NJ Walks for TS at Mendham a Great Success:

Collaborative Partnerships
for the Tourette Syndrome Community
50 Division Street • Somerville, NJ 08876 • www.njcts.org • [email protected] • FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
NJ Walks for TS at Mendham a Great Success:
Event will Continue Online through Dec. 15th
The 5th annual walk is raising funds for the NJCTS Education Outreach Program
SOMERVILLE, N.J. - When it comes to showing support for family and friends with Tourette
Syndrome (TS), cold weather is not enough to deter the walkers , runners, and volunteers who
have made the New Jersey Walks for TS at Mendham an annual tradition. Their presence in
Mendham Borough Park on November 15th is a testament to the growing advocacy movement
by the New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome and Associated Disorders (NJCTS).
Though the event is over, the fundraising mission will continue online through December 15th
by visiting NJCTS.org.
"Each year, during the event, I'm
approached by families and
partners who say they are so
inspired by the spirit of advocacy
and self-empowerment shared at
the event that they wish they could
contribute more," said NJCTS
Executive Director Faith W. Rice,
"That's possible now, and we're
asking the people who believe in
this event and this cause to
continue to gather donations
through December 15."
Dedicated walkers show their support for a child with TS. They braved cold
temperatures and even snow for the 5th annual NJ Walks for TS at Mendham.
Proceeds from the Walk benefit
the NJCTS Education Outreach
Program which aims to reach every teacher, student and healthcare provider in New Jersey and
educate them about TS and its associated conditions including obsessive-compulsive disorder,
attention-deficit disorder and other mental health conditions. NJCTS accomplishes this through
school in-service workshops and assemblies to make the classroom a safer environment for a
struggling student with TS; and hospital grand rounds and professional conference trainings to
educate doctors, nurses and mental health professionals to diagnose and treat TS more effectively
than ever. In addition, the NJCTS Education Outreach Program identifies and develops a new
generation of TS advocates.
In addition to the nearly 200 walkers,
runners and volunteers who came out to
mark the day in Mendham, NJCTS
wishes to thank the following sponsors
and donors:
Highpoint Solutions, Oppenheimer
Funds, James Concepcion, Atlantic
Health System, Bernice Rydell van
Steyn, New Jersey Natural Gas,
Comcast of Southern New Jersey, B&H
Consulting Services, The Frank
Mastropaolo Fund of the Community
Crossing the finish line is often a family affair and always cause for
celebration. For those who couldn't make it, NJ Walks for TS at
Foundation, In Memory of Emilio
Mendham continues online through December 15 at NJCTS.org.
Gianfrancesco, DCH Montclair Acura,
Jeffrey DuBois, Giovanina Gianfrancesco, Jose Mendoza, Cedar Hill Prep School and Banasiak
& Neptune Orthondontic Associates with additional donations from Shop Rite of Bernardsville,
Whole Foods of Madison, Kings of Mendham, Elite Island Resorts Caribbean, Harvest Moon
Brewery and Cafe, New Jersey Devils, Diggerland Adventure Park, Rob Wilson Photography,
Spuntino Wine Bar, GoodWorks Band, and WDHA 105.5 FM.
For more information about NJ Walks for TS at Mendham, make a donation or see photos from
the event, visit www.njcts.org.
New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome and Associated Disorders, Inc.
Collaborative partnerships for the Tourette Syndrome community