Parish notice board Killyclogher Community Youth Club Voluntary Youth Club Leader in Charge Required (3 to 6 hours per week) A full description of the role can be obtained from the parish office or by emailing [email protected] Closing date for applications is Thursday, 31 July at 12noon †Recent Baptisms As a parish we welcome through the grace of Baptism: John Joseph McDonagh of Slievecoole Park, Jasmina Jez of Circular Rd, Shay John Hutchinson of Beltany Gr, Ave Josephine McGinn of Knockmoe Heights and Oisin Caoinhín Ferris of Waterworks Rd. Please note that for July, Baptisms will be on Saturday at 2pm and not Sunday. Note also that the Parish’s Baptismal programme must be complete by parents (before or after the birth of their child) before the child can be baptised. The programme’s schedule can be found in the church porches or by calling 07895557365. †Recent deaths As a parish we extend our prayers and sympathy to the family of Gussie McGinn of Meadowvale, Ted Prichard of Cannondale and Margaret McElroy of St Julian’s House. May they rest in peace. †CPN There will be no CPN next week. †Parish office The parish office will be closed all next week. In an emergency please contact 07561838455. †The Irish Catholic The Irish Catholic is now on sale each Sunday priced at £1. †Misty Mullan We extend our sympathy to Fr Kevin (Mullan) and Mary on the recent loss of Misty. Misty was a frequent visitor to the parish office and will be missed. †Killyclogher GAA Lottsodoo Winning numbers were 5, 7, 10, 15 and 26. Amanda McRory, Monica Healy and Caroline Mills will each receive £35. Keep informed †Annual Pioneer Pilgrimage Sunday, 20 July | Knock To mark the 50th anniversary of the first PTTA pilgrimage to Knock, the NW Tyrone region of the association are encouraging as many Pioneers and friends as possible to travel to Knock. Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Charles Brown will be the principal celebrant and homilist. Price is £40 which includes bus, breakfast and evening meal. To book contact a member of your local centre or Maura 8165 8440 or Mickey 8284 1112. Advisable to book early. †Omagh Gardening Society`s Annual Best Kept Garden Competition Week beginning July 21 To enter please contact Competition Chairperson, Bob Lingwood, on 8224 3254 or [email protected] Closing date for entries is Friday 18, July. Entry forms are also available at local flower shops, garden centres etc. Safeguarding Children Contact Details for Relevant Agencies and Services PSNI 0845 600 8000 | Gateway Services 028 7131 4090 Alternatively, if you or anyone you know has a child safeguarding concern in relation to any member of church personnel and wishes to report it to church authorities please contact one of the diocesan designated persons, who will, in turn, report this concern to the relevant statutory authorities. V33 | I24 Sunday, 13 July 2014 Sunday XV in Ordinary Time Thank you for last week’s collection Weekly: £3,588 | Reno: £1,150 Parish draw winners Prize The lucky winner! Promoter 1 £2,000 2 £200 Tommy Sharkey Omagh 3 £200 Linda McNamee Dergmoney Lane Patrick McAleer 4 £200 Kathleen McDermott Deverney Road Pat O’Connor 5 £200 Damian Duddy Burndale Court Don Campbell 6 £200 Anthony McGrade St Julian’s Rise Phil O’Donnell 7 £200 K T Robinson Oakland Road 8 £200 Marty McColgan Dunbreen Close Michael Kelly 9 £200 Sheila Thompson Richmond Park Sadie Alexander 10 £200 Barbara Connolly Willowmount Park Breege McCauley Marie Wallace (£100) Lisa Wallace Glennan Grove Fr Michael Collins will be signing copies of his book ‘Life, Death, and the bits in Between,’ in the Veritas Bookshop, Derry, on Thursday 17 July 2014, from 1.00 to 3.00 pm. St Bonaventure He was born at Bagnoregio in Etruria in about 1218. He became a Franciscan in 1243 and studied philosophy and theology at the University of Paris. He became a famous teacher and philosopher, part of the extraordinary intellectual flowering of the 13th century. He was a friend and colleague of St Thomas Aquinas. Matt Ward Peter Fox Bernard McDermott Main St MF Wed 16 July, 7.30pm | KC Anna Colton Strathroy Wed 16 July, 7.30pm | CTK Angela Devine (MM) Birchwood Fri 18 Jul, 7.30pm| KC Geraldine Kelly Crocknacor Rd Sat 19 July, 10am | KC Tom & Mary Gormley KNM Bungalows Sun 20 July, 11am | KC Michael & Jean Taggart Cashty Rd Sun 20 July, 10am | KM Catherine McDonald Deverney Rd Wed 23 July, 10am | KC Brian & Brian (Jr) McGuigan Farmhill Cls Sat 26, July 7pm| CTK Anniversaries †Cemetery Sunday 2014 Killyclogher: Sunday, 7 September | 1pm Knockmoyle: Sunday, 14 September | 3pm Note that Knockmoyle’s Cemetery Sunday will include an outdoor Mass. That being the case, there will be no Sunday morning Mass on that day. †7km Fun Run/Walk Saturday, 19 July | 12noon from Strathroy Community Centre In aid of Strathroy’s 40th anniversary celebrations. Adults £5, children £3. Refreshments served after. There is also a fun day planned for Saturday, 26 July from 12noon to 5.30pm. A wide range of entertainment is planned and Highland Radio will have an outside broadcast. Watch what is s happening in St Mary’s (KC) live: Our parish week at a glance... 14 July 2014 †Rosary | 9.10am | St Mary’s (KC) †Mass | 10am | St Mary’s (KC) †GAA bingo | 9pm | Parish Centre †Legion of Mary meeting | 8.15pm | St Mary’s (KC) 17 July 2014 Thursday Monday Opt Memorial of St Camillus de Lellis, priest Week XV in Ordinary Time Friday Tuesday †Rosary | 9.10am | St Mary’s (KC) †Mass | 10am | St Mary’s (KC) Novena prayers to our Mother of Perpetual Help †Rosary | 9.10am | St Mary’s (KC) †Mass | 10am | St Mary’s (KC) †St Thérèse prayer meeting | 7.30pm | Christ the King 18 July 2014 Pray for Fr Edward Kilpatrick St Bonaventure, priest and doctor of the Church Week XV in Ordinary Time Pray for Fr Paul McCafferty St Camillus became a soldier but his taste for gambling and riotous living eventually lost him everything. At the age of 25 he converted and he devoted the rest of his life to the care of the sick. 15 July 2014 Psalter III Week XV in Ordinary Time 14 to 20 July 2014 †Rosary | 9.10am | St Mary’s (KC) †Mass | 10am | St Mary’s (KC) †Adoration | 3 to 7pm St Mary’s (KC) †Month’s Mind Mass | 7.30pm St Mary’s (KC) for Angela Devine, Birchwood Pray for Bishop Lagan Pray for Monsignor McCanny Opt Memorial of Our Lady of Mt Carmel 19 July 2014 †Rosary | 9.10am | St Mary’s (KC) †Mass | 10am | St Mary’s (KC) †Anniversary Mass | 7.30pm Corpus Christi (MF) for Bernard McDermott, Main Street, MF †Anniversary Mass | 7.30pm Christ the King for Anna Colton, Strathroy Week XV in Ordinary Time Pray for Fr Charles Logue 20 July 2014 Sunday XVI in Ordinary Time Saturday Wednesday 16 July 2014 †Mass | 10am | St Mary’s (KC) †Confessions | after 10am Mass †Baptisms | 2pm | St Mary’s (KC) †Confessions | 6.15 to 6.50pm | Christ the King †Vigil Mass | 7pm | Christ the King Pray for Fr Michael McCaughey For when we cannot choose words in order to pray properly, the Spirit himself expresses our plea in a way that could never be put into words. Sunday See Saturday for Vigil Masses †Sunday Mass | 9 and 11am | St Mary’s (KC) · Eucharist will be taken to the sick, nursing homes etc directly after 9am Mass · Anniversary Mass for Tom & Mary Gormley, KNM Bungalows (11am) †Sunday Mass | 10am | St Mary’s (KM) Anniversary Mass for Michael & Jean Taggart, Cashty Rd †Readings First reading | Wis 12:13, 16-19 Note: no 10am Mass in Corpus Christi (MF) Psalm | Ps 85:5-6, 9-10, 15-16 †Sunday Mass | 12noon| Christ the King Second reading | Rm 8:26-27 †Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Gospel | Mt 13:24-43 3.30 to 6.30pm | Christ the King (Rosary from 6.10pm) To book month’s minds, anniversaries, weddings, baptisms etc. please contact the parish office. Please remember month’s minds and first anniversaries take precedence over other anniversaries and your booking is subject to change. Contacts Notices for the CPN in writing by 12noon on Wednesday. Parish Office 8224 3375 Contact us by email at: Emergency mobile 07561838455 [email protected] Fr Kevin McElhennon PP 8224 3375 Keep informed: Fr Stephen Kearney CC 8225 2643 Baptismal Programme 07895557365 SVP KC 07738837992 | CTK 07738838066
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