UMA Course Plan Overview 2014/15 Year Term Code Subject Credits Title - Swedish Title - English UMA 1 1 5ar100 Synthesis 15 Arkitektoniska scenarier Architectural Scenarios UMA 1 1 5ar101 History 6 Modernismen under 1900-talet Modernism During the 20th Century UMA 1 1 5ar102 Technology 3 Teknologiska utopier Technological Utopias UMA 1 1 5ar103 Theory 6 Rumsliga koncept Spatial Concepts UMA 1 2 5ar104 Synthesis 15 Arkitektoniska rum och texturer Architectural Space and Texture UMA 1 2 5ar105 Technology 3 Experimentella strukturer och ljud Experimental Structures and Acoustics UMA 1 2 5ar106 Theory 6 Morfologi och taktilitet i estetisk produktion Morphology and Tactility in Aesthetic Production UMA 1 2 5ar107 History 6 Rationalism och expressionism Rationalism and Expressionism UMA 2 3 5ar108 Synthesis 15 Komposition och intervention Composition and Intervention UMA 2 3 5ar109 Theo 6 Komposition och transformation Composition and Transformation UMA 2 3 5ar110 History 6 Stilhistoria och stadshistoria History of Style and Urban Form UMA 2 3 5ar111 Technology 3 Hallbara klimatskydd Sustainable Climate Shelter UMA 2 4 5ar012 Synthesis 15 Arkitektoniska gr anser i det offentliga rummet Architectural Boundaries in Public Space UMA 2 4 5ar013 Technology 4 Statik och konstruktion av stora rum Statics and Construction of Large Spaces UMA 2 4 5ar015 Planning 6 Samh allsplanering: strategier f or h allbar utveckling Urban planning: Strategies For Sustainable Development UMA 2 4 5ar016 Theory 2 Relationen mellan analoga och digitala rum The Relation between Analogue and Digital Space UMA 2 4 5ar014 History 3 Det offentliga rummets historia History of Public Space UMA 3 5 5ar123 Synthesis 15 Urbana variationer - Undersökning och tolkning Urban Variance -Investigation and Interpretation UMA 3 5 5ar118 Planning 3 Mapping och utvecklingsstrategier Mapping and Development Strategies UMA 3 5 5ar119 History 4 Megapoler Megapolis UMA 3 5 5ar124 Theory 8 Introduktion till arkitekturforskning i kontext av nya urbana system Introduction to Research in Architecture on the Context of New Urban Systems UMA 3 6 5ar125 Theory 10 Arkitekturforskning, projektioner och reflektioner Architectural Research, Projections and Reflections UMA 3 6 5ar126 Synthesis 5 Stegvis design Incremental Design UMA 3 6 5ar130 Synthesis 15 Sj alvst andigt projektarbete i arkitektur Independent Architectural Project MA 1 7 5ar501 Theory 6 Avancerade gestaltningsprocesser Advanced Architectural Design MA 1 7 5ar502 Technology 8 Konstruktionsteknologi och optimering Technology of Construction and Optimization MA 1 7 5ar503 Technology 4 Materialteknologi och resurser Technology of Material and Resources LSAP 1 7 5ar500 Synthesis 20 Avancerade konstruktioner och gestaltningsprocesser Advanced Constructions and Processes of Architectural Design LIAI 1 7 5ar504 Synthesis 20 Arkitektonisk intervention och kulturella konsekvenser Architectural Intervention and Cultural Consequences MA 1 8 5ar405 Theory 2 Kommunikationsteori Theory of Communication LSAP 1 8 5ar404 Synthesis 20 Hallbara arkitektoniska koncept och system Sustainable Architectural Concepts and Systems LIAI 1 8 5ar505 Synthesis 20 Arkitektur som akupunkturstrategi Achitecture as Aupunctural Strategy MA 2 9 5ar511 Theory 4 Arkitekturteori och h allbar arkitektonisk gestaltning Theory of Architecture and Sustainable Architectural Design MA 2 9 5ar512 Business 4 Projektledning och arkitektonisk innovation Project Management and Innovation Design MA 2 9 5ar513 Planning 2 Strategisk planering Strategic Planning LSAP 2 9 5ar510 Synthesis 20 Hallbar arkitektonisk produktion Sustainable Architectural Production LIAI 2 9 5ar506 Synthesis 20 Arkitektonisk intervention, realisering och konsekvenser Architectural Intervention, Realisation and Consequences MA 2 10 5ar515 Synthesis 30 Examensarbete i arkitektur Thesis in Architecture
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