SSA og engelsk_1-2-3 samarbeid_Astrid Myskja 22

1-2-3 samarbeid!
Hvordan få til yrkesretting og tverrfaglig
samarbeid i skolehverdagen?
Eksempler fra Service og Samferdsel med
Nødvendig for godt FYRsamarbeid
• Timeplanfestet møtetid
• Avdelingsledere som kaller inn til møter og setter
• Avdelingsledere som leder og følger opp FYRarbeidet
• Årshjul, læreplansinnhold og kalender for hver
Også årshjul!
FYR samarbeidsmøte SSA
Fra naturfagslærer:
• «nå oppleves det som om vi samarbeider
naturlig, vi spør hverandre og ser hvordan
fagene kan styrke hverandre»
• Årshjul + innholdsforklaring!
Eksempler yrkesretting
Engelsk på Service og samferdsel
Bestilling fra programfagslærer i Sikkerhet
Sikkerhetsvakter i World Cup i Granåsen
Bedriftbesøk Lerøy Hitra
SS vg1
Et tverrfaglig prosjekt
i FYR-ånd
Charlottenlund vgs
Bilder fra turen til Lerøy er gjengitt
med tillatelse av deltakerne
Fra klasserom til bedrift
Service og Samferdsel
Fra idé til ekskursjon
• Gründeruka – annen elevgruppe i år
• Fellesfagene: Norsk, engelsk, matematikk,
• Relevans:
Bedrift: Fiskeoppdrett
Lerøy Midt, Hestvika
Hygiene – på med
På vei ut til anlegget
Omvisning på Reitholmen
Great expectations?
“When I heard that we were
going to a fish factory I
thought it was going to be
very boring. I was thinking
that they were going to put
us in a room and talk about
their factory for the whole
day. So I was very wrong,
because I actually enjoyed
this trip a lot, and it was so
interesting, even to listen to
the presentation! So I was
positivily shocked.”
In English!
5 things I learned about fish
• I learned that the fish cages weren’t so
automated, I thought everything was done
automatically by computers
• Fish does smell even worse than I thought
• Fish require a very little amount of food to grow
• They use lots of food every day
• The farmed fish business is very large
Learning outcome
“I learned a lot this day, and it was a really good experience. They also
treated us very well and described things in a way that we could
In specific I learned a lot about how they made their fish from it just was a
little egg until it was a grown fish ready to be harvested. Many things were
really different than I thought. Especially the way they were feeding the fish.
I thought it was just someone throwing a bucket of food to them hoping they
were eating it. But it turns out that they had a much better way to do it. They
had some tubes that were going from the food case and into the fish cages.
And they had cameras to see if the fish were hungry or full.
I also learned what they did with the fish after they have harvested them. I
learned a lot about the factory and saw the different jobs down in the
Fra ekskursjon til kunnskap
• Samskrivingsdokument i Google docs
Oppgave engelsk (Astrid og Eilert)
Omfang: 5 timer
Oppgave a eller b eller c:
• a Lage engelsk informasjonsbrosjyre for Lerøy Midt i
• b Lage engelsk rekrutteringsbrosjyre for Lerøy Midt i
• c Lage engelsk webside for Lerøy Midt
Læreplansmål og vurdering
• forstå og bruke et bredt generelt ordforråd og et faglig ordforråd
knyttet til eget utdanningsprogram (skriftlig og muntlig)
• fordype seg i et faglig emne innenfor eget utdanningsprogram og
presentere dette
• Karakter på engelsk produkt
• Karakter settes også i kommunikasjonsfaget
Project work
Tourism – presenting my town
Tuesday 29th of September 2015
The project:
Trondheim as a tourist attraction
• Oral presentation (individual)
o Two subjects: English and Communication (SSA)
• Choose one tourist attraction
• You are going to:
Take pictures
Make a short film
Find background information
Find tourist information
• Share your own reflections
o Why is your attraction special?
o Reflect on your working process
(Planning, using sources, taking pictures, using PPT)
List of tourist attractions
Nidaros Catheral-Anniken/Elina
Old Town Bridge-Helle
Kristiansten Fortress
Lerkendal stadion – Robin/ Philip
Vår Frue Church - Malin
Olav Tryggvason (statue)
Ringve Museum
The Cissi Klein statue
Trampe- Isak
Blomsterbrua- Andrea
Solsiden- Sakariye
Bakklandet- Nati
Sverresborg museumThe Jewish museum
Criteria for assessment
• Students participating in assessment
• Language
• Content
• Communication
Prosjekt Jordbærpikene
Fair Trade
• Film The True Cost
Mål FYR: Økt motivasjon gjennom
yrkesretting og relevans
• Hva sier elevene?
• Hva fører til økt motivasjon?
Happy School project
• Relevance og motivation?
And the answer?
A good teacher varies his/her teaching methods
Happy, energetic and positive charisma
Gives good and specific feedback – how to improve – in a way that we can
Differentiated teaching/tasks for the students – not only more exercises. There are
different needs in the classroom – those who are “smart” and those who “struggle a
A teacher has to know his or her subject well – and know the practical use of the
theory in this subject.
If I have problems understanding something – and I really want to learn it – give me
the opportunity to take extra lessons!
Makes me feel ok after a test – not like a fool – if I did not do well – and tries to tell
me that the next test is a new opportunity to do well!