St. Luke Catholic Church Phone: 956-541-1480 Fax: 956-542-8043 2800 Rockwell Drive Brownsville, TX 78521 Website: There Are No Strangers At St. Luke, Only Friends We Have Yet To Meet! Parish Staff/ Personal de La Parroquia Dichoso el que teme al Senor. Rev. Fernando Gonzalez, Pastor - Salmo 128(127):la Rev. Andres E. Gutierrez, Parochial Vicar Deacon Javier A. Garcia Ms. Teresa Cavazos, Secretary Mrs. Angie S. Chavez, Bookkeeper Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. 1:30 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. Religious Education Office/ Oficina Religiosa Mrs. Helen Vargas, DRE Director of Religious Education Mr. David Vargas, Coordinator of Youth Ministries CCE Office Hours Horario de Ofieina CCE Monday to Thursday: 1:30-5:30pm September - May Lunes a Jueves: 1:30-5:30pm Septiembre - Mayo Telephone/Telefono: 956-541-0184 Website: it•. ;\1 ST. LUKE CATHOLIC SCHOOL In Memory of Mary Ann Kuzmich 2850 Price Road Brownsville, TX 78521 Phone: 956-544-7982 Fax: 956-544-4874 Website: Mrs. Anne Serrato, Principal Mrs. Bernice Alcocer, Secretary Ms. Carmen Martinez, Bookkeeper Blessed are you who fear the LORD. -Psalm 128:18 Mass HourslHorario de Misas Monday - Friday Lunes - Viernes 12:00 P.M. English/Ingles Thursday/Jueves (During School Year/ Durante Afio Escolar) 8:30 A.M. English/Ingles Saturday/Sabado 6:00 P.M. English/Ingles SundaylDomingo 8:00 A.M. Spanish/Espafiol 9:30 A.M. English/Ingles 11:00 A.M. English/Ingles 6:00 P.M. Spanish/Espafiol ReconeiliationIReconeiliaci6n 4:00 - 5:00 PM Saturday/Sabado 4:00 - 5:00 P.M. First Friday/Primer Viemes ~~~~I First Friday/Primer Viernes .~: 12:30 - 6:00 P.M. Exposition/Exposicion I 5:00 - 6:00 P.M. Holy HouriHora Santa -L 6:00 P.M. Mass/Misa Spanish/Espafiol , r.~ - " ;'j,,": " MASS INTENTIONS INTENCIONES de la MISA , SATURDAY: November 6:00 pm PRO POPULO SUNDAY: November 8:00am 15: 2014; St. Albert the Great 16: 2014; Thirtv-third Sundal:: in Ordinan: Time t Rafael Cavazos Almaraz t Gilberto Figueroa t Francisca Bedolla t Elodia Lozano t Socorro Lozano Adame Bendiciones de Salud: Gabriel Ochoa t Yolanda • • Bendiciones en su Cumpleafios: Jariatza Ruiz "15" 9:30 am t Edelmiro "Eddie" Hernandez t Octavio A. Garza & t Roger Guerra • In Thanksgiving: Our Blessed Mother Mary on behalf Alicia C. Garcia 11:00 am t George Alfonso Lopez t Hector Leal t Sylvia Flores t Gustavo Barreda t Elizabeth Givens • Gracias: Santo Nino de Atocha de parte de Alicia C, Garcia 6:00 pm t Eric Garcia t Boris V. Hildago t Francisco • Gracia y t Edmundo Rafael Gracia Gracias: Santa Maria Virgen de parte de Alicia C. Garcia MONDAY2 November 172 2014; St Elizabeth of Hungan:: t Concepcion "Kino" Camarillo 12 Noon In Thanksgiving: • Our Blessed Mother Mary on behalf Alicia C. Garcia TUESDAY: November 18: 2014; Dedication of the Basilicas of Ss. Peter and Paul St ..Rose Phili[![!ine Duchesne 12 Noon t Sebastian and t Celia Alejandro t Oscar Sierra • In Thanksgiving: Souls in Purgatory WEDNESDAY: November 12 Noon t Colmano Quezada t Maria Teresa Crixell • • de Garza Bendiciones en su Aniversario de Matrimonio: Rodolfo y Maria Elena Calderoni "54" Gracias: Santo Nino de Atocha de parte de Alicia C. Garcia THURSDAY: 8:30 am 12 Noon November 202 2014 St. Luke School Students, Teachers & Staff t Helen Kilroy t Yolanda C. Ortiz t Richard G. Ybanez FRIDAY, November 21, 2014; The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Man 12 Noon t Evaristo Gamez Sr. Health Blessings for Patricia and Yolanda Anorqa • • Copyngbt '=" J S PJIuett Co II\e Photos O!$Igm/Fo(~. 19: 2014 Gracias: Santo Nino de Atocha de parte de Alicia C. Garcia Pax Christi For a world free of nuclear weapons I plead with you, then, as a prisoner for the Lord, to live a life worthy with perfect of the calling humility, meekness, ing with one another lovingly. you have received, and patience, bear- Ephesians 4:1-2 Por un mundo libre de arm as nucleares Por eso yo, que estoy preso por la causa del Sefior, les ruego que vivan de una manera digna del llamamiento que han recibido, bles, pacientes, tolerantes siempre humildes y ama- unos con otros en amor. Efesios 4:1-2 Trigesimo Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Thirty- Third Sunday in Ordinary Time A1gunas cosas caen en nuestra vida y nosotros sencillamente 1as aceptamos. Asi eran 1as vacaciones de verano cuando yo era nifio. No habia necesidad, ni ciertamente deseo, de organizarla para que fueran mas efectivas. E1 verano era mejor cuando sencillamente se daba: montar en bicic1eta, jugar algun tipo de beisbol en 10s terrenos de la escuela detras de nuestra casa, nadar en uno de 10s parques, ir a comprar helado 0 nieve al anochecer, atrapar luciernagas y un millar de otras cosas que juntas constituian el verano. Hay otras cosas, sin embargo, que caen en nuestra vida, pero que no llevan a ninguna parte, salvo y tal vez despues de bastantes aguijonazos. La escuela me viene a la mente. Nunca hubiera ido a la escuela de haberseme dado la opcion. Sacarme las amigdalas cae en la misma categoria, asi como usar frenillos en mis dientes, mudarme a una ciudad nueva cuando tenia ocho afios y la muerte de mi abuela el dia que cumpli doce afios. Yo 10 tomaba todo con calma, pues no habia otra manera de tomarlo. Aunque si me hubiesen dado a elegir, nada de eso hubiera sucedido jamas. Sencillamente pase por todo eso y despues to do paso. El Evangelio de esta semana propone que Dios viene mas 0 menos de la misma manera. Dios nos da cinco talentos en la vida, dos 0 aun uno y con ellos nos da suficiente energia para dob1arlos. Sin embargo, algunas veces Dios llega de sorpresa cuando prefeririamos que nos dejara tranquilos y entonces le echamos tierra a Dios solo porque la situaci6n no nos parece muy vivificante. Pero pudiera ser vivificante, como 10 es la rutina agotadora de criar a los hijos 0 ir al mismo trabajo que hemos tenido por los ultimos veinticinco afios, 0 cuidar de unos padres ancianos. Al final nos damos cuenta que echarle tierra a esa vida es mas mortifero que arriesgarse a vivirla y que al vivirla produciremos mas fruto que nunca sofiado. -Padre Joseph J. Juknialis Derechos de autor © 2012, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados. Some things drop into our lives and we simply run with them. Summer vacation was like that when I was a child. There was no need and certainly no desire to organize it for the sake of efficiency. Summer was better when it just happened: bike riding and pick-up softball on the school playground behind our house and swimming at Lakeside Park and going for ice cream at dusk and catching fireflies at night and a thousand other things that come together and make up summer. There are other things, however, that drop into our lives but never go anywhere, except perhaps with a lot of prodding. School comes to mind. I never would have gone had I been given a menu of options. Having my tonsils out was another such thing, and wearing braces on my teeth, and moving into a new city when I was eight, and my grandmother dying on my twelfth birthday. I took them in stride, mostly because there was no other way to take them. Given my druthers, though, they never would have happened at all. I simply lived with them, and then they were over. The Gospel this week proposes that God comes in much the same way. God gives us five talents' worth of life or two talents' worth or even one talent's worth, and with it enough energy to double it. Sometimes, though, God drops in when we'd rather be left alone, and so we try to bury God just because the situation doesn't look very life-giving to us. Yet it can be life-giving, like the weary routine of raising children or going to the same job we've been going to for the past twenty-five years or taking care of an aging parent. Eventually we may find out that burying such life is more deadly than the risk of living it, and living it brings a higher yield than we could ever expect. -Rev. Joseph J. JuknialisCopyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Living God's Word Vivamos la Palabra de Dios En la primera carta a la comunidad tesalonicense san Pablo le dice que "el dia del Sefior vendra como un ladr6n en plena noche" (1 Tesalonicenses 5:2). Dios vendra a robarse la vida tal como ahora la conocemos. Sin embargo, si en ese momento tomamos la vida tal como llega, tal vez algo nuevo pudiera nacer en nosotros. Derechos de autor © 2013, World Library Publications Todos los derechos reservados. LECTURASDELASEMANA Lunes: Martes: Miercoles: Jueves: Viernes: Sabado: Domingo: Apo :1-4; 2:1-5; Sal1:1-4, 6; Lc 18:35-43 Apo 3:1-6; 14-22; SallS (14); 2-5; Lc 19:1-10,6 Apo 4:1-11; Sal150: Ib-6; Lc 19:11-28 Apo 5:1-10; Sa1149; Ib-6a, 9b; Lc 19:41-44 Apo 10:8-11; Sal119 (118): 14,24,72,103, 111,131, Lc 19:45-48 Apo 11:4-12; Sal144 (143): 1b, 2, 9-10; Lc 20:27-40 Ez 34:11-12,15-17; Sal23 (22) 1-3; 5-6; 1 Cor 15 :20-26; 28; Mt 25 :31-46 In his first letter to the Thessalonians' community Saint Paul says that "the day of the Lord will come like a thief at night" (l Thessalonians 5:2). If, however, we pick it up and run with it at that point, perhaps something new can be born mus. Copyright © 2013, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. ; l~r~ Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: READINGS FOR THE WEEK Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-4,6; Lk 18:35-43 Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10, Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 19:11-28 Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 19:41-44 ~, Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14,24,72,103,111, 131; Lk 19:45-48 Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; ~.:~:~ Lk 20:27-40 . .~ Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23:1-3,5-6; 1 Cor 15:20-26,28; Mt 25:31-46 n Sun. November 16 Mon. November 17 Tue. November 18 Wed. November 19 Thurs. November 20 **CCE Middle/High Students 9:30am, School ** Divine Mercl::Chal!let; 2:30 pm in the Church **R C I A; 4:30pm, School ** Cursos de Al!ologetica 7:00 pm, School Rooms 11 & 12 **CCE Elementan:: Students; 6:00pm, School **Divine Mercl:: Eucharistic Al!ostles 7:00pm School Rooms 11& 12 **CCE Elementan:: Students; 6:00pm, School **Discil!les in Mission; 7:00 pm, Parish Meeting Room **St Luke School Mass 8:30am, Church **Legion of Maria; 7:00 pm, Salon de reuniones Registrations are now being taken for the next Sacrament of Baptism Celebration to be held on Saturday, December 6th at lOam. Bal!tism I!reparation class will be offered on Sunday, November 23rd. Last day to register is Friday, October 24th. ~ I Estamos registrando para los pr6ximas celebracion de bautismos. La clase sera el do- I mingo 23 de noviembre y los bautismos seran el saba do 6 de diciembre a las lOam. Viernes, 21 de noviembre es el ultimo dia de registro. The Ladies of St. Luke's Altar & Rosary Society Invite You to Join Us For Prayer, Fellowship, and Service Meeting will be on Tuesday, November at 6:00 pm in the school. 18, 2014 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 Las Senoras de la Asociacion del Altar y Rosario de San Lucas Les invitan a unirse con nosotros Para oraclon, hermandad, y servicio La junta se llevara a cabo el martes, 18 de Noviembre 2014 alas 6:00 PM en la escuela de San Lucas. THANK YOUI iGRACIASI ST. LUKE PARISH COMMUNITY FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT WITH YOUR GENEROUS CONTRIBUTIONS THIS PAST WEEKI (~ ST. LUKE CATHOLIC SCHOOL "MERCY MINUTES" Seeing '['lie q[ory Of qoa s :Jvf.ercy ••• In order to write anything at all , I must make use of words, though they cannot render all of what my soul enjoyed on UIIDIlIif seeing the glory of God's mercy. The glory of The Divine Mercy is resounding, even now, in spite of the efforts of its enemies and of Satan himself, who has a great hatred for God's mercy. I will glorify [Jesus] in abandonment and darkness, in agony and fear, in pain and bitterness, in anguish of spirit and grief of heart. (Diary of St. Faustina 1659, 1659, 1662) • Join the Saint Luke Divine Mercy Ministry Sunday, November 16th, in the church at 2:30 p.m. to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet.. • Join the Eucharistic Apostles of the St. Luke Divine Mercy Ministry on Tuesday, November 18th from 7:00pm to 9:00pm in Rooms 11 & 12 located in the school. A Message from the Office of the Most Reverend Bishop Daniel E. Flores REMINDER: If you have not already pledged, a onetime gift would really help our parish reach its goal. Thank you! (Please make check payable to: Annual Diocesan Appeal) :''";dl~~';"iM,,,'''-'~'';~: ... If " Dear Brothers and Sisters, This year I (Bishop Daniel E. Flores) have consulted vigorously with the Presbyteral Council on how to make the appeal more effective and how to increase participation among the faithful. The Council has been very helpful and these are the changes we have all agreed on ... l)The name of the Appeal has changed to the "Annual Diocesan Appeal" to better express the main thrust of this endeavor. 2)The Appeal will start in June and end in December with a celebratory dinner in January for all parish Appeal Coordinators. 3)Among those changes, we also agreed on a goal of25% parish membership participation. All parishes that reach the goal will enjoy an exemption from the Cathedraticum for one of its fundraising kermeses this year. The Presbyteral Council and I feel that this will widen participation, which has been the goal from the beginning. If we focus on widening participation that to me is more important than a monetary goal. We will continue to live within our means at the Diocese of Brownsville, but we will all be in this together. I thank you for your help, and assure you that the Lord will bring great fruit from even the smallest sacrifice. Assuring you of my prayers, I have the honor to be Yours in Christ, Most Rev. Daniel E. Flores, S.T.D. Bishop of Brownsville RECORDATORIO: Si aun no han participado con su --'::::~"";;'~;;'i!-,,!·,j·ff';·;;~~··;:_~"';i~~:~ donaci6n de una sola vez, nos ayudarfa alcanzar nuestra meta. iGracias! .. (Favor de hacer el cheque pagadero a: Annual Diocesan Appeal) Queridos hennanos y hennanas: Este aDOyo (Obispo Daniel E. Flores) he consultado vigorosamente con el Consejo Presbiteral sobre como hacer la Campaiia Anual mas eficaz y como aumentar la participacion de los fieles. El Consejo ha sido de gran ayuda y a continuacion les hago participes de los cambios que todos hemos acordado ... 1) El nombre de la Campaiia ha cambiado a la "Campana Anual Diocesana" para expresar mejor el objetivo principal de este esfuerzo. 2) La Campana comenzara en junio y terminara en diciembre con una cena de celebracion el proximo enero para todos los Coordinadores Parroquiales de la Campana. 3) Entre esos cambios, tambien acordamos fijar una meta de 25% de participacion por miembros de la parroquia. Toda parroquia que alcance esta meta obtendra una exencion del asesoramiento para uno de sus kenneses de recaudacion de fondos este ano, El Consejo Presbiteral y un servidor creemos que esto ampliara la participacion, que ha sido el objetivo desde el principio. Si logramos ampliar la participacion de los fieles, eso para mi es mas importante que una meta monetaria. Seguiremos viviendo dentro de nuestras posibilidades en la Diocesis de Brownsville, pero todos estaremos juntos en este esfuerzo. Les doy las gracias por su ayuda, y les aseguro que el Senor traera grandes frutos de incluso el sacrificio mas pequefio. Asegurandoles de mis oraciones, tengo el honor de ser Suyo en Cristo, t~~ ~ Monsefior Daniel E. Flores, STD Obispo de Brownsville Dear God, we place our worries in your hands. We place our sick parishioners and friends under your care and humbly ask that you restore your servants to health again. Amen. Ricardo Aguilar, Joel Alanis, Patricia Avila, Felix Campirano, Guillermo C. Cantu, Laura Cantu, Albert F. Castro, Joyce Champion, Margarita Correa, Anne Coisman, Luis Colunga, Guillermo De Los Santos, Ruben Delgado, Nancy Delaney, Maria Donnell, Hayden Elfrank, Lou Eymard, Charles Fredieu, Cecilia Garcia, Clemente Garcia, Maggie Garcia, Rachel Garcia, Roel Garcia, Rosa Garcia, Virginia & Hector Garcia. Ketta Garda, Yolanda Garcia, Anwar Garza, Claudia Garza, Juan Hector Garza, Juanita de Jesus Garza, Ma Dolores Garza, Juan Andres Garza, Tom Goforth, Alvaro Gomez, Betty Gomez, Cristiina Gomez, Iliana Gomez, Elsa Gonzaga, Bruno Gonzalez, Consuelo Gonzalez, Joe Gonzalez, Jose Angel Gonzalez, Martha Gonzalez, Maria N. Guajardo, Paula Guerra, Elisa Gunnoe, Omar Gutierrez, ChriS Harrison, Alfredo Hernandez, Baby Sanitago Herrera, Veronica Houk, Arnulfo Huerta, Peggy Jankovich, Joseph Lapinski, Mrs. Guadalupe Leal, Concepcion Marroquin Lerma, Linda Lind, Ramon Longoria, Beatrice Lopez, Diana M. Lopez, Eddie Martinez, Maria C. Martinez, Yolanda P. Martinez, Delia Mata, Beth McFarland, Daniel Medrano, Ninfa Middleton, Sister Gloria Morales; Ana Moreno, Rodolfo Morin, Jose Moya, Amado Olivarez, Oscar Oropeza, Maria Ortado; Jose P. Palacios, Daniel Ramirez, Enrique Ramirez III, Mary Lou Ramirez, Michaela Ramos, Emma Rivera, Ninfa Rivera, Lucy Robles, Elizabeth Ann Rocha, Deacon Arturo Rodriguez; Ruben Rodriguez, Enrique Ruiz, Ricardo Sanchez, Martha San Miguel, Esperanza Santiago, Maria Elena Silva, Patsy Solien, Alicia Soto, Josefina Soto, Sande Tetreau, Andres Torres, Victor Valenzuela, Amanda Vallejo, Carol Vallejo, Laura Vasquez, AI Wright, Frank Ybarra, Olivia Zapata, Maria Zamarripa; Hector V. Zamarripa, Anthony Zimmerman **PLEASE ADVISE IF A NAME ON OUR SICK LIST NEEDS TO BE REMOVED** **POR FAVOR AVISE SI UN NOMBRE EN NUESTRA USTA DE ENFERMOS DEBE SER EUMINADO** I ADVERTISER I of the week ~STAURA.l',rl' I November 8 & 9,2014 Offertory Envelopes (387) Loose CollectionlRestricted Building (forwarded to Savings) Parish School Support Envelopes (195) (forwarded to the Parish School) Less Diocesan Assessment 11.5% (forwarded to the Diocese) NET INCOME: ~ MARISCOs ~ DELAROSA~ BROWNSVILlErTEIIAS Rodolfo De La Rosa N. (956) 150-0024 7738 Padre island Hwy. Brownsville, Defining Beauty Danielle Rose CD $17 $ 1495.00 $ 770.00 $ 9,127.00 @) SUNWJUIE. Air Conditioning Thought-provoking Contemporary Music 800-566-6150 7250 N. Expressway, Library Publications the music and liturgy divisionofJ.S. 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