
SYKVIT4313 Pasientopplæring
Pensum vår 2016
Lerdal A & Fagermoen MS.(red.). (2011). Læring og mestring – et helsefremmende
perspektiv i praksis og forskning. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.
Antonovsky - salutogenese
Langeland E, Wahl AK, Kristoffersen K & Hanestad BR. (2007). Promoting coping:
salutogenesis among people with mental health problems. Issues in Mental Health Nursing,
Langeland E. (2009). Betydningen av salutogen tilnærming for å fremme psykisk helse.
Sykepleien Forskning, 4: 288-296.
Eriksson M. & Lindstrøm B. (2006). Antonovsky`s sense of coherence scale and the relation
with health: a systematic review. Journal of Epidemiology Community Health, 60: 376-381.
Bandura – self-efficacy (mestringsforventning)
Bentsen SB, Wentzel-Larsen T, Henriksen AH, Rokne B & Wahl AK. (2010). Self-efficacy as
a predictor of improvement in health status and overall quality of life in pulmonary
rehabilitation. An exploratory study. Patient Education and Counseling 81: 5-13.
Bonsaksen T, Lerdal A & Fagermoen MS. (2012). Factors associated with self-efficacy in
persons with chronic illness. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 53: 333–39.
Natvig G.K. (1998). Troen på å lykkes fremmer atferdsendringer. Sykepleien nr. 14/1998.
Lazarus og Folkman – Stress og mestring
Giske T & Gjengedal E. (2007)."Preparative waiting" and coping theory with patients going
through gastric diagnosis. Journal of Advanced Nursing 57 (1) 87-94
Giske T & Artinian B. (2007). Patterns of balancing between hope and despair in the
diagnostic phase: a grounded theory study of patients on a gastroenterology ward. Journal of
Advanced Nursing 62 (1), 22-31
del-Pino-Casado R, Friás-Osuna A. Palomino-Moral PA. & Pancorbo-Hidalgo PL.
(2011). Coping and subjective burden in caregivers of older relatives: a quantitative
systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing 67(11), 2311-22.
Thomsen TG, Rydahl-Hansen S & Wagner L. (2010). A review of potential factors relevant
to coping in patients with advanced cancer. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19 (23-24): 3410-26.
Leventhal’s Common sense-modell
Hale ED, Treharne GJ, Kitas GD (2007). The Common Sense-Model of self-regulation of
health and illness:how can we use it to understand and respond to our patient’s needs?
Rheumatology 46, 904 – 906.
Petrie, KJ and Weinman J (2006). Why illness perceptions matter. Clinical Medicine,Vol 6
Rafael del-Pino-Casado, Antonio Frı´as-Osuna, Pedro A. Palomino-Moral & Pedro L.
Pancorbo-Hidalgo (2011). Coping and subjective burden in caregivers of older relatives:
a quantitative systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing 7 (11), 2311-2322.
Modeller som bygger på flere teorier:
Psykoedukativ tilnærming
Sherman, DW, Haber J, Hoskins CN et al. (2012). The effects of psychoeducation and
telephone counseling on the adjustment of women with early-stage breast cancer. Applied
Nursing Research 25(1) 3-16.
Colom, F & Lam, D. (2005) Psychoeducation: improving outcomes in bipolar disorders.
European Psychiatry, 20(5-6):359-64.
Transteoretisk tilnærming
Lerdal A. & Celius EH. (2011). Trening på resept. Kapittel 8: i basisboka Læring og mestring