Wills Corporations Bankruptcy and Asset Protection Servicing SouthWest Florida Mention this ad, Get 10% OFF Service Labor CFC1426052 239-415-2400 PLUMBER S P CHUBERT LUMBING Lawrence Schubert (239) 564-0379 [email protected] License #CFC1425906 Breakfast Tues.-Fri. 8 AM-11 AM Sat. & Sun. 8 AM-2 PM Lunch Tues.-Sun. 11 AM-2 PM Dinner Friday night 5 PM-9 PM 9405 Cypress Lake Drive, Ste A Behind La-Te-Da-Salon & Cypress Pharmacy SCOTT A. CUMMINGS MEMBER of FLORIDA BAR 239-437-1197 6843 Porto Fino Circle #1 • Fort Myers, FL 33912 514006 Resurrection of Our Lord (A) 239-433-7400 8851 Boardroom Circle, Fort Myers For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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