Kirkkopulletiini OF FINNISH LUTHERAN CHURCH April - May 2015 Espoon hiippakunnan piispan pääsiäistervehdys 2015 Easter Greeting from the Diocese of Espoo, Finland SUUNNITELMAT UUSIKSI - NEW PLANS Asiat eivät aina etene toivomallamme tavalla. Todel-lisuus pakottaa huomaamaan, että emme kykene hal-litsemaan kaikkea. Parhaatkin suunnitelmamme voi-vat osoittautua turhiksi ja joudumme pettymään odo-tuksissamme. Silloin voimiamme koetellaan. Varhain pääsiäisaamuna Jeesuksen haudalle kävelleillä naisilla oli mielessään selvä suunnitelma. Koska toissailtana he eivät olleet voineet valmistaa Jeesuksen ruumista hautaamista varten, tämä viimeinen palvelus oli tehtävä nyt, sapatin päätyttyä. Heidän mielessään oli suunnitelma siitä, miten he saisivat kiven vieritetyksi pois haudan suulta, miten he avaisivat Jeesuksen käärinliinat ja miten he voitelisivat hänen ruumiinsa kuten tapoihin kuului. Lopuksi naiset kietoisivat Mestarinsa uudelleen käärin-liinoihin ja olisivat hetken hiljaa heidät rakkaudellaan valloittaneen Jumalan miehen elottoman ruumiin vierellä. Sitten he poistuisivat haudasta, jonne he loisivat vielä viimeisen silmäyksen ennen kuin raskas kivi siirrettäisiin takaisin suuaukon peitoksi. Kaiken tämän jälkeen suunnitelmissa oli enää sureminen, kivulias ponnis-tus tulla sinuiksi järkyttävän menetyksen kanssa. Tällaista naiset epäilemättä suunnittelivat. Haudalle tultuaan he joutuivat kuitenkin huomaamaan, että mikään heidän etukäteissuunni-telmistaan ei toteutunut. Naisille kerrottiin, että Jeesus on noussut kuolleista ja että hän elää. Hauta olikin tyhjä. Kaikki meni siis aivan toisin kuin he olivat odottaneet. Pääsiäisaamun yllätys on edelleen ajankohtainen. Se muis-tuttaa, että kuolema ei ole kaiken loppu. Myönteisempää ja iloisempaa asiaa on vaikea kuvitella. Tähän yllätykseen perustuu se, mitä nimitämme kristilliseksi uskoksi. Kaikki suunnitel-mamme asettaa uuteen valoon pääsiäisen viesti: Kristus nousi kuolleista, kuolemalla kuoleman voitti. Riemullista pääsiäistä! Tapio Luoma Espoon hiippakunnan piispa Things do not always go the way we want. Reality force us to find that we are unable to to manage everything. Even the best plans can prove to be in vain and we will be disappointed in our expectations. Then our energy has to be tested thoroughly. Early on Easter morning, the women walking to the tomb of Jesus had a clear plan in mind. Because the night before they had been unable to prepare Jesus' body for burial, this last service had to be done now, at the end of the Sabbath. Their mind was occupied with a plan for how they would get the stone rolled away from the tomb, how they would open the linen clothes of Jesus, and how they oil his body according to the customs of that time. Finally, women would cover the Master again in the linen and have a moment of silence at the lifeless body of the man of God who had His conquered them with His love. Then they would depart from the tomb, and give a last glimpse before the heavy stone was switched back to cover the opening. After all this, the plan only included a long grieving, a painful effort to come to grips with a shocking loss. Such the women undoubtedly planned. When they came to the tomb were, however, they found that nothing of the plan could be realized. The women were told that Jesus is risen from the the dead, and that he lives. The tomb was empty. So all went quite differently than they had expected. Easter morning surprise is still topical. It points out that death is not the end of everything. Any one more positive and happier thing is hard to imagine. This surprise is the base for what we call the Christian belief. All of our plans are set into a new light by the Easter message: Christ is risen from the dead, death is overcome by death. Joyous Easter! Tapio Luoma Bishop of the Diocese of Espoo Remembering Mervi (os Kivalo) Kintner Our dear member and strong supporter of FLC, Mervi, was born in Finland and though she immigrated to the United States as a young woman and started a family here, her roots were deeply imbedded in the soil of her homeland. In all that she did she displayed that special tenacity of spirit that we Finns simply refer to as SISU. She shared her considerable energy and talent to various projects within the local Finnish-American community but none as vigorously as the charge in the early 1980's to reclaim the local Finnish Lutheran Church from an independent congregation of non-Finns as a place of worship back for the Finns. Always a champion for fairness, Mervi simply saw an unfair, an unacceptable, situation that needed to be corrected and so she went to work along with other likeminded activists. Countless hours of research, documentation and court proceedings got the wanted results and there is no doubt that it was accomplished, in large part, by Mervi's determined dedication to the cause. With legal matters in rear view mirror, Mervi continued to give of her time and served on the FLC Church Council. She was fair-minded, levelheaded and always encouraged consensus to reach the most productive results for the revived church programs. - Mervi's Christmas morning coffee hour was an annual treat for all of us. With assistance from daughter Nina she made it a very special occasion. The serving table was always tastefully decorated and filled to the brim with homemade delicacies. To mind come the incredibe Alexanterintortut and perfect pulla. Always a perfectionist and to make sure that the food was fresh and plenty, Mervi would get up early on Christmas morning to prepare trays full of sandwiches that were not only delicious but attractively displayed. It was a lovely tradition that will long be remembered. Mervi was married in this church to the love of her life, Doctor Walter Kintner. Together they worked, explored the world, lived life to the fullest and shared their many talents with friends and family. We are grateful. "You can shed tears that she is gone or you can smile because she has lived"(David Harkin) Respectfully submitted by Rita Vermala-Koski Other sad news: Our former member of the church, our friend and colleague, Pertti Olavi Winter suddenly passed away on March 16, 2015 in Broomsfield, CO. Pertti and family resided in Bellevue close to 20 years while Pertti worked at EKONO Inc., before he and Eila moved back to Finland in 2003. In spring 2013 they returned to USA to be closer to their children, Hanna and Santtu and their families. We are very much saddened by his sudden passing. Coming Events: Easter service on April 5 with Pastor Jukka Joensuu. Pastor Jeannine Daggett will be returning as a visiting pastor during 3 Sundays in April and May. She has recently spent time in Tanzania teaching theology together with a Finnish couple. Pastor Marita Toivonen from Finland will be here for six Sundays from May 17 - June 21. April Brunch - Huhtikuun pitopöytä will be served on April 26 at 11:15 Am - 1 PM Mother's Day Service on May 10 with Pastor Jukka Joensuu Children's Mass - Mukulamessu on June 7 at 10 AM with Pastor Marita Toivonen and Totti Toivonen. Pastor Marita has special plans for this service. A special welcome to all children and young ones! Do you Believe in Miracles? Earlier this year we experienced a break-in at FLC and the intruder took our altar cross and the matching candlesticks. The empty space on the altar was annoying and plans were on the way to replace the items. As we are approaching Palm Sunday and then Easter Sunday, I suddenly realized that there would be a bare altar for Holy Week at FLC. That just seemed wrong. Long story made short; on Monday, March 23 I made a few phone calls and got some willing people to see if they could find a cross to lend to us for, at least, Holy Week. Nothing was promised but the search was on. One of my calls was to Trinity Lutheran College in Everett. I received a call-back on Wednesday, March 25, advising me that there was a very old altar set (cross and candlesticks) that had been in storage for a long time that we could borrow if I came to pick it up. Needless to say, I assured the caller that I would drive over immediately to take delivery of this altar set. The caller I thanked on behalf of FLC was Pastor Erik Samuelson, visiting pastor at FLC! Submitted by: Rita Vermala-Koski An evening of "Song and Music" was arranged in the church by the Finlandia Foundation on March 14, 2015 as a finale to the FF National Annual Meeting. That sit down dinner proved that 75 people can be served in buffet style in Maki Hall without problem! The cozy atmosphere was perfect for the program of choir singing and performing of 4(!) previous Finlandia Foundation Performers of the Year: Maria Terhi Miikki, Marja Kaisla, Satu Mikkola (FFN trustee) Maria Kizirian, Mannisto (2007) singing Sibelius art songs Maria Mannisto and FFN president Ossi Rahkonen in Maki Hall accompanied by Marja Kaisla (2013), Maria Kizirian (2012) performing her own version of Finlandia accompanied by Marja, and then Terhi Miikki-Broersma (2009) with her bassoon and accordion to accompany the guests in a vivid sing-along! Nice and memorable evening for all who were lucky to be there. FINNISH CHORAL SOCIETY at their "debut" in the Benaroya Hall Samuel & Althea Stroum Grand Lobby outside the S. Mark Taper Foundation Auditorium. The choir was invited to sing on March 13 during the Seattle Symphony's salute to Jean Sibelius for the worldwide celebration of 150 years since the composer was born. Kudos to Maria Mannisto for developing this opportunity! Maybe a once in a lifetime chance for the choir.. In addition, the choir sang Finlandia in the Grand Auditorium together with the Other Nordic choirs under the artistic conduction of the Finlandia by Danish Maestro Thomas Dausgaard. From the Seattle Symphony website: "Special thanks to the Nordic community choirs who participated in the performance of Finlandia with the Seattle Symphony and Seattle Symphony Chorale on March 13, 2015 as part of our Symphony Untuxted Series: the NW Nordic Ladies' Chorus, the Finnish Choral Society, the Norwegian Ladies Chorus of Seattle, the Norwegian Male Chorus, the Svea Male Chorus of Seattle, and the Swedish Women's Chorus of Seattle. Hearing Finlandia with these choirs was an unforgettable experience. " You can listen to the Finlandia sung by all choirs in the Benaroya Hall here: Submitted by: Eva Mannisto Finnish Lutheran Church 8504 13th Ave NW Seattle, WA 98127 Phone 206-789 0864 Finnish Lutheran Church is located in Crown Hill, serving all the Finns in the Washington State area and people with any interest in Finnish language or culture. We have services both in English and in Finnish with Finnish Liturgy every Sunday at 10 am, everybody is welcome!!!! Finnish music is presented with our numerous and gifted members and friends. You are welcome to stay for a coffee and refreshments after church and get to know new people! From Missale Aboense - the first book printed for Finland (in latin, in 1488) Tule, Pyhä Henki, tänne, laskeudu taivaasta alas meidän sydämissämme Kristusta kirkastamaan. Tule, köyhäin apu, tule, lahjain antaja, tule, sielun kirkkaus, sinä paras lohduttaja, sielun hyvä vieras ja suloinen lämpö. Töissä sinä olet lepo, helteessä virvoitus, murheessa lohdutus. Sinä kaikkein pyhin kirkkaus ja valo, täytä uskollistesi sydämet. Ilman sinun voimaasi ei ole mitään viatonta. Pese se, mikä saastainen on, kastele se, mikä kuiva on, paranna, mikä haavoitettu on, pehmitä, mikä kova on, lämmitä, mikä kylmä on, etsi kaikkia eksyneitä. Anna uskollisillesi, jotka sinuun turvautuvat, pyhät lahjasi. Anna uskon vahvistusta,anna autuas loppu, anna iäinen ilo. Aamen. Come, Holy Spirit, come here, descend from heaven into our hearts to glorify Christ. Come, help the needy, come giver of gifts, come, the glory of the soul, you the best comforter, the good guest and tender warmth of the soul. In work, you give rest, in heat refreshment, in sorrow consolation You most holy brightness and light, fill the hearts of the faithful. Without your strength, nothing is innocent. Wash that which is unclean, give water where it is dry, cure, which is wounded, soften what is hard, warm up which is cold, search for all the lost. Give your gifts to the faithful that turn to you, your holy gifts. Let the faith get stronger, give a blessed ending give the eternal happiness. Amen APRIL 2015 HUHTIKUU SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 Peppi, Raita 2 Pellervo 3 Sampo Veeti 4 Ukko 5 Irene, Irina Service at 10 am, Finnish Service Pastor: Jukka Joensuu Organist: Yvonne Vollan Kalevala Trio 6 Ville, Vilho 7 Allan , Ahvo 8 Suoma, Suometar 9 Agricolan p. Elias, Eelis 10 Tero 11 Verna, Minea 12 Julia, Julius Service at 10 am, English Service Pastor: Erik Samuelson Organist: Aaron Otheim 13 Tellervo 14 Taito 15 Linda , Tuomi 16 Jalo, Patrik 17 Otto 18 Valto, Valdemar 19 Pilvi, Pälvi Service at 10 am English Service Pastor: Jeannine Daggett 20 Nella, Lauha 21 Anssi, Anselmi 22 Alina 23 Yrjö, Jyrki 24 Pertti, Albert 25 Markku, Marko 26 27 Terttu, Teresa Merja 28 Ilpo, Tuure 29 Teijo 30 Mirja Miia Organist: TBA Service at 10 am English Service Pastor: Jeannine Daggett Organist: Yvonne Vollan and Kalevala Trio Pitopöytä April Birthdays to celebrate Sirkka Mustonen Yvonne Vollan Esko Mannisto Hilkka Toivola Paivi Kiaer John Borland Johanna Mannisto Toini Wika Antti Mannisto Juha Niemisto Raimer Tossavainen Richard Kintner Scott Strong 2 3 7 8 11 13 13 15 19 23 25 29 30 Finnish Lutheran Church 8504 - 13th Ave NW Seattle WA 98117 Office phone: 206-789 0864 web page MAY 2015 TOUKOKUU SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 Vapunpäivä Vappu 2 Vuokko, Viivi 3 Outi Service at 10 am, Pastor: Jeannine Daggett English Sermon Organist : TBA 4 Roosa, Rosa 5 Melina 6 Ylermi 7 Helmi, Kastehelmi 8 Heino 9 Timo 10 Aino, Aini Service at 10 am, Äitienpäivä, Pastor Jukka Joensuu Bilingual Sermon Organist: TBA 11 Osmo 12 Lotta 13 Kukka, Floora 14 Tuula 15 Sofia, Sonja 16 Ester, Essi 17 Maila, Mailis Service at 10 am Pastor Marita Toivonen, Finnish Sermon Organist: Yvonne Vollan and Kalevala Trio Sunday School 18 Erkki, Eero 19 Emilia 20 Lilja, Karoliina 21 Kosti, Konsta 22 Hemminki 23 Lyydia, Lyyli 24 Tuukka, Touko Service at 10 am Pastor Marita Toivonen English Sermon Organist: Maria Mannisto 25 Urpo 26 Minna, Vilma 27 Ritva 28 Alma 29 Oiva, Oliver 30 Pasi 31 Helka Service at 10 am Pastor Marita Toivonen Finnish Sermon Organist: Maria Mannisto May Birthdays to celebrate Keyes Thom Mannisto Maria Kouhia Aarre Voutilainen Santeri De Hart Heidi Wika James Juntila Kerttu Kotilainen Toivo Johnson Angie Kotilainen Erkki Kivinen Ritva 1 4 9 12 14 19 21 23 26 27 28 Finnish Lutheran Church 8504 - 13th Ave NW Seattle WA 98117 Office phone: 206-789 0864 web page 'Kirkkopulletiini" Editor: Eva Mannisto
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