MEDECINS DU U MONDE E FRANC CE seeks Admin nistratio on Superrvisor (M M/F) For Myanmar M r (based d in Pya apon and d is opeen only to Myanm mar natiionals) For more than 30 yea ars, Médecins du Monde e, a campaig gning medica al organisation committe ed to internation nal solidarity y, has been caring for the e most vulne erable popula ations at hom me and abroa ad. It has continu ued to highliight obstacle es that exist in accessing g health care and has seccured sustain nable improveme ents in health hforall policcies. Those w working for th his independ dent organisa ation do not s solely dispense ca are and treattment but con ndemn violattions of hum man dignity an nd rights and d fight to imp prove matters forr populationss living in pre ecarious situa ations. ently works in n 46 countrie es across all continents w where it focusses on 4 prio ority areas: ca aring MdM curre for the heallth of migran nts and displa aced personss, promoting s sexual and re eproductive h health, combating HIV and red ducing the ha arm and riskss associated w with drug use e, crises and conflicts. MdM has been working g in Myanmarr since 1992. Currently, M MdM is imple ementing HIV V/AIDS proje ect in Yangon and d Kachin and Mother and Child Health project in Py yapon. TASKS AND RESPO ONSABILIT TIES : • • The Pyaapon Administrattion Supervisor w works under the responsibility of th he Field Coordinaator. S/he is techn nically supervised d by the Adm ministrative Coord dinator and work ks in very close lin nk with the Finan nce Officer and the Human Resourcce Officer based in the country y coordination offfice. Administration Supervisor is lline manager for the Accountant aand Office Assistant in Pyapon Proggram Office. upervises all admiinistration, financce & HR managem ment tasks compleeted in Pyapon Prroject while ensu uring compliance with S/he su MDM’s guidelines and prrocedures. DUTIES DIISCRIPTION 1. ACCOU UNTING & FINA ANCE • nsible for proceessing all cash/b bank transactio ons Respon • Respon nsible for ensurring the security y of all project ffunds. • Check aand approve ad dvances and exp penses within th he limitations o of MDM procedu ures (financial rreview) • Ensuree correct allocattion board of do onor funded exp penditure montthly basic and ssend to Adminisstrative Coordin nator. Collectt and combine aaccounting from m all sites; check k on proper pro ocedures, includ ding procuremeent regulations, supporrting documenttation and autho orised signatures and ensure ccoherence betw ween submitted documentation n and accoun nting software ((SAGA). • Send accounting (hard d copy) documeents and submitt combined accounting files to Finance Officerr, Yangon Coordiination. • Organiise and maintain n adequate filin ng system of acccounting docum mentation • Monthly and weekly fforecast treasurry needs and en nsure the amoun nt is high enouggh to enable all planned activitties, preparre monthly fund d requests and ffollow transferss with the Finan nce Officer in Yaangon country ccoordination offfice. • Preparre and update alll contracts (veh hicles, buildinggs, …) accordingg to MDM formaat and send them m to Yangon cou untry coordin nation office. • Collectt all monthly billls for the premises from goverrnment offices o or others distan nt providers, an nd make sure th hat they w will be paid on time. • Follow w rental contractts. • Keep aall documents (iinvoices, contraacts,…) filed, updated, organizeed and accuratee. • Check monthly salary payments for all national staff and per diem payments for all expat staff and submit approved summary to Yangon Coordination Office. • Monthly budget follow up for all the sites and submit to Administrative Coordinator • Make sure MdM is performing its activities in the respect of local laws: follow the evolution of the national legislation and communicate those to concerned decision‐makers in MdM. • Liaise upon request with government institutions regarding day‐to‐day administrative matters related to Pyapon project (e.g. expatriates’ travel authorizations and approvals). 2. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT • Prepare employment contracts and amendments for national staff and agreements for peer educators. • Ensure recruitment process and procedure of MdM for new staff recruitment for YPO office. • Ensure every new staff member clear understand the MdM Code of Conduct, terms & condition of employment, internal regulations, tax calculation etc.. and signed on required documents of the beginning of contract. • Ensure to be completed with recruitment process document, updated contracts, updated JD and others required documents in all staff personal file. • Follow up all staff personnel data (Leave, OT, medical refund etc..) • Prepare monthly staff data file updating payroll data, tax calculation, leave taken, medical refund and monthly statement and send to Country Coordination HR Officer before salary payment. • Prepare monthly organization chart and send to Country Coordination HR Officer. • Ensure the respect of Internal Regulations especially disciplinary procedures and alert the managers in case of breach or misconduct. • Advise the managers on staff management and personnel related matters (motivation, reliability, efficiency, disciplinary issues). • Prepare all necessary documents such as warnings, letter of dismissal related to staff management in collaboration with the concerned managers and the Country Coordination HR Officer • Ensure the respect of termination of contract & administrative procedure completing the required documentation and prepare end‐of‐contract payments. • Ensure the evaluation of every new staff at the end of probation period and supervise the annual evaluation process for the project staff in line with evaluation guide line and global deadlines are respected. • Participates to Pyapon project HR review and advise managers to favor fair decisions about training priorities in the respect of yearly budget. • Implement the national staff training policy cooperating with country HR officer for Internal, external training plan and budget. • Make enquire the local/Yangon training centers for the need of training plan, check the quality of training and get feedback from the staff to access quality of training. • Organize internal and external training sessions (logistics, administration) with the assistance of the Office Assistant. • Manage one accountant and one office assistant in Pyapon Office to be smooth in operating of their function in line with the MdM policy, identify training needs, arrange appropriate training and evaluate performance lead the annual evaluation. • Recruit, update JD and train admin team members to ensure working according to their job descriptions and following MDM rules. 3. OTHER DUTIES • At the beginning of each month, the Administration Supervisor is required to give to Admin Coordinator and Field Coordinator a report of all the administrative issues for the monthly report also copy to HR Officer (HR Issue )and Finance Officer ( Finance Issue ). • Attending management team meetings of the Project team, and occasional country finance team meetings. • Occasionally visit the bases to prepare sub base contracts for facilities and casual staff, advice Field Coordinator on the administrative and financial management. Note: Due to the urgency of the role, MDM reserves the right to interview candidates before the closing date. CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT: Starting: As soon as possible Contract: Employee Fixed term contract/Full time Based in Pyapon, with frequent travel to field Closing date: 24th November 2014 SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE NEEDED: Education • University Degree / diploma in accounting and general administration • Additional specialised trainings in the field of administration (finance, Human Resources) Professional Experience • At least 3 years’ experience as administrator with significant financial and human resources responsibilities (minimum of 30 staff) • Previous experience as administrator in INGO (possibly with donor’s grant management) Personal characteristics: • Organisation, rigour, anticipation • Honesty, integrity • Self‐insurance, leadership • Excellent expression and communication skills, ability to manage confidentiality • Special interest in humanitarian and social work Languages : • Fluent English (both oral and written) Competencies • Advanced knowledge in personnel administration & management • Good general computer skills, excellent command of Excel INTERESTED? Please send a CV and a covering letter to the following address: [email protected] Or MDM Country Coordination Office, Yangon No. 11 (B), Mahar Maying Street, Sanchaung Township, Yangon MdM stands up for the integration of people living with disabilities and fights against discrimination. TELEPHONE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED
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