Kirkkopulletiini OF FINNISH LUTHERAN CHURCH November - December 2015 Hyvyyden voiman Suomalaisen virsikirjan virsi 600 on nimeltä 'Hyvyyden voiman'. Sen on sanoittanut saksalainen luterilainen pastori Dietrich Bonhoeffer ollessaan vankina natsien keskitysleirillä. Virren neljäs säkeistö alkaa 'Kun pahan valta kasvaa ympärillä..'. Pahan valta tuntuu todellakin kasvavan ympärillä. Joka päivä sosiaalisessa mediassa, televisiossa ja lehdissä on juttuja konflikteista ja konfliktien uhreista, terrorismista, väkivaltaisesta käyttäytymisestä, kidnappauksista, kaikenlaisesta rauhattomuudesta ja pahuudesta. Kaikki tällainen helposti aiheuttaa turvattomuutta, surua, voimattomuutta ja ahdistusta. Mitä huominen tuo tullessaan? Uskallanko ja jaksanko katsoa uutisia, lukea sanomalehtiä? Kuka tai mikä kontrolloi sitä pahaa, joka tuntuu vyöryvän eteenpäin? '..vahvista ääni toisen maailman' jatkuu virren neljäs säkeistö. Kristinusko on rakkauden, sovituksen, toivon ja rauhan asialla. Jeesus toimii meille esimerkkinä ja kutsuu meitä rakkauteen, sovitukseen, toivoon ja rauhaan ja toimimaan niiden puolesta. Juuri niin 'toisen maailman', Jumalan valtakunnan ääni vahvistuu. Meret, järvet ja joet koostuvat pienistä pisaroista. Sinä ja minä voimme olla rakkauden, sovituksen, toivon ja rauhan pisaroita. Niihin pisaroihin kätkeytyy hyvyyden voima, Jumalan voima. Jeesus on kanssamme, jokaisessa hetkessä. Vaikka pahuus riehuu ja rikkoo, sillä ei ole viimeistä sanaa. Virren viimeinen säkeistö: Hyvyyden voiman uskollinen suoja piirittää meitä, kuinka käyneekin. Illasta aamuun kanssamme on Luoja. Häneltä saamme huomispäivänkin. 'Power of Goodness' In the Finnish hymnal book there is a hymn called 'Power of Goodness' (#600). A German Lutheran pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote it when he was a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp. The fourth stanza of the hymn starts: 'When the powers of evil grow around us..'. Indeed, the powers of evil seem to grow around us. Every day there are stories of conflicts/victims of conflicts, terrorism, violent behavior, kidnappings, all kinds of restless and evil activity in social media, TV and newspapers. All that easily causes insecurity, sorrow, powerlessness, and distress. What will tomorrow bring along? Do I have the courage or strength to read/watch the news? Who or what controls that evil, which seems to roll forward? '..strengthen the voice of the other world', continues the stanza. Christianity is for the cause of love, reconciliation, hope and peace. Jesus is our model for that, and he calls us into love, reconciliation, hope and peace. Exactly that way the 'voice of the other world', the voice of God's Kingdom, strengthens. Oceans, lakes and rivers consist of small water drops. You and I can be drops of love, reconciliation, hope and peace. The power of goodness, God's power, is hidden in those drops. Jesus is with us in every moment. Even though evil rampages and damages, it will not have the last word. Hymn 600 last stanza: The faithful shield of the power of goodness, surrounds us, whatever happens. The Creator is with us from the dusk to dawn. Also from him is the new day. Pastor Nina Tetri-Mustonen Pastor Jukka Joensuu officiating the Memorial for Lempi Wilson, September 28 Church Auction, October 11 The auction on October 10 was again a very successful event, thanks to our wonderful auctioneers, June and Roy Bruno. June has roots in Finland. Her husband is an accomplished glass blower and has donated his work to the auction every year. The auction filled the Maki Hall with people eager to support the church. Thank you to all who came despite the wind and rain, thank you to the Finnish Choral Society for entertaining, and to chef Gunnar and helpers who served the delicious Polar Beef. Coming events in the church: 11/22, 10 AM 11/22, 11:15 AM 11/29, 10AM 12/06, 10 AM 12/12. 5 PM 12/13, 10 AM 12/13, 12:30 PM 12/17, 7 PM 12/20, 10 AM 12/25. 10 AM 12/27, 10 AM 01/24/2016, 10 AM 01/31/2016, 10 am 01/31/2016, 11:30 AM Other Community events: 11/06 5 PM 11/6, 11/8 11/20 -21 11/14, 10 AM-2 PM 12/5, 6 PM 12/08 7 PM 12/08 7 30 PM 12/14 7:30 PM Service with Pastor J. Gienapp and Kalevala Trio Pitopöytä – November Brunch First of Advent with Pastor Bill Moos. Choir sings Hosianna! and Lyssna! Communion. Independence Day Service at FLC with choir Finnish Choral Society Christmas Concert and Dinner Lucia Procession and Mukulamessu with children and Pastor Nina Tetri-Mustonen United Kaleva Brothers and Sisters Christmas Luncheon Kauneimmat joululaulut- Most Beautiful Christmas Songs Celebration with Joulupuuro Service with Pastor Nina Tetri-Mustonen Christmas Day Service with Special Music Program and Pastor Nina Tetri-Mustonen Service with Pastor Nina Tetri-Mustonen. Communion. Kantele Mass with the Kantele group and pastor Nina. Communion Regular Service with Communion Annual Meeting following the service Svenska Dagen with the Swede-Finn Historical Society at the Swedish Club with guest speaker Kjell Herberts from Finland Pekka P. and Perttu P. folk music performance and workshop. Contact Birgit Ages 206 947 8393 or [email protected] Fiberarts Christmas Sale at the church Finnish Community Bazaar at the Nordic Heritage Museum Finlandia Foundation IDDD, Happy Valley Grange Redmond Nordic Heritage Christmas Concert, First Covenant Church on Capitol Hill, 400 E Pike St.with Finnish Choral and Nordic Choirs Sibelius 150th Jubilee in Bellingham at Mount Baker Theater Finnish Choral Society sings at the Norse Home, 5311 Phinney Ave N Wedding, Birthday, Graduation or other events.. Rent a space in the Finnish Lutheran Church, Sanctuary, Maki Hall and kitchen. For more information please contact: Heikki Mannisto ( 206-910-7427) e:mail [email protected] NOVEMBER 2015 MARRASKUU SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 Lyly Service at 10 am. Pastor: Sr Liz Colver Organist: Joan Purswell 2 Topi , Topias 3 Terho . 4 Hertta 5 Reima 6 Kustaa Adolf 7 Taisto 8 Aatos Service at 10 am. Pastor: Erik Samuelson Organist: Yvonne Vollan and Kalevala Trio 9 Teuvo 10 Martti 11 Panu 12 Virpi 13 Ano, Kristian 14 Iiris Bazaar NHM 15 Vaula Swedish Service at 10 am. Pastor: J-O Liljenstolpe Organist: Aaron Otheim 16 Aarne Aarno 17 Eino, Einari 18 Jousia 19 Liisa, Elisa 20 Jalmari Fiber Arts Christmas Sale at FLC 21 Hilma Fiber Arts Christmas Sale at FLC 22 Silja, Selja Service at 10 am. Pastor: John Gienapp Pitopoyta Organist: Yvonne Vollan and Kalevala Trio Sunday School 23 Klemetti 24 Lempi 25 Katariina 26 Sisko 27 Hilkka 28 Heini 29 Aimo Service at 10 am. Pastor: Bill Moos Organist Maria Mannisto 1st Advent - Hosianna! 30 Antti, Antero . Xander Voutilainen November Birthdays to celebrate Finnish Lutheran Church 8504 13th Ave NW 2 Virpi Zieman - Salo 3 Sharon Ruud 4 Maija Iivonen Finn Rinne 8 11 Carissa Muller 19 Anne Uusnäkki 24 Louis Christensen 26 Lane Ruud 29 Finnish Lutheran Church 8504 - 13th Ave NW Seattle WA 98117 Office phone: 206-789 0864 WEB PAGE Seattle, WA 98127 Phone 206-789 0864 Finnish Lutheran Church is located in Crown Hill, serving all the Finns in the Washington State area and people with any interest in Finnish language or culture. We have services both in English and in Finnish with Finnish Liturgy every Sunday at 10 am, everybody is welcome!!!! Finnish music is presented with our numerous and gifted members and friends. You are welcome to stay for a coffee and refreshments after church and get to know new people! Lempin Terveiset Remebering 90th Anniversary of the Congregation in 2009? Let's keep the church alive as Lempi Wilson wished! "Oikein tuli mieli iloiseksi, kun näki niin paljon suomalaisia ja ystäviä seurakunnan 90 vuotisjuhlissa, joka olikin todella onnistunut. Ohjelma oli suuremmoinen ja pöydän antimet herkullisia.Suunnittelijat ja kokoonpanijat ansaitsevat 10 +. Mikä oli hauskinta katsella, kun kaikilla oli niin mukavaa, kuin entisellä Putte Possun nimipäivillä. Hartaasti toivon että yleisöllä olisi aikaa joskus toistenkin tulla meidän joukkoon kirkkoon. Meidän kirkkoväki on kutistunnut melko pieneksi. Meillä on arvokas historiallinen perintö hoidettavana.Emme saa päästää tätä kirkkoa häviämään suuren kaupungin humuun. Joulu saapuu yllättäen, mutta toivottuna. Vaikka meillä ei ole niin pimeä kuin Suomessa tähän aikaan vuodesta ikävän harmaaita nuo pilvet ovat täälläkin. Joulu on valon ja toivon juhla. Silloin alkaa mieli virkistyä, kun katsotaan Uuteen Vuoteen. Nyt Joulu saapuu, kaiken kohun tuoja On kodittomat vielä ilman suojaa. Monet eivät tiedä, miksi Joulu on. On ostos vimma heillä loputon. Kiitos Korkeimmalle, meill`on herkut hyvät. Ystävyyttä, rakkautta, tiedon jyvät. Kodit, perheet rauhas`olla saa. Rauhallisna Uutta Vuotta odottaa. Rauhaa , Iloa ja Kaikkea hyvää mitä Jumala suo. Toivoo Lempi." "I was very happy to see so many Finns and friends of the congregation at the 90th anniversary celebration, which was really successful. The program was wonderful and the food on the table was so tasty. The planning and assembling of the event earns 10+. What was the most fun to watch that everyone was so nice, like on the "Porky Pig's Name Day". I earnestly hope that the public would have time on some other occasion to join us at the church. Our church crowd has shrunk quite small. We have a valuable historical heritage to take care of. We should not allow this church to get lost in the whirls of the big city. Christmas arrives unexpectedly, but desirably. Though we do not have it so dark as in Finland this time of year, the tediously gray clouds are here too. Christmas is a celebration of light and hope. At Christmas the mind starts to recuperate, when looking towards The New Year. Now Christmas arrives with all its fuss But homeless people are still without shelter. Many do not know why do we have Christmas? An endless shopping frenzy to weather? Thanks to the Most High, we have good food. Friendship, love, and grains of wise mood. Homes, families can be at ease. And wait for the New Year in peace. Peace, Joy and Everything Good at God's willWishes Lempi"
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