Kirkkopulletiini OF FINNISH LUTHERAN CHURCH February 2016 Message from Pastor Nina On ollut ilo saada palvella Seattlen suomalaista seurakuntaa. Seurakunta on pieni mutta on tärkeä muistaa, että se on Jumalalle yhtä rakas kuin suuret seurakunnat. Pieni tai suuri, kaikki Jumalalle rakkaita; pieni tai suuri, pääasia on, että Jeesus saa olla seurakunnan pää. Jeesus rohkaisee meitä Matteuksen evankeliumissa: 'Siellä missä kaksi tai kolme on koolla minun nimessäni, siellä minä olen heidän keskellään.' Seurakunta on hengellinen koti. Jumalanpalvelus ja yhteinen kahvihetki on kuin tuon kodin turvallinen olohuone. Kodin olohuone on paikka, jossa perheen jäsenet viettävät yhdessä leppoisaa aikaa jutellen ja vaihtaen kuulumisia. Kodin olohuone on myös paikka, jossa vieraat saavat levähtää ja virkistyä. Kun seurakunta kokoontuu olohuoneeseensa, siellä myös Kristus on sekä isäntänä että vieraana. Me saamme palvella häntä palvellessamme seurakuntaa ja myös saamme itse olla Kristuksen palveltavana. Niin suurella kuin pienelläkin seurakunnalla on omat huolensa ja vaikeutensa joista yritetään selvitä. Yksin, omassa voimassa ja jaksamisessa ei kukaan pärjää. Jeesus neuvoo ja rohkaisee Luukkaan evankeliumissa: 'Teidän Isänne kyllä tietää, että te sitä (kaikkea mitä tarvitaan jotta tullaan toimeen) tarvitsette. Etsikää hänen valtakuntaansa, niin saatte myös kaiken tämän.' Ja Jeesus jatkaa: 'Älä pelkää, pieni laumani. Teidän Isänne on päättänyt antaa teille valtakunnan.' Pienikin seurakunta voi paljon, koska se ei toimi omassa voimassaan, vaan Kristuksen voimassa. Pienikin seurakunta on valon liekki pimeässä maailmassa, majakka myrskyssä purjehtiville. Kun yhdessä kuljetaan palvelun ja rakkauden tietä katseet Jeesuksen lempeissä kasvoissa, kun yhdessä rukoillaan ja luotetaan Jumalan apuun ja rakkauteen, seurakunnan olohuoneessa on aina väkeä. Pieni seurakunta voi olla vähäinen mutta se ei koskaan ole vähäpätöinen. 'Jumalalle, joka meissä vaikuttavalla voimallaan kykenee tekemään monin verroin enemmän kuin osaamme pyytää tai edes ajatella, olkoon ylistys seurakunnassa ja Kristuksessa Jeesuksessa kautta sukupolvien, aina ja ikuisesti. Aamen.' Ef 3:20-21 It has been a pleasure to serve the Finnish Church in Seattle. The congregation is small, but it is important to remember, that to God it is as precious as the big congregations. Small or big, all are dear to God. The main thing is, that Christ is the head of the congregation. In the Gospel according to Matthew Jesus encourages us: 'For where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them'. The congregation is a spiritual home. The worship service and social hour after are like the living room of that home. The living room in a home is a place, where the family members gather to spend cozy time together chatting and catching up with each other. The living room is also a place, where the guests can rest and get refreshed. When the congregation gathers in it's living room, Christ is also there as a host and as a guest. We may serve him in serving the congregation and also we ourselves get to be served by him. Both big and small congregations have their worries and challenges which they try to deal with. Alone, on our own strength nobody can make it. Jesus advises and encourages in the Gospel according to Luke: Your Father knows that you need them (what we need to survive and cope) But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.' And Jesus continues: 'Do not be afraid, you little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom'. Even a small congregation is capable of much, because it does not function on it's own strength, but on Christ's. Even a small congregation is a light in the dark world, a light- house for those who sail in the storm. When we walk together on the path of love and service, our eyes fixed on Jesus' gentle face, when we pray together and trust in God's care and love, there are always people in the congregation's living room. A small congregation may be small in size but never in significance. 'Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.' Ephesians 3:20 Pastor Nina In Memoriam - Paavo Kalervo Sillanpää Paavo passed away peacefully on December 31st, 2015 with his family by his side while recovering from heart surgery. Paavo was born on January 20, 1943 in Isokyrö, Finland. He served in the Finnish military and studied to be a machinist in trade school. With his wife, Rauni they moved to Seattle in 1963. He worked for 41 years at the Gear Works in South Seattle, where his brother Kauko was too. Paavo quickly demonstrated his knowledge of machining, and he soon advanced to more demanding roles within the company. Paavo even machined some of the parts on the Mars rovers, one of which (Opportunity), is still exploring the surface of the red planet. Paavo is survived by his beloved wife of 51 years, Rauni; his children and grandchildren, sisters and relatives in Finland. Paavo will be dearly missed by all who knew and loved him. The memorial service on Saturday, January 16th, 1:00pm, with Pastor Nina TetriMustonen was a warm and loving event that brought together family and friends. Eero Tetri suddenly passed away in Palm Springs, CA away after heart surgery on January 9, 2016. A memorial for Eero will be on April 30 in Silverdale at 1 PM. Eero was a notable supporter of our church, as to many Finnish causes, especially the Finnish Studies at the University of Washington. Here he established the Eero and Helli Tetri Endowment Fund for Finnish Studies. Eero arrived in Seattle from Finland with his family during the 1950s, later moving to Juneau Alaska, where he established a successful Volkswagen dealership, which grew and spread over the years. As the story went, Eero arrived from Finland with only change in his pocket and experience as a service manager for a Mercedes dealership. He couldn’t speak English, and became a Volkswagen mechanic. He later received the opportunity to open the dealership in Alaska. In his retirement, Eero and his wife Helli returned to the Puget Sound and built a house in Poulsbo. After Helli’s death, Eero divided his time between Poulsbo and Palm Springs, California, where he and his partner, Terttu Gluckmann, had a house. Eero reminded many people of his namesake, the youngest of the seven brothers in Aleksis Kivi’s great novel Seitsemän veljestä (The Seven Brothers, 1871). The character is smart, attentive, funny, and a leader. He is the first of the brothers to learn to read, and ultimately becomes a head of the community. Eero shared his namesake’s cleverness, wit, and leadership. He was a poet himself, finding the Finnish words that captured the ideas and feelings of important occasions. We mourn the loss of Eero Tetri, and remember him for the many lives he touched, also here at FLC. His leadership and generosity advanced Finnish at the UW, in Washington State, and in the United States. (source: UW Scand. studies website). 2016 Annual Meeting The 2016 Annual Meeting of FLC was held on January 31 at 11 30 AM. After quorum was obtained the council president, Eva and the treasurer Debbie summarized the activities in 2015 and the financials. All financial documents were found to be in order by the auditors, Matteus and John (Borland). The budget for 2016 was accepted. Our outside front light has been fixed; thanks to Rita we have a new cross and candles permanently on the altar and a nice display of Mervi Kintner's folk costume. A large water leak in the men's toilet was fixed and all were urged to inform the council if any leaks would occur. Thank you to all who have helped during 2015 to maintain the church, make and serve food...!! The new council members were accepted unanimously. Council members in 2016 are: Eva Mannisto (Pres.) Yvonne Vollan (Vice Pres.) Debbie Rudback (Treas.) Mikko Mannisto (Secr.), John Borland, Anki Damstrom, Mark Hillman, David Kidwell, and Heikki Mannisto. John Pekonen will continue maintaining the financial secretary's records assisted by Heikki. Please do not hesitate to contact the council members with questions/suggestions/ideas etc..!! Pastor Nina Tetri-Mustonen After volunteering in during the busy Christmas Season at FLC for 10 Sundays, pastor Nina will return to Finland on Feb. 8. We certainly will miss her service, her activity and initiatives, her singing, her help with programs and kirkkopulletiini, etc. Hopefully we will see her soon again! Coming Events: Helmikuun pitopöytä - February Brunch on February 28, 2016. Please contact Gunnar Damstrom for information ([email protected]) 40th Annual Kalevala Day Festival, March 6 at 2 PM at the Nordic Heritage Museum. Join us for performances by the Finnish Choral Society and Musicians, Suomi Koulu, Folk Dancers etc. Sandwiches, pullaa, coffee and refreshments after the program. HELMIKUU 2016 FEBRUARY SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 Riitta 2 Jemina, Lumi 3 Valo 4 Armi, Ronja 5 Runebers’s Day Asser 6 Terhi, Teija 7 Riku, Rikhard Service at 10 am Pastor Nina Tetri-Mustonen Organist: Maria Mannisto 8 Laina 9 Raija, Raisa 10 Elina, Ella 11 Talvikki 12 Elma, Elmi 13 Sulo, Sulho 14 Valentin’sday Voitto, Valentin Service at 10 am Swedish Sermon Pastor John-Otto Liljenstolpe Organist: Maria Mannisto 15 Sipi ,Sippo 16 Kai 17 Väinö, Karita, Rita 18 Kaino . 19 Eija 20 Heli, Heljä 21 Keijo 22 Tuulikki, Tuuli 23 Aslak 24 Matti, Matias 25 Tuija, Tuire 26 Nestori 27 Service at 10 am Pastor Mark Samuelson Organist: Maria Mannisto Choir 28 Onni Service at 10 am Pastor Bill Moos Organist: Yvonne Vollan Kalevala Trio Pitopöytä February Birthdays to celebrate Torsti 29 Karkaus päivä David Bark 1 Muriel Kouhia 1 Sohvi Borland 2 Rauha Josephson 5 Mark Hillman 6 Katja Kupari 7 Michael Muller Linda Banks 8 12 Pirjo De Hart 12 Ulla Forsstrom 16 Tuomas Keyes 21 Finnish Lutheran Church 8504 - 13th Ave NW Seattle WA 98117 Office phone: 206-789 0864 web page Finnish Lutheran Church Seattle, WA 98127 Phone 206-789 0864 Finnish Lutheran Church is located in Crown Hill, serving all the Finns in the Washington State area and people with any interest in Finnish language or culture. We have services both in English and in Finnish with Finnish Liturgy every Sunday at 10 am, everybody is welcome!!!! Finnish music is presented with our numerous and gifted members and friends. You are welcome to stay for a coffee and refreshments after church and get to know new people! Lempin Terveiset - Reprint from February 2012 Helmikuu on toiveikas sydän- kuukausi. Yritetään ainoa sydämmemme säilyttää terveenä ja iloisena. Sehän on oman elämämme ehto. Sydämellä on niin monta tehtävää elämän aikana. Kaikki tiedämme, että sydän parka saa kestää niin monia yllättäviä asioita elämän varrella. Koetetaan parhaamme, ettei liiat surut ja murheet muserra sydäntämme. Toivotetaan helmikuu oikein sydämmellisesti Tervetulleeksi. Sen kirkkaat keväiset auringon säteet kertovat terveydestä, ruusujen ja useiden kauniiden kukkien tuoksusta. Kuinka nämä nunnat juuri Valentinen päivänä, joka oli helmikuussa, toivat hänelle kukkia joskus vuosisatoja sitten. Minä sydämmestäni toivon, että maailmassa olisi enemmän ystävyyttä ja rakkautta lähimmäisiä kohtaan. Silloin säästyttäisiin monilta ikäviltä kohtauksilta. Pois viha, kateus ja rahanhimo, jotka aiheuttavat niin paljon pahaa aikaan. Lainaan muutana lauseen suomalaisesta “Voi hyvin”lehdestä. "Muistatko lapsuuden unelman taikakakusta ? Siitä eivät palat loppuneet, vaikka kuinka olisit syönyt". Rakkaudessa on taikaa. Se on ehtymätön luonnonvara, joka ahkerassa käytössä kasvaa ja kukkii yhä useammin. Mitä enemmän sitä tuhlaat, sitä enemmän se palautuu. Haluatko rakkautta ja ystävällisyyttä ? Aloita antamalla, loppu- tulos on taattu. Virsi 326: 6 ----Suo, etten koskaan pyhää sanaa kiellä, Se yksin turvaa antaa tuskan tiellä. Se lohtu ainoa on vaivassa, Sen valo johtaa kohti taivasta, taivasta. The mystery of Love by Ed. Grinnan There really isn’t the perfect synonym for love. Valentine’s Day is an acknowledgement of our need to give and receive love. Yet what exactly is it we are so eager to share? I love you. How many times and in how many ways are those three simple words said every day in every place in the world where human beings exist? And how many times are they not said enough? Love is something you can never have too much of. We seem to have an infinite capacity for it without quite knowing what it is. Its mystery is in power. Love can change anyone and anything. Nothing else can do that. Nothing else bring such universal meaning to our lives. We love many things. We love ideas, and beauty, we love countries, and home downs, we love our pets, we love colors and flowers, songs and poems and books. We love ourselves and one another. We love God. That, I think, is the secret to what love is. It is that single perfect spark that runs from heaven to earth and flows through our lives. And whenever we feel it, we feel God speaking to us, that simply cosmetic phrase of comfort. There is only one true word for it ---Love.
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