ST OSMUND’S ╬ HOLY REDEEMER ╬ ST GREGORY’S Clifton Catholic Diocesan Trustees Registered -Charity No. 233977 PARISH PRIEST Canon Michael J Fitzpatrick [email protected] 07704 113 722 ASSISTANT PRIEST Fr Colin Mason [email protected] 01722 333581 PARISH OFFICE Monday - Friday 9.30 - 12.30 01722 333581 [email protected] St Osmund’s 95 Exeter Street Salisbury SP1 2SF 01722 333581 Most Holy Redeemer Fotherby Crescent Bishopdown Salisbury SP1 3EG St Gregory’s St Gregory’s Avenue Salisbury SP2 7JP 01722 334496 Deacon John Proctor 01722 340206 [email protected] Deacon John Detain 01722 415588 [email protected] Deacon Stephen Godwin 01722 501854 [email protected] Chapel of the Good Shepherd Barford Lane, Downton Salisbury SP5 3QA Deanery Youth Worker Xanthe Dell 01722 333581 [email protected] Chapel of the Holy Family Southampton Road, Whaddon Salisbury SP5 3EB Diocesan Website Parish Website Deanery Website THIRTY-FOURTH WEEK of ORDINARY TIME SATURDAY 22 November SUNDAY 23 November Year A 2014 Weekday Cycle 2 Psalter Week 2 St Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr 9.00 am St Gregory’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer 9.30 am St Osmund’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 10.30 am St Osmund’s MASS Holy Souls 6.00 pm Holy Redeemer MASS Bridget and Patrick Rynne RIP OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING of the UNIVERSE (Christ the King) 9.00 am St Osmund’s MASS Kevin Wallbank RIP 9.30 am St Gregory’s MASS McMahon and Gallagher families RIP 11.00 am St Osmund’s MASS Catherine Romeo RIP 6.00 pm St Osmund’s MASS People of the Parish MONDAY 24 November St Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs 9.00 am St Gregory’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer 8.45 am St Osmund’s Morning Prayer 9.00 am St Osmund’s MASS Peter Allen RIP TUESDAY 25 November 9.00 am 9.30 am 9.45 am WEDNESDAY 26 November THURSDAY 27 November FRIDAY 28 November SATURDAY 29 November St Gregory’s St Osmund’s St Osmund’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer Morning Prayer MASS Jean Boydd in sickness 9.00 am 10.00 am St Gregory’s Holy Redeemer Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer MASS Anne and Tom Keane RIP 9.00 am 11.00 am 12 noon 6.00 pm 6.30 pm 9.00 am 10.00 am 6.45 pm 7.00 pm St Gregory’s St Osmund’s St Osmund’s St Osmund’s Downton St Gregory’s St Gregory’s St Osmund’s St Osmund’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament MASS Pat Griffiths RIP MASS Deceased Catenian Brothers MASS Frank Farley RIP Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer MASS The Grumett family deceased Evening Prayer MASS Mrs Michael Nora O’Connor (Carroll) RIP 9.00 am 9.30 am 10.30 am 6.00 pm St Gregory’s St Osmund’s St Osmund’s Holy Redeemer Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Morning Prayer Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament MASS Holy Souls MASS McGuire and Fleming Families RIP S AC R AM E N T O F R E C O N C I L I AT I O N St Gregory’s: Fridays 10.30am St Osmund’s: Saturdays 11.00am Holy Redeemer: Saturdays 5.45pm Also by request: please contact a priest ANNUAL CELEBRATION FOR SALISBURY CATHOLICS We are holding a special event for all Catholics in Salisbury to celebrate what we are trying to achieve in the city and to further the Pope’s call that we go out and evangelise. This is a new event and will be held in St Elizabeth’s Hall at 7pm this Wednesday evening 26 November. Please do come along to this gathering for all our Catholic churches in Salisbury and the surrounding area. We are very fortunate to have Brother Angelo, from the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, to give the address. He comes from Ohio and will talk to us about evangelisation with great passion. The pupils from St Joseph’s school will sing for us. Please bring finger food to contribute towards a bring-and-share supper. Car parking will be available at St Osmund’s Primary School. Br Angelo CFR HOLY SOULS — NOVEMBER is the month we remember in our prayers and Masses those who have died. The Church has from the very earliest days honoured with respect the memory of the dead; and 'because it is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead that they may be loosed from their sins' (2 Mac 12:46). There is a basket in front of the altar in which to place the names of your deceased friends, family and loved ones. A Mass will be offered this coming Saturday for the Holy Souls. CONGRATULATIONS AND WELCOME to Jamie Coppola who will be baptised this weekend at St Gregory’s. Please pray for Jamie, his parents and Godparents at this special time. CONGRATULATIONS to young Daisy Vanderputt who won the Catenian Cup of Achievement for promoting the Catholic ethos at St Joseph’s school. CONFIRMATION PROGRAMME 2014–2015: The next meeting is in St Osmund’s Parish Rooms at 6.45pm on Tuesday evening 2 December; it is for Candidates. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION PROGRAMME 2014–2015: The next session is for children and will take place on Saturday morning 29 November, arriving at 8.45am please for a 9am prompt start. Please note that the session takes place at St Osmunds’ School. On Sunday 30 November the children will take part in an Enrolment Mass at their home parish churches. YDISCIPLE ADULTS This is running in conjunction with the Confirmation programme and continues on Tuesday evening 2 December for ALL adults interested in exploring their faith. RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults — Are you interested in becoming a Catholic? Perhaps you already attend Mass but would like to know more. Perhaps you know someone that would like to know more. Our Salisbury Journey in Faith group is for those who are interested in exploring the Catholic faith. More details can be obtained from Canon Michael, Fr Colin, one of our Deacons, or the parish office on 01722 333581 or email [email protected]. Meetings are in St Osmund’s Presbytery at 7.30pm on Thursdays. CLIFTON CHILDREN’S SOCIETY – 110th ANNIVERSARY In the past two years Clifton Children’s Society has doubled the number of children that they have placed with adoptive families. Many more adopters are still needed. If you are interested in taking up the vocation of adoptive parenthood, please see the poster at the back of the church. ST PAUL’S SUNDAY MISSAL 2015 is now available from the Parish Office, priced £5. This is a handy paperback Missal containing all the readings for the Sunday Masses during the year 2015. BIBLE STUDY group now meets on alternate Wednesdays from 3-4.30pm. The next meeting is on Wednesday afternoon, 26 November. Please call 336581 for details. THE SAMUEL GROUP is for single young adults (18-30s), who are wondering what God is calling them to do with their lives. The aim is to help participants discern their direction in life, whether this is to marriage or dedicated single life, to priesthood or consecrated life. It would also suit those who are making decisions about their career, or about spending time as a missionary or volunteer. All those who take part grow in their understanding of what it is to make decisions as a Christian; the main aim is that participants will end the programme with a clearer view of God’s will for their life. Participants take time to listen to God and to His Word speaking to their life. They commit to attending monthly meetings with the group, and to meeting individually with a spiritual guide. Contact Fr Matt Anscombe for details: [email protected]. GIFT AID APPEAL Don’t forget to return your completed forms. A special thank you to those who have already responded to last Sunday's appeal. As we said at the Gift Aid appeals last weekend, Gift Aid is an important way for us to raise extra income for our churches. For you the tax-payer it is very quick and simple. and pray. SECOND COLLECTION This week — Catholic Youth Services. This is a national collection which also helps fund our diocesan youth work. This weekend we celebrate National Youth Sunday. It is a moment when we can acknowledge, encourage and empower the young people in our parishes. Your generous giving in the second collection goes directly to supporting Youth Ministry in the Clifton Diocese and providing young people with opportunities to join with other young Catholics to grow in faith, becoming Confidently Catholic. For more information about Youth Ministry in the Clifton Diocese visit: SECOND COLLECTION Next week — Poor Missions of the Diocese. This fund enables Bishop Declan to offer small grants to some of the less financially fortunate parishes of our Diocese. ST GREGORY’S Christmas Bazaar is being held today Sunday 23 November after morning Mass. Draw tickets are currently on sale. Please support this vital fund raising event. HOPE AND FRIENDSHIP This group is for those who are bereaved or suffering a loss. The next meeting will be in St Osmund’s Parish Rooms at 11am this Monday morning, 24 November. PARISH LUNCH The next lunch will be on 4 December in St Osmund’s Parish Rooms, after Mass. There will be also be a lunch on 8 January, all welcome. WANTED — ST OSMUND’S SACRISTANS We need volunteers please to help in the Sacristy at St Osmund’s, to prepare the church for Mass. We would like to put together a rota. Training will be given. Please contact one of the priests or the parish office, if you would like to find out more. Many thanks. ST OSMUND’S Now available in the Parish Rooms a repository table with Christmas cards, nativity sets, Advent calendars, and candles. ST OSMUND’S and CATHOLICISM in SALISBURY Copies of John Elliott’s fascinating book are available from the Presbytery, £7 per copy. All profits are in aid of our church building funds. CATHOLICS IN SALISBURY will reappear in July 2015 as an annual magazine, celebrating what Catholics in Salisbury do and think throughout the year. Inspired by St Francis, St Clare, and Pope Francis the magazine will also have a Franciscan theme. Writers (about 500 words), artists, photographers, interviewers, interviewees and event organisers, please contact Pamela Perry ASAP on [email protected] or 01722 327905. APF–MISSIO RED BOXES EMPTYING Please will all holders of ‘Red Boxes’, that are not normally ‘collected’, kindly leave their Red Boxes for emptying at either Holy Redeemer or St Osmund’s churches by next Saturday 29 November. St Gregory’s Red Box holders will be advised separately. YOUTH STUDIO GROUP For year 12 up. Tuesdays at 5pm. Contact Xanie for details. SOURCE Youth Group for 10-14 year olds, meets on Mondays at 6.30-8pm in St Osmund’s Parish Rooms. SPIRIT GROUP for Years 3, 4 and 5, meets in St Osmund’s Parish Rooms on Mondays in term time at 3.30-5pm. WORLD YOUTH DAY — POLAND — 2016 Please register your interest now if you would like to go with our Salisbury group to World Youth Day 2016 in Krakow, Poland. You will need to be aged 16 or over by July 2016. Deposits of £50 should be dropped in at the Parish Office by December 14 this year. YDISCIPLE This is a brand new approach to youth ministry which we are trying out here in the Salisbury Deanery. Teams have only just started, so if you would like to join with lots of other young people discovering for themselves what a life of faith is all about please contact Xanie. FROM POPE FRANCIS In our catechesis on the Church, we now consider the universal call to holiness. Thanks to Baptism, each member of the Church shares in this vocation; every one of us is called to be a saint. Holiness is first and foremost God’s gift, and not our own achievement. Christ loved the Church, Saint Paul tells, and gave himself up for her, to make her holy (cf. Eph 5:26). In the communion of the Church, each of us has been sanctified by the grace of Baptism and is called to grow in this holiness. Whatever our state of life, we are called to live our daily lives and to fulfil our various responsibilities in prayerful union with the Lord and our brothers and sisters. Today let us ask ourselves how well we have responded to this call. By asking us to become holy in our daily lives, Christ is inviting us to experience in all things his own deep joy and to become a gift of love to all around us. Growing in holiness thus means becoming better persons, free of selfishness and self-absorption, and ever ready to place ourselves at the service of our brothers and sisters in the Church as “good stewards of God’s manifold grace” (1 Pet 4:10). (Pope Francis, 19 November 2014) SPECIAL MASSES Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham Mass: Ordinariate Evensong and Benediction: Polish Mass: Syro-Malabar Rite Mass: Extraordinary Form Mass – Third Saturdays: Holy Redeemer: 11.00am Sunday and 6.30pm Wednesday Holy Redeemer: 6.00pm Second Sunday of the Month St Osmund’s: 4.00pm Second Sunday of the Month Holy Redeemer: 5.30pm First Sunday of the Month Holy Redeemer: December, March, June, September. Wardour: November, February, May, August. HEALING PRAYER MINISTRY After the following Masses: 6:00pm Saturday 22 November, Holy Redeemer 9:30am Sunday 21 December, St Gregory’s 6:00pm Saturday 17 January, Holy Redeemer 9:00am Sunday 7 December, St Osmund’s 11:00 am Sunday 4 January, St Osmund’s 9:00am Sunday 1 February, St Osmund’s PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR THIS WEEK CLIFTON DIOCESE: With the diocese we pray for the priests and parishioners of St Augustine of Canterbury, Matson, Gloucester, and English Martyrs, Tuffley. CHURCHES TOGETHER IN SALISBURY With other local Christians we pray for refugees and asylum seekers. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS all those who are sick and in hospital. We remember those who have died recently and those whose anniversaries occur at this time. May they rest in peace. DIOCESAN PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS “I shall rescue them from wherever they have been scattered during the mist and darkness” “I sit and talk to God and he just laughs at my plans”, sang Robbie Williams on the 2002 single Feel. Have you ever had that feeling? Have you ever found that, despite trying to follow the Lord, things don’t always turn out the way you planned them? Perhaps the problem is that we plan too much when we would be better listening. Sometimes we think we’ve got it all sewn up. Fortunately, when it comes to vocational matters, God knows what we’re like. As the saying goes, “God writes straight with crooked lines”. If our intentions are good, God will keep shepherding us from the boggy unmarked terrain and put us firmly on the path we are called to. WEEKLY REFLECTION ON THE EUCHARIST by OUR YOUNG PEOPLE Marthe Robin was a French mystic and stigmatist who was bedridden from the age of 21 until her death. Marthe could scarcely move and was unable to swallow. However, when the Host was placed in her mouth, she miraculously consumed it. Marthe survived on nothing but Holy Communion for 53 years. This is just one example of how ineffably powerful the sacrament is. The Holy Eucharist is the very body, blood, soul and divinity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It is the sustenance we need on our journey to Eternal Life. It was the only sustenance Marthe needed at all. Since the Host is truly Jesus Christ, it is vital that we are not in a state of mortal sin when we receive Him. It is also important to fast for an hour before Holy Communion in order to prepare ourselves for this most sacred sacrament. Finally, we must remember to spend time in thanksgiving after Mass, for this and all the amazing gifts God gives us. WEEKLY GUIDE TO PRAYER Sunday is the Last Sunday in Ordinary Time and the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. Jesus tells the striking parable about how we will all be judged – as a shepherd separates sheep from goats, based upon our care for the most vulnerable: “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me.” We have readings from Luke’s Gospel at weekday Masses, which grow more explicit about the end of the world. Jesus speaks of the end time and says that the cost of following him may be high, and may lead to trials and divisions in families. But, he says, “by your perseverance you will secure your lives.” LITURGY OF THE WORD First Reading A reading from the prophet Ezekiel 34:11-12;15-17 As for you, my sheep, I will judge between sheep and sheep. Responsorial Psalm Ps 22 The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Second Reading A reading from the first letter of St Paul to the Corinthians 15:20-26;28 He will hand over the kingdom to God the Father; so that God may be all in all. Alleluia, alleluia! Blessings on him who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessings on the coming kingdom of our father David! Alleluia! Gospel Acclamation Gospel A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Matthew 25:31-46 He will take his seat on his throne of glory, and he will separate men one from another.
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