Our Lady of the Assumption Parish November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe On the Corner of Lomas and Tennessee NE PASTOR PAROCHIAL VICAR DEACONS Rev. Edward C. Domme Rev. Michaelangelo Cimino Dcn. Jim Delgado Dcn. Maurice Graff Dcn. Jack Granato PARISH OFFICE (505) 256-9818 Fax (505) 256-3131 811 Guaymas Pl NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 Hours 8:30 am-12:00 pm & 1:00-4:30 pm Mon.-Fri. Closed Weekends, Holy Days & Holidays www.olacs.org 815 Guaymas Pl NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 (505) 256-3167 5:00 pm - Saturday 7:00 am, 10:00 am & 11:30 am (English) 8:30 am (Bilingual) WEBSITE SCHOOL (MAILING) SUNDAY OBLIGATION MASS: SUNDAY MASS: WEEKDAY MASSES Monday-Friday 8:30 am Tuesday, Thursday 5:30 pm Saturday 8:30 am CONFESSIONS: Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 pm or by appointment during office hours Mission Statement: Created in God’s image, we are the people of Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Parish. In communion with the Roman Catholic Church and the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, we dedicate ourselves to living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Guided by the Holy Spirit; nourished by the Sacraments; and under the Patronage of Our Lady of the Assumption; we strive to use our varied gifts and rich heritage to build the Body of Christ Through worship, prayer, education, and service to all. 1 The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Psalm 23:1-2, 2-3, 5-6 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK OF: November 17th - November 23rd, 2014 Mon., 24th * Weekday * St. Andrew Dung-Lac Revelation 14:1-5 8:30am † Lucy Chavez-Pacheco Psalm 24:1-6 † James Andrew Schmidt (RIP 2000) Luke 21:1-4 † Mary Ann Meier by Joe Herman family † Mary Jane Casaus by Anthony & Sheree Castillo No 5:30pm Mass Tue., 25th * Weekday * St. Catherine Revelation 14:14-19 8:30am † Sophie Gurule by the DeHerrera family Psalms 96:10-13 † Lucy Pacheco by Quintin Pacheco Luke 21:5-11 5:30pm – Special Intention for the health of Bersabe Gonzales by la familia † Peachie Domme by Liz Vigil Wed., 26th* Weekday * 8:30am † Albert Montoya by Antonio & Lucy Jaramillo School Mass: Grade 4 Revelation 15:1-4 † Deceased loved one by William & Anne Gilpin Psalm 98:1-3,7-9 † Joe Tony & John Frank Frias by the family Luke 21:12-19 † Vera Burken by OLA Parish No 5:30pm Mass Thu., 27th * Weekday * Thanksgiving Day Sirach 50:22-24 9:00am † Larry Francia by mom & dad Psalm 113:1-8 † Marcella Toohey by son Jim 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 † Deacon Sal & Conne Nunez by the family Luke 17:11-19 † Mr. & Mrs. Oates & Mr. & Mrs. Turrietta by Ed & Helen Oates Fri., 28th* Weekday * 8:30am † Josie Padilla by Margaret, Beth & Gigi Revelation 20:1-4 – Special Intention for Loretta Grube and Joe Gutierrez by the Knights of Columbus Psalm 119:14,24,72 – Special Intention for our servicemen & women & their families Luke 21:29-33 – Special Intention for our parishioners No 5:30pm Mass Sat., 29th * Weekday * 8:30am † Josie Padilla (RIP 2012) by Ramon & family Revelation 22:1-7 † Major Luna by Don & family Psalm 95:1-7 5:00pm † Manuel C de Baca by Mr. & Mrs. Dave Forest & family Luke 21:34-36 † Dorothy Formea by John Sunday, November 30th 7:00am † Ray Bilodeau by the Matte’s Isaiah 63:16-17,19 – Special Intentin for Alyce Herrera & Raynetta Makin by the Herrera family Psalm 80:2-3,15-16 8:30am † Dennis Krauss by Tony & Ailene Martinez 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 – Special Intention for Michelle Gonzales by Bersabe & Felipe Gonzales Mark 13:33-37 10:00am † Gene Leyendecker by the family † Emilio Sanchez by the Cruz family 11:30am – Special Intention for the health of Glisson Baca by the family – Tom Nolan by Richard Burken “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink. ~ Matthew 25;35 ~ THANKSGIVING DAY MASS SCHEDULE Thanksgiving Mass is at 9:00am on Thursday, November 27th. When you bring in your canned food donations for our St. Vincent de Paul Society, please remember to hold on to your donations until the presentation of the gifts. THANKSGIVING One act of thanksgiving, when things go wrong with us, is worth a thousand thanks when things are agreeable to our inclinations. ~ Saint John of Ávila ~ START WITH GRATITUDE Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse. ~ Henry Van Dyke ~ La Misa es a las 9 de la mañana el jueves, el 27 de noviembre, Día de Acción de Gracias. 2 TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Coming to the end of the Church year, we can wonder how we got “extreme unction” out of “anointing of the sick.” “Extreme” comes from a Latin phrase, in extremis, which in English refers to the last struggle of a dying person. “Last rites” is a phrase in common usage, and refers to the fact that years ago everyone waited until the last crisis of illness to summon the priest. The goal of anointing had always been healing and forgiveness, but in time it began to be seen as a preparation for death. In a hard world, almost anything from a hangnail to a sneeze could be life threatening, so perhaps the change was inevitable. The emphasis on the penitential aspects was heightened, even to the odd practice of Rome in the twelfth century, when the sick person was sprinkled with ashes mixed with holy water and given a hair shirt as a sign of penance. The reformers thankfully overlooked some of these oddities of history, and today the sacrament of the sick is much more generously applied to persons in a wide range of situations. Still, it is a sacrament of reconciliation, and for that reason is not celebrated for an infant or toddler, although there is a rite for a visit to a sick child not including anointing or Communion. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Sunday Collection November 16th - $12,577.90 Thank you for your continued support! Please remember your ACA payments must be made by December 31st to be counted for 2014. THE LORD’S FLOCK Sheep are high-maintenance animals. They are not very intelligent. Without guidance and care, especially in a climate like Israel’s, they would die quickly from predators, starvation, or just their own slowness. The scriptural image of us as the Lord’s flock is not terribly flattering to us, since it is only the never-ending diligence of a watchful shepherd that allows the flock to survive. The feast of Christ the King was intended to call the world back to Christ as the sole power of the world, to bring back a flock that had been scattered by many negative forces of the growing industrial, scientific, and war torn world of the early twentieth century. It is fitting that, as we celebrate Christ the King, we hear about Christ the Shepherd who cares for us and who, likewise, will be there at the end of time. Interestingly enough, as the Gospel illustrates, our own destiny is determined by the way we have been “shepherds” to the rest of the flock. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES St. Andrew D ng-L c and Companions - Martyrs of Vietnam. Total of 117 included 96 Vietnamese, 11 Spanish and 10 French missionaries (8 bishops, 50 priests, 1 seminarian and 58 day persons). Canonized in 1988. St. Catherine of Alexandria- Patroness of philosophers and preachers. Thanksgiving Day - - November 27th; Mass at 9:00am. Parish Office closed Nov. 27th & 28th. HAPPY THANKSGIVING Thank you, Father, for having created us and given us to each other in the human family. Thank you for being with us in all our joys and sorrows, for your comfort in our sadness, your companionship in our loneliness. Thank you for yesterday, today, tomorrow and for the whole of our lives. Thank you for friends, for health and for grace. May we live this and every day conscious of all that has been given to us. ~ The Catholic Prayer Book ~ On behalf of Fr. Edward C. Domme, Fr. Michelangelo Cimino, Deacons Delgado, Graff, Granato and the Parish Staff we wish you and your families a blessed Thanksgiving Day. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — I will rescue my scattered sheep. Psalm — The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Second Reading — As in Adam all die, so too in Christ all shall be brought to life. Gospel — Whatever you did to the least ones, you did to me. El Padre Domme, y el Padre Cimino, los diacones y los empleados de la Oficina de la Parroquia le deseamos un Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias. 3 PARISH MINISTRIES Outreach & Catechetical CHILDREN’S BOOKS & BEANS-ANNIVERSARY During the last two years Books and Beans Ministry has collected over 27,000 pounds of beans and over 3,000 books! This would not be possible without the amazing generosity of the parishioners of our parish. Books and Beans would like to thank all who have contributed to this ministry through their time and donations. However, we still have much to do and many hungry families to help. Please consider making a donation of beans. As always they can be dropped off at the bins set up under the tables in the back of the Church where they will be collected weekly. We are still in need of Spanish language children’s books. “God does not command that we do great things only little things with great love.” Mother Theresa CATHOLIC MEN’S MINISTRY AT OLA Come join us on the 1st & 3rd Thursday evenings at 6:30-8:00pm in the Parish Office to pray, study, engage, and discuss real life topics and issues related to our state of life calling. We use all formats that challenge and encourage responsibility. No sugar coating, just plain talk about what it means to be a real Christian man in these times. For additional information contact Scott at 269-4827. DONUTS Donuts will be offered on the 1st Sunday of EVERY month after ALL Masses. Come and enjoy & meet your fellow parishioners. FREE BLOOD PRESSURE MONITORING Blood pressure monitoring will be available on the 1st Sunday of each month at the coffee and donuts in the gym and 3rd Sunday in the new gathering area (east). All are welcome! ADVENT PENANCES SERVICES Prince of Peace - December 1st at 7pm Estancia Valley - December 3rd at 7pm Queen of Heaven - December 10th at 7pm Risen Savior - December 15th at 7pm OL Annunciation - December 17th at 7pm St. Bernadette - December 18th at 7pm OLA RELIGIOUS ARTICLES OLA has resumed the selling of Religious Articles on the second Sunday of each month in the new gathering area. WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES-2015 Mark your calendar for the 8th World Meeting of Families! The Archdiocese of Philadelphia is proud to welcome families from around the world to this event on September 22-27, 2015. The theme is “Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive.” Visit the official World Meeting of Families website: WorldMeeting2015.org to learn more and to register. BLANKETS & BOOTIES This group is open to everyone. Please consider joining us and think of it as “Fellowship for Others”. Any and all participation is welcomed. We meet every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month from 9:00am - 11:45am in the Merrifield room at the Parish Office. Blankets are given to the Albuq., Police Department and the Veterans Hospital. Booties are given to Birthright of NM. In order to keep this ministry productive we are in need of monetary donations or new yarn to continue. We are also in desperate need of help making blankets. For more information contact Celine at 259-1926. Next meetings: Our next meeting will be on December 5th. November is the month of: The Holy Souls LECTOR BOOKS The 2015 Lectors books are ready to be picked up in the Parish Office. LIBROS DE LECTORES Los 2015 libros de Lectores están listo para ser recogido en la Oficina de Parroquia. RELATIONS BETWEEN CHURCH & STATE Fr. Domme is having a four part series on relations between Church & State Wednesday morning at 10am and Thursday evenings at 7pm. The following are the dates for the classes: December 3/4 and December 10/11. Please join us in the Merrifeld Room at the Parish Office. DOWNLOAD OUR FREE PARISH APP TODAY! 4 PARISH MINISTRIES Outreach & Catechetical OLA’S GOOD SHEPHERD MINISTRY Our Lady of the Assumption’s “Casserole Cooking” ministry provides good, hot meals to our community’s homeless and hungry men, women and children of our city. The Good Shepherd Center staff has provided our parish the recipes and covered containers. All we have to do is follow a recipe, make a casserole, freeze it, and return it to the parish office. Come to the Parish office during regular business hours to pick up recipes and an aluminum casserole pan, take them home and make the meal of your choice; then return the completed casserole frozen, labeled and dated to the parish office. For more information, please contact the Parish office at 256-9818. OLA’s Casserole Cooking is a simple way to give of your time, talent and treasure. Your generosity will make the difference in feeding our city’s poor, homeless and hungry. YOUTH ACTIVITIES OFFERED AT OLA YOUTH MINISTRY GROUP Youth activities resumed in October. These activities are open to all high school youth. BAPTISM CLASS - 6:30-8:00 PM Parents & Godparents do not need to wait until the baby is born to make arrangements for baptism and attend our next English or Spanish baptism class. Classes are held monthly. Our next classes are: English Baptism Class: Fri., December 19th Spanish Baptism Class: Fri., December 5th Registration must be completed in the Parish Office prior to the Baptism Class. Please call Parish Office 256-9818 for more information. NOTE: Parents need to be registered at least two months in the Parish before baptism preparation can take place. SAFETY For your protection, please don’t leave your personal items unattended in the pew or your vehicles. CLASES DE BAUTISMO - 6:30-8:00pm Padres de familia y padrinos, no necesitan esperar hasta que el bebé nazca para hacer arreglos para bautizar y atender nuestras próximas clases de bautismo en ingles y español. Las clases son mensuales. Nuestras próximas clases serán: En ingles: viernes, 19 de diciembre En español: viernes, 5 de diciembre La inscripción tiene que completarse en la Oficina de la Parroquia, previo a la Clase de Bautismo. Por favor llame a la Oficina de la Parroquia para mas información al 256-9818. NOTA: Los padres necesitan ser registrados por a lo menos de dos meses en la parroquia antes preparación de bautismo puede suceder. CHURCH ENVELOPES If you use a blue envelope from the back table please label them for the weekly Mass, school, SVDP, etc. Thank you. OLA would like to publish all 50th & 60th+ Catholic Wedding Anniversaries. Please call the Parish Office to let us know a month before your actual wedding date. OLA MEETINGS FOR THE WEEK Wednesday Sunday Biblia en Espanol 9:50 AM - Office Holy Rosary 1:30 PM - Chapel 2nd Weekend Religious Article Sales - All Masses Monday 1st & 3rd St. Vincent de Paul 6:00 PM - Office Tuesday Legion of Mary 6:00 PM - Sacristy Adult Formation Classes-RCIA 6:30 PM - Office 2nd & 4th Thursday 1st & 3rd Friday 2nd & 4th 5 Spanish Choir Knights of Columbus Legion of Mary 10:00 AM Choir Men’s Group Blankets & Booties 7:00 PM - Church 7:00 PM - Gym 9:00 AM - Church 6:30 PM - Church 6:30-8:00PM-Office 9:30 AM - Office IN ORDER TO INSURE THAT ALL THE MASSES TO RUN SMOOTHLY, ALL LAY MINISTERS ARE EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO CALL A SUBSTITUTE IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO FULFILL YOUR MINISTRY. DO NOT CALL THE PARISH OFFICE. LAY MINISTERS FOR THE WEEK OF: November 22nd & November 23rd, 2014 Lectors Eucharistic Ministers Ministry of Altar Servers Gift Bearers Sat., 5:00pm Jim Klarkowski Tom LaDoux Linda Trujillo/c Becky Wise/s Michael Chaves Ethan Davis Carlos Lopez Paul Kilman family Sun., 7:00am Anne Gilpin Joseph Jaramillo Tom LaDoux/c Robert Laguna/s Alex Converse Lily Converse Don & Barb Robertson family Sun., 8:30am Sun., 10:00am Arturo Candelaria George Gibbs Adela Candelaria David Holtby Ailene Martinez/c Jeanne Holtby/c Ernestina Garcia/s Tom Johnston/s Solomon Martinez Ashlee Mather Anthony Rice Olivia Gallegos Marcela Zavala Jacob Saiz Carol Sedillo-Romero Passariello family family Sun., 11:30am Emilie Underwood William Tobin Joseph Frias/c Anna Baumann/s Jacqueline Hoswell Gabriela Hoswell Clara Johnston Vanessa Vigil & Eliza Garcia LAY MINISTERS FOR THE WEEK OF: November 29th & November 30th, 2014 Lectors Eucharistic Ministers Ministry of Altar Servers Gift Bearers Sat., 5:00pm Mary Ann O’Keefe Brad Sedillo Mary Wentworth/c Jim Klarkowski/s Emo Sedillo-Jojola Enrique Martinez Nicholas Mittas Adam & Patricia Salas family Sun., 7:00am Tom LaDoux Ed Larrañaga Don Luna/c Tom LaDoux/s Brian Montoya Deborah Witter Diego Flores Anita Reiser family Sun., 8:30am Ernie Garcia Imelda Martinez Judy Gutierrez/c Gertrude Gutierrez/s Andrea Velasquez Ariana Velasquez Aylene Lucero Knights of Columbus Dates to remember: Thanksgiving Holiday/Vacation: Nov. 27-28; No school Sun., 10:00am Sarah Crawford David Crawford Victor Rodriquez/c Sandra Chavez James Vallejos Leah Vallejos Daniel Gonzales Phyllis Everett family Sun., 11:30am Alicia Montoya Laura Paiz Gina Broussard/c Cindy Kouns/s Selina Paiz Ariana Galaviz Kiana Frederick David & Amelia Parks family DECEASED MEMBERS Please pray for the repose of the souls of the following OLA Parishioners who recently passed away: A.S. Fe - SPX School’s Summer 2015 Program St. Pius is planning for June/July 2015 in anticipating both academic and recreational activities. Go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/stpiussummer2015. Vera Burken CAN ROUND-UP CHALLENGE In order to take care of God’s earth and raise needed funds for new library/classroom books, OLA School will be collecting aluminum cans at the Saturday Vigil Mass and all Sunday Masses. This year, a large, blue recycle bin will be placed next to the large NW gate of OLA Hall. Just bag your cans and toss them over the fence and into the recycle bin. (Collection method was changed for safety reasons). We are also entering a recycle challenge. Help us to win the State Challenge again! Last year we won $1,000 which we used to purchase an iPod mini and 2 document cameras for the school. LEGAL NOTICE The A.S. Fe and OLA School comply with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) by providing access for the review of the management Plan at this school. The Management Plan is kept in the Principal’s office and will be updated as various situations develop and inspections are completed. Arrangements may be made with the Principal of the school for the review of these materials. Any questions may be directed to the Principal or to the Executive Dir. Of General Service at the Archdiocese. 6 s giou Reli tion ca Edu s New RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FOR 2014/2015 Classes are Tuesday and Wednesday (sacraments) at 6:20 - 7:35pm. No classes on Nov. 25th & 26th. Word for Children 1st - 3rd grade in the Sacristy during 10am Mass. EDUCACION RELIGIOSA Las clases son el martes y miércoles (sacramentos) a las 6:20pm y terminan a las 7:35pm. No hay clases el 25 y 26. CONFIRMATION All students must attend the 10:00am Sunday Mass followed by Confirmation classes from 11:15am - 1:00pm in the Merrifield Room. No class on November 30th. CONFIRMACION Los estudiantes de confirmación devén de ir a Misa a las 10am. La clase comenzara depuse de la Misa y terminan a las 1:00pm en la oficina de la Parroquia. No hay clase el 30 de noviembre. Immaculate Heart Radio - 98.9FM; 24 hours/day 365 days/yr. All Catholic - All the time. Archbishop’s Hours, airs daily at noon and rebroadcast at 5pm. ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS Un acto de acción de gracias, cuando las cosas marchan mal para nosotros, vale más que miles de gracias cuando las cosas van conforme a nuestras inclinaciones. ~ San Juan de Ávila TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE El 23 de noviembre de 1927, un pelotón de soldados conducía al jesuita mexicano Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez al paredón de fusilamiento. Uno de ellos le susurraba “perdóneme”. Miguel le respondió que no sólo lo perdonaba, sino que le daba las gracias por darle la oportunidad de dar testimonio de su fe derramando su sangre por Cristo. Días antes había sido arrestado y acusado de intento de asesinato contra el presidente mexicano Álvaro Obregón. En realidad su delito era el de bautizar niños, bendecir matrimonios, llevar la comunión a los enfermos y escuchar la confesión de los arrepentidos. Miguelito nació en 1891 y entró al noviciado jesuita en 1914, al mismo tiempo que el gobierno mexicano comenzaba una persecución en contra de la Iglesia. Debido a esta situación, Miguel tuvo que hacer su formación religiosa fuera de México. Apenas pudo, regresó a su nación como sacerdote e hizo su pastoral a escondidas, sabiendo muy bien que podía ser martirizado. Miguel decía a sus amigos que al morir iría al cielo y si se encontraba con santos resecos, bailaría un jarabe tapatío hasta hacerles sonreír para Cristo Rey. EL REBAÑO DE JESÚS Las ovejas son animales que necesitan mucha atención. No son muy inteligentes. Especialmente en un clima como el de Israel, morirían rápidamente a causa de predadores, hambre o por su lentitud. La imagen bíblica de nosotros como el rebaño del Señor no es halagadora porque solamente con la vigilancia constante del pastor cuidadoso el rebaño puede sobrevivir. La institución de la fiesta de Cristo Rey fue motivada por la intención de llevar el mundo a Cristo como el único poder de este mundo; y también de hacer volver el rebaño dispersado por las tantas fuerzas negativas del creciente mundo industrial y científico, desgarrado por la guerra, del siglo veinte. Mientras celebramos a Cristo Rey, es muy apropiado entender que el Cristo Pastor nos cuida ahora y va a estar presente en el momento de la separación de buenos y malos en el juicio final. Como el Evangelio ilustra bien, nuestro propio destino está determinado por nuestro servicio como pastores al resto del rebaño. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. “Estuve hambriento y me dieron de comer, sediento y me dieron de beber”. ~ Mateo 25:35 7
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