New w Featu ures in n PSIM M Vers ion 10 0.0

New Fea
atures in PS
SIM Version 10.0
w Featu
ures in
M Version 10
0.0 Highlightss of key new featuress in PSIM vversion 100.0: 
de model witth reverse re
ecovery 
MOSSFET model w
with turn‐on
n/turn‐off transient 
w and faster m
multisine ac sweep method 
Inductor windingg and core lo
oss calculation 
w supercapaccitor model aand solar cell models 
M IC models 
Multti‐level mode
eling 
ect function for schemattic file and d
documentatiion managem
ment 
Multti‐language ssupport Description of key new features in V
Version 10.0
0, as comparred to Versio
on 9.3, is given below. ___________
_________________________________________________ __________
Diode an
nd MOSFEET Modells with Sw
witching TTransientt A diode mod
del with reverse recoverry is provide
ed. This moddel simulatess the diode tturn‐off proccess, and helps to
o predict switching phen
nomena caussed by the ddiode reversee recovery. In addition, a MOSFET m
model with tturn‐on/turn
n‐off switchi ng transientt is provided
d. With this m
model, mulate the sw
witching tran
nsient and de
esign the ga te drive circcuit. one can sim
The figure b
below showss the simulatted waveforms of a diodde and MOSFFET. MOSFET volttage and current Diode current
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New Fea
atures in PS
SIM Version 10.0
New Multisine AC
C Sweep Method
A new ac sw
weep method
d based on tthe multisine
e algorithm is provided. In most casses, this metthod gives faster results than
n the previou
us ac sweep method. Inductor Windingg and Core Loss Caalculation
n The function
n to calculatte inductor w
winding and core losses is added to the Thermal Module. Based on nding the core typ
pe and size, ccore materiaal, and winding selectionn, this functiion can calcu
ulate the win
and core lossses, as well as core tem
mperature risse. This function gives a verry quick and convenientt way of estim
mating magnetics lossess. Together w
with the dule, one can
n estimate tthe overall efficiency of aa power con
nverter other functiions in the TThermal Mod
system. Inductor core and bobbin Inducctor wire New Sup
percapacitor Mode
el and So
olar Cell M
Models baased on tthe EN50530 Standard
d A supercapaacitor model is added to
o the Renewable Energyy Module. Th
his model sim
mulates the charging and dischargin
ng process off a supercap
pacitor. It alsso takes into
o account mu
ultiple cells iin series and in parallel automatically. In addition, two solar ce
ell models fo
or crystalline
e silicon and thin film, baased on the European Sttandard EN50530, arre added. Th
he EN50530 Standard prrovides a staandard proceedure for tessting photovvoltaic inverters. Th
hese two mo
odels provide a way to m
model the soolar generato
or. IC Modells A list of PWM IC, driver IC, and othe
er IC modelss are added tto the standard PSIM Eleement librarry, making it ve
ery easy to simulate swittchmode power suppliess. The follow
wing IC modeels are included: ‐
C3823, UC3825, UC3842//3843, UC38844/3845, UC3846, UC3854, UC3872
2, UCC3806, UC
18, UCC3895, UCC28070 ‐
vers IR21834
4, IRS21867, TC4423A/44424A/4425A
555 timer 5
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New Fea
atures in PS
SIM Version 10.0
Multi‐Levvel Mode
eling A multi‐leve
el modeling cconcept is in
ntroduced in
n v10. This is based on th
he need thatt different leevels of models are needed at d
different stagges of the sim
mulation. M
Multi‐level mo
odels are provided for resistor, inductor, caapacitor, diod
de, MOSFETT, and PWM ICs. One cann easily chan
nge from onee level of thee model to another w
with just the
e change of aa flag withou
ut changing the schemattic, greatly ffacilitating th
he simulation p
process. The figure b
below, for exxample, show
ws the Level‐1 and Leve l ‐2 models o
of an inductor. Level‐2
Level‐1 ey New Fe
eatures aand Impro
ovements Other Ke
ect Function
n for File Management The project funcction is proviided. This fu
unction allow
ws uses to orgaanize and maanage a project with all tthe schemattic files, grap
phs, and documents, all iin one easilyy accessible environment. Th
his function aalso makes iit very easy tto create a diffferent studyy with changges in the sch
hematic or paraameters, and
d compare w
with the origiinal study. For e
example, the
e figure on the right sho
ows a projectt of a pow
wer factor correction circcuit based on
n UC3854. Thhe original study is “UC3854
4_PFC”, and
d a variation of the studyy is created as “UC3854 Rev1”. TThe schemattic files and the grap
phs of each sstudy are listted. The UC3
3854 datash eet is also listed as part of the project. Page
3 www.p
New Fea
atures in PS
SIM Version 10.0
Imprroved Netwo
ork License M
nt In th
his version, the numberss of network users for PSSIM and add
d‐on Modulees can be indivvidually man
naged. For exxample, one
e can have a network liceense with 5 users for PSSIM, 3 userrs for Motor Drive Modu
ule, and 2 users for Digitaal Control M
Module. This flexibility allows one to tailor the
e network liccense to one
e’s exact neeed. •
Paraameter Swee
ep with Multtiple Variable
es Prevviously, only selected parameters can be swept aand only one parameterr can be sweept. In v10, any parame
eters can be swept and m
multiple parrameters can
n be swept aat the same ttime. •
n Suite Interrface Imprroved Design
The interface of the Motor C
Control Desiign Suite an d HEV Desiggn Suite is im
mproved. No
ow the ut parameterr dialog of th
he Design Su
uite is embeddded with th
he schematicc itself, and by inpu
nging input p
parameters, the parame
eter file is uppdated directly. •
Printting Size Sele
ection The function to sselect workssheet size is added. This allows the sschematic to
o be printed prop
perly on a vaariety of paper sizes. •
bedded Wave
eform in Sch
hematic A sim
mulation waveform can be embedde
ed in a schem
matic. This aallows users to display kkey wave
eforms toge
ether with th
he schematicc, making it eeasier for vissual inspectiion and docu
umentation. The figure below
w shows an aactive filter ccircuit with tthe load current and sou
urce currentt wave
eforms displlayed. •
External Parame
eters in C/DLLL Blocks In th
his version, itt is possible to define a p
parameter inn a parametter file, and u
use this paraameter insid
de a C block or DLL blockk directly. Th
his makes it eeasier to bring a variablee value into the C/DLLL block, and
d make the ccoding easier. Page
4 www.p
New Fea
atures in PS
SIM Version 10.0
Editiing Multiple Elements The function to sselect multip
ple elements of the sam
me type and eedit their paarameters att the same
e time is pro
ovided. This greatly spee
eds up circui t editing. •
Multti‐Language Support This version has the capabiliity to support multiple laanguages. Page
5 www.p