You Might Want to Check Out These DIY Self-Pleasuring Devices for Men

You Might Want to Check Out These DIY
Self-Pleasuring Devices for Men
A hand. A male member. That’s all that a man needs to engage in fun,
friction-filled self-pleasuring (although some lubricant of some kind is
generally good to have as well). But sometimes – especially after a guy has
been self-fondling for 5, 10, 30 years – he may want to try something a little
different for a change. Indulging in some self-pleasuring toys, for example,
might add a little spice and a new dimension. But sometimes such toys can
be a little pricey, especially if a guy needs to dispose of them so roomies or
significant others don’t come across them. With that in mind, here are some
DIY (do-it-yourself) self-pleasuring devices that guys can make themselves.
A warning, of course. Take care when making or using these, in order to
avoid causing any possible pain or harm to oneself.
 A banana. This is one of the easiest DIY self-pleasuring devices a
guy can make. Simply take a banana – ripe or not, it doesn’t matter –
and remove the fruit from the peel. (One option is to simply peel the
banana and remove the fruit; another is to snip off one end of the
banana and squeeze the fruit out from the other end.) When the
member is tumescent, wrap the skin around it and self-stimulate. It’s a
little messy, but it feels very exciting.
 Bubble wrap. This doesn’t take a lot of material, so bubble wrap
from a recently-arrived mailing box may be more than enough. Roll it
into a tube into which the manhood will fit snugly but comfortably.
(The bubbles should be on the inside, so that they are touching the
manhood.) Once the appropriate size has been determined, tape the
tube so that it stays that size. Add a little creme if desired, and selfgratify away.
 Paper cup and sponges. Select a cup into which the tumescent
member will fit comfortably. Select a couple of sponges – preferably
new ones. Old, used sponges are likely to contain bacteria and
particles that a man really doesn’t want on his manhood. Wet the new
sponges and wring them out several times, until the “newness” has
worn off of them. Dampen them again and use them to line the inside
of the cup. Fondle the member until tumescent, insert and enjoy.
(Note: If intending to use the sponges again for self-pleasuring, wash
and dry out thoroughly. Do NOT return them to the kitchen sink to
use for washing dishes!)
 Electric toothbrush. Handle with care, as one would all electric
appliances, of course. The idea here is to utilize a small, handheld
toothbrush as a small handheld vibrator. The key here is to (1) make
sure the toothbrush has a range of settings and that at least one of
them works for the individual using it, and (2) that the bristle portion
of the brush is soft enough to provide pleasurable sensations.
Assuming these conditions are met, a guy need simply work up a
healthy tumescence, then apply the toothbrush to various parts of the
member; most men find the underside of the manhood beneath the
head to be especially sensitive to vibrations. It’s essential that a person
use a toothbrush holder that has removable brushes, so that one can be
designated (and set safely aside) for self-pleasuring uses and not
mistakenly used thereafter to brush one’s teeth.
A DIY self-pleasuring device can be a world of fun, and it will work even
better on a manhood that’s in good shape. For that reason, we urge daily
application of a top-notch male organ health oil (health professionals
recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for
skin). Look for an oil that contains vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic
acid, which aids in cell metabolism and maintaining healthy tissue. Also
needed in the oil is vitamin C, a key component of collagen, a tissue in the
body that gives skin its tone and elasticity.
Visit for additional information on most
common male organ health issues, tips on improving manhood sensitivity,
and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional
writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing
writer to numerous websites.