The new box sets of giving envelopes are now in and at the back of the church for pick up Sharing Table: If you have excess items that you would like to share please bring them to our sharing table. This is an opportunity to share with members of our church family. Please feel free to bring items or take items home . Food Bank: This week we are collecting paper products or anything else would be greatly appreciated. Hamilton Conference Prayer Cycle: As a church we are called to pray for each other and our mission in the world. This week keep in prayer our brothers and sisters at Carlisle-Kilbride United Churches. Please email announcements for the Sunday bulletin by Wednesday, to [email protected]. If you are planning an event let us know so your time at the church can be booked and the Communications Committee can send out an email. Nov. 2nd, 2014 The Celebration of Baptism Music Director Patt Lowry Organ: Dianne Rotteau Greeters: Nancy Campbell and Leslie Uttley Minister: Rev. Vicki Johnson Phone: 519-335-3469 Email: [email protected] Minister’s Line 395-5380 Church: 519-395-5371 Email: [email protected] Website: 8 1 1 A warm welcome to Pine River United Church. May this time of worship offer you strength for the week ahead. * INDICATES AN INVITATION TO RISE IN BODY OR IN SPIRIT CONGREGATION MAY RESPOND WITH THE PARTS PRINTED IN BOLD. GATHERING * PROCESSIONAL HYMN: “IMMORTAL, INVISIBLE, GOD ONLY WISE” VU # 264 * GREETING (PLEASE REMAIN STANDING) THE GRACE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, THE LOVE OF GOD AND THE COMPANIONSHIP OF THE HOLY SPIRIT BE WITH YOU ALL. And also with you. CALL TO WORSHIP: LOVING GOD, WE SEEK YOUR PRESENCE HERE THIS MORNING. We sense you with us in the smile of a baby, in the heartfelt promises of parents, in the love we share within this faith community, in our willingness to see the need around us and our responsiveness in meeting that need. YOU COME TO US, LOVING GOD; ENABLE US TO COME TO YOU. We come to worship and praise God. (written by David Sparks, Worship for All Seasons II, Yr, B, pg. 270-adapted. and used with permission.) OPENING PRAYER—(IN UNISON) VU # 557 THE LORD’S PRAYER (SUNG) Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be 2 7 Upcoming Services Nov. 9th: Remembrance Sunday, Coffee time will be followed by pot-luck lunch and the movie “Heaven is for Real” Nov. 16th: Come and Worship. Nov. 23rd: Coffee time will be followed by a pot luck lunch and “Getting to Know your Bible” discovery session after worship. Nov. 30th: First Sunday of Advent and Communion Samaritan's Purse… We will be collecting items for the Samaritan's Purse again this year (we have enough boxes) Items or monies to be donated by Sunday, November 16th. Suggestions for items are on the back table. Nov. 7th: 9:30 a.m. Friday Morning Men’s Coffee Group. All men are welcome. Nov 7th: Cherub Choir meets at 4:30 p.m. Nov. 8th & 9th: Kincardine Christmas House Tours, all proceeds towards Kincardine Hospital. Sat. night and Sunday afternoon. $15.00 Tickets available at Jerome Gifts and Flowers, please see poster downstairs for more information. November 14th: 6:30 to 9:00 Youth Mini Retreat. Inquiries please call Adrienne Pollock, 395 –5357 Nov. 25th: Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Trustees Meeting. The Observer is now up for renewal and need to know if people are going to be renewing, or if there are any new people that would like to get it. Will need 10 new persons to get the same deal as last year at a rate of $10.00 or else it will be $20.00. Brad will be in touch with the existing list of persons, in the next week. 7 SERMON: “SEARCHING OUT THE FACE OF GOD” HYMN: MORE VOICES “I HAVE CALLED YOU BY YOUR NAME” # 161 OUR RESPONSE TO THE WORD ANNOUNCEMENTS INVITATION TO THE OFFERING * OFFERING HYMN: MORE VOICES “WHAT CAN I DO?” (SUNG TWICE) # 191 * PRAYER OF DEDICATION (IN UNISON) Generous God, as part of giving thanks for all that we are blessed with, we offer our gifts of love, time and money. We pray that these gifts be blessed and multiplied; that they be used to share in your mission in the world, both here in our community and in places we have only heard about. We pray that others catch a glimpse of your love through our sharing. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING AND CONCERN * HYMN: “WOULD YOU BLESS OUR HOMES AND FAMILIES” # VU 556 VERSES 1, 2 & 3 * BENEDICTION FINAL CHORUS: VU # 556 VERSE FOUR Please join us downstairs for fellowship and refreshments. Thank you to everyone who assisted in the service today. 6 3 thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil; for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen. GROWING WITH GOD: (YOUTH ARE INVITED TO COME FORWARD WHEN THE BOWL “SINGS” HYMN: “I WAS THERE BAPTISM TO HEAR YOUR BORNING CRY” VU # 644 (PARENTS WITH CHILDREN FOR BAPTISM ARE INVITED TO COME FORWARD DURING THE HYMN) THE CELEBRATION OF BAPTISM: TODAY WE CELEBRATE THE BAPTISM OF MALCOLM DAVID COURTNEY, SON OF JOSEPH AND STACY COURTNEY SAMUEL LUKE JOHNSON, SON OF LUKE AND AUTUMN JOHNSON STATEMENT OF PURPOSE PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATES PROFESSION OF FAITH AND PROMISES PROFESSION OF FAITH IN THE TRIUNE GOD DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD, SOURCE OF LOVE, IN JESUS CHRIST, LOVE INCARNATE, AND IN THE HOLY SPIRIT, LOVE’S POWER? IF SO, ANSWER: I DO BY THE GRACE OF GOD. COMMITMENT TO SEEK JUSTICE AND RESIST EVIL DESIRING THE FREEDOM OF NEW LIFE IN CHRIST, 3 DO YOU SEEK TO RESIST EVIL, AND TO LIVE IN LOVE AND JUSTICE? IF SO, ANSWER: I WILL, GOD BEING MY HELPER. COMMITMENT TO FOLLOW THE WAY OF JESUS CHRIST? WILL YOU FOLLOW IN THE WAY OF JESUS CHRIST? IF SO, ANSWER: I WILL, GOD BEING MY HELPER. COMMITMENT TO THE MISSION AND MINISTRY OF THE CHURCH WILL YOU JOIN WITH YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN THIS COMMUNITY OF FAITH TO CELEBRATE GOD’S PRESENCE, LIVE WITH RESPECT IN CREATION, AND LOVE AND SERVE OTHERS? IF SO, ANSWER: I WILL, GOD BEING MY HELPER. COMMITMENT OF PARENTS JOSEPH & STACY, LUKE AND AUTUMN WILL YOU SHARE YOUR FAITH WITH MALCOLM AND SAMUEL, GROWING WITH THEM IN FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE? IF SO, ANSWER: I WILL, GOD BEING MY HELPER. CONGREGATIONAL COMMITMENT (PLEASE STAND) WE HAVE HEARD THE WILL OF THESE PERSONS. WE RECEIVE MALCOLM AND SAMUEL IN CHRIST’S NAME AS WE HAVE BEEN RECEIVED. WE ALL BELONG TO THE ONE HOUSEHOLD OF FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST. WILL YOU SUPPORT THESE CHILDREN WITH CONSTANT LOVE, WHOLESOME EXAMPLE, CHRISTIAN TEACHING AND FAITHFUL PRAYER? IF SO, ANSWER: We will, God being our helper. AFFIRMATION OF FAITH PLEASE REMAIN STANDING AS WE AFFIRM OUR FAITH BY SAYING TOGETHER “A NEW CREED”, VU Page # 918 4 5 PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING AND THE POURING OF WATER GOD BE WITH YOU. And also with you. LIFT UP YOUR HEARTS. We lift them up to God LET US GIVE OUR THANKS TO GOD. It is good to give thanks and praise. THE ACT OF BAPTISM BAPTISM IN THE NAME OF THE TRIUNE GOD MARKING WITH THE SIGN OF THE CROSS LAYING ON OF HANDS LIGHTING AND PRESENTATION OF THE BAPTISMAL CANDLES DECLARATION AND CONGREGATIONAL WELCOME INTO THE HOUSEHOLD OF FAITH WE WELCOME YOU WITH JOY AND THANKSGIVING. We are members of the Body of Christ. We are inheritors of God’s promise. In the name of Christ, we welcome you. BAPTISMAL HYMN: “GOD CLAIMS YOU” Malcolm, Malcolm God claims you, God helps you, protects you, and loves you, too. We this day do all agree a child of God you'll always be. (Repeat first two lines) Samuel, Samuel God claims you, God helps you, protects you, and loves you, too. We this day do all agree a child of God you'll always be. (Repeat first two lines) BLESSING THE WORD ANTHEM: “LORD, LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE DOWN ON ME” SCRIPTURE READING: EXODUS 33:12-23 “GOD WITH US” VICI FUNSTON 5
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