Partner search from Central Denmark

Partner search from Central Denmark
(Preliminary) Title of the project
(Foreløbig projekttitel) Tænk på, at navnet skal
beskrive indholdet, så eventuelt interesserede
fanger det blandt alle de andre overskrifter
Outline of the project idea
Her beskrives projekt-idéen, dvs. hvilken
problemstilling du vil arbejde med, hvordan du
forestiller jer at gribe det an, hvilke aktiviteter
projektet skal indeholde og anden relevant
Accelerate growth in manufacturing SME’s
Central aim is to raise the level of innovation in
manufacturing SME’s and thus create more growth
in the companies through supporting companies
heading for Industry 4.0.
The objective is to develop a project where
experiences and developed methods and tools in
different regions are made available for the other
regions who participate in the project, so they can
use and test those tools in their own environment.
The participating regions face similar challenges in
supporting manufacturing industry whether that’s
entrepreneurs, growth potential companies or scale
ups. Over the course of the project new methods
and approaches to support growth in SME’s will be
developed and tested in pilot projects etc. It is
expected that the transnational and manifold
partnership consisting of both policymakers and
practical implementing organisation will be
particularly fruitful for the development of new
ideas and solutions.
Initially; the project may be divided into four
professional work packages, each of them with
their own subject and with internationalisation and
sustainability/corporate social responsibility as
cross-disciplinary topics e.g.:
- WP1: New business models and strategy
development in relation to the global market
- WP2: Development of products, better use of
technology and design
- WP3: Industrial incubation and start of new
- WP4: Training and education as well as the
recruitment of staff with relevant qualifications
Read more details abourt the project here:
Programme and call
Hvis du planlægger at søge under et bestemt
program og indkaldelse, skrives det her. Hvis du
snarere søger efter partnere til almindelig
erfaringsudveksling eller andet, kan du skrive det i
Interreg North Sea Region Programme
Priority 1. Thinking growth
Specific objective 1.2. Enhance regional innovation
support capacity to increase long-term innovation
levels and support smart specialisation strategies.
Deadline for call
Planlægger du at søge under en bestemt
indkaldelse, skriver du deadline i feltet. Ellers lad
det stå tomt.
Lead organisation
Planlægger I selv at være projektkoordinator? I så
fald skriv navnet på jeres organisation i feltet,
ellers lad det blot stå tomt.
Partners already involved
Hvis I allerede har aftaler om samarbejde med
andre partnere, så skriv navnet på
organisationerne i feltet. Det kan være med til at
tiltrække andre, at man kan se, at man er allerede
er kommet et stykke vej med planlægningen.
Describe the kind of partners you are looking
for and their expected role in the project
Hvilke slags kompetencer/organisationer leder du
efter? Universiteter/kommuner/energi agenturer
Foreseen project duration
Hvor længe regner I med, at projektet eller
samarbejdet vil vare?
Contact information
I kan enten vælge at skrive jeres egne
kontaktdetaljer eller efter aftale indsætte Central
Denmarks kontaktoplysninger.
Deadline for expression of interest
Hvornår er det senest relevant at høre fra
interesserede partnere i forhold til jeres egen
Second call: January - March 2016
14 March 2016
Central Denmark Region
Partners already involved:
Business Link Central Denmark (DK)
VIA University College (DK)
Interested partners:
SPK – Strategische Projectenorganisatie Kempen
VOKA – Chamber of Commerce of East-Flanders (BE)
Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce (UK)
Allianz für die Region GmbH (DE)
WLG – Wirtschaftsfördergesellschaft mbH für Stadt
und Landkreis Lüneburg (DE)
Policymakers – regional or local authorities with
responsibilities for strategic and political business
Practical implementing organisations – business
service centres with responsibility for
implementation of business development
programmes for SME’s
Technology centres, universities etc.
3 years
Lene Brinch Knudsen, Central Denmark Region
Mail: [email protected]
Mobil: +45 2147 0837
7 March 2016