TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 421 North Main Street Greenville, SC 29601-2090 A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church In America November, 2014 421 North Main St. CHURCH STAFF Susan J. Crowell Senior Pastor [email protected] Rusty Kehl Vicar/Pastoral Intern [email protected] John L. “Jan” Setzler Pastoral Associate [email protected] Amy R. Brown Director of Educational Ministries [email protected] David E. Rhyne Director of Music Ministries [email protected] Mandi T. Whitley Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries [email protected] Kay M. Cook Office Manager [email protected] Lani F. Wise Accountant and Publications Coordinator [email protected] Karen M. Craig Administrative Assistant [email protected] Leonard Harrison Custodian Beth C. Oswald Nursery Attendant Volume 66, Number 11 Greenville, SC 29601-2000 In the News at Trinity Advent Food Collection All Saints Sunday Annual Meeting Blood Drive Confirmation Orientation Commitment Update Gifts of Hope My First Bible New Members to be Received Operation InAsMuch Ornament Exchange Worship FAX 864.242.6442 Dear Members of the Trinity Family, Encourage one another and build up each other. 2 Thessalonians 5:11 When I open my email, I am sometimes greeted by messages that are less than positive, some that are even hateful and hurtful. Often these emails are the result of a quick temper and contain words that were written in reaction to incorrect information or gossip. In most cases a simple phone call clears up the misunderstanding, but the mean, cruel words have a way of sticking, negatively impacting my day. We are all guilty of jumping to conclusions, assuming we have all the information, reacting with words that can never be taken back. These words hurt both the sender and the receiver. Relationships can be challenged, injured, or destroyed. Words have tremendous power – words written or spoken in anger can seriously damage relationships while words written or spoken in love can breathe hope, blessing, and new life into others. The Scripture admonishes us to “encourage one another,” to use our words to build people up, to encourage them, to sustain and bless them. Some years ago during a difficult time in my ministry, one of our members began sending me a weekly email of encouragement. Each Monday morning I was greeted via email with words of love, support, and encouragement. Those words made a huge, positive impact on my life! Is there someone in your life who could benefit from a word of encouragement? Do you know someone who is hurting who could use a kind word of blessing? Take time this month to fill somebody’s inbox with love, encouragement, and blessing. Peace, love, and joy, Sharing Tree Thanksgiving Dinner and 864.242.5702 Pastor Susan Crowell Council Notes WITHIN THE TRINITY FAMILY . . . At the October meeting of the Congregation Council, the council ---noted that expenses for September were $4,823 less than anticipated; ---received a report from the Nominating Committee; ---approved one request for use of the facility; and ---agreed that the December meeting of council would take place at 3:45 pm on Sunday, December 14. Hospital Patients Bob Coon, Dale Hamann, Darlene Kleckley, Megan Koon, and Irma Madison have been discharged. Deaths Pat Sisson on October 13 the mother of Joyce Weiner Daylight Savings Time Ends November 2 Commitment Update To date, 140 household giving units have committed $687,904 to the 2015 budget through pledges to the Regular Budget and Debt Retirement. If you have not made your commitment for 2015 or submitted a Time and Talent Sheet, please mail these materials to the Church Office as soon as possible. The commitments received by the time the Stewardship Committee holds its budget workshop on November 5 will determine the scope of the 2015 plan for ministry. New Member Class Birth A new member class, entitled What Does It Mean To Be a Lutheran?, will be taught during the Sunday School hour beginning on Sunday, October 26. This five week class, designed for those who are exploring the possibility of joining Trinity, is also a good refresher course for those who have been Lutheran for some time. Members will be received at the 11:15 am Service on Sunday, November 23. Questions may be directed to Pastor Crowell. A son, John Henry “Jack” Koon, to Ryan and Megan Koon on September 30 Membership Changes Joe and Shannon Paradise and their daughter, Emmie, to Westminster Presbyterian Church, Greenville, SC Attendance for October 7:45 9:00 11:15 TOTAL 10/5 30 198 98 326 10/12 28 157 114 299 10/19 22 149 112 285 SUNDAY SCHOOL LCY 118 40 148 47 114 - Annual Meeting The first session of the Annual Meeting of the Congregation will be held immediately after each service on Sunday, November 30. At that time the proposed budget for 2015 will be introduced and nominations for Congregation Council will be finalized. The meeting will then be recessed until 10:00 am on Sunday, December 7. On that day the Congregation will meet in the Gym to adopt a budget and elect members of the Congregation Council. The ten nominees for the five three-year terms are Rachel Balck, Ralph Born, Randy Brown, Louise Fletcher, Ashley Rudisill Forbes, Lura Godfrey, David Potts, Todd Reichard, Bill Renninger and Megan Reed. The nominees for the one-year youth term are Patrick Childers and Kayla Rose. Those who attend the December 7 meeting are asked to bring a breakfast finger food for the brunch, which will follow the meeting. Coffee and juice will be provided. Offering Summary for October (Summary does not include October 26) October Needed for Budget Given to Budget Difference Given to World Hunger YTD 102,500 148,486 45,986 1,025,000 888,914 - 136,086 682 12,322 Blood Drive The Outreach Committee will sponsor a blood drive on Sunday, November 9 in the Gym from 11:00 am to 3:30 pm. Reservations may be made in the Narthex following worship on Sunday morning or by contacting Kim Woodward at 918-9250 or [email protected]. Operation InAsMuch Operation InAsMuch will take place Sunday, November 9, from 2:00-4:00 pm. Participants should meet in the Multipurpose Room. For questions, contact Paige Dillon at [email protected]. As part of Operation InAsMuch, Trinity will be collecting donations of new or gently used clothing and shoes. These items will go to the SOS Thrift Store, and GAIHN families will receive voucher credit for these donations. Project Host Soup Kitchen On Sundays, November 2 and December 7, the Outreach Committee needs twelve to fifteen volunteers to staff the soup kitchen from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Volunteers must be middle school age or older. If you are interested in helping, please contact Mike Wilson at [email protected] or [email protected]. Greenville Area Interfaith Hospitality Network Trinity Church will host guests from the Greenville Area Interfaith Hospitality Network Sunday, December 7 through Sunday, December 14. Volunteers are needed in all areas including setup, breakfast and dinner preparation, evening and overnight hosts, day center, and takedown. Contact Lynne Hunter at [email protected] or 288-9120 or Maureen Rose at [email protected] or 609-5470 for additional information. Contact volunteer coordinator, Terry Morgan, at 230-6252 or [email protected] if you would like to volunteer. Food items are needed to pack lunches and provide snacks for GAIHN guests during host week. A display containing a list of needed items as well as a sign up sheet will be located in the Parlor beginning November 16. The items should be returned to the Kitchen in the Activities Building no later than 11:00 am on Sunday, December 7. United Ministries Counseling Services Because Trinity Lutheran Church participates in a Membership Assistance Program with Canterbury Counseling Center, members of the congregation pay a fee of $25 per session for the first four sessions of counseling. To make an appointment, speak with Pastor Crowell or call the Canterbury Counseling Center at 2357501. Trinity continues to receive food for the United Ministries Food Pantry on the first and third Sundays of each month. Women’s Bible Study and Fellowship Groups Morning Session: A Women’s Bible Study and Fellowship Group led by Pastor Crowell will meet on Thursday, November 6 at 9:30 am in the Multipurpose Room. The group will continue to meet on the first Thursday of the month. During the year participants will be exploring the topic Holy Moments in Scripture and in Daily Life. All women of the congregation are invited to enjoy refreshments, study, prayer and fellowship. Evening Session: A Women’s Bible Study and Fellowship Group led by Pastor Crowell will meet on Thursday, November 6 at 6:30 pm in the Multipurpose Room. The group will continue to meet on the first Thursday of each month. During the year participants will be exploring the topic Holy Moments in Scripture and in Daily Life. Everyone is invited to bring refreshments to share with the group. All women of the congregation are invited to enjoy refreshments, study, prayer and fellowship. Prayer Group Men’s Bible Study and Fellowship Trinity’s fellowship group for men continues on Tuesday, November 11 at noon, the second Tuesday of each month. All men of the congregation are welcome to attend. Please contact David Rhyne at [email protected] by noon on Monday, November 10 to reserve a spot for lunch. A prayer group meets at 11:30 am in the Library every Wednesday. The group meets for thirty minutes to share prayer concerns and celebrations and pray for individuals and ministries in the life of Trinity. Prayer requests may be emailed to Merry Mulcahy at [email protected]. All are invited to attend. TLC4TLC Adults are invited to gather once a month for TLC4TLC (Tender Loving Care for Trinity Lutheran Church) to write notes and cards for members who are ill, grieving, or unable to attend worship. The group will meet on Sunday, November 23 from 4:00 to 5:00 pm in the Library. For additional information, please contact Mary Valenti at 3225450 or Tracey Hoffert at 991-8547. Thanksgiving Dinner and Worship The congregation will gather on Sunday, November 23, at 6:00 pm in the Multipurpose Room for dinner, followed by Holden Evening Prayer in the Sanctuary. There is no charge for the meal, but an offering will be received to provide food for people in need in the community. Reservations may be made by calling the Church Office by Sunday, November 16. No nursery will be provided as all are welcome to attend worship. Gifts of Hope is an alternative gift-giving program in the SC Synod (ELCA). This Christmas give gifts to family and friends that give hope to others. The gifts are represented by institutions and Social Ministry Organizations affiliated with the SC Synod and South Carolina companion foreign synods. Every penny of Gifts of Hope will be distributed to help the poor, educate students from elementary school to seminary and support the elderly here and throughout the world. The Outreach Committee will be offering an opportunity to participate in Gifts of Hope. Beginning Sunday, November 23 and continuing through December 21, Gifts of Hope may be purchased at Trinity each Sunday morning in the Multipurpose Room during Coffee and Conversation. The Gifts of Hope catalog will offer 38 gift choices ranging in price from $10 to $130. Included are choices such as new shoes or a backpack for impoverished children, transportation for a homeless Veteran, or food for a refugee family. For each gift that is purchased, a gift card and an insert describing the chosen gift will be received. These may be sent to a friend or family member. To review the gifts that may be purchased, please visit For more information, please contact Karla Koon at 609-6617 or [email protected]. The Festival of All Saints On November 2, Trinity joins all of Christendom in marking the Festival of All Saints. All Saints’ Sunday, the memorial day of the Christian calendar, offers an opportunity to remember those who have died in the past year and are now part of the Church Triumphant. All Saints’ Sunday emphasizes that resurrection hope central to the faith. Trinity Church will remember: Bob Adamson, Andy Amundson, John Black, Ann Brown, Frances Elsberry, Kathryn Freeman, Jack Galway, Barbara Lembcke, Frank Reed, Irmgard Simpson and Pat Sisson. Gifts of Hope: A Season of Giving Christ the King Sunday Sharing Tree On November 23, Trinity will celebrate Christ the King Sunday. On this last Sunday of the church year, we honor Christ, who reigns as king from the cross. We are reminded of the central and vital role he rightfully claims in our life. All space and all time belong to the one who offers paradise to those who live and die with him. The Outreach Committee will sponsor a Sharing Tree to provide Christmas gifts for needy persons in the community including the teen girls at Pendleton Place, the boys at Generations Group Home, residents at Towers East, GAIHN families, Trinity’s Aids Care Team family, as well as other families through United Ministries. Trees with ornaments listing gift choices will be in the Church Parlor and Multipurpose Room beginning Sunday, November 23. After taking an ornament and making a purchase, please place the item in a gift bag with the ornament attached and return to the Parlor by Sunday, December 14. If you have questions, please contact Brenda Bridges at 292-3640 or Melanie Wessinger at 228-0368. Adult Choirs Begin New Rehearsal Sequence New members are welcomed for the adult singing choir’s new block of rehearsals which began on Wednesday, October 29 and continues through December. Rehearsals are usually each Wednesday evening from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. Traditionally members of this ensemble commit for the full program season, late August through early June, and that is still welcomed. In order to allow those who would not be able to make this commitment, those interested may choose to participate in smaller blocks within the program year. The new block of rehearsals continues through the Advent season and includes special music for the Advent/Christmas program on December 14 and Christmas Eve. All are invited. Trinity’s program of music ministry is open to all members of Trinity without audition. Contact David Rhyne for questions regarding any aspect of this program and for ways to participate. Advent Collection Trinity will collect food and toiletry items during Advent for AID Upstate. AID Upstate is a non-profit organization that provides case management services to HIV-positive clients and HIV testing, counseling, and education to the general public. Beginning on Sunday, November 30, bags with needed items will be available in the Narthex, Breezeway and the Multipurpose Room. Please bring some of the items on the list to the Narthex during Advent. For more information, contact Bonnie Bridges at 675-6614 or David Nichols at 288-0890. Lutherock Work Weekend Christmas Party and Ornament Exchange Trinity members are invited to attend a volunteer work weekend at Lutherock in Newland, North Carolina. The work would include projects such as widening trails, cutting firewood, clearing overgrowth or simple cabin remodeling. Plans are to leave by car-pool Friday morning, November 7 and return Sunday afternoon, November 9. Participants will bring their own linens and cook meals, but Lutherock will provide housing and food. The only cost for the trip will be lunch and dinner on Friday and possibly a meal while returning on Sunday. Contact David Troutman at 864-918-8965 or [email protected] for more information and to sign up. Reservations are due by Tuesday, November 4. Adults of all ages will gather at 7:00 pm on Friday, December 12, for a Christmas Party and Ornament Exchange at the home of Mike and Maggie Boliek, 24 Parkins Mill Court. Participants are asked to bring an appetizer or dessert to share with the group and a wrapped Christmas tree ornament for the gift exchange. Soft drinks will be provided. Reservations can be made by calling the Church Office by Wednesday, December 10. Book Group Young Adults Group Loving Threads Loving Threads is a ministry that knits and crochets handmade prayer shawls, baby blankets and bandages for those in the community and around the world. Anyone who can knit or crochet, or would like to learn, is invited to participate. Teachers are available for beginners. The next meeting of the group will be on Sunday afternoon, November 9 at 4:00 pm in the Parlor. Lydia Group The Lydia Group will meet on Tuesday, November 11, at 10:00 am in the Parlor. Nancy Jones will be the hostess. Beverly Henderson will present a music program. All women of the congregation are welcome. Trinity’s Young Adults Group will meet for dinner at Local Taco, 15 Conestee Avenue, on Thursday, November 20 at 7:00 pm. Those who plan to attend should contact Mandi Whitley no later than noon on Thursday, November 20. The Trinity Book Group meets in the Parlor at 7:00 pm on the third Thursday of even numbered months. Adults of all ages are invited to come and discuss a variety of books. Upcoming selections include Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed on December 18, and Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline on February 19. Out to Lunch Bunch The Out to Lunch Bunch is open to all Trinity adults who want to join in the fellowship. The group enjoys lunch together on the fourth Sunday of each month. On Sunday, November 23 the group will meet at 12:45 pm at City Range on Haywood Road. Furman LSA Quilting Group The Quilting Group meets in the Activities Building at 9:30 am twice a month. The group makes quilts which are distributed by Lutheran World Relief. Participants do not need to know how to sew in order to make quilts. Willing volunteers who can cut fabric, iron, thread a needle or tie knots are welcome. Some group members bring their lunch to the gatherings. Work is usually finished around 2:00 pm, although participants can work as little, or as long as they like. There are also at-home sewing opportunities for those who cannot come to the gatherings. Meeting dates for this month are Mondays, November 3 and 17. For more information, contact Sarah Weeks at 246-7862 or Amy Brown at 242-5702. November ushers in the final weeks of the fall semester for Furman students and Trinity’s LSA group. Fall break is past and final exams and Christmas break are coming into view. Special programs and emphases fill the calendar. At the request of older students Mrs. Lisa Isenhower, a former Trinity vicar, returns November 13 for another presentation on relationships. The group has hosted two Muslim students for discussion of Islam and Christianity and more such conversations are planned in an effort to help students better understand what it means to be a Lutheran Christian. LSA will also participate in Trinity's Sharing Tree ministry. Trinity volunteers are sought to bring their interest, skills or talents to share with our group one Thursday evening. Thanks to several new meal host volunteers we have only have meals on Thursdays, November 20 and December 4 yet to fill. Trinity's support of campus ministry is a wonderful example for other campus ministry sites in South Carolina! Lutheran Church Youth Leisure/Action Lutheran Church Youth is Trinity’s ministry program for youth in grades 6-12. All youth in these The Leisure/Action Group is for retirees or those who would like to be. The group generally meets once a month for outings to places of interest. Adults of any age are always welcome to join the group. November 2 – THE AMAZING RACE On Thursday, November 20 the group will enjoy a day trip to the Southern Christmas Show in Charlotte. The bus will leave the church at 8:00 am. On the way to Charlotte, the bus will stop at a fast food restaurant for breakfast. Participants will be on their own to enjoy the show. The bus will leave the show at 3:00 pm to return to Greenville. Registration and payment of $12.00 is due in the Church Office by Sunday, November 16. Gameday is a time for Church members to gather for Bridge and other games. Participants will meet in the Parlor on Wednesday, November 19 (a week earlier than usual) at noon. Participants are welcome to bring their lunch. Dessert and beverages will be provided. After dinner, youth will be divided into teams to compete in LCY’s version of The Amazing Race. November 9 – REEL TO REAL MOVIE AND DISCUSSION, PART 1 After dinner, the group will watch the first half of the movie, Simon Birch, followed by some discussion time. November 16– REEL TO REAL MOVIE AND DISCUSSION, PART 2 After dinner, the group will finish the movie, Simon Birch, followed by discussion. November 23 – NO LCY DUE TO CONGREGATIONAL THANKSGIVING DINNER AND WORSHIP November 30 – NO LCY DUE TO THANKSGIVING Why Do I Participate in - - -? Sunday School - I remember the first time I taught children’s Sunday School at Trinity. The church was adopting a rotational model of Sunday School for elementary school aged kids called Grace Place. Over five Sundays, the same bible story would be taught in different ways at five different stations: art, computer lab, science/cooking, games, and drama. That first Sunday of the inaugural run of Grace Place, I donned a fake beard and a Jesus robe and took up the mantle of teaching the drama class. I have since found teaching children’s Sunday School to be one of the most rewarding experiences of my life at Trinity. We cannot underestimate the importance of having involved children in the church. It starts with Sunday School. That’s what they look forward to the most on Sunday mornings. That’s where they get to have fun and that’s where the stories of the Bible are reinforced. ~Chris Jefferson Adult Choir - There is no denying there is a commitment choir members make – to attend weekly rehearsals on Wednesday nights, to lead worship on Sunday mornings, to sometimes sing at two worship services. This commitment does not feel like a burden to me. The pure joy of singing, of singing to the best of my ability, in a group of other dedicated and talented singers – that is truly pleasurable, and does not feel like a burden to me. I often leave Wednesday rehearsals feeling refreshed, having enjoyed the best part of my day. And singing in the choir on Sunday mornings significantly enhances my worship experience, just as I hope our choir similarly enhances the worship experience of the rest of the congregation. So if any of you are hesitating to participate in Adult Choir because of the time commitment, I hope you will also remember the pleasure, inspiration and joy of singing, especially singing sacred choral music. ~Jeff Rehm Mark Your Calendars - LCY’s annual Ski Retreat will be Friday, January 23-Sunday, January 25, 2015 at Lutheridge. More information will be sent to parents at the beginning of December. Kids’ Stuff and Club 345 Kid’s Stuff is Trinity’s group for children in grades K5, 1 or 2 and Club 345 is Trinity’s group for children in grades 3, 4 and 5. Both groups gather once a month for fellowship and fun. All events are from 2:00-4:00 pm unless otherwise noted. The remaining dates for the 2014-2015 program year are: November 16, December 7, January 11, February 20-21 (sleepover), and March 8. On Sunday, November 16, Kids’ Stuff and Club 345 will gather in the Multipurpose Room of the Activities Building from 2:00-4:00 pm. The groups will play games, enjoy a snack and talk about what it means to be thankful. The groups will also create centerpieces for the congregation’s Thanksgiving Dinner. Parents who are interested in helping with this event should contact Mandi Whitley. High School Small Group All youth in grades 9-12 are invited to high school small group. The group meets on Wednesday nights from 6:00 -7:15 pm in the Youth Center for Bible study, devotions and service projects. Those attending should bring their own dinner. Drinks are provided. This month the group will meet on November 5, 12 and 19. Basketball Practices continue through the month of November. Senior games begin on Monday, November 3. Adult games begin on Thursday, November 6. All other teams begin games on Saturday, November 8. Why Do I Participate in - - -? Sunday School Sunday School is offered for all ages every Sunday. Classes are provided for children two years old on or before September 1 through those in Grade 12, as well as adults. A nursery is provided for infants and toddlers who miss the September 1 deadline. Young adults who have graduated from high school are invited to attend adult classes. At 9:50 am adults of all ages are invited for coffee, conversation, parish announcements and prayer in the Multipurpose Room of the Activities Building. Adult classes follow in the Activities Building. Currently there are three adult class offerings. Adult learners can choose from classes on Blessed Earth: Hope for Creation, Animate Bible: Exploring the Good Book, and What Does It Mean to be a Lutheran? My First Bible Third graders and their parents are invited to attend a special event on Sunday, November 2 from 2:30 to 4:00 pm in the Multipurpose Room. Called My First Bible, this event, planned by the Education Committee, will be a time for parents and children to explore the Bible together and talk about what it means. The afternoon will include various stations and games, and a chance for parents to inscribe and present a Bible to their child. Parents may register through the Church Office. Confirmation Orientation An orientation session to introduce seventh graders and their parents to the confirmation program will be held on Sunday, November 2 from 5:45 to 6:15 pm in the Youth Center. Material to be covered during the three year program will be outlined and expectations for both youth and parents will be shared. Confirmation classes in 2015 will be held on Saturdays, January 10, February 7, February 28 and March 28 from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm. Ninth graders will be confirmed on Sunday, March 29, 2015. LCY – My family and I have been worshipping GAIHN - I have been very blessed to serve as at Trinity Lutheran Church for more than a decade and I have been a part of its youth group for six years. LCY, or Lutheran Church Youth, has played a major role in my life and my experience in growing up. Now a weekly routine for my sisters and me, youth group has been a resource for strengthening my Christian faith, participating in fellowship among my church peers, and giving my fellow youth and me opportunities to be involved in the Greenville community. My peers and advisors, intentionally and unintentionally, have taught me life lessons that have bled into other areas in my life and have made me a better person. The memories I have obtained throughout my time at LCY, from the annual ski trip to family survivor night, I will treasure and carry with me for the rest of my life. ~Reagan Hoffert one of the GAIHN Primary Coordinators over the last two years. Even though I have volunteered with this ministry many times before, it hasn’t been until these past two years where I have really seen how important this ministry is to those it serves. Through this ministry I have had the opportunity to get to know many GAIHN families who for one reason or another have found themselves in a very unfortunate situation. Whether they have lost their homes, jobs, health, etc., I have often been surprised to see that these families could very well have been any of our neighbors, coworkers or even part of our own church family. What Trinity’s volunteers provide to these families is immeasurable. Whether it be setting up their rooms, a home-cooked meal, entertainment, companionship, a hug, I know God is working through Trinity and its volunteers and are truly making a difference in these families’ lives. ~Maureen Rose LCY is a place that I enjoy hanging out with my friends and learning about God. We do many different things that help teach us ways to be friendly with others and that help us lead a more Christ-like life. One of my favorite events is the ski trip to North Carolina. Also, the mission trip in the summer is a great way to spend time with my church friends and learn how to help others. I know when I am at LCY I am around a group of people that care about each other. Sometimes it is the Bible studies we do and sometimes it may be the games we play but they all help me understand more about serving others. LCY is where I know I have made friendships that will last a very long time. ~Carson Spiers Kids’ Stuff – We were so thrilled when Marie became old enough to participate in Kids' Stuff, a fantastic opportunity for fun and fellowship both for our daughter with her Trinity friends and for us as a family. Kids' Stuff offers fun, faith-filled activities that allow our daughter to grow in her faith and in relationship with our church family, and it does so in a fun way. She looks forward to attending every month and afterwards cannot stop talking about her friends and what she did and learned. In addition, family activities like field days and park outings are a great way for us to spend time together and to get to know other Trinity families. Perhaps Marie says it best, "I like it because we get to do really fun games and we get to go to fun places. My friends are there and I love playing with them!" Kids' Stuff truly allows everyone in our family to engage in the amazing fellowship of Trinity. ~Megan Koon Why Do I Participate in - - -? Operation InAsMuch - Our family loves to do Furman LSA - For Richard and me, our things together - travel, camp, board games...through these experiences, love and trust strengthen. In 2009, we were given an opportunity to leave our comfort zone. As a family, we signed up for an OIAM project. It was an opportunity to visit some of our church members who, because of illness, couldn't get to church. A twenty minute visit and delivery of fruit turned into an afternoon of joy. It was a first-hand account of God's love working amongst his children. Since that first OIAM, we have joined all six of the other OIAM days. Together, we have served food to Hospice patients; gotten our hands dirty gardening, mulching, planting, digging, painting; collected food for the hungry, baked cookies and visited with fire fighters; cut shoe patterns for Sole Hope...Through all of these experiences, we have certainly gained more than we have given. Serving God through "getting our hands dirty" for one another is truly what it is all about. OIAM has allowed us easy access to so much need in our community. It has grounded us as a family, and for that, I am thankful. ~Paige Dillon reason for volunteering was a desire to “pay back.” Our youngest child, Sarah Katherine, was active in the student program at University Lutheran in Clemson. Their campus ministry program was instrumental in Sarah Katherine’s growth in faith and commitment to the church. It was also her “home away from home.” When presented with the opportunity to offer a home cooked meal to someone else’s child, we decided to participate. However, what we saw as “our giving” has been outweighed by what the Furman students have given us. What a wonderful evening - listening to their discussions, watching them work together on projects for the community, and participating in their programs and worship. The stress of our day melts away, and we come home renewed. Campus Ministry is a vital part of the ELCA. It offers our young adults continued support during their college years when they are away from their family and their home congregation. What an important outreach program for Trinity to support! ~Mary Margaret Delap Prayer Group - Being part of Trinity's prayer ministry has been very important and meaningful to me. It is a time once a week for Trinity's family to meet and pray together. We pray for individual and church needs. Sometimes we pray for people we don't even know, but I have found that if you pray for someone you have a connection with that person. ~Merry Mulcahy Due to illness or declining heath, the following members of Trinity are unable to attend worship on Sunday morning. Please remember them in your thoughts and prayers or with a note or card. Jim and Carol Christopher 14 Chicora Wood Lane Simpsonville, SC 29681 864-234-0693 Jeanette Fienup 1231 Shadow Way Greenville, SC 29615 864-458-9429 Betty Ricke 428 Southwood Drive Goldsboro, NC 27530 Kay Sprinkle 20 Hawthorne Park Ct. Hawthorne Inn, Room 326B Greenville, SC 29615 Mariel Franklin 2404 Birkwood Drive Plano, TX 75025 Chronis Summey 212 Whiteoaks Circle Bluffton, SC 29910 Brenda Hume 1103 E. Lee Rd. Taylors, SC 29687 864-244-1745 Sara Swink Diamond Health and Rehab Center Room 504B 807 S. E. Main St. Simpsonville, SC 29681 Miriam Kirkpatrick Apt. 233 Brian Estates 163 Shadowline Drive Boone, NC 28607 864-979-1565 Irma Madison Apt. H-14 The Gardens at Eastside 275 Commonwealth Dr. Greenville, SC 29615 864-288-2034 Blanche McClain P O Box 4385 Greenville, SC 29608 864-235-0355 Bobbie Moyer 507 Berea Forest Circle Greenville, SC 29617 864-246-7032 Sarah Taylor 12 Boyce Ave. Room 2110 Homewood Residence - Clairebridge Greenville, SC 29601 JoLyn Wood 105 Stonehedge Dr. Greenville, SC 29615 Chris Wunderlich 141 Herta St. Easley, SC 29640 864-859-3568 Sunday 9:00 STAFF MEETING 9:30 QUILTING GROUP 9 7:45 HOLY COMMUNION 8:30 TRINITY CHOIR WARMUP 9:00 HOLY COMMUNION 9:50 COFFEE & CONVERSATION 10:10 SUNDAY SCHOOL AND NEW MEMBER CLASS 10:45 TRINITY QUARTET WARMUP 11:00 BLOOD DRIVE 11:15 HOLY COMMUNION 2:00 OPERATION INASMUCH 2:00 CLOTHING DRIVE 4:00 INTERN COMMITTEE 4:00 LOVING THREADS 4:00 CHOIR SCHOOL 5:00 YOUTH CHOIR 5:00 CONGREGATION COUNCIL 6:00 LCY 16 7:45 HOLY COMMUNION 8:30 TRINITY QUARTET WARMUP 9:00 HOLY COMMUNION 9:50 COFFEE & CONVERSATION 10:10 SUNDAY SCHOOL AND NEW MEMBER CLASS 10:45 TRINITY CHOIR WARMUP 11:15 HOLY COMMUNION 3 6:00 I-MITES BB PRACTICE 6:00 JUNIOR BOYS BB PRACTICE 7:00 MITES GIRLS BB PRACTICE 7:00 MIDGET GIRLS BB PRACTICE 9:00 STAFF MEETING FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT OPENING SESSION OF THE ANNUAL MEETING 7:45 HOLY COMMUNION 8:30 TRINITY CHOIR WARMUP 9:00 HOLY COMMUNION 9:50 COFFEE & CONVERSATION 10:10 SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:45 TRINITY QUARTET WARMUP 11:15 HOLY COMMUNION 6:00 STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE 6:00 HIGH SCHOOL SMALL GROUP 6:30 MIDGET BOYS BB PRACTICE 7:00 TRINITY CHOIR REHEARSAL 7:30 SENIOR GIRLS BB PRACTICE 9:30 WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY AND FELLOWSHIP GROUP 1 7 3:00 CHILI COOK-OFF AND TAILGATE 6:15 FURMAN LSA 6:30 JUNIOR GIRLS BB PRACTICE 6:30 WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY AND FELLOWSHIP GROUP 7:30 8 6:15 MITES BOYS BB PRACTICE @ ST GEORGE 13 12 Saturday Friday 6 14 15 10:00 LYDIA GROUP 11:30 PRAYER GROUP 12:00 MEN’S BIBLE STUDY & FELLOWSHIP 6:00 I-MITES BB PRACTICE 6:00 JUNIOR BOYS BB PRACTICE 7:00 MITES GIRLS BB PRACTICE 7:00 MIDGET GIRLS BB PRACTICE 17 9:00 STAFF MEETING 9:30 QUILTING GROUP 18 21 24 8:45 STAFF VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 9:00 MEETING 9:00 STAFF MEETING 6:00 HIGH SCHOOL SMALL GROUP 6:30 MIDGET BOYS BB PRACTICE 7:00 TRINITY CHOIR REHEARSAL 7:30 SENIOR GIRLS BB PRACTICE 19 6:15 FURMAN LSA 6:30 JUNIOR GIRLS BB PRACTICE 7:30 8:00 LEISURE/ACTION 6:15 MITES BOYS BB PRACTICE @ ST GEORGE 21 22 28 29 20 11:30 PRAYER GROUP 12:00 LEISURE/ACTION GAMEDAY 6:00 I-MITES BB PRACTICE 6:00 JUNIOR BOYS BB PRACTICE 7:00 MITES GIRLS BB PRACTICE 7:00 MIDGET GIRLS BB PRACTICE 30 5 11 10 2:00 KIDS’ STUFF AND CLUB 345 4:00 CHOIR SCHOOL 5:00 YOUTH CHOIR 6:00 LCY CHRIST THE KING SUNDAY 23 7:45 HOLY COMMUNION 8:30 TRINITY CHOIR WARMUP 9:00 HOLY COMMUNION 9:50 COFFEE & CONVERSATION 10:10 SUNDAY SCHOOL AND NEW MEMBER CLASS 10:45 ALLELU WARMUP 11:15 HOLY COMMUNION AND RECEPTION OF NEW MEMBERS 12:45 OUT TO LUNCH BUNCH 4:00 TLC4TLC 4:00 OUTREACH COMMITTEE 4:00 CHOIR SCHOOL 5:00 YOUTH CHOIR 6:00 THANKSGIVING DINNER 7:00 WORSHIP Thursday Wednesday 4 11:30 PRAYER GROUP TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST EMERGENCY FOOD SUNDAY Tuesday Monday TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST 2 EMERGENCY FOOD SUNDAY 7:45 HOLY COMMUNION 8:30 TRINITY QUARTET WARMUP 9:00 HOLY COMMUNION 9:00 PROJECT HOST SOUP KITCHEN 9:50 COFFEE & CONVERSATION 10:10 SUNDAY SCHOOL AND NEW MEMBER CLASS 10:45 TRINITY CHOIR WARMUP 11:15 HOLY COMMUNION 2:30 MY FIRST BIBLE 4:00 PARISH LIFE COMMITTEE 4:00 EDUCATION COMMITTEE 4:00 CHOIR SCHOOL 5:00 YOUTH CHOIR 5:45 CONFIRMATION ORIENTATION 6:00 LCY 25 6:00 HIGH SCHOOL SMALL GROUP 6:30 MIDGET BOYS BB PRACTICE 7:00 TRINITY CHOIR REHEARSAL 7:30 SENIOR GIRLS BB PRACTICE 26 11:30 PRAYER GROUP CHURCH OFFICE CLOSES AT NOON 7:00 TRINITY CHOIR REHEARSAL 6:15 FURMAN LSA 6:30 JUNIOR GIRLS BB PRACTICE 6:15 MITES BOYS BB PRACTICE @ ST GEORGE 7:30 THANKSGIVING DAY OFFICE CLOSED 27 OFFICE CLOSED Responsibilities for November 2014 2nd Helen League Lani Wise Russ Wise 9th Eliza Stockman David Crigler Eliza Stockman 16th Betty Collins David Nichols Susan Troutman 23rd Lani Wise Caroline Massey Eliza Stockman 30th Kay Cook Betsy League Susan Troutman John Beckford John Otten Lynn Ritchie Daniel Fisher Emma Jefferson Gregg Alley, Gene Bowman Mary Todd Bowman Marianne Childers, Greg Childers Anna Lee Henry John Park Donna Potts Melanie Helling Emily Lynch Sarah Lynch Ashley Forbes, Scott Forbes Jo Glymph Pam Reichard, Margaret Roth Grace Kirven Roland Baird Stephen Kirven Annabelle Martin Davis Keaton Micaela Peterson Jack Linder, Dawn Lynch Sarah Weeks Caroline Massey, Sarah Weeks Emily Lynch Megan Koon Ashley Forbes Kathryn Rhyne Kayla Rose Abigail Smith Rita Kirven, Mike Parker Patti Parker Amanda Mast, Chris Mast Sarah Lynch Angie McCormack Roland Baird Alex Mason Patrick Childers Carson Spiers Mack Whitley, Shirley Whitley Margaret Wyatt Anne Branham, Betsy League Micaela Peterson Sunday School Nursery Anne Branham Ryan Macek Chris Robinson Chris Lawrence Kimberly Roesch 11:15 am Lector Prayers Cantor Acolytes Henry Wilcox Melanie Helling Jeff Rehm Will Baur Mia Dillon Jeanne Blinkoff, Beth Renninger Bill Renninger Lynne Hunter, Sandra Hamann Bailey Hoffert Lisa Panhorst Jeff Rehm Melanie Helling McKenzie Fletcher Rachel Haltiwanger Bobbi Metz, Laura Metz Mike Metz Paige Dillon, Paul Dillon Reagan Hoffert Ryan Macek Susan Troutman Joanna Jones Delaney Wannemacher Marshall Westbrook Al Banister, Henry Wilcox Robin Wilcox Karen Craig, Janna Kelley Ali Landreth Philip Wessinger Pat Howard Allelu Elizabeth Allen TJ Woodard John Hunter, Lynne Hunter Keith Jones Janna Kelley, Bill Renninger Caitlin Littlejohn Jeff Rehm George Corell Alex Mason Jordan Forbes Bailey Hoffert Lisa Black, Ellen Boler Wayne Landreth Amy Forde, Eric Glass Elizabeth Allen Geraldine Weyermann Ben and Amy Johnson Jess and Pat Howard Caroline Otten Lisa Darby, Margaret Wyatt WW and Mary Frances Martin Michelle Matters Tim Keaton, Carolyn Wyatt Dan and Jeanine Stratton Helen League John and Beth Henry John and Lynne Hunter Betsy League (Intinction) Chris and Seana Jefferson Jimmy Reynolds 7:45 am Lector Prayers Cantor 9:00 am Lector Prayers Cantor Acolytes Greeters Nursery Nursery Aide Greeters Nursery Nursery Aide Communion Fill Communion Clean-up (9:00) (11:15) Ushers 7:45 9:00 11:15 Helen League, Ralph Moyer Henry McGee (Captain), Chuck Ballew, Mark Godfrey, Eddie Woodward Richard Frye (Captain), Barbara Corell, George Corell, Alice Smith Offering Tellers Team 1 Richard Delap (Captain) Mary Margaret Delap, Steve McElhinny Team 2 Philip Wessinger (Captain) Jimmy Reynolds, Melanie Wessinger THANKSGIVING SERVICE - Sunday, November 23, 7:00 pm Cantor Lector Ushers Melissa Wells George Corell Barbara Corell, George Corell Nursery Captains 9:00 SS 11:15 Ashley Macek Brenda Bridges Janna Kelley Audio Ministry Debbie Farstad Visiting First Time Worshipers Debbie Farstad, David Nichols Sanctuary Preparation Helen League United Ministry Food Baskets Merry Mulcahy
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