10 • the Amherst Citizen • D E C E M B E R 7 , 2 0 1 0 • w w w . a m h e r s t c i t i z e n . c o m Santa Is Coming To Town! 2010 Amherst Tree Lighting Festival Schedule of Events, Sunday, December 12th, 2010 All Day Stroll the village to see the homes and buildings that participate in our DoorDecorating Contest! Situated on the village streets upon which our hayrides and muster trucks travel~ ~School Street, Church Street, Main Street, Middle Street and Carriage Lane~ This special treat honors Amherst’s 250th Birthday! Morning 8.00 - 11:00 Amherst Fire Station: Community Breakfast by the AFD; Donations accepted, No reservations needed! * Amherst Fire Station: Collecting new or homemade kids’ hats, mittens, scarves and socks for the needy by the Amherst Lions Club! Afternoon 12:00-4:00 Congregational Church-UCC: Collecting new or homemade kids’ hats, mittens scarves and socks by the Amherst Lions Club! Congregational Church-UCC: SHS Ethics Forum Students selling decorated wreaths 1:00 - 2:00 Congregational Church-UCC: Upstairs Sanctuary Concert by the Amherst Town Band and Souhegan H.S. ACapella Choir! 1:00 - 2:00 Mike’s Auto: Holiday Story Time and Snacks by the MOMS Club of Amherst! 2:00 - 3:30 Library, Childrens’ Room: Medley of Holiday Puppet Shows by Jr. Girl Scout Troop 22106. Ages five and under; all are welcome! 2:00 - 4:00 First Baptist Church: Victorian Carolers, Christmas skits, puppet show 2 pm, 2:45 pm, and 3:30 pm, horse/pony rides, refreshments! 2:00 - 4:00 Creeley Buchanan Field / Middle Street Rink: Family Skating if flooded and if weather permits; No hockey today! 2:00 - 4:00 Amherst Police-Open House: Child protective IDs and Fingerprinting. Eye screening under age 6 by the Lions Club ! 2:00 - 4:00 Congregational Church - Community Room: VISITS WITH SANTA CLAUS !!! Bring your camera! By the NWP Doll Club! Congregational Church - Community Room: The Warm Up Hosted by Team Earley; Stroll the village and come in for refreshments! 2:00 - 4:00 The Carriage House, Main & Middle Street: Hayrides by the K of C, Dave Tobin, and Tom Grella! Muster truck Rides with AFD! 2:00 - 4:00 The Brick School Community Room: Storytelling with Rich Hart, by the Souhegan School Board; Girl Scouts sell refreshments*! 3:00 - 4:30 Congregational Church-UCC: Upstairs Sanctuary: Holiday Concert, by the CCAUCC Church Choirs! 4:00 - 5:00 Brick School Corner (Middle & School Streets): Cocoa* and Roasting Chestnuts on an Open Fire by Boy Scout Troop 22! * 5:00 - 5:30 BRICK SCHOOL FRONT STEPS: Tree Lighting Ceremony! Holiday Program of Readings, Music, Memory Tree, and Lighting of the Town Tree! Safety First; Flashlights Only! (No Live Candles!) If you live in Amherst and have a song/poem for a winter holiday you celebrate, contact [email protected] 5:00 - 7:00 Wilkins School: Spaghetti Supper by Souhegan Congregational Church: Proceeds to SHARE! * 6:00 - Souhegan High School Auditorium: Holiday Concert by the Souhegan Valley Chorus. Tickets at Toadstool in Milford, and at the Door! * *= Nominal fee or donation charged to cover cost of event. Clip and send to Ann Bergin, PO Box 105, Amherst, NH 03031-0105, or fax to 603-249-9700 or scan and Email [email protected] Entry to Door Contest is Free! Door-Judging takes place Saturday, Dec. 11! As some buildings have 2 doors, please use A Separate Form for each door to be entered! asdfghjkl;‘zxcvbnm Yes, Include us in the Door Decorating Contest! Name_________________________________________________________________________________________ VILLAGE Street Address of Door__________________________________________________________________ Phone_______________________________Email_____________________________________________________ NEXT ISSUE: December 21 DEADLINE: December 15 Off All Ugg Boots SALE $10 Free GiFt With UGG BOOt PUrchAse Ugg CARe KiT $20 VAlUe While Supplies last Santa visits with youngsters at Breakfast with Santa. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The Amherst Area Newcomers’ Club is gearing up to host Santa Claus at a special breakfast on Saturday December 11th from 9 AM until 11 AM. Santa will be having breakfast at the Amherst Congregational Church and all children, parents, grandparents, friends and neighbors are invited to join in the fun! Tickets are $6 each and are ONLY sold in advance. Admission includes a continental breakfast, games, crafts and a photo of your child with Santa. This event sells out every year so get your tickets early. Tickets can be reserved by calling Jessica Steele at 672-2252 and sending a check, payable to Amherst Area Newcomers, to Jessica at 3 Upper Flanders, Amherst NH 03031. People Helping People At Christmas DOOR DECORATING REGISTRATION FORM Dec. 20-24 Courtesy File Photo 17 Route 101A • Amherst 672-6570 Open Daily 9:30-6, Th/Fr 9:30-7, Sun 11-5 Visit www.shoeboxnh.com to view all our famous brands Christmas stockings and candy canes have replaced pumpkins and Halloween candy in the stores. Winter coats, hats and mittens have replaced lightweight jackets and baseball caps on the racks. Christmas is six weeks away and the holiday excitement is just beginning. For the fortunate, it is time to start planning and buying. For the less fortunate, it is a much more difficult time. SHARE Outreach realized 30 years ago that Christmas is the hardest time for those in need. 2010 is no different; the need and the numbers are just greater than they were then. SHARE reached out and developed the Holiday Program in 1980. It remains an ideal way for those who are fortunate to help local families in need enjoy a happy holiday. Through the adoption program, an individu- al or a group can adopt a family or a single adult, purchase gifts and bring them to SHARE, who will then distribute them. The process is easy. Adopters are given a list of suggested gifts for families. Single adults receive gift cards. For those who prefer not to shop, monetary gifts to SHARE are always welcome. Adopters bring their gifts to the SHARE office at 1 Columbus Avenue in Milford, where they are distributed. SHARE’s motto is “people helping people.” The benefits of the Holiday Program are tangible and the rewards to both givers and receivers are great. Help make Christmas special for all the families in our local community. Visit www.sharenh.org, email holiday@ sharenh.org or call 673-9898 for more details.
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